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Misty and Caden (Closed)

He nodded as she kept a hold on his hand. He looked around at her house and felt his eyes widen slightly. It was huge! He had never seen anything so big before in his life. Shaking his head he looked at the surrounding area. He didn't know what he would have to do or where he would be staying. He scratched his arm as he looked down at his clothes and frowned. He was a mess and he felt self conscious as he looked at this home. it was amazing and here he was, a mere slave.
Misty pulled on his hand tugging it a bit hard. "Don't do that." She said knowing that look as she had seen it before. "What's mine is yours. You may use any and all rooms and amenities. You may go where you please. You may leave whenever you like." She smiled softly. "My home is open to you whenever you would like." She said as she let go and walked to the door. "You are free to make any choice you want." She said as she turned and walked in. The butler at the door held it open in case the sir wanted to come in.
Caden hesitsted before he followed her into the house. He didnt know how well he would like living here but he knew if he left. he would end up in the same situation.

"I would like to change clothes." he said as he caught up to her. He hated the dirty white garments they gave all slaves st the auction house.
Misty smiled as they walked over to one of the closet rooms. "This room has every fashionable item for anyone in the mansion. Pick any you like and you can take them to your room." She said as she pointed to a butler standing by the door. "Nick here will help you in anyway he needs." She said as she turned around. "Unless you want me to watch you get dressed." She said shyly taking a step out the door. "Dinner will be in a few hours. If you do not want to wait the kitchen is in the center of the house. Feel free to ask the chiefs for anything you may want." She said as she turned and smiled. "Welcome home." She said with a big grin.
Caden felt a smirk as she mentioned watching him change. "If you wish to watch then you can." he purred as he winked at her. He licked his lips as he ran his gaze up her body before turning to look in the dresser. He pulled out a long sleeved black tee shirt and a pair of black jeans.
Misty giggled nervously. "I will be in the study. If you need or want me come by." She said as she walked down the hallway. 'I can not believe I said that to him.' She thought nervous and confused. 'Not only did I hit on him but he hit on me back. I don't know if he normally does that, but I don't.' She thought as she got to her study. She looked around for a few books to try and distract her. She sat down on one of the chairs facing the window and started to read, but she couldn't take her mind off of him.
((I didn't n get a notification for this! I'm sorry!!))

Caden gave a soft laugh as she left before he stripped. His stomach growled loudly and he frowned. He decided to take a shower. After he was clean. he dressed and, a towel laid over his head and went to find her.
(it is okay)

Misty couldn't help but think of what Caden looked like under the clothing. Her mind started to wonder and it started to make things different for her. She got so confused and did not know what to think. 'He just came here. I need to stop this kind of thinking.' She thought as she got up to look for another book. She was still in her black dress and decided to climb the ladder to get a book from a higher shelf.
Caden entered the room, and frowned as he watched her climb the ladder. "Do you need help?" he asked as he looked up at her. He looked up at her, his towel resting in his head in a boyish way.
Misty looked down and smiled. "I am okay, thank you." She said before realizing he was standing under her while she wore a dress. She suddenly got self conscious and used her hands to push her dress down. "How could you be soo..." She couldn't finish her sentence as she fell off the ladder. She suddenly thought it was over. All she had done this past week was for naught. Saving Caden was for naught. 'I can't believe this is how it ends.' She thought as she fell.
Caden moved fast as he caught her and landed in the ground with a bang! He slammed and rolled, keeping her firmly clasped against his chest. He let out a soft whine as he winced.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he looked down at her.
Misty looked up at him blushing. "Yes, thank you." She said softly as she realized how she was being held. She was in his arms being held as if they had just gotten married. She blushed again but instead of moving away she pushed her head into his bare chest. 'So warm.' She thought as she panted.
Caden felt her press against him. This was very strange to him indeed. He watched her as she blushed. "You should be more careful. You could have really hurt yourself just then." he frowned as his grip on her lessened, though he didnt release her. He wasn't sure if he should. She seemed to be enjoying being wrapped in his embrace, or was that just all in his head?
Misty looked up at him blushing. "We should really stop putting ourselves in these situations. People may start talking." She teased as she wiggled out of his arms. She looked to him smiling while still blushing. "How was your shower?" She asked taking a guess that he took one and not a bath. "Was it too your liking?" She felt like she couldn't look at him so she looked everywhere else. 'Why am I so nervous? I have had guys hit on me and were interested in me before.' She thought to herself.
"We?" he smirked, forgetting for a second who she was to him and laughing. It was a melodic sound that was sweet and charming. After a moment he remember though- slave and master. That shut him up. "It was fine.." he answered as his stomach growled very audible. He felt his face turn a slight pink. Of course, leave it to his stomach to betray him. It never failed to do so.
Misty could sense that the atmosphere changed all of a sudden. She could tell that he came back to reality instead of living in the dream. She frowned a bit till she heard his stomach. She poked him smiling. "Someone seems to want attention. And it's not me this time." She teased then realized she just teased herself. "I mean..." She went quite turning around before she was too red. "Let us get some food. Dinner should be ready now." She said holding her hand out behind her. She couldn't risk turning around and getting lost in his eyes right now.
Caden felt her poke him and smirked as she teased herself. "So you want attention? I'm starting to wonder if these 'incidents' are happening on purpose now." he teased her as be took her hand and stood up. Instead if letting go, he pulled her around to face him. "You shouldn't hide your face, I can hear your heart beat speed up...." he mumbled to her as his fingers danced along her pulse line. "I can always tell when you blush, hiding doesn't do much good."
Misty quickly put her face against his chest to hid. "Just because you know it doesn't change the fact that I'm shy about it." She said honestly. She didn't know what came over her. It was like she could tell him everything and he would keep her safe. She had not felt this way about anyone before. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight. "I know you think I own you, I know you think I am your master and you are nothing to me but a servant, but please know you are not that. You are a friend." She said tearing up a bit as she spoke. "I will not hurt you or ever subject you to that torture again." She promised him hoping he would listen.
Caden stiffened slightly at either sudden embrace. He wasn't used to being hugged without some kind of service being offered, or some kind of pain being placed on him. It was strange but in a good way... right? "you say so now but only time will tell what is true." he told her, thinking the truth would make her feel better. His ears pricked up suddenly as he looked at the door. A fee of the maids had stopped on their way through and blushed as they saw their master entangled with him.
Misty looked to the side to see the girls. She then realized what she was doing and blushed again. "It's not like I haven't caught you two before." She said mocking them. These two girls were always by each other and Misty learned fast that they had become a couple. She let go of Caden and walked over to the girls and pulled them in close to whisper. "Do not tease him. He is learning his way around here and still doesn't realize he is free to do whatever he wants. He is my guest so please treat him as you would me." She said as one of them winked at her. "That is not what I meant and you know it." She said a bit louder flustered.
Caden pricked his ears as his tail swished gently against the floor. He watched the three and felt a smirk as Misty became flustered. It seemed to be a re-accuring event here.

"Dont worry, We will do our best to keep your secret " one of the girls said as the other one giggled. "He is cute though, you know, if you like that sort of thing." the other said, her tail wrapping around the other girls. The two gave small curtsies before turning and leaving down the hall to finish their chores, giggling as they went.
Misty turned still red. "Shall we go get food and pretend that that did not just happen." She said as she looked down at his feet. She was feeling different. She didn't know why, but she was enjoying it. It was a new thrill that she was liking. 'So this is what it is like to have a crush?' She thought to herself as she grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
Caden followed her as she grabbed his hand. It really was strange not to have his master being rough with him and all over him. Though he couldn't deny that he was enjoying being able to make her flustered the way she was. It was fun, and she looked adorable as she blushed. "As you wish, but that now makes three people that have seen us, how long do you think before the whole house knows?"
Misty stopped dead in her tracks. "It's not like there is anything between us." She said flustered. "You are just my guest. It isn't my fault you are handsome and strong and have great abs." She said before she went quiet. She let go of his hand and looked at him her eyes teary. "I just want you to have a better life. I don't want you to think that it is nothing but servitude. I know I am no one to talk as I wasn't born a full neko, but that doesn't mean I don't understand." Her tears were starting to fall as she remembered her mother. "It's not my fault that my dad was the only nice on to her. That I was born with only neko eyes." She looked down the hall. She wanted to run, wanted to hide and be the scared little girl she was when her mother was killed. "I didn't mean to be the reason you died." She said softly as she took off running.
Caden grabbed her wrist before she could get to far away and pulled her against him. He didn't know why but he didnt want her to cry. "Hush now..." he soothed as he gently rubbed the back if her head. "I know it isn't your fault and you should know that too..." he mumbled to her. "No one died because of you, things just don't always work out the way we want them too." he tilted her chin up to look at him and wiped away her tears. "You are to pretty to cry, Its alright, Nothing can hurt you know and I'm sure your mother is watching over you as we speak, wishing for you to cheer up."

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