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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

@Mayfly (Paige)

Sitting outside his literature teacher's classroom on a small chair, Drake lazily rests his head on both of his hands interlocked by their fingers. He sighs a little, "Waiting for this guy is really getting annoying." He was waiting for his teacher whom he set up a meeting with. However, the meeting was scheduled to start over an hour ago. Drake decided to sit for another ten minutes. He looked around at his surroundings, barely moving his head, but his eyes dashing about. He saw someone a few kids here and there in the halls, but one stuck out to him. "This one seems quite...Done. Done with everything," he thought to himself, noticing the girl's sluggish walk and thousand yard stare. He just stared at her as she walked, wondering what would make her feel this way. As she got a little closer, he averted his gaze and she walked by in front of him. Not ten steps away, he decided waiting an hour and four minutes was enough, and got up after her. He took a few steps and matched her speed, but still a little behind. Looking at the back of her head, he asked with his usual boring tone, "Are you alright?"
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Paige turned to look at him, self-consciously pulling her bag closer, saying nothing. After a moment of silence, she mumbled almost inaudibly, "it doesn't matter." With that, she turned back to face the front, heading to her next class, physics, was it?


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Pausing for a moment, Drake thinks to himself, "I thought right," letting out a small and quick breath as he realizes this. He speeds up just a little as to catch up to his previous following distance, and he says in a much softer tone, "Well hey, I'm sure you need to get to class, as do I." And then he adds, "If it isn't too much trouble, would you mind telling me the room number you're going to?" "I'll try and meet up with her after class, she seems very distraught," was among the plethora of thoughts in his head.
Hiroshi was more than grateful for all that Rezzu had done. He himself knew nothing about the school, and probably would have ended up collapsing before he got close enough to the Nurse's Office anyway. He was generally used to being older than his friends, or at least more respected, and hence was unused to the honorific "-kun".

Despite this, he was glad to have made a new friend and, when Rezzu placed his arm around him, went to return the favor. However, very quickly, he retracted his arm, realizing that he still bore the mark on his left hand, indicating his previous night spent as a demon, and hoped that his new friend hadn't noticed it.
With permission, Aella had left schools for a couple days. She had left in order to meet with Isaac's parents. She explained to them the many years of pain she had been put through and demanded the engagement be broken but the treaty approved of immediately. She told them that if they didn't agree to /her/ terms, she wouldn't be afraid yo cause war this time. Her pack may be peaceful, but if she were to tell them of the abuse Isaac had put her through, they would rise up and destroy the other pack. Isaac's parents, fully knowing of her pack's capability to do something like that, agreed after the third day. It had been three longs days she spent in and out of the audience hall. Three days she spent fighting for her freedom to be the Alpha she wanted to be. Thankfully, Isaac wasn't there to threaten her while she stayed. He was out on border patrol. And in the end, she won. As soon as she received her answer and all the papers were signed, she left. She ran home to her pack and told them everything. Her parents finally saw the alpha they wanted her to be and told her she didn't have to go back. But Aella had grown to love the school and chose to return.

In wolf form, Aella ran past the front gates and ran inside the school building, she didn't really know why she didn't go back to her room or into the office to check in. Her instincts told her to keep going. Her claws clicked on the floors as she ran. They scratched a bit as she turned a corner. She saw Paige and Drake. It was Paige her instincts had been pulling her toward. The human girl that had learned about supernatural exsistance from Khan just popping it all into her head at once. She came to a sliding stop, her paws not letting her stop immediately. She quickly transformed back, but only after glancing at Drake and feeling a strange relief fill her body and her eyes flash yellow.

"Paige!" Aella called. She ran up next to the girl. "Do you remember me? I was never able to talk to you after Khan...." She didn't really know how to say what Khan did to give her the knowledge SK she dropped the sentence. "Anyway, I'd still like to talk," she said standing tall but her voice was gentle, calm, and firm. Aella had felt bad about just leaving the girl to freak out about everything.

Aella had a new strength about her. She felt at peace and her confidence was back. She didn't need to fear Isaac anymore.

@Mayfly @Lethal
Khan woke up in his room groaning. He looked around, seeing his entire dorm messed up. Plants and dirt was scattered, his chests were opened and stuff was spread all over the floor. Khan saw the jeweled chest on the floor and dragged himself to it. He lifted it up and saw it was unopened, so he sighed in relief. "What....?" He didn't even finish speaking he was so shocked. Khan sat up and just remained on the floor, everything broken or torn apart save for the chest he was holding.

He stood up after a while and found half of the calender by his feet. Khan saw that it had been almost four days. One moment he was in the gym, the next in his dorm. He changed his clothes, grabbed onto the black chest, and stepped out. Khan walked around slowly, feeling horrible. He decided to just find out what classes he had remaining that day, go to them, then rest. He moved almost like a zombie, his head down as he shuffled around through the academy.
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" I cant wait " Keiki said turned to Kain with a big smile " When are we going ? " she asked excitedly

Kain smiled pulling out some books " soon after exams we will depart for the ball." He said in a friendly tone. He opened a book on Shakespeare pointing at the pages" alright how do you like Shakespeare?" He asked curiously.
Keiki smiled and nodded " And I heard that a musical showcase is coming up and I have a song I want to sing for you its happening at the ball " Keiki said happily
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki smiled and nodded " And I heard that a musical showcase is coming up and I have a song I want to sing for you its happening at the ball " Keiki said happily

Kain smiled " oh really wow well i look forward to it im sure mother would love your voice." He said in a kind tone. He leaned back in his chair" so keiki have you decided what your going to wear to the ball?" He asked curiously.
" I have a dress in mind " Keiki said and turned to Kain and placed her hands on her desk
Paige bit her lip as she halted in her tracks. She didn't know if she wanted him to talk to her. Truthfully, she enjoyed being alone. Peace and quiet, but she was starting to get lonely. Her nightly calls with her siblings helped a little, but without them actually there...

"12." she told him quietly, then continued on her way. Suddenly she flinched at the sound of her name being called, recognizing the girl from the other time. Aella, that was her name. She shook slightly at the memory she'd tried so hard to forget, and she wasn't about to be reminded. The pink-haired girl started walking faster, ignoring the Aella. "Don't." she muttered to the other girl, hoping she'd hear and stop.

{ hip hip willpower }

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[QUOTE="Wild Born]" I have a dress in mind " Keiki said and turned to Kain and placed her hands on her desk

Kain smilef" thats good then i guess we are all set." He said. He handed her a piece of paper" alright write someth8ng poetic give it a shot." He said with a smile. He handed her a exquisite black quil pen.
Aella clenched her jaw. She stepped in front of Paige. "No. This isn't the kind girl I met. That girl was strong and wanted to help me when I couldn't help myself. Now we've switched rolls and it's my turn to help you. At least, give me a chance.... Please. We don't even really have to talk. Just let me show you. Let me be your friend." Aella wasn't one to give up easily. I took her her entire life to stay strong until she could be brave enough to stand up against Isaac. She was no longer some pup doing what she was told. She was a wolf ready to be Alpha.

" Ok a topic if you will " Keiki said holding the quil pen in her right hand and she got ready to write
Kandy waited and continued to twist his tail and bite his lip harder and watches as it falls onto his shoe and sighs and stopped biting his lip for a moment to talk to who ever was beside him "I did it again" starts to bite his left side bottom lip again making more blood come out
[QUOTE="Wild Born]" Ok a topic if you will " Keiki said holding the quil pen in her right hand and she got ready to write

Kain rubbed his chin" hmmmm how about something emotional strong, and relatable. How about love...yes love thats a good one." He said calmly. He watched her patiantly waiting till she was done to read what she wrote.
Khan saw Aella and overheard what she said to Paige. He smiled, "Good for her" He mumbled. Khan was glad that at least she was doing good. He had a feeling Paige would accept her help with an attitude like that. Khan sat down on a bench once reaching one, tired and drained. He looked at the chest then set it beside him. Khan just sat there, waiting for nothing in particular.
Keiki thought for a moment and wrote " I wrote your name in the sky but the wind blew it away, I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away, I wrote your name in my heart and it is still there and will be there forever,

I love you, Keiki " " There " she said and gave it to him
Kandy walked in circles not sure what to do or where to go and started to move faster and faster slowly but at a steady pace "oh what do I do what do I do what should I do what dibi have to do ohhhh!!!" Walks to the wall and leans his head on it and bites his lip again
[QUOTE="Wild Born]
Keiki thought for a moment and wrote " I wrote your name in the sky but the wind blew it away, I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away, I wrote your name in my heart and it is still there and will be there forever,
I love you, Keiki " " There " she said and gave it to him

Kain took the paper containing her love poem. He looked over it slowly reading every word. He smiled as he read the poem. He set it down loolimg at keiki" i must say that is a very lovely poem keiki i love it. I will not inquire, but i guess from the poem that this came from emotions stired from a real peraon in your life instead of just thought up on the spot." He said holding his hands together.
Keiki blushed and whispered " Ive never know love till I met you " and she turned away feeling embarrassed
Kandy started to lightly bang his head on the wall as it echoed through the the halls and rooms and didn't care what would happen if he was thrown out for doing it. He started to hum a sad and painful melody and lightly chuckled and scrated his ear with his free hand and once done doing so he placed it in his pocket and sighed while continuing to hum hearing the him echo as well unsure who would hear it, but also not caring
[QUOTE="Wild Born]Keiki blushed and whispered " Ive never know love till I met you " and she turned away feeling embarrassed

Kain remained stunned for a few seconds trying to comprehend what she just said. While he did hear her it just shocked him she would say that about him. They had only know eachother a short time, and although he did help her around alot he didnt understand why she felt that way. His cheeck turned a slight red color, as he looked at keiki" I-I dont know what to say keiki..this is just so sudden. I will admit i have grown to have feelings for you as well, but i did not imgaine you loved me." He said in a shicked tone. It wasent that he didn't like hearing her say that it was just the sudden confession.
((I guess I'll just go since y'all seem to be busy besides I has no one to talk to for now lolz I mean unless y'all don't mind me solo rpung here for now it'll just be like everyday talking to myself and what not))
(You could run into Khan who is just sitting on a bench. I'm not surprised you most likely didn't read it though.)

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