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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Khan got up after he finished his nap. He saw it was still early enough for him to get something to eat so he decided to make his way to the cafeteria. Khan saw Kayla as he walked, deciding to leave her be. Once he got to the cafeteria he realized that he had no idea as to what he wanted to eat. Khan shrugged and decided to just get whatever the lunch ladies were willing to give. Once he got his food, he walked over to an empty table and sat down.
"Yeah... and you're mother's got a point." He pokes her on the forehead, and says "Take it from me, it's a good piece of advice." He stands up, and stretches again, his eyes returning to their normal shade. "Well then... I wonder when your dad is getting here."

Mayfly said:
{ *slowly reads everything* ahhh okay sorry Brisbane shit was happening beaches and theme parks and why do we keep having K ships [emoji23] }
Brooke watched Rezzu walk off with mild interest, wondering who his so-called pet was. She didn't stop him though, she'd find out one way or the other. The girl turned and smiled at Cierce, rushing over to help her with the trays, searching for a empty table. Her green eyes land on one and she strolls over, holding the tray. "So, what've you been doing all the years I haven't seen you?" she asked Cierce curiously as she took a seat, placing the tray down carefully.

@Masks of Ayn
(Found it!)

Cierce watches Rezzu leave and waves goodbye, nearly dropping a tray. She giggles and thanks Brooke when she aided her before collecting their own food and moving to find seats.

Sitting down across from Brooke she smiles, staring at the food a moment.

"Oh, well, we were in foster care most of the time... so we went in and out of homes and orphanages quite a bit until about the age of twelve." She takes a bite of a cupcake and smiles, "We took care of one another for the longest time, even left the orphanages on our own a little while... but we are under care by a Witch right now. Maribelle, she's really wonderful, she was the one who enrolled us here."

Ceirce looks around the cafeteria a moment with her bright blues before settle back onto Brooke. She takes some more of her dessert into her mouth. "What about you?"



(( @y0k9o no problem, just tag my name so I know you reply okay? Or else I don't know lol))

Rezzu sits and eats at some of his food, mainly watching Kandy. He was surprised for someone so starved and malnurished looking that he ate so slow.

Rezzu shrugs a bit to Kandy and eats more of his food, reaching for his own drink.

"Eh, I'm not the only person who needs go eat," he grins jokingly, "I won't charge much." He chuckles with Kandy before swallowing down the left over contents on his pallet, watching the kid seem to be less skittish and... crazy. Being hungry can do a number to someone, he thinks.

"It's not a big deal..."
@Masks of Ayn

Kandy nodded and finished eating and swallowed the rest of the food he was chewing "So this place is a school, right¿?" Looks at rezzu and takes and finishes the drink in one huge gulp and smiled "Hmm biggest meal I ever had, well ibdobowe you" stands up and puts the tray on the counter "So what do I do to repay you¿?"
Khan ate his food at a moderate pace. He watched a couple of other students, one of them eating as slowly as he was. Khan heard the student saying something about owing someone for the meal. "We don't really.... have to pay do we?" Khan wondered to himself. He had never been asked for any money after getting his food. Khan shrugged, maybe the student was being exploited and if so then it wasn't really Khan's problem. If not, then lucky Khan, he didn't have to pay.
Byron went back to the doorway and said,"Alright, suit yourself then..." He rested up on his door and rested against it. He then turned his gaze to a nearby clock and said,"Well, it's about time to head over to the cafeteria...Wanna continue our little conversation there?" He then stood up, stretched his arms out for a moment, and began to "limp" down the hallway. He didn't know if she was with him or not, but he was gonna get to the cafeteria with or without her. ((Sorry I haven't been able to post lately...too much holiday stuff))
Brooke smiled hesitantly, tipping her head to one side. "Well... I got my parents to let me take on a human identity a year after you guys vanished, partially to look for you and to just for the experience. They agreed, as long as I'd return when I was 19." Brooke looked down at her tray, playing with her food. "I was in an orphanage in England for a while, until a nice young couple adopted me, but my powers went haywire when I was 14, and they freaked," she said with a sad laugh, "I ended up being abandoned in California on a trip a year later, and I found my way here." She turned her head towards the window almost wistfully, thinking of the human family that she'd grown to love, and how they'd turned on her with one snap of a finger. They were one of the reasons why she never trusted anyone anymore, Cierce and Rezzu included. Though she definitely let down her guard a bit around them. Not real smart, Brooke.

@Masks of Ayn
Kayla settled herself carefully below the branches of an old oak tree, carefully resting her head backwards to connect with the trunk of the tree. With a sigh ,she crossed her legs together, due to her attire of wearing a short skirt. In doing so, she shifted her !is gaze skyward, staring aimlessly at the twinkling stars above.
Zanna shrugs at hearing this and continued to lay there. "I don't know, kinda hard to get to this planet, he can be here at any time" stated Zanna as she threw a cube into her mouth. "Want some?" she asked Zero though her chewing the bloody cube of meat.

"Sure." Zero just stares blankly at the sky, and tries to appear casual. However, he rarely made contact with females and none the less was talking to a fairly attractive one.

Zanna threw one at him, hoping that he would catch it, if not she would just eat it so that didn't matter to her. After throwing one at Zero she popped one into her own mouth as well, "How's it taste?" she asked as she chewed down the meat.
Zero didn't even look at the meat that was thrown at him, and caught it, then popping it into his mouth. "It tastes good... could use some... Flare." He stares at the sky, identifying clouds.
"Like... some seasoning, and a bit less raw." he sits up, making hand gestures as he explains, "You can't just eat raw meat. you gotta cook it, and spice it, and flavor it, and then..." He chuckles in a playful evil tone. "Devour it."
Zanna shrugged at hearing this. "You don't have that option in the wild, I've just gotten use to eating it without fancying it up like this place does" Zanna chuckled as she preceded to take out a cigarette and light it.
Zero frowns, and then replies, "Now... tell me this. Are we in the wild? Cause to me this looks like civilization." He chuckles, and adds "And plus... why survive, when you can thrive? you'll die with regrets if you don't have some of my cooking." He chuckles, and plays with a black ball that appeared in his hands, tossing it up in the air and catching it.
Zanna goes quite for a few moments while exhaling smoke every couple of moments, then shrugs. "Power of habit. Also I just like it the way they showed me" replies Zanna as she exhales again. "Bring me some than" she chuckles, obviously pleased that she could be lazy some more.
"How about we go get some right now? We can wait at my place till' your dad gets here." He out stretches his hand again, black mist surrounding it.

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