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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Khan went around campus in boredom after finishing his food. He saw Kayla in her tree and let her be, and he saw plenty of other students doing their own thing. "Man, this place is so boring... No one is doing anything fun..." He sighed. Khan went outside of academy grounds, looking around to make sure no one was nearby. He went a ways away from the school even more just to be sure. Khan exhaled, the heat around him skyrocketing as he turned into a phoenix.

Rezzu stares at Kandy a moment. Smirking he goes back to eating, before pointing his fork to the other milks on the male's plate. "Just say thank you, which you did, and tell me if that isn't enough."

Rezzu surely had plans, but he wasn't going to make it easy. He'd think through this, make it so all the plays were an advantage to him.

"And stick around, I'm sure it'd be easy to get you enrolled. This place would be safe for you." He ensures, which Rezzu would follow through if the kid decided to stay.

He looks over to their other friend, wondering if that hit on the head was more serious than they thought, before gazing back at Kandy with his heavy red gaze. " That's all, for now."


(@The Cobalt Killer I hope you, possibly, return ever?))


Cierce stares at Brooke for a moment, her head tipping to the side with a curious look. Chewing on her lip she waited, to not interrupt, before licking over her top lip. "Why would you look for us?" Did she not know? She wonders, truly?

Smiling softly she plays with her food for a little bit, thinking of what to say. "We're that orphanage nice to you? Ours weren't very nice...," she trails off with a bite of food, before swallowing the contents down with water. "I'm sorry about your human parents... we had that happen a few times when we were younger."

She watches Brooke stare out a window, notices her eyes which seem to zone blankly to think about other things, probably memories though Cierce didn't truly know. "It's a strange world, really. You can't ever expect anything, becuase it could be something else entirely. It's not boring, though I suppose."

Kandy nodded slowly and out a grin from ear to ear "if you insist, though I'm not very smart" he looks down at the ground a little ashamed after he stopped grinning and threw away the trash in the closest trash bin and looked back at rezzu "oh and why did you want to shake my hand earlier¿? I mean if you don't want to tell me that's fine I'm just wondering that's all.." Lightly chuckles and waves his hands constantly when he talks
Byron finally sat down at the table of the lunch room and tapped his fingers on the counter as he stared at his plate. He didn't really have much to do, but he was sure he'd think of something. He wished that he could change to his centaur form, but he knew that he really shouldn't do that right in public. He continued to stare at his plate, occasionally picking at his food. He sighed, maybe something would happen soon enough.
Brooke smiled softly. "They were alright." She picked at her food. "It's sad that faeries can't truly love." Sounding almost sad, she stuffed a forkful of macaroni into her mouth hastily. tap tap tap Brooke frowned as she noticed the boy seated at the table beside her tapping noisily.

Attempting to ignore it, she asked jokingly, "So how has Rezzu been faring all these without me?" { it's nice that we're forming back stories for them :3 } tap tap tap Growing irritated, Brooke swung around and said, her tone obviously annoyed, "Do you mind?"


@Masks of Ayn
Byron continued his tapping until he started to scolded by someone. He sharply replied to the girl, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know I was in the presence of her royal highness." He chuckled a little, but did stop his tapping. He then grabbed his apple and began to eat it. Hopefully, she wouldn't take things to the extreme.
Rezzu stares at Kandy, his level of annoyance rising inside but he kept his calm and casual appearance as he kept the tray on his lap. Canting his head to the side he rolls his eyes and rests an arm back against the chair's back.

"That's why it's a school, you learn."

God this kid is a pain, he thinks.

As Kandy blabbed on he half listened, toning out the kids voice like a volume dial and listening to other things more prominently, such as the nurse's uniform shifting....

He snaps out of it, staring a bit coldly at Kandy when he asked. No way he knew my true intentions, Rezzu reminded himself.

"You've never shook someone's hand before? It's a greeting. It's a subtle form of showing an equality between two people who are making an acquaintance."

Sure that was true, even though he had tended to use that to his advantage for more, dark purposes. "Fair enough?" He questions Kandy.

@y0k9o )


Tap tap tap. It rang in Cierce's ears as she listened to Brooke. Her head straightened at the other girls comment about love.

"Oh, I think that's a lie," she studies Brooke a moment and takes some more food into her mouth, not wanting to forget about it. "I think somewhere inside you do too." (She does finish chewing first, she does have manners! Lol)

Giggling softly she takes a drink of water. "But I forget we are a little different, we were only guests to your village, being taken care of by one of the Fae, our true mother giving us away to this earth. I'd love to go back, though I'm not sure the elders would like that," she sighs softly.

Tap, tap, tap. She turns to look over when Brooke spoke to the one making that constant tapping. Tap tap tap. It still echoed in her ears. It was a boy, who looked a bit gloomy.

She offers a smile, retracting her first words when he replied to Brooke. "Can you possibly just tap somewhere less, echoe-y?" She went to ask for compromise, "We have sensitive ears."

She looks back to Brooke. ((Yes it is! I love it :3)) "Rezzu's been alright. Protecting me as we've traveled,"she pauses. "I don't know if he'd ever admit it, but he's missed you, I know it. Because I've missed you too."

(( @Mayfly

@Isune ))

edited a sentence from Cierce))
Byron shrugged, he had already stopped. Cierce was right, he could still hear his minor tapping echoing around the halls. He sighed and said,"Don't worry, I'm stopping." From there, he simply sat and ate his apple in peace.
Kandy nodded and sat crossed his legs the right over the left and kept a constant slow swing with his tail "so what now¿?" He looks at rezzue in the eyes and the shifted his eyes down to look at the ground before he looked down with the rest of his body
Cierce's comment floated in her head. It couldn't be a lie. She'd never gotten truly emotionally attached to anyone. She'd never truly loved.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, plus with a little charming on my part, they'd welcome you back. I could bring you home with me when I'm 19." she offered with a smile, stabbing a piece of macaroni as she said so. Stuffing the bit of macaroni into her mouth, she placed the fork gently on the plate and reached up to pull her blonde curls into a ponytail.

She frowns slightly as she hears Cierce makes a compromise with the annoying boy, finding it unnecessary to do such a thing. And she honestly didn't understand why some supernaturals were so touchy. All she'd asked was for him to stop tapping.

"Because I've missed you too." Brooke blinks and smiles softly at Cierce.

"I can't say how nice it is to see you again."

@Masks of Ayn

Rezzu yawns and shrugs, rising. "Well, you obviously have been banger up. You better stay here and let the nurse take care of ya a bit more. I'm gunna go take a nap.... or find my sister. One of those."

Rezzu's red gaze burrows into Kandy's. "Go talk to the head master, I'm sure the nurse can take you. That was you get a dorm and what not."

He makes his way to head out. "I'll be around," and leaves the nurse's office.


Cierce smiles at Brooke, "That would be nice. But we left on not very... well, perhaps that's for another time."

She didn't want Brooke to hate Rezzu, or distrust them. Perhaps waiting to tell her would make it worse, but she was hoping that letting them all reconnect would create the opposite reaction.

She grins, laughing quietly. Brooke's I can't say how nice it is to see you again, rang in her ears. Like Brooke was confused on how to feel. "I am glad we can all be together again. Less lonely," Cierce agrees.

@y0k9o @Mayfly
Kandy got up and nodded to Rezzue as he saw the nurse walk in.

The school nurse walks in "Well hello your new right...¿? Well I suppose so I've never seen you" she looks at Rezzue "Thanks for taking care of him for me while I was gone" she smiles and walks to a cabinet and pulls out a pill and hands it to kandy.

Kandy took it and swallowed it and passed out falling on the chair as the nurse picked him up and put him on a table and put bandages around his abdomen

The nurse shook her head in doubt "why do parents throw away suck delicate and fragile children¿? If I only knew" she stroked Kandy's tail making him turn in his side and as she rolled up his sleeve there was a club tattoo on his right ahoulder
Kain had bin walking in the halls after leaving his 6th period. The day was passing buy slowly, and it was becomeing dull. He had already escorted keiki to her next class, and he needed to check on his experiment. He continued to walk in a steady pace passing the various students with ease.
Byron finally stood up and began to limp towards the nurse's office. He heard that they were giving crutches for people like him who weren't yet used to walking with only two legs. He finally walked in and patiently waited for the nurse to show up.
I wake up in my Dorm, wondering what happened last night. "This doesn't help the situation here.." I say to myself, trying to remember what happened. My vision clears up a bit, finding a Dagger in my Knee. I gulp, taking the Dagger off my Leg.
The nurse walked in and saw Bryon sitting "Oh hello, sorry I'm late, new cat, er kid he he my bad" she chuckled and picked up a clipboard and skimmed through the papers "What can I do for ya roday¿?

Kandy walked into the Head principles office and sat down not sure what will happen " Hello¿? Anyone here¿?" He held his tail nervously for a minuit or two then crossed his legs for comfort and rested his chin and head in his hands
Shido wanders the bustling hall of the academy. wondering what everyone from his class is up to.

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I thought everyone had moved on o-o

y'all could always just start a new school term with new people or whatever. Like make a reboot. Tag me in it if you do idm

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