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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

(Sorry had school and try outs, I made it though :D ) Zaanna with a cat like yawn started to stir and stretch "Haven't slepted like that (in a) long time" said Zaanna still half-awake and drowsy
Volan slowly opened her eyes and yawned. "That was comfy master." She said after yawning. "Were you comfortable?" She asked as a loyal servant would.
Christian glanced at them both, running his fingers through his enlightened silvered strands of hair, stifling a yawn while examining them both. "Ah. You're up." He then took a few moments to rub his head, while answering her question. "I guess."
Volan grinned and hugged him. "Goodie! We wouldn't want you to be grumpier then you already are, would We master?" She smiled and backed away. "Want me to make some coffee or something master?" She asked happily.
Volan smiled and nodded. "Two cups of coffee, coming right up!" And with that she disappeared into thin air to get some coffee.
*Yaawwwn* Still fresh from her sleep, Zaanna was still trying to wake up. She decided to just sit their, staring at the ceiling wondering about the new life of a student and how it will play out. After a few moments of staring at the ceiling she turned to face Christian and feel into a hypnotic trance as she just stared at his hair. "You have such nice hair" was all she could get out.



Two black haired students walk side by side, steps in sync as they strolled. A male and a female, they had got in the night prior and as instructed was told to report to the head master's chamber the morning after, where he gave them a list of classes to attend.

The female's bright blue eyes, clear as the sky and just as enticing to gaze into, giddily took in the architecture of all the buildings. Her counterpart, a head and a half taller than her, had deep firey burgundy hues that welded themselves into anyone's memory, who carelessly kept his eyes ahead, hands deep in his pockets.

"Ah, so sleepy," the male bellows out a yawn, stretching his arms out above his head. "Lets just go back to the dorms and take a nap. It's not like Maribelle is here to force us to class."

"It's our first day, Rezzu, brother we can't just skip it!" She pouts a little looking over the schedule, "Besides exams are going to start soon and I don't have any idea what's been taught to study..."

Rezzu snickers, and pats his twins black locks and ruffles them as they turned a corner. They were aimlessly walking really, they didn't know where anything was.

"We missed the whole first quarter or... halhalf a semester, whichever it is. I really doubt anyone would care by now."

"You don't take this seriously," Cierce sighs, her steps halting to look around. "Uh..." they seemed to have made their way to a courtyard. "Do you know where we need to go?"

She bounced on her heels, the courtyard was beautiful with flowers and trees. It reminded her of their old village.

The boy laughs haughtily, stretching once more. Pivoting on his heels he back tracks to where she stopped. "If I did, I'd probably let you figure it out anyways." Rezzu smirks seeing her excitedness, "But no, I haven't a clue. Let's wait here, maybe, hopefully people will pass by who we cold follow."
Zaanna walked down the corridor, still dazed by her sleep, letting out a yawn she turned the corner walking into the courtyard, still half-asleep she payed no attention to where she was walking.
Volan walked to her first period class. She rushed there, not wanting to be late. She then stopped and laughed at herself. "Oh, Volan, you idiot! You can teleport there!" She said, snapping her fingers and arriving at first period.
You can only post with one person so many times before needing to allow others to possibly be involved. So a ... very loose posting order if you will.
Zaanna continued to walk through the coutryard, still not looking at where she went. She suddenly was knocked back to the ground "Oooouch" she yelped out somewhat loudly.
Christian, seeing as though both females had previously headed to class just before he himself did, he grunted as he slowly stood up, stretching his arms skyward before tossing on a shirt and heading out of his dorm. Throwing his bag over his shoulder as he closed and locked the door, just before heading down the hall and down the stairs.
Rezzu sat on a bench in the courtyard. His burgundy eyes looking up as he relaxes, arms going up to rest against the back of the bench.

Haring a faint crunching he lifts up his head, noting a female, who looked just as sleepy as he felt. Blinking, he smirks, canting his head to the side. He saw the pattern as she wasn't paying attention... Moving to walk right into Cierce. He waits, grinning a Cheshire grin quietly.

Ceirce took up a large portion of the courtyard as she sat on her knees and watched the flowers. She used her magic lightly to have wind blow over them in a dance. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, not used to these flowers.

"Ooof!" She was run into, tipping over and catching herself on her forearm. She blinks and looks over to the girl who was also on the ground. "Oh my! Hello, I'm sorry I didn't see you," she giggles softly sitting back up and crawling over a few paces. "Are you alright?"

Rezzu begins to laugh, watching the two get knocked over. "You should watch your surroundings."
(When you type for both your characters, can you use different colors to signify the difference please? Idk about anyone else, but I had to read that like 5 times before understanding it xD )

"Hi" Zaanna said as she got up and brushed herself off.
(Maybe. Possibly. Well. If it is. I give it inactivity for five days before I delete it.

If its dead, then I still have my new roleplay xD )
(Alright. So I say we all just time skip right now and message our absent partners about what we would have wanted to happen. Well, tomorrow haha so that we can all get a chance.)

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