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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Keiki blushed and stood up " Sorry are you ok im fine " she said and turned to the new aura and a girl said " Hello " and she held Kains hand staying close to him she wondered if everyone knew she was blind or not
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki blushed and stood up " Sorry are you ok im fine " she said and turned to the new aura and a girl said " Hello " and she held Kains hand staying close to him she wondered if everyone knew she was blind or not

Kain looked at keiki" it is ok keiki it didn't hurt. " he said in a kind tone smiling. Kain looked at the other girl" she is fine thank you for asking. My name is kain veilstorm pleasure to meet you." He said in a polite tone.
Cierce turns to look at the other two on the walkway. She smiles softly as she stepped around and away from her brother and the other boy.

She extends her hand out to either of them, her bright blue eyes standing out against her black hair. "It is nice uh, running into you. I am Cierce," she smiles and turns slightly to point to Rezzu, who was standing over the boy on the floor offering a hand. "That is my twin, Rezzu." Her voice was silky within her quietness. "I'm glad she's, you're," she looked at the girl not wanting to just talk about her while she was right there, "alright."
Kandy got up and walked around on the streets when he came across an academy and walked in unsure of what shall happen next, but hoping it was good, for once
Federoff said:
Zaanna walked into the classroom and saw that Christian had already made it here. She quickly walked up to him waving a hand in greeting, she greeted him with "Hi Christian, how are you doing?"
Christians gaze shifted just after his eyelids released them front their prison. Once he allowed his vision to focus, he caught sight of Zaana, one of the girls in his room earlier. " Oh? You're in this class to?"

Kayla nodded, keeping her gaze focused on...the blind girl? She took a moment to recollect her thoughts just as she straightened her posture o examine the two. "That's good to hear." She paused, continuing to gaze upon the two, one of which had a disability. This puzzled her, but all in the same caught her attention. "Is she blind?" @Wild Born @Lord Anubis
Kandy walks inaide the building and hears many voices but stood there for a brief moment before continueing to walk trying to find someone
Keiki flinched and said hesitantly " Why yes im blind my name is Keiki " and she watched as the girl seemed to inspect them then she heard the bell " Class started " she said and kept her face turned towards Kayla
"This is (the) room that (my) schedule says" said Zaanna as she got closer to Christian, smiling as she sat down in the desk next to his. "This school is huge, its so easy (to get) lost here" pouted Zaanna as she let out a sigh of defeat.
Kandy sat down for what seems like forever on the side of the hallway, watched and waited for someone to walk by
Kain held keikies hand" well it would seem class has begun. I must take keiki to her class perhaps we will meet again." He said to the others in a friendly tone. Already other students began to flood the halls.
Kandy got up and walked up to Kain and tape his shoulder "hello umm where am I at exactly¿? I don't know where I am or anything really" grabs his tail with his free hand and tries not to shake or show the bruise marks on him
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Keiki jolted at sudden noise and barly heard a boy talking to Kain and she scooted close to him kids jerking her around by bumping into her and she softly whined turning to the new boy that spoke to Kain
Cierce reaches out and pulls out the class list from her brother's pocket. She watches Rezzu and the boy before staring down at it. "Rezzu... you have gym..." It was the one class they didn't share together. "I have... history, I think... or yes, history."

She looks up toward the ceiling when the bell went off.

Rezzu waves his free hand at his sister. "Go, you're late already, I'll see you third period. Math right?" He turns too look at her and gives a grin. "I think this one's needs to go to the nurses office, I'll take him than head to the gym and blow off steam." (@The Cobalt Killer )

Cierce nods and gives him back the class list, taking her books tightly into her arms and running to class.

Entering the room, she pants, and quickly takes a seat not wanting to interrupt. She leans back and let's out a sigh, catching her breath, before bringing her eyes up and looking around the room.
Kain looked at the other male" that would be wise he does appear to need medical attention." He looked to the weakened male" you are at moonlight acadamy my friend. If you would please follow this gentleman here he will lead you to the nurses office." Kain said in a friendly tone. He heard keiki whine, and looked down at her behind him. Kain smiled" do not worry keiki." He said kindly squeezing her hand for reassurance. He proceeded to block the students from bumbing further into keiki. Kain looked to the others" well it was a pleasure meeting you all. I must bid y'all fairwell." He said respectfully bowing his head slightly. He then turned to keiki " come along keiki" he said leading her into the reading/writting class.
Keiki slightly bowed her head and followed close to Kain and she said " So you where telling me about Dragoconian pets " and she softly smiled
Rezzu pauses seeing the one one the ground would be taking a moment. He turns, a slant in his eyes as he looks over at the others and the skittish bruised new male with the tail.

His chest tightened as he had the urge to torment the obvious weakling. He touches the flower in his coat pocket Cierce gave him which helped relieve this, the red flower seeming to catch in fire for a moment, enlightened.

"Ah, the hell," he sighs, "This is what I get for being nice." He looks at the blind girl, Keiki, clinging to the other male. Uh... his name he didn't remember. "Yeah, sure. Nice meeting you, I'm Rezzu, I'll take him... I guess..." He said this as they began to walk, stepping aside for the girl.
Already offered to take the other boy, why not one more?

(@Wild Born @y0k9o )
Kandy followed him To the nurses office but kept three feet distance from fear. He started to hold his tail, and bit his lip to hard it started to bleed nonstop
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki slightly bowed her head and followed close to Kain and she said " So you where telling me about Dragoconian pets " and she softly smiled

After sittin sitting keiki down kain sat beside her after getting permission to tutor keiki from the teacher. He smiled " ahh yes when we head to my homeland i will take you to the alter of binding. There we will see what draconion was fated to be by your side." He said cheerfully. The other students came in taking seats. Some looked at kain wierdly wondering why he was there.
" I cant wait " Keiki said turned to Kain with a big smile " When are we going ? " she asked excitedly
Christian took a moment to observe her as she sat beside him, before he lifted his right hand to his head, keeping his arm at an angle just as he allowed his hand to run freely through his somewhat curled silver strands of hair. He was obviously bored with the topic of conversation, and didn't find it talk worthy. "Well. It is a school."
When Hiroshi had recovered from the scuffle that had accidentally occurred outside of the classroom, he saw a hand above his face. It was the guy he had wanted to talk two. The two girls were heading off in another direction. He grabbed it and the guy, seemingly effortlessly, lifted him up. He looked around at all the others and then back at the guy in front of him.

Before he could say anything, Hiroshi found himself being taken to the Nurse's Office. He wasn't quite sure what to say, it would be hard to try and think of something to befriend this boy without completely ignoring what had just happened. "Th-thanks," he stuttered. "I'm Hiroshi Tomachi, but um... My friends call me Hiro-san, usually..."
Paige slunk around the hallways, quiet and in the background. The "popular one" had been reduced to a mess. Her hair was constantly pulled into a loose bun, and she ignored everyone else around her while being ignored. She still didn't believe that anything existed (got to admire her willpower). She chose not to believe. Paige was invisible almost, though she didn't exactly mind. She sat at the back of every class, getting her good grades and yet seemingly alone. Lucas had convinced her to stay the rest of the year, and if she still didn't want to be there, he would get Dad and Mom to send her to his school.


Brooke lazed on the field, which had quickly become her favourite spot, twirling a flower in her hand. She was skipping class again. After all, magic comes with its perks. Teachers never noticed that she was absent, and even if they did, they said nothing because of her straight As. Grades sure could shut people up. This school was fun to her at first, to be honest, but it was starting to get boring. Mythical Creatures get old, y'know? The faerie felt like she was forgetting something, and sat up, leaning against the tree. Exams! Yeah. Well screw that, she had magic anyway. Besides, even if she didn't have magic, she knew the whole syllabus already. Fae were there during all those times, she'd even met some of them. Faeries grew really slowly.

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Rezzu stares at them both a moment after helping the boy up. He gives a sigh and places a hand on the raven haired kids shoulder, looking into his eyes.

"Well, hopefully you don't have a concussion..." But the hell if he knew. "Ah dammit, let's go..." he stretches his arms over his head. "Least I know the nurse is in the same area as the head master..."

As they walk he wraps an arm momentarily, friendly like, around Hiroshi, after the other finally spoke. He pulls him in, grinning. "Nice to meet'cha, Hiro-kun. I'm Rezzu, don't worry about it. But don't get used to it either," he laughs.

Gazing behind him as they continue, almost at the nurses, he removed his arm from Hiro, watching the pink tailed skittish one biting his lip until it bled. The sight of blood caused Rezzu to halt dead in his tracks, staring with a blaze in his red orbs.
This kid is so weak... he wanted to antagonize, his demon being. He shakes it off regaining himself... or making him a pet could do... he thinks, calming his blood lust.

He leans his torso forward to stare at the boy with the pink tail. He pulls out a hanker chief and holds it out to him. "Hey now, stop biting yourself kid," his voice was low and calm, a slight coldness as he tried to not be his usual self and frighten the kid. "Wipe yourself off and chew on this if you need. Relax, we ain't gunna hurt you."

He could be kind when need be. "We're almost at the nurses, she'll fix you right up."

(@The Cobalt Killer @y0k9o )

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