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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"How so?" asked Zaanna in a child like manner, but was obviously genuinely curious. She then preceded to crawl over to where Christian was sitting and started to watch the T.V he had turned on.
Volan opened up a fridge, changing back to her genie form. She got out a plate of chicken. She put it in the microwave and heated it up. After it was done, she teleported back. "I'm back master! Did you miss me?"
"I've had her for a long period of time. That's how." Brushing off her question, he resumed his actions, lifting his arm to an extent of which the remote pointed at the television at an angle, thus, he could change the channels. Moments later, his little friend returned, causing fear in Zaana. Obviously, she wasn't used to these sorts of things. Huffing, he turned his gaze slowly upward towards Volan. "Chicken?"
After a few moments she looked up to see that it was just the genie. Zaanna put her chin on his shoulder to watch the T.V again.
Volan held out the plate. "Here you go master!" She said with a giggle. She sat on her master's lap, still in genie form.
Christian raised a brow, seeing as though he was currently surrounded by a room full of girls. And they happened to be in his own dorm room. Sighing, he took hold of the food Volan had retrieved for him just as she sat on his lap, and Zaana rested her chin on his shoulder. He kept calm, simply keeping his focus on the television.
"I'm Volan!" She said grinning. She looked at the remote in Christian's hand then at Christian. "Can I pick what we watch?" She asked, putting on a pouty face. "Pleeeeeaase?"
Zaanna took her chin off of Christian's shoulder and shifted around, making herself comfortable; she then precedes to lean on Christian's arm and looked like she was starting to get tired, she continues to watch the T.V.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]( @Ib All Alone )

Kain lead keiki to her dorm standing in front of it with her. He opened the door" well here we are back at your room. I hope you had a good day today." He said with a friendly smile. Kain then lead her into her room leading her to her bed. He gently set her down on the bed.
Volan leaned back on Christian. "You don't mind this, right?" She asked, her head on his shoulder.

(Omg, I love the game Ib!!!!)
Keiki smiled and said " Thank you Kain have a good night but one more thing do you know how to work the showers ? "
Christian huffed, rolling his irises as he handed over the remote to Volan. Once doing so, he retracted his arms, placing them to rest at the back of his head, leaving his elbows to hang in the air. Shifting his attention to the two girls leaning all over him, he closed his eyelids, taking in a deep breath before responding. "I don't care."
"Good" purred Zaanna "I don't think I can move anyways, (I'm) to comfortable anyways" Zaanna said as her eyelids stared to droop.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki smiled and said " Thank you Kain have a good night but one more thing do you know how to work the showers ? "

Kain smiled" indeed I do why do you ask?" He said in a curious tone. He wondered if it had to do with her being blind. If it was indeed the case he could just turn it on for her then leave he guessed.
" I wanted to take a shower before bed " Keiki told himnalready grabbing her pajamas and bathing soap
Kain bowed his head" very well I shall turn it on for you." He said. Kain proceeded to the bathroom where he would turn the water on to a nice warm temperature with some steam filling the room. Kain walked back to her after a few moments" Ok the water is ready for you." He said calmly.
" if you dont mind can you stay out here in case I fall " Keiki asked and got up and felt with her feet to the bathroom
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" if you dont mind can you stay out here in case I fall " Keiki asked and got up and felt with her feet to the bathroom

Kain helped her onto the bathroom" there you are. Ok I'll be right outside if you need me." He said ruffling her hair a bit. Once outside the bathroom he closed the door behind him. Kain pulled a chair sitting nearby waiting patiantly.
Zaanna yawned and merely said "Good night." With that she fell asleep on Christians' shoulder letting out a soft mixture of a purr and a snore.
Christian peered at Zaanna, raising his brow as he did so. Contemplating his next move for a few moments, he decided to leave her be, and remain still so she could get some rest. Yawning himself, he then scratched at the back of his head.
Volan yawned also. "Must...stay...awake..." She said, her eyes closing. "Limited...time...outside...lamp.." She said, unwillingly falling asleep. Her head landed in her master's lap.
Aella inhales half the bag in a flash, her tail coming back and thumping against the wall. "Sure, why not?" she said as she chewed on the 6th piece like a dog. "I like food. Food is good. And movies. Movies are good, too," she said as she munched on the meat.

@The Master

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