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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Yes, but you are also distant. Why do you avoid socializing?" Khan asked. "I'm different but I don't let that stop me." He added, "What are you afraid of?" His eyes soft now, being Orange without their fiery feel. The temperature was now back to it's regular degree around them. Khan continued to stare at Kayla. His eyes focused on hers.
Kayla shrugged her shoulders. "Well..because I was raised that way." She began fumbling with her own fingers, humming a soft to me to herself while waiting for him to respond. She didn't understand exactly why he was worrying about her, and only just met her.
"I don't think you were raised to be anti-social. Listen if you're going to lie to me, then I can just leave you alone." Khan stood up. He wasn't stupid, and he didn't like Kayla basically treating him like he was. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" Khan asked. He could tell that she was probably bullied like crazy because she was a hybrid, but he wanted to know if she had the spine to just come out and say it.
Kayla blew her breath, rolling her irises. "I presume you think I'm lying. I'm not." She then stood up herself, removing herself from the table. "As a child, I grew into a hybrid, gradually people began to notice and I lost all my friends and family." She then stopped speaking, only to turn her back to then."My parents told me it's best not to associate myself with others so I don't feel the same thing again...Because when I Iexperienced that pain, I went berserk. They don't want that happening again. So I grew used to having to be antisocial. Happy?" She spoke in mumbles as a small glistening tear began to run down her cheek.
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Khan looked at her and nodded. "...Come with me I want to show you something." He spoke softly. Khan held out his hand to her, remaining silent. He saw that she was starting to cry, and he felt a little empathy towards her. Khan felt that she would be able to understand what he was about to show her.
Kayla blinked, slowly twisting her body to an angle of which she could see him. His facial expression seemed blank,causing her to hesitate in hr response to his offered put hand. After a few moments, she finally carefully placed her hand on top of his own, waiting for him to lead her away.
Khan took Kayla's hand and led her out of the cafeteria. He held her hand and led her to his dorm. Khan opened the door and walked inside. His room was completely empty except for his bed, his pyramid stacked chests, and the jewel chest he had on his bed. He sat beside the jeweled chest and looked at Kayla. "Come in, have a seat. You need to see something." Khan looked at her and waited.
Rezzu watches the girls and takes two trays from Cierce. As much as he didn't care about being late, he began to feel a but bad being gone so lon from the nurse's. Mainly becuase he wanted to get Kandy to trust him and cling around but.... details, right?

He grabbed a steak for himself and Hiro and some side fixings like french fries and mixed vegetables.

On the second tray he grabs two large filets of fish, four cartons of milk, a chicken breast... and cola drinks for him and Hiro. Getting a good grasp on the trays he looks over to Brooke and Cierce. "I'm gunna head back to the nurse's, I'll see you two after classes."

Reaching the nurse's office finally he finagles the door to not drop anything. Setting down his and Hiro's tray of food he bends down to stare at Kandy, offering out the tray before placing it in the kids lap. "Here."

Rising up he looks over at Hiro. "Hiro-kun, hungry? I brought food," he stretches.

( @y0k9o @The Cobalt Killer @Mayfly )
Kayla blinked, blah covering her cheeks in complete embarrassment as she was led to his dorm room. What if people saw? What if they thought...things? She cough, being led inside, only to be told to sit down. Confused, she settled herself down upon the end of his bed, watching him curiously.
"When I was a boy I was told my dad's family hated that I was born. They wanted my dad to have a phoenix for a wife and have a phoenix child. My dad died before I was born so his family took care of me and my mother. One night they killed my mother in front of me and said that I would never be loved for what I am. Then they shipped me off here a year ago and told me that I was not worth their time or energy." Khan took the jeweled chest and sat it on his lap. "Only a week ago I started being social. And it ended with fights, hatred, and a lot of pain." He sighed and opened up the chest. He showed Kayla what was inside of it.

"Now I was raised to believe that no matter how bad it is, there will always be something good to look forward to. Then as I grew I was told that because my mom was a Sphinx, I was lower than any other creature alive. I never hung around anyone besides my dad's family, so I believed them." Khan closed the chest. "So tell me. Is there really no hope? Because if there is, then I'll leave you alone." He looked at Kayla.
"Hope....." She blinked, standing up as he finished speaking and questioning her. Sighing, she took a few steps towards him, only to rest her head carefully upon his shoulder. She didn't know if it was enough to answer his question, or if he would simply walk away from her.

She deeply wanted to tell him not to let her be alone again, but she knew it would be entirely too !much to ask of anyone. Thus, keeping her head upon his shoulder, she fumbled with her hands, staring at the floor beneath her feet.
Khan put his hand on her head. "I won't let you be alone." Khan said. "But don't expect me to like it." He said playfully, smirking. Khan stood up and put his chest back on top of the pyramid of chests. He sat down on his bed and rested, looking up at Kayla. He was looking at her eyes like he usually did. Khan blushed deeply for the first time in his life, Kayla's eyes giving him a warm odd feeling. He didn't notice his face's color had changed, he just felt weird.
Kayla sighed,turning her gaze to watch him as he laid down on the bed. Blinking, she scanned the room to find another place to sit. Being in his room was embarrassing enough, and now he was laying down and nobody was speaking. Gulping, she simply sat on the floor, tucking her skirt into her legs as she sat down.
"You might actually be smart to avoid too much socializing. The other students are stuck up jerks. You wouldn't like them much." Khan turned over and looked at Kayla. "Why are you nervous being in my room?" He asked her. He saw how uncomfortable she was, finding it a little cute. Khan was smiling at her while he watched her.
Kayla blinked, her cheeks flushing with a slight shade of pink. "Uhm." She didn't quite know how to correctly answer his question in a way that would make any sense at all, thus she took in a deep breath and let it all out at one time."Becaseyou'reaboyandwe'realone." Immediately, she brought her knees up to her chest, before shoving her face between her legs and wrapping her arms around her legs.
"Well unless you put on a pretty show with your feathers, I don't like you like that." He said. "Unless you're waiting for me to put on a show first?" Khan raised an eyebrow. He laughed softly, "Hey don't be so nervous, no one is going to say or think anything. Besides no one likes me anyways." He winked at Kayla with a playful smile.
Kayla's head shot up, a menacing glare being directed towards Khan. "As if I'd try to impress you." She then rolled her irises, averting her gaze to the window."Dance all you want." She then listened quietly to his last remark, both curious and confused as to what he meant.
"Because that's a way to keep someone around.... You don't even know what I was talking about either." Khan scoffed. "If you don't want to be here then fine, leave." He snapped. Khan was sick of her attitude and wanted nothing to do with her snottiness. He had spent his life with nothing but rejection when it came to anything involving him and Kayla's words weren't helping. He turned his head away and looked out his window.
Kayla sighed, averting her gaze over to the bed. She knew very well she had upset him, which was nowhere near her intentions. She then crawled over to his feet, before sitting back down on her legs. Afterwards, she tilted her head upwards towards him. "You want me around you?" She felt odd, having never experienced such a moment with anybody.
"Not if you're going to keep being mean...." Khan sat up and looked down at her. He watched her carefully then added "I do want you around." Khan grumbled. He scratched the back of his head and continue to just look at Kayla. He didn't have much else to say so he remained quiet as they stared at each other.
Kayla's cheeks lit up upon the sound of his second statement. Blinking her irises, she mumbled an apology, while focusing her gaze upon her fumbling hands. "I'm sorry...." She then went silent, having nothing else to say, nor knowing what to do.
"....Do you even know what I meant when I said put on a show? Because something tells me you don't and you were just assuming something random." He raised an eyebrow. Khan wasn't really one to talk about such a thing, but she was an angel and she enjoyed fire so that was the closest anyone could get to a phoenix around here. Feathers and fire, close enough for Khan.
"A show? I believe that to be showing off." She tilted her head, slowly raising her gaze to look at his figure. "Am I right or wrong?" She then straightened her posture, poking at his legs.
Kane chuckled, "Well in a way yes. But it is actually a way to attract a mate. Phoenix are birds, and some of us will show off our feathers in a kind of dance or performance." He laughed softly at her poking at his legs. "And it is only showing off if a phoenix does it without the intent to impress a suitor of some kind." Khan continued watching her.
Kayla blinked , quickly turning her gaze skyward. "Mates...?" This word made her anxious and nervous all in the same. She then took a moment to pause, and stare at the ceiling. "So you're putting on a show?"

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