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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Kayla's gaze met his, a glowing expression upon her face. Blinking, realizing how close he was to her, she scooted a few inches away, before shifting her attention to her skirt as she began to fix it. "Yes. So?"
Khan snapped his fingers and hell fire appeared on his hand. It crackled and flowed around it. "Hell fire WILL burn a demon. Badly. If you want to get burned still." He held out his hand to her. The heat of the hell fire did in fact have a painful effective when it got too close to Kayla. Khan knew demons didn't mind pain. He met plenty who enjoyed it actually in a rather sick way. Khan didn't assume anything of Kayla though since she was a hybrid.
Kayla blinked her eyes intensively at the said flame in his hand. Her playful sense had completely disappeared, and she grew quite blank in both expression and wording. She said nothing, nor did she show anything on her face. Cocking her head to the side while still staring at the flame, she extended her index finger, allowing a blue light to illuminate from the tip of her finger. In doing so, it caused the hell fire to cease in existence once coming close. She then blew her breath, straightening her posture and mumbling. "I couldn't even if I wanted to."
Khan smiled, almost in a condescending way. The hell fire came back the moment Kayla moved away. It snatched onto her as Khan touched her with it. "Hell fire cripples angels if they don't put it out with that little magic trick you just used." Khan spoke as the hell fire began to burn Kayla. He moved away a bit and let the hell fire consume Kayla's figure slowly. Khan had a feeling she would react fast enough to put it out before taking too much pain.
Kayla grit her teeth together, her own body emitting the same blue light of which emitted from the tip of her finger just seconds earlier. Once the fire ceased to exist, she abruptly stood up, slamming her hands down upon the top of the table. Allowing her bangs to shade her irises, she stood there for a few moments, staring blankly at the ground below her.
Khan watched her, remaining silent for a bit. He moved a bit closer, "You alright?" Khan tilted his head. Seeing her act like she was angry Khan thought about apologizing. Kayla did say she didn't care so he wasn't at fault. Khan remained silent again and simply waited.
Paige stared out at the scenery spread before her, taking it in with awe. She listened to Aella wordlessly, showing none of her emotions.

"We aren't really all that different." At that sentence, Paige's eyes widened, thinking back to the powers she had hid from everyone but her siblings.When the other girl brought out the purple stone, Paige gazed at it, reaching out with an indecisive hand and taking it in her palm carefully. She squeezed her eyes shut and made a dropping motion but stopped halfway through, her hand relaxing after a moment and her eyes blinking open.

"I can't do it." Paige paused, then smiled at Aella, "but if there are supernaturals like you, I don't mind all too much."

@Arabella Rosewood


She smiled as he pulled her into a hug, pressing her face against his chest and breathing in his scent { not creepy. At all } before stepping back once he released her. Brooke glanced at Cierce and stuck a flower in the other girl's hair. "It was nice to have ran into you too. This school keeps to themselves way too much."

She fell into step beside Cierce, hurrying Rezzu on while listening to him talk. "Seriously? Well, you smell the same at least. A pet? Be careful about making these people your pets." Brooke warned, biting her lip, "you never know how dangerous they really are."

@Masks of Ayn
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Kayla sighed, settling herself back down into her seat. She sighed, blowing her breath as she did so. Slowly turning her gaze back towards Khan, she tapped her fingers on the table. She hadn't truly felt the need to say anything, but simply nodded her head to signal she was okay.
Khan made a small little spiral of flames on his palm. It was similar to the one Kayla was in except it was only smaller. Khan watched it as he let it go and whirl around the table. It singed and burned it as it moved around like a little tornado. Khan smiled as he observed it's movements. Khan wondered if Kayla enjoyed the hell fire as much as he did. He was a demon so causing others pain was a bit enjoyable.
Cierce smiles brightly as Brooke catches up and tucks a flower into her black hair. She touches it gently, a small puff of air opening the petals gently, before giggling lightly. "Yes! It is always good to rekindle friendships also!"

The girl was hungry, she kept up the swift pace to the cafeteria before skidding, slightly, to a halt. "Wait... am I even going the right way?" At first she assumed so, but realized she had never been to the cafeteria before.


Rezzu smirks, having taken in the lingering scent from her into is nose. {No, totally not creepy} He waves a hand at Cassie.. Brooke? Whatever her name was now, didn't matter really as he tread along behind the two girls. His hands shifted to delve into his pockets.

"Yeah, yeah. People don't change too much over the years, ya'know."

Oofing he bumped into Cierce when she stopped. He looks down at her and pats her head, "Way to go," he smirks, starting to get hungry himself. " 'Bloom, you know where to go?" he hadn't a clue himself really, was just following along. "And eh, the kid isn't from the school, seems weak. I don't think it'd be a problem," he grins, removing a hand from his pocket to playfully poke a finger into Cassie's shoulder and nudge her, he tried to act playful and joking. He didn't want to worry either of them about his demonic antics.

"Haven't really been there much but I've explored the school pretty thoroughly. There are lots of secret places here and there to skip class." Brooke says, wrinkling her nose cutely when he nudged her. "Come on, this way. We can take a shortcut I found a while ago." The faerie motions for them to follow her, making her way into the school and heading straight for a wall. She slides her finger across the wall, mutters a spell to reveal the door and pushes it open, letting them in and closing it behind her. The tunnel was dark, and the ones in the school were all intertwined together, making it much like a maze. But Brooke remembered the paths very clearly, having taken it many times. She moved around the tunnels quickly, unfazed at the confusing crossroads and finally reaching the door that led to right outside the cafeteria. She'd just have to make sure no one would notice, it was her little secret after all. "Hold on." she muttered a small hiding spell and pushed open the door, stepping out in front of the cafeteria doors.

@Masks of Ayn

{ nice christmas profile picture ;0 }
Cierce lifts up her head to look up at Rezzu behind her and smiles, chuckling lightly as he patted her head.

Looking between Brooke and Rezzu she smiles with a purr. Rotating with a pivot she steps aside so Rezzu had space once more, though she preferred knowing he was so close.

Nodding she holds her hand out forward with a pointing finger above Brooke's head. "To the cafeteria!"


Rezzu smirks down at Cierce, catching on that Brooke was Cassie's name to hide her identity, but why? Did something happen with the fae to her? His brows furrowed for a second before he noticed that cute nose wrinkle she did.

He laughs some, his hand reaching out after Cierce scooted away to pat her head again.

Following Brooke, he blinked at the tunnels.
These could become handy if I got to know them... He thinks with a grin. The darkness was no big deal to him. It worried him about Cierce though and he kept her close, holding her hand.

As they stepped out after a few twists and confusing turns, the smell of food bombarded him, causing a growl from his stomach. As the light overtook the dark again he let go of Cierce's hand, grinning and patting Brooke on the head with a light ruffle of her hair.

"Gold job. C'Mon let's eat."


Cierce followed them through then tunnel. Rezzu had grabbed her hand pretty immediately and she felt better in the dark.

Before it seemed quickly they were across to the cafeteria the food smelling anazing. Grinning when they stepped out after Brooke cast a spell she grins and hugs the girl.

"Yay! Let's go eat!"

She runs ahead of them go the cafeteria doors, turning to beckon them quickly. Cierce didn't wait long though, the worry, anxiety and excitement of the day had her starving. She went in line and collected three trays... four, remembering Rezzu needed to get food for others.


[Thanks :3]
[QUOTE="The Master]Khan made a small little spiral of flames on his palm. It was similar to the one Kayla was in except it was only smaller. Khan watched it as he let it go and whirl around the table. It singed and burned it as it moved around like a little tornado. Khan smiled as he observed it's movements. Khan wondered if Kayla enjoyed the hell fire as much as he did. He was a demon so causing others pain was a bit enjoyable.

Kayla sat blankly while he did what he wished with the flame swirling upon the table. She hasn't much interest to be found in his new actions, but simply thoughts about how she would continue throughout the year.
"Have you ever eaten a flame?" Khan asked Kayla without looking at her. He continued to make little fire tornadoes and let them loose on the table. Khan took one and actually ate it, turning to look at Kayla as he swallowed it.
Out in the courtyard sat a girl with headphones on, blasting music at a outrageous volume. Oblivious to her surroundings, she was throwing pieces of meat into the air as wolves jumped and ate her thrown meat.

Zaanna walked out, humming, of her classroom, and towards the dorm rooms. As she walked more and more she realized that she still hadn't found her dorm, "Oh yeah" whispered Zaanna to herself. She paused and considered her options, and decided it was best to visit Sakura and Christian's room. Maybe I'll be able to have some fun she thought to herself as she started to walk in the direction she needed to go in.
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(Finally done with school! Yes!)

Aella's face brightens up with excitement, her tail popping out in a half transformation and wags vigorously. Aella takes the little stone back. "They aren't all like me, but humans don't generally encounter the nasty ones." Aella's wolf ears pop out next and the twitch and flick around as she talks happily with Paige. "So, shall we head back? Think you can survive?" She asks tilting her head to the side.

[QUOTE="The Master]"Have you ever eaten a flame?" Khan asked Kayla without looking at her. He continued to make little fire tornadoes and let them loose on the table. Khan took one and actually ate it, turning to look at Kayla as he swallowed it.

"Eating...a flame?" Kayla shook her head, both awkwardness and curiosity filling her glimmering irises.She kept her gaze fixated upon the surface of the table, staring at the tiny dancing flames. She herself could do things somewhat similar, but felt no need to show off as he was. "No. I haven't."
Khan's flames suddenly became little fire clones of Kayla. They sat down and looked up at her. "Go ahead and try it." There was a purple one, a green one, a white one, and a blue one. "My favorite is the purple." Khan smiled. He made a couple more and had the little fires move around the table.
Kayla shook her head, turning her gaze elsewhere besides the surface of the table. Sighing, she clasped her hands together and placed them carefully into her lap. While doing so she parted her thinned lips to speak to him in a low whisper of some sort. "No thank you."
"What's the matter? Why are you so distant?" Khan looked over at her. He moved a bit closer, scooting over just a few inches. The temperature around them starting to drop. His flames dissipated and Khan sat beside her, a hint of concern in his voice.
The girl with the blasting headphones walked into the cafeteria, with wolves following her, they headed towards the food and got a couple plates of steak and salad. On her way back to the outside, a wolf jumped up and nudged her, causing her open backpack to spew out its contents. Releasing a sigh, she set the food down on the table and picked up her dropped stuff. Once she finished packing up she took the food and went outside, not noticing that she had forgot her pack of cigarettes on the ground.
Kayla blinked her eyelids confused as to why he would ask such a question with a hint of concern in his voice. Blowing her breath to let out some steam, she turned her gaze towards him just as he began moving closer. This caused a hint if nervousness to corral inside her heart, creating a glowing oink shade to form upon her pale cheeks. "Uhm. Distant? I'm not distant. Just, different."

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