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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

((Kay if no ones going to tell me what's going on, Im just gonna make a horrible post bout how Attila was hibernating or something, and I'm serious))
(Right now Aella and Paige are in the middle of talking. Keiki and Kain are becoming bf and gf (totally adorable), Khan is just sitting alone on a bench, and well as for everyone else, I dunno)
{ HIBERNATION [emoji108] }

"It was thanks to you and that idiot Khan that made me like this. And I don't even want to be here. What's the point, anyway?" Paige sidestepped Aella and brisk-walked to the crowd of students ahead, blending immediately into the throng of people. Hopefully the other girl would lose her in the crowd, and she could make it to physics. She was already half-mad but she still wanted her high grades. At least she'd have something to carry forward when she went to a different school.

@Arabella Rosewood


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Hiroshi was more than grateful for all that Rezzu had done. He himself knew nothing about the school, and probably would have ended up collapsing before he got close enough to the Nurse's Office anyway. He was generally used to being older than his friends, or at least more respected, and hence was unused to the honorific "-kun".
Despite this, he was glad to have made a new friend and, when Rezzu placed his arm around him, went to return the favor. However, very quickly, he retracted his arm, realizing that he still bore the mark on his left hand, indicating his previous night spent as a demon, and hoped that his new friend hadn't noticed it.

(1)Kandy waited and continued to twist his tail and bite his lip harder and watches as it falls onto his shoe and sighs and stopped biting his lip for a moment to talk to who ever was beside him "I did it again" starts to bite his left side bottom lip again making more blood come out.

Rezzu grins as Hiro went to return the gesture, before some force drew him away. He shrugs lightly, and looks at building plaques. "Ah, here's the nurses office..." he says, opening the door and making his way in, hoping the others followed. He looked around for the nurse before spotting her and grabbed the sign-in clip board and passed it to Hiro. "Uh, excuse me ma'am, we got two hurt students. Second one is a bit worse off but Hiro-kun had hit his head pretty good too."

He spoke to the nurse for a moment to give the basics of what happened, and how he didn't know the second kid, who had seemed to be lost, before turning and realizing the second kid wasn't even with them anymore. Or at least, not in the nurses office... He looks to Hiro and grins, slapping his hand onto the boy's shoulder. "You gunna be alright for a little while? I'm gunna go see where that weakling--I, uh, the other boy, is..."

( @The Cobalt Killer )

(2) Kandy walked in circles not sure what to do or where to go and started to move faster and faster slowly but at a steady pace "oh what do I do what do I do what should I do what dibi have to do ohhhh!!!" Walks to the wall and leans his head on it and bites his lip again

(3)Kandy started to lightly bang his head on the wall as it echoed through the the halls and rooms and didn't care what would happen if he was thrown out for doing it. He started to hum a sad and painful melody and lightly chuckled and scrated his ear with his free hand and once done doing so he placed it in his pocket and sighed while continuing to hum hearing the him echo as well unsure who would hear it, but also not caring

Rezzu stepped out and paused to listen. It didn't take him long to hear a repetitive banging, and than an echoing sorrowful melody. God his singing is terrible.... he groans. The kid,who he was trying to be nice too, tested his patience and started pissing him off. Rezzu's blood boiled. He followed the echo, turning a corridor here and there before finally, after who knew how many minutes, probably five or so minutes later, he found the kid bleeding onto the floor from his lip.

Walking up to him, Rezzu wanted to smack him.Punch him even.
Breathe, Rezzu. He imagined his sisters voice as he told himself this. Letting out a controlled breath, it was laced with fire as his anger seethed. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to try and disadvantage himself as he sauntered up to the kid. He seemed to be lost in a trance, a very depressing, self destructive once. The boy hadn't taken the hanker chief Rezzu had offered before he wondered off and so Rezzu pulled it out once more, holding it between his pinky and index finger. He lets his hand lunge outward than, not to hit the other but to let the wind grasp his hair as his fingers settled near the kids ear. Snap, he snapped his fingers strongly twice.

"Hey. Kid."

Snap, snap, snap.

"You gunna pay attention this time or am I gunna have to carry you?" His voice, though his demeanor was far more relaxed than he felt, is edgy and crisp. He wasn't going to let this... child, though he honestly couldn't tell if he was older or younger than Rezzu, ignore him any longer.

( @y0k9o )

Cierce had completed her second period history class, which felt lonely. Making it on time to her third period class, Rezzu never met her. And it worried her. She sighs though, and stays in class, figuring if anything he'd show up late, which he never did. Fourth period, she decided to skip, only to find Rezzu. She wondered around, trying to catch hold of is scent.

You can always fly, she thinks to herself, but shakes her head to dismiss the idea. If she flew she'd never want to come down. That's always how it happened, she became lost to the air, the sky, the sun. Even her brother had difficulty getting into her head once her human form disintegrated into the atomic particles of the air. He's had to force her out of the transparent state a few times. Wherever he was, she didn't need to cause that problem. Losing her sense of self and her mission of finding him was too much of a risk.

She wonders aimlessly, she didn't know the school as well as Rezzu, unable to tell the building apart. They were so different in the city, than in villages. In the fae lands. She became lost quickly, even apart of the crowd of students. But the others all seemed rushed, pushing and pulling against others and their friends to keep themselves together. Yet, they all did it so harmoniously, no one else but Cierce it seemed got bumped into. Chewing on her lip, she sighs, and tries to find someplace familiar, finding the court yard. Moving back toward the flowers, she sits in front of them, a gentle, sad touch of her hand grazes over the petals tenderly.

"Rezzu will find me here, I'm sure..."
Eventually, she thought. "Ah," her head sinks a little. "Making friends is so difficult here... No one notices anyone, really..."

(( @The Master , not sure if Khan is anywhere near, but, just if you want. Or anyone else really lol ))

Attila woke up startled, he was in a tree overlooking the courtyard, he shudders remebering the nightmare, then, almost laughed, he still could not believe it, he had escaped! He had escaped that hellhole of a house, Atilla bursted out laughing crazily, falling out of the tree and landed with a loud 'thud'. He kept laughing, not noticing the girl sitting in the flowers, he was gone! He was gone!

Atilla kept laughing and laughing and laughing even more, HE WAS GONE!
((@Masks of Ayn , Khan is sitting on a bench in the courtyard.))

Khan put the chest down on the ground. He stretched and lied down on the bench. Khan decided to just sleep, not really having much else to do. He closed his eyes and began to rest. Khan could still notice and feel the people and activity around him. Even if it made it hard to sleep, it kept his mind occupied.

Ceirce paused her sulking as she heard the loud thud. If it hadn't been for the rustling of the trees, she would have been far more startled. She turns her head, seeing a boy laughing. Blinking she cants her head to the side, before in her peripheral she caught site of Khan resting on a bench.
Has he been there the whole time? She wonders, having not noticed him, than again, her eyes had been tunnel visioned to the pretty flowers. Khan seemed to be trying to rest, so she was hesitant to say hello to the male. She plucks some of the larger flowers and begins to make a crown/headband out of them, like she was taught when in the fae village when she was but a little gir, and turns around to sit facing the two others in the courtyard.

She turns her attention back to the laughing one and covers her mouth to silence her giggle. "Ah... Hello there." she offers quietly, though just loud enough so her voice projected.

@The Master mkay. @Col , gray letters... sneaky sneaky... >.> ))
Brooke glanced at the girl seated in the flowers nearby and frowned. She seemed familiar for some reason, and it wasn't someone she'd seen in the human world. Someone she'd seen when she was still a small girl in the fae world.

Brooke racked her brain, her parents were important people, she'd met many people, but that girl stuck in her brain. "Who... Cierce?" That little girl she'd met once at the village that had been around the age she'd seemed at the time. She got up and looked at the girl. "Is that you, Cierce?"

@Masks of Ayn


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Cierce's fingers seemed to stutter when a female voice questioned her, said her name. She looks up with her bright blue hues, looking to the girl who also had a curious expression while she herself was being studied. Her eyes widened as she remembered back when she was about five years old... a female around her age she'd always try to play with, and make flower crowns with.

Her parents had been the one that began to fear Rezzu, and Cierce due to affiliation, making them leave the fae village after Rezzu accidently destroyed half the crops. She remembered Rezzu having a crush on the girl when they were little... always calling her names, yet always having a flower on hand to give to Cierce and ...
Cass both. Cassie! That was her name.

Cierce didn't know if she should be horrified or relieved. Once she left the village, she wasn't sure what anyone thought of her there, and always worried she'd never be welcome in their presence again. "C-Cassie?" She got up, half a flower crown in her hands.

(@Mayfly )
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{ by the way her fae name's Cassia so by right you should remember has Cass or Cassia :3 ( I think. you should check her bio because honestly I do not remember [emoji23] ) }

"It's great to see you! I haven't heard from you since the village." ((She doesn't know.)) Brooke looked at the flowers on the ground and waved a hand lightly over the ones that hadn't bloomed yet. "So... How's life? By the way, I go by Brooke now." { PRETENDING YOU CALLED HER CASS BC WHATEVER YOU KNOW EMMY YOURE SUCH A PERFECTIONIST ITS SO HATEABLE } Brooke bit her lip, noticing Cierce's awkwardness at her greeting. "D-did something happen?"

@Masks of Ayn

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" I dont really know what im doing but we should get back to class " Keiki said nervously and turned back
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" I dont really know what im doing but we should get back to class " Keiki said nervously and turned back

Kain looked at her curiously"but we are in class." He said folding the paper containing the note, and placing it in his pocket. He looked to her and smiled" well let me write something for you seems only fair!" He said happily. He took out a piace of paper using the same quil pen to write. After a few moments he was done looking up, and handing her the paper containing his poem. The paper read 'By the moon as i sit to seek your glory. The white roses i see, creates a new story. Seasons are many, their reasons few what remains is that i will always love you!' It said.
@Mayfly omg you're hilarious. I had seen your bio but honestly didn't even think about it when I wrote the post. I'll edit the name :P ))

Cierce smiles with a light blush. It had been long and the other girl treated her without any prejudice. The idea that Cassie... well. That Brooke didn't know what happened wasn't fathomable. At the same time Cierce wouldn't relive it by mentioning it either.

"O-Oh, it's been alright. I have learned a lot more of my skills... we've had to move around a lot... but Rezzu and I have been with a lovely witch lady, she's who enrolled us here to the academy."

She blushes and begins to wave her hand feverishly, than shaking her head. "No! Sorry, I just wasn't sure if it was really you or not," which was a half truth, "so I didn't want to say something ... odd." She offers a laugh.
Aella glared a bit. She transformed and growled loudly and barked sending all the students to the sides of the hall and out of her way. She burst into a run and when she was about to run into Paige's back, she slide and ended up in front of the girl. She huffed and bumped into Paige to make her end up on her back. She turned her head and bit down on Paige's sleeve avoiding her arm and hand. She pushed upward causing Paige to fly up into the air a bit. Aella caught the girl in a way where Paige was literally riding the rather large and strong female Alpha. Aella released the girl's sleeve and looked over shoulder to send Paige a glare that said "Get off and I'll drag you with me. Now hang on." She looked forward and started at a slow run as to not drop Paige.

Khan awoke, sitting up and seeing Cierce with Brooke. He blinked and watched them in silence. Khan took note of Brooke's real name and continued listening. He didn't know whether or not they noticed him being awake and watching them now. Khan yawned and turned to lean against the chest.

@Mayfly @Masks of Ayn
Kandy walks to the nurses and walks in and sits in a chair isolated in the corner and keeps quiet watching the nurse "kandy"

Kandy looks at rezzu and waves smiling nervously "h-hi.." Lightly shakes but attempts to keep calm while talking and wiggles his tail as if he was glad to talk to someone who didnt try to through him out or hurt him
Rezzu followed the kid who mindlessly just walked to the nurses. He than sat and Rezzu groaned. This kid is like a toddler, man. What a pain.

He wasn't sure if it was his attempts that settled through or just luck.

He looks at the kid, shaking and wiggling. Rezzu let out a breath, keeping himself collected as he just imagined hitting the kid. He didn't want to be that student, at least not quite yet.

He leans down to look at Kandy, his head tipping to the side. "Kandy? That's a pretty girly name," he could be kind, didn't mean his bluntness was. "Hey there, how'd you end up all mangled." It wasn't hard for Rezzu to tell. His clothes were too big and Kandy was too scrawny to be in them.

"Got a home?"
A pet could do... I'm sure Cierce would like to help his confidence and self worth...

@y0k9o ))


Cierce grasped at her chest a moment. Her and Rezzu were technically one being, she felt his rage growing in her bones, he only ever resonated into her when his patience was at his most thin. She takes in a deep breath, worrying more about him now.

Waiting for Cass--Brooke to answer she shook her head and patted her cheeks, as though refreshing herself from tiredness.

This is when she noticed Khan staring at her and the other girl. Her blue eyes stare at him a moment before realizing she was doing so, quickly averting her gaze.


The laughter caught her attention once more. She had nearly forgot about it when Cassie came to speak to her, recognized her after all the years away. She watches the boy a moment, and smiles softly, waiting to see if Cassie noted she was half lying about her first awkwardness. She tosses a flower to him at his feet before walking up to Cassie and offerinf the girl the half made crown, which made it a head band, gently placing it on the girls hair at the crown. "For the flowers to grow, we must always show them love and kindness," she spoke softly, an old fae phrase which could be used to celebrate old friendships rediscovered, much in tune with the circle of life.

@The Master @Mayfly @Col ))
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Attila jumped up, startled by the voice, he noticed she had turned to talk to a different girl, and took the momentary distraction as a blessing, he was close to the point of running away, yet he just continued laughing, hoping, no, praying that she wouldn't turn back, or the other girl, he just coundn't stop, he kept laughing and laughing, not realizing that he was not invisable, for his power knew, so he kept laughing.

@Masks of Ayn @Mayfly

(Sorry I took soooooo long to post this, my house is run off a potato)
Kandy looked at him and grabbed his tail "I'm a guy for starters, and I was thrown out while I was nine because I was a "freak" so everyone's told me, pulling my tail, ears, bullied, even my own parents so I've been on my own for ten years" looks down and holds his left arm with his right hand "so ya" tries to keep away from eye contact with Rezzu so he couldn't see his jade green eyes as if in pain
Khan waved at Cierce. His eyes were now a dark blue, he continued to stare at the girls. Khan watched them with a hint of interest. His expression was neutral as he watched the girls. Khan's mind raced as he began to put pieces together almost like a puzzle about them.

@Masks of Ayn @Mayfly
" I mean back to what we are supposed to be doing " Keiki fot the paper and for a moment used her fake sight to read it and she stopped at the end and said " Thank you " before putting it in her bag
Rezzu tips his head. This guy's nineteen? He couldn't really believe it. To him the scrawny mass looked well... he really didn't know.

Like a lower being? His demon-self was stirring. His anger beginning to subside a bit as he could empathize with being on one's own.

The lowered eyes made him feel authoritative too, so it struck a happy cord. He wove back to Hiro-kun, so the other knew that he had returned from departing to find Kandy.

He pulls over a chair and sits near Kandy, not forgetting about Hiro in case the other ever wanted to chat, either. He sat himself in a way to be directing his body between both boys, though his deep burgundy gaze set on Kandy. "I never said you were a girl just that your name is girly."

He smirks a bit and extends out his hand. Rezzu was going to make a pact with this kid, he decided. His fingers were tingling, his palm growing with heat. One firm hand shake, and willpower, and a perfect compliance from Kandy, that's all it'd take. Hopefully. The Pyrokinesis ability he had could be controlled in anyway when demonically used--which was the only way Rezzu used it. He could bind a contract into this kid if Kandy didn't have the willpower, or desire, to fight it off. The Echo ability Cierce has, stronger within Rezzu due to his demonic-soul, used to create a sense of natural endowment, that would be owed to Rezzu from Kandy. As though Kandy's voice of his subconscious would want to stay near him. That if he indentured himself to Rezzu he'd be protected... taken care of...
Never abandoned. Rezzu wasn't a very powerful demon yet, at only the young age seventeen, so his attempts were very naive, meek. It can work, he thought to himself, the sense of power over the older male just felt... right. The least he could do was try.

"I've had to live on my own and passing through home to home since I was five," he finally says, voice less cold, his demeanor even more relaxed. His inner anger filled with excitement at this new found idea he would try to make Kandy his own subordinate. He wanted it to work, but didn't know if it would, but he was alright with failure, that's how one learned. "My sister and I were the only thing we had, so I understand such a struggle." He had a smirk on his face though, he learned to grow up with strength feeling responsible to take care of her. His hand stayed extended out to the other male, "I'm sure my sister would enjoy a new face, why don't you stick around, everyone needs somebody."

(( @yoko96 ,

also, you don't have to go with any of that if you don't want too xD , Rezzu's just well, self-centered and only goes for what he wants sometimes. So I can make this not work. I just wanted to reemphasize that it'll all go with how you want, and nothing forced. :] ))
Kandy smiled "so what are you¿? A mouse, ghost, demon, merman" licks his lips to the sound of fish as his stomach growls like crazy as if he hasn't eaten in a week
Paige screamed as she was sent sprawling onto the wolf, yelling swear words as she almost-rode the wolf. "I JUST WANTED A NORMAL LIFE, GODDAMMIT." she hollered, gripping onto the wolf tightly, fearful of her life more right now to care that she was riding a wolf. In a school hallway. One hand holding the wolf, the other gripping her bag for both reassurance and to make sure it wouldn't fall off. "Put me down!" Paige told the wolf in its native language (( native language?! Emmy what even ))


Brooke did in fact notice Cierce's unusual behaviour, but decided not to question it. The faerie had heard Attila's laughter at first and ignored it, but now it was getting slightly irritating. "Why, may I ask, are you laughing?" She stared at the spirit for a while, before gradually returning her attention to Cierce. She smiled as Cierce put the flower crown on her head, observing quietly, "you didn't finish it." Brooke tipped her head to one side as she caught the other girl looking somewhere else for a sliver of a moment, following her gaze, she raised her eyebrow and glanced back at Cierce. 'Well, aren't you a real stalker?' she thought to herself.

{ haha writer's block just kidding I naturally suck at writing pfffft }

@Masks of Ayn


@The Master

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Rezzu pauses as he kept his hand extended and Kandy ignored him. He purses his lips together momentarily with a tsk. This kid needs to learn manners. Though he was one to talk.

Leaning back against the chair, he stuffs his hands into his pockets. He'd try again, just took time. He stared at Kandy, opened his mouth to answer before hearing the obnoxious growl of his stomach.

Too scrawny for his clothes, Rezzu affirmed to himself, with a shake of his head. "In time. Stay here so the nurse checks you out," Rezzu rose, not removing his hands from his pockets. "I'll go get food, it's around lunch time anyways. Hey Hiro, mind watching Kandy a moment? We don't want him leaving before the nurse can see 'im."

He gazes over at Kandy once more, eyes slanting.

"I don't like playing hide and seek." His words were said with an undertoned threat.

Rezzu left, and cut through the courtyard. He wasn't paying much attention until the feeling of his sister tugged at his heart. Gazing his eyes down from the sky he pauses to see her with another girl, and that guy from earlier in their class. Staring, as usual.

"Cierce, it's lunch time. Come help me take some to the kids in the nurses office?" He asks, moving up beside her. Pausing his eyes open a bit wider before slanting back to their rest position. The girl Cierce was talking too seemed familiar. The flowers on her hair sparked his memory.

"Heh, that actually you, spirit bloom?" He called her lost of names as a kid, mainly on the fly, but spirit bloom stuck with him. It was the last thing he called her before he forced Cierce away from their home... after he destroyed the fall harvest.



Cierce smiles to Brooke and nods, "Consider it a head band." She merely needed to do something with her hands when she gave it to the girl, it helped ease her anxiety.

She lets out a soothing breath when the rage in her chest turned to energy, joy. The shift though, worried her more. Especially not being by his side.

She waves back to Khan, not wanting to be rude, before noticing the chest. She observes it's outer shell, before her eyes go back to Brooke, who had said something to the laughing boy. She can't help but giggle again, covering her mouth slightly.
He is an odd one.

Seeing Rezzu appear, she looks between him and Brooke. She was momentarily surprised he seemed to remember the girl, but than again, their memory was pretty outstanding. She nods her head. "Hai, I'll help."


@The Master @Mayfly @Col

@The Cobalt Killer

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