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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

After a while of roaming around the halls Kain sensed fluctuations in the area around him. He senced this before between keiki, and khan. He then proceeded to head in that direction knowing that last time this happened things didn't go quite well. He passed some students along the way, but still traveled quite quickly. After a few moments Kain saw keiki feeling the walls again. He approached her gently taking her hand" hey is everything alright I senced some tension over here between you ,and khan again." He said with concern looking at her.

@wuld born
Keiki jumped because she didnt see him coming and she was still turned on Khan and she lightly squeezed his hand for comfort and she said " I would rather Khan not know my secret "
Kain smiled squeezing her hand" very well then shall we head to your next class I have a free period right know perhaps I can help you like a tutor in your next class?" He asked , as he guided her closely next to him through the halls. Some students looked at them, but not because he was leading keiki, but that it appeared as if they were together to the other students. Some of the girls looked with jelousy towards keiki, but only just that looking. Kain looked at her" so I trust you slept well last night?" He asked curiously.
Khan took the force and simply spread it out around him, taking out the small scraps of energy he could while the rest just dissipated. It didn't really do anything, but he wasn't as tired. He went back to doing his own thing, deciding to leave Keiki in peace. Khan responded "If you don't step off, I will give you your sight back just so you can see your own flesh burn... So watch yourself little girl... If you can that is." Using the rest of his energy to send that message to her. Khan panted lightly, his eyes almost bleeding from overusing his power. "How the hell does she do that so much?" Khan thought to himself. He knew he hit a sensitive spot letting her know he knew she was blind. Khan never knew why she thought he didn't know she was blind.
" Dam " Keiki muttered to herself and said to Kain " I had a good long sleep and if you dont mind I would enjoy you being my tutor for the next period " and she ignored the jealous auras around her
Kain smiled" that is good very well which Class do you have next?" He asked, as he stopped near a waterfountain. Kain looked at keiki while the other students just passed along their marry way. He wondered if he should give her a draconian pet as a gift. Kain looked in keiki's eyes waiting for an answer before asking her the question.
Keiki reached in her pocket and pulled out her schedule and pointed to 2 period-Reading/Writing and she looked at Kain with a warm smile and soft eyes
Cierce pauses and her bright blue hues turn to look at the one who spoke. "Me?" She asks almost with a jolt, pointing to herself. She offers a coy smile and twirls a lock of black hair in her fingers. "Uh..." her eyes watching his before she felt a slight twinge, causing her to rub her eye.

Rezzu perked from the rear end of the classroom, when he heard a male voice telling someone to sit near him. That someone being his sister, opening an eye to gaze over, Rezzu scowls.

"Hey, pictures last longer, stop starin' so hard will you?" Rezzu adjusts, kicking out his foot prepared to stand and walk over if he needed too, "Rude ass," he mutters barely audible under his breath.

Cierce went to look back at the male, but just as soon as he offered, he was sitting no longer looking at her, and seeming distracted. Busy. "Rezzu..." sighing she wouldn't bother. She shivers as a deep tension seemed to fill the room, rubbing her hands together she places them around her mouth to discreetly chill the air, more or less a mechanism she used to calm her own nerves. Colder the room, cooler the blood.

(@The Master )
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[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki reached in her pocket and pulled out her schedule and pointed to 2 period-Reading/Writing and she looked at Kain with a warm smile and soft eyes

Kain smiled" reading and writing a great subject." He said holding her hand, and leading her their. While they walked Kain asked in a curious tone" Hey keiki I was wondering...would you like a draconian pet?" He asked kindly. He stopped some students that weren't paying attention from bumping into keiki.
" Whats a dragonian pet ? " Keiki asked him curious because she wanted to know what these creatures where and she could sense the auras of some kida walking by the girls had scowls but she didnt care
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Whats a dragonian pet ? " Keiki asked him curious because she wanted to know what these creatures where and she could sense the auras of some kida walking by the girls had scowls but she didnt care

Kain smiled" draconian pets are lesser dragons that have yet to mature into high dragons of their species. Basically they are baby dragons. " He said kindly leading her though the various halls leading to reading/writting. Keiki was the first real friend Kain had made at this school, and he cherished what good friends he had for he knew well how quickly they could dissapear in life.
Khan looked at Cierce. "Why haven't you sat down? Of course I meant you" He titled his head to the side. Khan raised an eyebrow, wondering why she wasn't sitting down in the chair. Khan shrugged, guessing that his looking away might have given her the idea that she was not welcome. "Would it make you feel better if I said you have a cute smile?" Khan asked. He was smiling, finding his effort to tempt her to be rather funny. Khan was only hoping she had a sense of humor similar to his.

@Masks of Ayn
Cierce was already sitting dienand was hesitant to move to another. She smiles though as she lifts her finger up and scratches lightly at her cheek. "Alright, I suppose," she nods her head and gathers her books. Rising she seems to glide as she walks around the desk and up two, over two, sitting next to the boy.

She fiddles with the desk, her fibers ratta-tap-tapping it before she twists and holds her hand out to him. "I'm Cierce, its... nice to meet you," she says brightly, though her smile stays shy.

(@The Master)

Rezzu scowls under his breath. Great, this school is filled with creeps. Kicking out his other foot, his body pivots around before rising. Combing through his thick unruly black hair, red eyes blazing he makes his way down to sit closer to Cierce, but he doesn't move right beside her. No, he'd let thing play out, only intervening when necessary. She needed to make friends.... guess that meant so did he. He sat back down closer now, behind a raven haired boy, the one that caught his attention earlier. Sighing a low groan, all he wanted to do was sleep. "Some day already, huh?" He directed it toward the boy reading, watched his back to see if he'd turn. Maybe he wouldn't be ignored, invisible, all day after all.

(@The Cobalt Killer )
Hiroshi grunted as he flipped page after page of worthless words from a book he cared little about. He tried to be discreet as he turned his head to look behind him, back at the three figures who'd stood out most to him, whom he wanted to befriend. He noticed the guy looking up at him. He quickly turned back to face his book. The ringing of his headache briefly intensified in unison to the ringing of the school bell, which indicated the end of the lesson. As he sat at the front, near the door, and they sat further back, he exited almost immediately, and then waited for them outside. He shuffled his feet nervously, trying to think of what to say.
Keiki smiled and said " Thats amazing so its like raising your own dragon, but dont you have to have a bond to raise a dragon ? " and she walked close to him she tripped on someones foot and fell on him aquardly
Kayla yawned, tapping her palm over he mouth while doing so. She knew she had missed multiple days of school, but was quite sure her brother could path her in. It seemed to her as though nobody at this school caught her attention in any way at all, which made her all the more rebellious and inattentive. She hadn't much need for useless people, which created her brick wall of becoming antisocial to an extent. Venturing down the hall, she came across a girl of which was in the process of tripping on what seemed to Kayla to be her boyfriend. Consequently, the girl landed on top of the boy in an awkward position. Tilting her head in a clockwise manner all while raising her brow, she parted her lips to speak. "Are you alright?" @Wild Born

Christian hadn't much a need for being here so early in the day. Regarding the fact that the two he had slept with, seemed nowhere to be found. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned a lengthy corner, only to come across his second period class. Upon entering, he noticed things seemed to be rather, hectic? Shaking his head, he tossed his bag over his right shoulder , just as he engulfed his crimson irises within his pale eyelids, before making his way to the back of the room to catch his seat.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki smiled and said " Thats amazing so its like raising your own dragon, but dont you have to have a bond to raise a dragon ? " and she walked close to him she tripped on someones foot and fell on him aquardly

Kain smiled " yes it is raising a dragon as for the bond yes their is a required one that's why after the ball maby we could go look for one-" He almost finished when keiki tripped on a students foot. While Kain had caught her with lightning reflexes their faces ended up being just centimeters away. Kain looked in her eyes for a few seconds never being this close before. When the girl spoke Kain helped keiki stand back up, before looking at the girl. He figured he would allow keiki to respond first.
Zaanna walked into the classroom and saw that Christian had already made it here. She quickly walked up to him waving a hand in greeting, she greeted him with "Hi Christian, how are you doing?"
At first, something hit his foot, then his chest, and before he knew it, Hiroshi was on the floor, outside the classroom where he had been waiting for the three. His head began hurting again, this time because he had hit the ground, and his vision was blurry for a short while after he opened his eyes. When they finally focused, his eyes lay on a girl who lay upon him. It took Hiroshi a while to realize what had happened, but when it hit him, it seemed obvious.

"The hell?!" he raised his head, and looked her in the eyes. She seemed shocked, staring at him awkwardly. He helped her get off him, and stood up. "I'm sorry, I meant it- it's my fault... I'm Hiroshi Tomachi, my friends call me Hiro-san."
Walking through the dark, lonely alleyways, his stomach growls and looks down at it "I'll starv to death soon" he continues to walk when a cat quickly fled in between his feet and he fell face first and his chin started to bleed
(@Lord Anubis easy fix to keep it going)


Cierce heard the bell and collected her things, yet again. She smiles to the one who had offered her a seat beside him though she had yet to catch his name. "Thank you," she realized than she hadn't answered his one question, "No, by the way. The compliment wouldn't help, but I thank you for it!"

Giggling lightly she rises and with a light skip goes over a few seats to Rezzu.

"C'Mon Rezzu, we don't want to be late, you actually stayed awake too," she teases.

Rezzu yawns and was distracted watching the boy who regarded him speaking dip out as soon as the bell rang. The hell is his problem? He wonders, before looking over and smirking to Cierce when she bound to him. Rising with his hands propped on the desk, he made a after you motion toward the door.

Cierce stepped out slightly, paci ng backward out into the outdoor walkway absent mindedly, waiting for Rezzu. She felt the air thicken a little against her side. The soumd of bodies thudding together made her pivot only to bump into the quiet boy with raven hair in the process.

She turns to see him having fell on the ground and blushes lightly, leaning down beside him, though retracting slightly when he yelled. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention... I was minding the others who tripped themselves... I didn't see you."

Rezzu blinks as he stepped out to find twork lovebirds on one side all ready to smoooh it up, and than her sister bent down near the boy who had darted out, who seemed to have fell himself.

"The hell is going on?"
Bunch of idiots, he tsks, turning to walk toward the raven haired boy. He lifts Ceirce up first and moves her to the side out of his way beforr extending his hand to the kid. "Need a hand?" He asked, red eyes staring into the others.


@The Cobalt Killer )
Khan was about to take Cierce's hand and introduce himself before she just got up and left. He got up and decided to just head to his second period without any words. Khan was starting to get a little frustrated with her but decided that he didn't really know her so, whatever. He changed in the locker room and made his way into the gym.

Khan's eyes and looks shifted as he began to work out. He was waiting for the rest of his classmates, if he had any, to show up. Once done with his warm up, he realized that the ground around him was slightly charred. "....." Khan looked around then just took a few steps back away from the charred area.
Kandy Sighed and sat up "I'll never be accepted anywhere" plays with his tail and sits there hoping nothing will happen and quickly snatches a mouse and eats it still lightly sobbing

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