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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

[QUOTE="Masks of Ayn]@The Dark Princess just so she sees gets an alert too, lol))

(Its not awkward to have to reply to 1-liners, they are used quite often to signify that the character has nothing else to say or can't say anything else because of a previous action)
Rezzu stares at the blonde haired girl, tipping his head to the side, studying. He got bored quickly though and rose, stuffing his hands in his pockets. It only took a few large steps, removing a hand free to pat his sisters head.

"You always find trouble," He looks to the girl. "Hey, uh, Blondie," Rezzu didn't want to just call her girl. "We're lost, you know where first period is held?"

Cierce felt relief when Rezzu came near. The other girl didn't seem very receptive to start a conversation, and Cierce wasn't always great at beginning one.

"Ah, sorry again...." she apologizes, extending her hand after using her brother as a jungle gym, using his arm to pull herself up. "I'm Cierce, he's Rezzu, we're new..."

(@Federoff )
Zaanna got up and brushed herself up looking at both of them before letting out a yawn while stretching. "(my) name is Zaanna, nice to meet you" she said with half absent look in her eyes, obviously still tired after all that. "What class (you) two have? asked Zaanna as she tried to rub the tiredness from her eyes.
"Um..." Aella sits there surprised. "I should be going. It's late, and we are both exhausted." Aella knew she couldn't be with anyone else, even if she wanted to. If her parents or the other pack found out, she would start a war and probably be killed. Besides, she didn't think she felt the same as Khan did. Aella got up and quickly left. When she got to her room, she basically slammed the door. She leaned against the wood and tried to calm her breath. 'I thought being here was going to help me solve my problems. Not give me more....' She thought to herself. She then quickly got ready for bed and went to sleep. (To finish up the last day) @The Master


Aella sat in class, but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking of ways to keep her pack from war without having to mate with Isaac. Mating with someone else would definitely cause war, so she knew that she had to fix the whole Isaac problem first. But she had no idea how. 'Maybe just speaking with the pack leaders? Ughhh I don't know...' She thought, mentally groaning.
Khan was sitting in his reading class, reading through his book. He was starting to have a bit more tolerance for his first period. Khan was also seeming to get more on the sphinx side of his blood line with each passing day. Both of his eyes now a blueish green color. Khan thought about the time he spent with Aella. He only remembered falling asleep on the couch then waking up with her gone. Khan finished his essay early and began to write in his journal.

@Arabella Rosewood
Rezzu pulls the paper he folded up out of his back pocket and stares at it.

He stares at it a moment, Yeah... aim going to be sleeping... he smirks to himself before looking up at Zaanna. "Reading?" (

Cierce noticed the girl rubbing her eyes, ger hand going up to her face, finger crooking inawaed to scratch at her cheek. "Are there lots of late nights at this academy?" She was asking acedemically wise, not trying to pry into the girls person business. She peeks over Rezzu's arm to look at the list. Reading... oh that'll go over well... she thinks blinking up to see Rezzu's cheshire smirk.

"So do you know where that is?"


I'm going with the first class I saw someone put other than "first class" to try and have people around, yeah? Let me know if I should edit)
Zaanna let out a purr of approval as she began to look at their schedule. He eye shifted from left to right as she read it "Yeaaah" she said in a half-yawn "I have the same class, its up the hall and to the right" she pointed out where it was to clarify herself so there was no confusion. "(I'll) see you (in) class" she stared to run and wave goodbye.
It wasn't the first time that Hiroshi had had such an intense migraine, but this had to be the worst, ringing headache anyone good have. He held his head in his right hand as he stumbled down the hall. Late, and unsure of what had happened the night before. All he knew was that he'd woken up with an odd, red mark on the back of his left hand, indicated that the demon within him had possessed him again. He was getting better at controlling himself, and the demon had learnt to stop trying to escape over the years. However, he still hadn't quite mastered controlling this demon, and sometimes it contacted him through hallucinations.

He was unaware as to where his first class of the day was, and had forgotten what it was to begin with. But the novel in his hand suggested that his first lesson was a reading lesson. In his black messenger bag were books for the following lessons. Hiroshi grunted as he saw the Maths workbook inside. When he had apologized for his late entrance, and taken a seat, he began to read. While he was half-reading his novel, he noticed two girls in hushed chatter, with one guy in the middle of it. He didn't particularly care, but something, about them or himself; he couldn't tell, urged him to take the time to befriend them, or at least someone, after class.
Cierce had been watching the girl, pointing upward to the building adjacent to them on the second floor. She blinks when the girl begins to run and reaches out after her, hand dropping before waving back, smiling wide. "Oh-Okay, see you than!" she calls after her.

Rezzu cants his head to the side, mouth parting in just a way where if there were fangs or canines, one of them would be sticking out as though he was giving a dirty smirk. Only what could be explained as a demonic stir within his belly, he yawns and quickly folds up the paper and shoves his hands deeply into his pockets and lets out a calm breath as Zaanna ran off, turning his head to the side, another exhale blew out a gentle whisper of a flame. I need a nap, he thinks before letting out a chuckle, abrasively turning to follow the running girl at a simple walk. "Come, Ceirce," he throws his hand up into the air, beckoning her, "We wouldn't want to be late on our first day...."

Scratching at her cheek she stares upward to her brother and notes the flame coming out of his mouth, and frowns looking around before reaching down to grab a pretty red flower and carefully plucking it. Time slipped from her as he beckoned for her, how far away he actually was, instilling a slight anxiety into her bones. They didn't need to be constantly by one another but he was the only person she had for the longest time. Blushing faintly she rises and chases after him, catching up with a pant. They make their way up the stares and bound closer to the classroom.

"R-Rezzu wait," she smiles worriedly, lifting onto her toes to tuck the flower into the coat pocket on his chest. "There... use it to channel if you need too... okay?"

He pats her head reassuringly before moving to open the door to the classroom. He hadn't seen a teacher yet, maybe they weren't that late after all? His eyes look about, seeing Zaanna and few more students. His head cants to the boy near the front, is drawn to him really. He looks as bad as I feel I could be... Rezzu groans under his breath while thinking to himself. The stir in his belly rose to his chest and his eyes slant as his lips purse. "Tsk..." he looks away from everyone his hair flipping with him, half a Cheshire-grin plastered on his lips. One of his hands that were deep in his pockets rising to gently touch over his sister flower in his pocket. The flower momentarily seemed to glow a red aura around it, was it a trick of the eye? Perhaps, he goes and takes a seat in the back.

Cierce smiles at the flower before hesitantly making her way into the classroom behind him. She looks around only seeing four other students than her and Rezzu. She twirls at a strand of her hand, a shy though very bright smile tugging the corners of her mouth as she makes her way toward Zaanna, the only other person she, well, sort've knew. "Do you mind if I sit by you?" she asks, semi whispering not wanting to disturb everyone else. The point after all was to try and make friends, branch out. She took a seat nearby, letting out a sigh as they didn't seem to be the last, or latest people to attend... hopefully.

(@The Master @Federoff @The Cobalt Killer @Arabella Rosewood ;tried to make it open for any to interact. )
Once again, Aella spent her lunch outside sleeping at the bench she had basically claimed as her bench. If you could scent like a wolf, you could smell her scent all over it from her multiple naps and studying sessions she spent there. It was just a comfortable place to be with just enough shade and just enough sunlight. She covered her eyes with her right arm as she held the book she had been reading to her chest with her left hand. The werewolf didn't really like daytime that much. She preferred the night and she really enjoyed hunting at night.
Kain was in his first period botany class. While the other students listened to the teacher Kain was tending to a new plant he had just recieaved from home. Kain was watering it with magically enriched water. He liked tending to the garden watching life grow before him. Although he did miss his homeland the many lesser dragons, and high dragons roaming the land. He smiled to himself, as the plant slowly sprouted from the ground a beautiful aqua color with bright pulsating flower petals of fire red, and orange.
[QUOTE="Wild Born](( OMG I HATE BEING GROUNDED can someone catch me up ))

(Nothing really just the day after where you last left off in your room with kain. It's first period also there's bin some changes to rp so check the ooc for full details. Basically we are set to speak to one person so many times before having to speak with someone else.)
Khan looked over at Ceirce. He whispered, "Come sit over here." He gestured over. Khan noticed she was nervous and he didn't want her to feel out of place. He gave a friendly smile to see if that would make her feel a little safer. Khan's eyes stared into hers, they had an almost hypnotic energy to them now. Whereas before they gave off an aggressive stare, now it was different.

@Masks of Ayn
Keiki woke up late and hurried to put on her clothes and she felt her way to breakfast she got her food and sensed for Kains aura but only found Khans she felt over to her usual table at the back and tried not to look blind so she would not be bullied and she ate alone turned to Khan eyes down
After tending to the garden for a while Kain left the garden to the study room where he red up on some books relating to magical plants of various varieties. When it was close to first period ending Kain asked permission to leave for the library. He explained wanting to study more for botany class, as well as science. She knew Kain was more advanced then some of her students, and allowed him with a pass to make way for the library. He gathered his things placing them in his backpack. He slowly made his way towards the schools library walking calmly through the halls. Kain entered the library after a few minutes of traveling.

Kain made his way to the botany section looking through various books. Kain smiled after gathering 2 books on magical plant life. He also gathered 2 books on enchantments. He found a table near the back of the library, and sat down hardly any students were there. Kain opened a book on magical plant life studying the various types, and their properties.
Khan turned and looked at Keiki. He gazed at her, feeling her presence. Khan sent out an aura to antagonize Keiki a little, testing to see how she would react. He was still extremely furious with her, but would leave her alone depending on how things turned out. Khan wasn't one for being too physical at this point.

@Wild Born
Keiki felt the aura and jolted before shaking her head hard and stopping to face Khan she sent him a aura wave that fwlt like static shocked him and she stood up fealing tables over to the trash can and she threw away her trash and leaned on the wall by the door
Khan simply took it, his eyes glowing. Khan sent multiple psychic bolts at Keiki. He wanted to push her away, even if that meant knocking her back and out the door. Khan was tired of dealing with her and everyone else. If a moment of peace meant shoving others out of his way, then he would not hesitate. Khan was rather ruthless now with his still young Sphinx powers. Of course he got exhausted like usual afterwards. But he didn't mind, it was just a friendly reminder that even he has limits. And he dare not push them.
Kain finished the botany books, and decided to check out the remaining 2. He made his way towers the front desk bypassing tables, and the occasional student that got in the way. He arrived at the front desk being polite in speaking with the librarian about checking out the 2 books. Once the task was done Kain made his way into the halls where he walked for sometime in a calm state.
" Stop it Jerk " Keiki whispered in Khans mind giving him one large push of force and then she decided to leave but she didnt know where to go or where Kain was but she hoped he would be there soon or else she would never get to class without Khan finding out about her being blind

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