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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Brooke laughed lightly, then blinked at the sound of her old nickname called. She turned and rolled her eyes. "Of course it's you. Don't call me that, Rez." She stepped through the the flowers to stand next to him and frowned slightly. "Hey, you grew. A lot. You're taller than me now." Her tone was jokingly dismayed, though she was truthfully quite disappointed that she wasn't still taller than him. Brooke smiled, must've been one of her first genuine smiles in ages, it was nice to see her old friends again. Playmates, more like. "I'll help too." she offered, adjusting the flower band on her head.

@Masks of Ayn


@The Master

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Volan swung her legs as she sat in the courtyard. She loved watching the other students walk by in there wonderful, normal-ish lives. She yawned as she looked around.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" I mean back to what we are supposed to be doing " Keiki fot the paper and for a moment used her fake sight to read it and she stopped at the end and said " Thank you " before putting it in her bag

Kain nodded" your welcome anyways back to shakespear." He said giving her a full lecture on his scriptures. He stopped occasionally to see if she was understanding. After a long while he looked at her" alright do you think you got it know?" He asked.
" Yes its much easier to understand school with tou aw my tutor " Keiki said and placed her hands on her desk
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Yes its much easier to understand school with tou aw my tutor " Keiki said and placed her hands on her desk

He smiled " thats good i enjoy helping you keiki." He said in a friendly voice. Kain shiwed her some more on old Anglo-Saxon literature, and literature pieces from the great awakening.
Kandy nodded his head and waited for the new person to come in. "Wow, two people in one day that don't hate me... This place is great, but of course they could have a double face and ... Noo they wouldn't do that right, I mean I'm not the only, er-different one here" he nods "I'm going to give it all my might and make this work, no matter the price, besides I have nothing to loose" smiles odly and swifts his tail back and forth like the pendelum on an old grandfather clock and purred lightly
Khan stood up, holding his jeweled black and crimson chest. "I was here first.... You're the stalker" He spoke bluntly to Brooke. Khan looked at Cierce, "Not to sound judgmental, but I would avoid the laughing spirit." He gestured towards Attila. "My name's Khan also if you didn't catch it.... I'll see you around if you aren't too busy with this lot" He looked at the others then back to Cierce. "See ya...." Khan said before walking away into the building where the dorms were.

@Mayfly @Masks of Ayn
{ dude it was her thoughts. I'm on my phone not exactly sure how to do italics on this shit but it was in her head that she called you a stalker }

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Attila continued laughing, tears pooling from his eyes, he was on the ground now, arms around his knees, he didn't care that people were nearby, he just couldn't stop... So he kept laughing until he could laugh no more, tears running from his eyes, he struggled to climb to his feet, his body felt like lead, he slowly swayed as he walked towards the tree he was sleeping in earlier, and sits down.

@Masks of Ayn @Mayfly @The Other Dude Who I Forgets Name
Cierce stares over at Khan as he rose. Her head cants to the side but she offered him a smile. His expression was one of seriousness and she wasn't sure if it should be a red flag or not.

She nods her head to him when he addressed her, "Uh, bye..." with a quiet response.

She looks between Rezzu and Brooke and smiles happily. Maybe she really didn't know, the way she even treated Rezzu. She watches the boy laughing, tears streaming down his face and shakes her head slightly. Perhaps it would be best to leave him be for now.

Her tummy growled and she covers it with her hands and a slight blush. "Let's go to the cafeteria... I'm getting hungry myself.."


Rezzu smirks and raises his hand to gently set it on the Cassie's head and pats it. The blonde locks threw him off on if it was really the girl he used to know. He recalled her having more silver hair in the past, maybe he made it up; but it was just as soft.

"Testosterone. Genetics, you know," he snickers, gazing down at her.

Her face was as pretty as when he recalled over ten years ago. He goes to open his mouth but becomes attune to the male speaking to Cierce, and his eyes blaze. A scowl forming on his lips he stares at the kid...
Khan, as he walks away.

"Creeps everywhere," his attention shifts at the laughing one, wanting to chuck a rock at the '
spirits' head. "This academy is not normal, supernatural beings or not."

He removes his hand from Cassie's head. "You still got those bubble cheeks from when we were little, 'bloom," he teases her, though the genuine smile on his face showed it was a more subtle way for him to say he's glad to see her again.

Looking over to Cierce he nods. "Yeah. You can with us if you'd like, I got two mouths to go feed other than my own," he directs back to Cassie.

He groans, his hands moving to rest on his head, "Man what a pain."

(( @Mayfly @Col dude your text color kills my eyes >< @The Master

and @y0k9o didn't forget about you))
Kandy hummed and waited on the nurse to do whatever the nurse did and he started to fall asleep but his stomach kept him awake "mmmmm...... Not again" rubbs his stomach and sneezed
Aella chuckled a bit as she kept running. She ran out of school and into the nearby woods. The trees flew by them as Aella easily dodged all of them. She leaped over a fallen tree trunk gracefully, not even letting Paige leave her back. Once she felt they were far enough in, at least a half hour walk for a human, she came slowed down slowly as to not throw Paige over her head. She then trotted to a nearby river that flowed into a pond. She started walking towards a small waterfall. Aella stopped and laid down allowing Paige to get off. She gently nudged her just a bit to get her completely off. Aella then jumped up onto a higher rock and turned back into her human form. She stood tall as she looked down at Paige.

"Listen up. If you really want a normal life, I'll give it to you. I can make you completely forget that we exist and you won't be able to remember, even if you are watching it happen. Without harming you. I have a friend who owes me a favor. She can make it so you forget everything and will be unable to ever see our supernatural forms again. But I want to show you who we really are first, so you can decide what you truly want. Because Paige, I'm a werewolf but I'm not a monster. None of us are. Will you accept my offer?" Aella smiled and held out her hand to Paige.

Attila snapped up, tears had stained his face, he quietly faded until he was invisable and walked away.

(Nothing else to go off of unless Aella wants to run into me in the forest)

(My text is based off of Atilla's emotions and soul)
Khan went to his dorm and moved some stuff around. He placed his chest on his bed and left his room in a bit of a hurry. Khan went to the cafeteria to get himself a soda. He hadn't had one in a couple years which bothered him since he loved it. Khan was sitting at a table alone, drinking his Pepsi in silence. His expression was bit more positive now.
Kayla's stomach growled as she ventured through the courtyard. She hadn't eaten anything at all in a few days, and appearantly her digestive sysytem was tired of it. Clutching her books to her chest, Kayla's red and blue irises scanned the premises to find the location if the cafeteria. Once catching sight of the familiar building, she quickly made her way towards and inside.

Once inside, she eyed the premises of the inside. She caught sight of one student sitting alone, which oddly enough seemed normal to her. Shrugging her shoulders, she immediately entered the line, holding her books under her platter as she went along the distributing line.
Khan's eyes went back to their fiery color as he looked up and around. He saw Kayla and a part of him flared up a bit. Khan was a little irritated for some reason. It was a bit enjoyable, since he felt powerful when he was in a negative mood. Khan could feel his demon side getting more and more excited for some reason.
Kandy waited for Razzu to come back patiently debating weather he should follow him or not, knowing he would get lost in the process talking to himself "well id as minus well stay here like he said" "well what if he doesn't come back" looking down then back up "I trust him"smiles "I hope I can anyway" he let's go of his tail and puts his feet on the ground and and waits
Once receiving her food, Kayla took a moment to examine the entire cafeteria. She hadn't the slightest idea of where to sit, and she grew annoyed of the constant breeze blowing at her half red, half blue strands of hair. Eventually, she remember the sight of the lone male from earlier. Gritting her teeth and rolling her mismatched irises, she made her way over to the table, halting once she reached the tables edge. Staring at what was obviously another demon, she raised the brow above her right eye. "Anyone. Sitting here?"
"Not at the moment, I have a feeling there will be though." Khan scooted over a bit for Kayla. He looked over at her, still drinking his soda "So what's your name?" Khan stared at her angelic and demonic features. She was rather interesting for a hybrid. Khan always did want to meet another half-demon. Of course there weren't too many of those who were friendly enough to go out in public and socialize.
Kayla settled herself into the empty seat, brushing down the ends of her skirt as she did so. Setting down her plate after sliding her books to the side, she turned her gaze toward him. "Kayla. Why do you want to know?" She hadn't talked to many people before, and hasn't learned quite how to cope with questions.
"Why wouldn't I want to know?" Khan finished his soda. "You can call me Khan." He added. "It is just nice to introduce yourself to someone. You know how to be nice right? Even if you aren't fond of it?" He asked. Khan smirked, sort of enjoying the company of another demon.
"You tell me."She rolled her irises, mumbling under her breath. Taking a few moments, she turned her gaze toward him, tilting her head in a clockwise manner. "Khan?" She then straightened her posture, resting her head upon her hands. "Yes. I do."
"You seem like a ray of sunshine." Khan chuckled. "So, how is your day going so far?" He put his elbow on the table and rested. Khan was staring at Kayla's eyes, intrigued slightly by their color. He wondered if all angel demon hybrids looked like that. Khan knew that the other students had little beauty to their forms so Kayla did catch his eye in that sense.
Blinking, Kayla grew flustered, never having the need to conversate so much with anybody. Due to this fact, she grew nervous, her angelic side becoming dominant in this sense. Her cheeks then flushed with a light oink shade, as she averted her gaze skyward to avoid his stare."Uhm. Fine? I guess....Yours?"

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