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Misty and Caden (Closed)

The girls looked back at Jake still giggling. "We are not up to anything." One said as they walked down one of the halls. "But if you must know, Miss Misty may not stay a Miss for too much longer." The other joked as she took her girlfriends hand and they skipped off to their room leaving Jake behind.

Misty listened to him play humming softly along. She had learned to play so long ago and would only pick it up when she thought she needed to be cheered up. To think that so much time has past since she last picked it up because of how happy her friends have made her. She walked in quietly and sat on her bed. Taking off her shoes and laying back listening to the melody. 'He impresses me at ever turn.' She thought as she picked her head up to look at him. She smiled softly as she hummed a bit louder to let him know she was here and following along.
Jake narrowed his eyes at the two before they left. "May not be a Miss much longer..." he asked himself as he watched them go.

Caden froze as he heard the humming. He had been so intent on playing he hadnt noticed anyone come in. He dropped the violin, it crashing to the ground audible as he whirled around to see who was there. He sighed as he saw her. "You startled me." he laughed softly as he ran a band through his hair.
Misty giggled a bit. "It seems for once I have caused you to have some issues." She said teasing him. He had gotten to her so much these past few hours and now she was able too. She sashayed over to him sitting on the chair and sat on his lap. "I am so sorry to straddle, I mean startle you." She said as she kissed his cheek. "How can I ever make it up too you." She said putting her arms around his neck. She completely forgot that she had not closed the door, and any of the staff could see them if they looked in.
Caden smirked at her as she sat on him. This young girl seemed to have a thing for him and, though it wasn't unusual for his masters or mistresses. he actually didn't. mind this one. She was new to the whole scene and he enjoyed watching her explore with him. "Well my Lady, Why don't you try your best to make it up to me?" he asked her as he whispered in her ear, his breathe warm against her face.
Misty heated up extremely fast. 'I don't think I can do this.' He mind tried to pull her out of the situation. 'Yes I can.' He body and heart wanted it. She leaned in and was centimeters from her lips being all over his when she heard a cough. She looked over to see Jake standing in the doorway. She looked back at Caden and frowned. 'Of course it gets ruined.' She thought as she got off of Caden leaning by his ear. "We can continue this shortly." She whispered seductively. She blushed deep red not knowing where that came from at all. 'Why am I being like this. I am the good honest girl.' She thought as she walked over to Jake. "How can I be of service." She asked putting on a fake smile. She wasn't mad, just frustrated that this one guy has changed her so much in such a short amount of time, and she was enjoying it.
Jake frowned at her. "I was going to see if you wanted to play a few games with the rest of us but I see you are to busy for us.." he glared at Caden. He was seriously learning not to like that guy. Caden have a sweet smile at him as he glared. which made Jakes tail lash out in furious little jerks.
Misty smiled softly. "I am so sorry. I was just talking with Caden and things well..." She didn't know how to put it. "Things have just escalated." She said closing the door some so they would stop looking at each other. "I will play some games tomorrow, I promise." She said smiling as she stuck out her pinkie finger. "You know I do not break my pinkie promised." She said sounding like a little school girl.
"No. Its fine My lady." Jake said with a bow before turning and leaving, refusing to notice her promise. Once he was gone Caden spoke. "You know he likes you and hates me right?"
Misty sighed. "I have been hinting at the fact that I know and am turning him down. But since he won't outright say he likes me, I won't outright refuse him." She said closing the door and locking it. "I try not to get too connect in case they want to leave and forget about staying here. That never ends well. I am attached to everyone who has walked through those doors." She said as she walked over to Caden and smiled softly. "I seem to have lost the mood I was in." She said sitting on his lap giggling a bit. "So let's just talk and get to know each other."
"If that's what you wish." he smiled at her as he wrapped his arms around her, moving her so she was pressed against his chest. "What would you like to know?"
Misty put her arms around his neck and smiled putting her forehead against his. "Everything." She said closing her eyes as she started to drift asleep. It has been a long day for her and she was tired, but she wanted to try and give Caden a good first night.
Caden stroked her hair gently as she started to drift to sleep. "Its not a pretty story for one about to be asleep." he whispered as he carefully stood and laid her in the bed. He pulled the blankets up around her and kissed her forehead gently. "We will see each other again in the morning, sleep well." he whispered before turning and heading out into the hallway. A few servants still lingered in the halls but otherwise it was a silent night.
Misty smiled as she fell asleep. "Thank you Caden." She whispered. "I love you." She was so asleep she wouldn't even remember saying it the next morning.

The girls were coming out of their room in their nightgowns a bit of sweat covering them. They noticed Caden and rushed over. "So what happened?" One asked as they almost tackled him. "Did you kiss? Did you make love? Ohh I bet you gave it too... her..." She stopped talking when she realized it still wasn't that late. She looked at him confused. "What happened? Why aren't you still in there?" She asked pushing him back towards her door.
Caden laughed at the two's enthusiasm. "Girls, she is sleeping and besides, she isn't in the mood for anything of the sort. Someone wandered in and upset her for lack of better words you could say." he explained. "What's with you two trying to hook us up anyways?"
The both looked away in opposite directions. "You tell him." One said as the other looked back. "You tell him." She said back as they got closer. "No you tell him." The first one said giggling. "I always win these fights." The other sighed and huffed. "I know." She looked to Caden. "She told us she wasn't looking for a servant or anyone special when she went to the auction. She said she was just going to look and come home. She can't afford to help anyone anymore. She is almost financially broke." She whispered as they walked back to the door. She opened it slowly to look in. "She was never suppose to bring you home. But she did." She said smiling softly. The first one stepped in on Cadens other side. "We could see the look in her eyes. She is in love, hard." She said giggling like a school girl. "And you are too." She said poking his nose. "Don't let Jake ruin your chance. And yes well all know Jake likes Misty. He just won't tell her." The other one said as she pushed the door open a bit more. "Now go." They both said as they pushed him in and closed the door a bit hard.

Mist was startled awake. She looked around to see Caden still in the room. "Hey are you okay?" She said a bit groggily. She sat up and the covers as well as the top of her dress slide down to expose her chest. She didn't even realize it as she looked over to Caden smiling.
Caden frowned as the two shoved him into the room, waking up Misty. "They could have at least waited until she was rested..." he muttered before looking at her. He smiled at her before looking away, rubbing the back of his head. "You are a little exposed there my dear." He didnt want her to feel embarrassed with his eyes on her when she realized she was bared to him. He didn't want her to be embarrassed with him at all but the first time for everything was normally embarrassing for the other person.
Misty looked at him confused. She looked down and smiled. "Well I hope you liked the view." She said but her mind was fighting her. 'Cover up you dunce. Why am I acting this way?' She thought as she walked over to him and pushed her body against his back. "Maybe you will see more." She said as she licked his neck before walking by and grabbing a long shirt. She stepped into the bathroom and came out with only the shirt on and it fell just below her thighs. She dropped her dress off by the dresser and walked back to the bed making sure to put her fingers on his arm and walking them up to his shoulder. "You can join me if you like." She offered even though in her head she was screaming to stop.
Caden watched her. his blue eyes swirling. "You are tempting my little kitten." he purred as h flicked her bare leg with his tail as she walked by. As she crawled into bed he strode over to her and picked her up. "You should know the right way is to be laid to bed." he purred in her ear as he kissed her neck.
She moaned. She felt the kiss and it felt amazing and she couldn't hold it in anymore how much she wanted him. "Take me Caden. I love you." She said in her erotic stupor. She tried to go for his ear and nibble on it. She missed and ended up just draping her head over his shoulder moaning softly as to not be too loud.

The girls were giggling outside as they listen to what was going on. "I knew she loved him." One said smiling. "I knew he loved her." The other said as they looked at each other getting a bit feisty listening in.
Caden growled at her as he moved his kiss from her neck to her mouth. "No regrets?" he asked, still not sure If she would regret this or not later. He didnt want her to hate him like others had for what he did to them.

Jake grumbled to himself as he walked the hall way. He knew he had lost his chance thanks to that stupid blue haired Neko. He would think of a way to get even though... He would most definitely get even.
Misty fell asleep during the kiss. She mumbled a few incoherent things as she just cuddles up in his arms. She was dreaming of spending the day with Caden years form now, married with children, and she wore a huge smile on her face. For the first time she felt safe in someones arms.

The girls listen in for as long as they could before they realized nothing was happening. Neither wanted to open the door and look in, even though they both liked the view of Misty naked. They thought they heard something when they turned and quickly moved from the door to see Jake moopping around. "I know he likes her and all, but I have never seen him like this." One whispered to the other. "Maybe we should leave before he notices us." The other said,
Caden smiled down at her as she drifted into sleep. He snuggled her close in his arms and hummed softly to her, pulling covers over her so she wouldn't get cold. "GoodNight Kitten." he whispered as he placed a final good night kiss on her forehead.

Jake looked up and saw the two girls standing outside of Misty's door. "So is that what gets you two off now." he growled as he walked by. He didnt want to imagine what was going on in that room after he left.
Misty mumbled as she slept in Caden's arms.

The girls looked at Jake in disgust. "As if we would need to hear them having sex to get off." They both said as he walked by. They went off to there room to have their fun.

The next morning Misty awoke as normal. She tried to get up but realized that she was being held down. 'What is going on?' She thought as she looked over to see Caden holding her. She squeaked and blushed bright red. 'What did I do last night?' She thought seeing that she was in only a night shirt and it was riding up. 'Did he see me naked?' She thought as she blushed redder heating up a bit. She was king of liking the idea.
Caden mumbled in his sleep. his ears twitching as he dreamed. He looked so relaxed and normal, making it hard to imagine him ever being a slave to anyone, especially for what they used him for. As he dreamed, he wrapped his arms around her tighter, pulling her closer as he Nuzzled her. As she squeaked, one of his eyes opened before the other. He yawned and stretched. "Good Morning Kitten. Did you sleep well?"
Misty didn't know what to say. "I...I... I did.... D...D...Did you..." She stuttered out blushing. She thought about trying to get out of his grasp but she didn't want to at the same time. When he stretched she nuzzled into him. "So warm." She said not realizing what she was thinking. Her shirt rode up more exposing her stomach and the abs she had from working. Most masters, and owners wouldn't work with their staff but she wanted to and it showed on her abs.

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