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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Keiki unchanged and began to shower finding all her soap by smell and she soon got out steam eminating from her clean skin and she got into her pajamas then walked back out and felt her way back to her bed " Sorry if a trouble " she told Kain
Kain smiled helping her into bed." It is quite alright keiki." He smelled her shampoo. He smiled" you smell nice keiki." He said while tucking her in. He knew he didn't have to do that, but he just wanted to.
(same lol, I was about to go to bed, but am pretending to type an essay to stay on my laptop xD )

(off to bed, cya)
Khan laughed and smiled at her "I'm glad you think so." He sighed and looked at Aella more. Khan thought she was just purely adorable, and he was digging her tail. He went over to the door literally to the right that had a #6 on it. Khan opened the door and walked in, gesturing for Aella to follow. He had never shown her the inside of his dorm, so she might get scared when she sees that Khan is basically a trained killer of all monsters and even has trophies here and there.

@Arabella Rosewood
Aella's tail swished back and forth as she followed. She stood outside the door. She sniffed twice before slowly walking in. She looked around at the dead monsters but didn't even flinch. She was a werewolf after all. One of her daily jobs was border patrol of pack grounds, which could be considered larger than an national park. She protected the pack with the Betas against many different types of monsters. "Nice," she commented honestly.

@The Master
(There are no dead monsters. Just parts of them. Like the fangs of vampires in a jar, a single werewolf pelt, the feathers of an angel, etc. They are all small little trophies so they don't take up much of the room.)

Khan made sure to put away some plants and chemicals before Aella got more into the room. He then closed and locked the door once she was in. He shrugged, not really taking pride in any of his trophies "I guess". Khan walked over and picked out a movie. He walked over and put the DVD in the DVD player. He plopped himself onto his couch in front of the TV. Khan patted the spot next to himself on the couch then sat back. "I hope you don't mind if we watch Finding Nemo. It's one of my favorites." Khan stretched and sighed as he got comfy. "Oh and the beef jerky is in the brown chest next." He pointed towards the numerously colored chests. There was Orange, Green, Brown, Purple, Blue, White, Black, Silver, Gold, Red, Yellow, and Pink. They were sitting on shelves in a pyramid design but each had enough space to be opened but still take up as little space as possible. At the very top of the pyramid there was a chest that was rather large with a crimson and jet black color mix. It had a small ruby skull on it that shone and sparkled brightly.

@Arabella Rosewood
Aella glanced at the door, "Afraid I'm going to leave?" She giggled. "And I guess Finding Nemo is fine." She walked over and day down next to Khan. She continued to eat the jerky with only two pieces left in the bag. She cuddled into the couch, tired from her long day. After watching some of the movie and finishing the jerky, she started falling asleep. Aella feel into a deep sleep after a while. Hey body could only take so much stress. Hey body went limp causing her to start sliding to the side and onto Khan's side.

@The Master
( xD I went to sleep. My bad.)

Christian tilted his head in a clockwise manner, grazing his irises over the two sleeping girls that just happened to be on him. One on his lap, and rthe other one on his shoulder. "Well then."
Khan watched the movie quietly with Aella. At the end of it he turned to see the sleeping Aella on him. Khan put his hands on the side of her head and her arm. He supported her gently as he began to stand up. Khan lowered her slowly onto the couch then walked over to the TV to turn it down. He walked back over and picked Aella up, his arms supporting her back and legs as he carried her. Khan moved slowly to his bed and put Aella down on it, her head resting on his pillow now. He kissed her forehead and put the blanket over her. Khan walked over to the brown chest, opening it up, and taking out a bag of beef jerky. He walked over and opened it, taking a piece and putting it next to Aella's face on the pillow. Khan walked back over to the couch and sat down, switching the channel to cartoons. He ate his snack as he relaxed, watching Aella once in a while during the Spongebob marathon.

@Arabella Rosewood
David sneaks out of his dorm and makes sure no one can here him, as he creeps over to the front doors.

He reaches quietly for the door knob and realizing it is locked he pulls out a weird screwdriver and the door unlocks.
Aella smells the jerky in her sleep and starts to wake up. She opens an eyes and sees the jerky next to her. She then notices she's not in her room. She sits up straight and remembers she's in Khan's room. She lays back down and grabs the jerky and chews on it as she looks at the ceiling. She yawns a bit and cuddles into the blanket.

@The Master
David walks outside the academy quickly gaining speed untill he reaches a full on sprint. He reaches the blue box on a hill and walks into it. It dissapears out of nowhere and reapears quickly and runs back to the school saying "oh no."
Khan fell asleep on the couch, being rather tired himself. He slept quietly, and in an upright position. If not for his slumped back head and limp body, it would seem that he were awake and watching TV. Khan began talking in his sleep, like he does all the time, and seemed almost upset. He half-shouted mumbles and singular words, having them echo into his room where Aella was.

@Arabella Rosewood
Aella looked up at Khan. 'I wonder what he's dreaming about...' she thought to herself. She crawled under the blanket and stuck her head out by the foot of the bed. Her tail swished under the blanket as she watched him. She stretched out her arms, and her tail naturally stretched out as well. She laid on her side as she watched the TV from the bed, but also listening to Khan.

@The Master
Khan cracked his eyes half open and looked at Aella. His eyes were bloodshot and seemed like he were still asleep. Khan was sleep walking now, staring at Aella. "Hey.... Why do.... um... ugh I can't remember." Khan sighed. He sat up straight and just watched Aella "I'm sure I'll.. Uh remember. Yeah, I think." Khan yawned. Talking in his sleep was a normal and constant thing for Khan. Sleep walking, though, happens usually when others are around and not as often as talking in his sleep. Khan has always kept a book under his bed where he wrote down what he could remember during his sleep walking, talking in his sleep, and what his "normal" habits were during those times.

@Arabella Rosewood
Aella watched quietly for a little while, just continuing to listen. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Are you alright?" she asked softly. Aella couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep. She was rather curious as to how he acted while asleep like this. She thought for a moment and then spoke, "Listen to my voice, and when I tell you, you will remember what you have forgotten. Okay.... Remember! Can you tell me what you forgot?" She thought maybe in his sleepy state he might be able to listen and just do what she says. Whenever Aella was super exhausted, she was a blabber mouth. You could ask her any question and she'd tell you her honest answer. She'd just be too tired to lie. But at the moment, she was just curious as to what Khan had to say and what he was doing.

@The Master
Khan blankly stared at Aella for a moment. "Oh yeah. Thanks." Khan remembered, just as Aella told him to. "You're cute do you wanna go out?" He asked Aella. Khan was able to put the statement and question into one quick sentence. He reached down and took his book out from under his bed. "Also, before you say yes. So would you say that werewolves dislike wolfsbane more, or silver?" Khan switched topics on the drop of a dime. He looked at Aella, waiting for an answer to his questions.

(When he sleeps walks/talks, text will be italicized.)

@Arabella Rosewood

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