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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Lonely and boring as usual." Khan saw her cheeks and smiled, "You look cute when you blush.". He chuckled, "You're rather pretty for an angel demon hybrid. Which one is your dominant? Angel or demon?" Khan turned towards her and scooted a little closer. His fiery eyes locked onto hers.
Kandy hummed lightly it sounded depressing yet calming and got up and Then started walking around the room looking at all the Strange things in the nurses office, but was particularly interested in the jars "isnt there supposed to be a nurse here anywayse¿?.. Oh right I'm alone in here haha ya.."
Blinking, Kayla raised her right hand, using it as a tool to brush runaway strands of her blue hair back over and behind her ear. "Uhm..." She took a moment to recollect her thoughts, still fixated on the fact he called her cute, as well as moved closer to her."Both?" Shaking her head, she stuffed a piece of bread from her plate, into her mouth to prevent herself from talking any further.
"Konnte mich getauscht haben...." Khan mumbled. He moved back a little and looked away. Khan burned little symbols into the table using a small flame. Khan continued to graffiti little burn marks on the table as Kayla ate her food. He could tell that her demon side was dominant. Khan had never seen angels of any kind to be anti-social.

(Translation "Could have fooled me")
Kayla took a few moments to chew down the bread in her mouth allow while keeping her gaze elsewhere. Eventually, she swallowed, just as she averted her gaze downward to the table. "You know..." She took a moment to position her hand to where her index finger could point at his creations. "That's vandalizing."
"I could burn and eat the students instead.... Would that make you feel better?" Khan looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Or light parts of the academy on fire...." Khan looked at the table. "I would like your honest opinion though. What do you think I should do instead? Seeing as how I have enough pent up energy for a couple super novas. What should I do about it? And don't give me a snide remark." He sat back and waited for Kayla to give him an answer.
As Rezzu's hand pats Cassie's head, her eyes flicker with the slightest movement, becoming the silver-ish translucent of the fae before switching back to her human green. "Still disappointing." Brooke replies, glancing at him and noticing he was looking elsewhere. He had... Read her thoughts? That's both rude and creepy, like seriously. She searches through her mind for the mind block spell she was taught as a child, finds it, and uses it as soon as Khan had turned the corner away from her range. On herself, and everyone within 5 yards of her.

"Such an arse, invading my personal space by reading my thoughts. And of course there are creeps everywhere, I would expect most of these guys to be shunned most of their lives, they see pretty girls like Cierce here, and they jump at it. Completely explainable, though just abnormal." Brooke says, crossing her arms and smirking. She pats Cierce's shoulder.

The atmosphere seems to be more silent for some reason, and Brooke shifts her gaze to the spirit, who had shut up and sat down. She was about to open her mouth and ask him why he was laughing when he faded away. The faerie blinked, then shook her head. Highly unusual for a spirit. (@Col better c: )

"Bubble cheeks aren't exactly what I was hoping for for a greeting, but it's nice to see you too. You've still got the same hairstyle as before." she pointed out, staring at his hair, "Two mouths? Do you have another sibling that I don't know about?"

@Masks of Ayn

@Col (?)


By the time they'd gone out of school, Paige had decided she enjoyed riding wolves. They were much less bumpier than a motorcycle, and probably faster, but she would never admit that. She was still gripping onto Aella, watching all the scenery that passed her with amazement. The wolf slowed down, stopping by a waterfall, and Paige slid off, sitting on the grassy floor in a slight daze. She watched as Aella transformed back into a human on a higher rock.

Paige listened carefully, biting her lip. It would be nice to forget, to be honest, but riding a wolf was really fun. She wasn't sure she wanted to forget that. She considered Aella's outstretched hand for a moment, raising her own hand up to meet the other girl's when she hesitated. 'I mean, if I learnt about them I could always forget later on if I still hated it.' She stared at Aella's hand, still pausing in deep thought.

'It'll be fine, Paige.' Paige reached a bit more and grabbed Aella's hand firmly.

@Arabella Rosewood

@Lethal (idk )
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((@Mayfly Normal spirits can't fade, and, usually, the spirit archetype I'm using for Attila is that most spirits are funny and kind, Atilla is like he is due to circumstances that will not be found until at least another 20 pages, then, I'll be willing to disclose info... Mind changing your post a little?)) ((I'm gonna go back to hibernating unless someone wants to find Attila in a forest crying or something))
Aella smiled happily, a sparkle in her eyes, and pulled Paige up onto the rock. Aella then turned and lead Paige up a small but dry path to the top of the waterfall. You couldn't see far, but it was beautiful. You could see the birds flying from tree to tree and the mist from the falls made a little rainbow adding to the color. "When I look out at the forest I don't see a bunch of trees and bushes. I see my world. A world of green that shrinks everyday. But when I run through my world, I see many different things, not all are 'natural.' I have fought battles before. I've fought other supernaturals. They were evil, but so are some humans. We both fight amongst ourselves sometimes and he hold grudges. Then one day, a mother gives birth to a new life, a pure life. We see the love of a parent and the good in all of us. We see the strength it takes to raise that child. When you look at the world, you see bad people and good people that look the same but are so different. I look at the same world. We share the same world. All of us came to our school to learn about yourselves and about others. We don't want to hurt humans. We want to live alongside them... even if it means that we can't be ourselves freely. We want peace like humans do."

Aella watched the woods with wise and strong eyes. She took a moment just to enjoy the air. "I was finally able to bring peace to my pack without being forced to give up my freedom. It's all I've wanted for years, ever since I was little." She looks at Paige, ".... I'm not a demon or a wolf in a human's skin. I'm a person who has a family and a life. You are a person who has a family and a life. We aren't really all that different." Aella grabbed something out of her pocket. It was a purple stone. She holds the stone in the center of her palm as she held her hand out to Paige, "If you still want to forget, step on this shell. If you would rather keep your memories, don't take it from my hand." The little purple stone glittered in the sunlight awaiting the human girl's choice.

[QUOTE="The Master]"I could burn and eat the students instead.... Would that make you feel better?" Khan looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Or light parts of the academy on fire...." Khan looked at the table. "I would like your honest opinion though. What do you think I should do instead? Seeing as how I have enough pent up energy for a couple super novas. What should I do about it? And don't give me a snide remark." He sat back and waited for Kayla to give him an answer.

Rolling her irises while all in the same giggling, Kayla placed her finger on his hand, poking at it. In doing so, she slid closer, cocking her head sideways while meeting his gaze. "You could always burn me up." She then burst into louder giggles, playfully running her finger across his hand before continuing. "But I'd rather you burn the table."
Cierce stares as the spirit disappears. She pauses, and watches him through the particles in the air, before shaking her head. How odd, indeed. Her belly growls and gurgles so she begins to walk, egging Brooke and Rezzu to start moving so she could feed her grumbling belly. She blinks, mouth parting slightly before blushing when Brooke said she was pretty. She runs her hand over her head and chuckles slightly, "He was staring at you too for a while, Brooke."

Sighing she fiddles with the ribbon on her uniform. "I am glad we ran into you, making friends is difficult..."


Rezzu growls a bit under his breath, touching the flower in his pocket which glowed momentarily as frustration left him. He was pretty sure Cassie...
What's this about a Brooke? Didn't know he was actually a demon-fae. The demonic incarnation of Ciercie's soul. He didn't want fire to scare her, most fae hated fire when they didn't carefully source it themselves, due it's destructive properties.

Brooke, heh? Well he sure as hell ain't gunna get close to Cierce." He looks back down at Cassie, seeing the silver flicker in her eyes and smiling, "Nor near you..."

He pauses smirking at Cassie and grasps her arm, "Well, get used to disappointment," before pulling her into a genuine, gentle embrace, his one hand again moving onto her head as he brought her to his chest.

Letting her go, he smiles deviously and nods his head toward Cierce who began to walk. Running his fingers through his hair, it was slightly long but definitely straighter than his younger, curlier, days. It layered out atop his head and over his ears, brushing to the side of his forehead against his eyebrows.

"It's shorter a little... No, no siblings. Well, we don't really know our parents so I guess technically we could somewhere. Just some kids I met... I think I'm going to make one a pet." He said this in a way that sounded joking, and gave a laugh.

Though in truth, he was completely serious.

[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Rolling her irises while all in the same giggling, Kayla placed her finger on his hand, poking at it. In doing so, she slid closer, cocking her head sideways while meeting his gaze. "You could always burn me up." She then burst into louder giggles, playfully running her finger across his hand before continuing. "But I'd rather you burn the table."

Khan laughed with her then smirked. He made a small flame poke at her outer hip, giving her a bit of a shock. Khan used regular fire so it would only give her a spook and not hurt her since she was a demon. He smiled innocently, "Alright but the offer stands if you're ever interested" Khan laughed softly. He made a small fire figure of Kayla in the palm of his hand. He blew the flame out then brought it back, repeating this process while staring into Kayla's eyes.
Kayla fixated her gaze to the palm of his hand, watching as the fire shaped to her figure with his volition. "Does it really? Want to burn me that bad?" She raised the brow that once rested above her right eye as she did so, slowly transferring her gaze upward towards his own gaze.
"It does. And I do want to burn you a little. I'm a romantic like that." Khan smiled. He made the fire figure of Kayla sit down and do little things on his palm. Khan blew it out finally and stared into her eyes. The temperature around them began to rise slowly as he gazed into her eyes.
"A little?" She began to pout, folding her arms under her chest firmly. "Am I not good enough?" Her irises glimmered with curiosity, a growing amount of interest being seen as she continued to meet his gaze.
"It's not that. I just don't burn girls unless I know for sure they are OK with it." Khan looked at her. Cinder and ash floating off of him at this point. The temperature around the two now in the triple digits. He felt all his pent up energy and frustration slip away as it hit 140 degrees around himself and Kayla. Khan was never able to let loose the heat he naturally gave off before until now without hurting anyone. Interest grew in him like the temperature around them as Kayla met his gaze.
Kayla stifled a yawn, averting her gaze skyward. Although there wasnt much to look at, she tilted her head in a clockwise manner, enjoying the changes in the temperature around her. She had never really spoken to anyone for such a long amount if time, which made this all the more odd. "Ah. Understandable."
"Do you want me to burn you?" Khan raised an eyebrow. He held out his hand a little and a flame formed in his palm. Khan moved it a little close to Kayla. "I mean even though we just met, I'd be willing." The flame got hotter and became a blueish white color. The heat around them so high, it would only take a few more degrees before the table would start melting.
"I don't care either way." She then fixated her mixed gaze upon Khans palm, taking her own hand and placing inside his own, of which he held the brining flame. She felt no pain , but simply giggled due to the tickling sensation she felt. She didn't move nor wince during the time she held her hand in that direct position. Watching as the flame hit and played with her hand, she couldn't help but smile.
Khan made the fire crawl on her. In a matter of moments she was covered in dancing flames. The flames glowed a white color as they danced all over and around her. It moved in a symmetrical pattern on Kayla. Khan was holding onto Kayla's hand so that he could keep a steady flow of flames moving onto her.
Kayla's irises widened with the expression of excitement and enjoyment as the flames crawled and explored her body. She had never experienced such actions before an truly found extreme curiosity in these flames. She hadn't quite the clue exactly how he did it, but she loved it.
Khan made the flames circle around her and contain her in a small dome. The flames spun rapidly around her, thousands of colors glowing in the flames. A beautiful hum rang inside the spiraling dome as the flurry of colors surged around Kayla. Khan let go of Kayla's hand so she would be completely contained. He made the dome continue on for about three minutes before making it dissipate.
Kayla blinked in complete and utter awe, watching the swirling beautiful flames surround her. Such a pretty sight. Watching these flames, the image replaying within her mitchmatched irises. Watching as it eventually disappeared, she grew quite disappointed and took in a deep breath, before turning her gaze back to face him.
Khan was staring at her. He enjoyed seeing how much she liked the fire show he put on. Not many could survive an ordeal. The temperature of being in that dome was like being on the surface of the sun. Khan was able to use lower temperature fire to make sure nothing got destroyed completely. He did wonder though why her clothes weren't burned off completely, although since she was a demon he figured she wore fire resistant clothes. "Enjoy yourself?" Khan asked.

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