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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty didn't know what came over her. His words were just so soft and caring. It was like he had never been hurt in his life, and he was there for her since she could remember. She went on her tiptoes and locked her lips with his wrapping her arms around his neck. 'My first kiss.' She thought as she kissed him hard and sloppy. She broke away after a few moments and realized what she did. She had a look of horror on her face. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to... It just felt right and it was nice and..." She stopped herself by putting her hand over her mouth. "I can't believe I just had my first kiss." She said when she blushed looking at him. "I need to go." She said as she turned to walk away nervous and scared. She figured he wouldn't stop her, that he wouldn't have feelings for his 'master' after all that he went through. She was a fool.
Caden felt her lips on his before he knew what was happening. He felt the warmth of her embrace as she pressed against him. It wasn't like everyone else, demanding and needful. No, her kiss was sweet. Before he could think of anything she was gone,away from him with a look of horror plastered on her sweet face. He felt his head fall as she turned and walked away from him. Of course who wouldn't though? He was worthless and used up. Unsure of what to do, he felt his ears fall as his tail wrapped around his waist. He actually liked her but somehow he felt be ruined it, but he wasn't even sure what he did. Most people enjoyed kissing him, and being near him. Maybe he wasn't good enough for her?
She looked back at him and noticed he was saddened. "This isn't your fault." She said hoping he would listen. "I am just a naive little girl who wants to change the world." She gave a false grin to him so she could try and cheer him up. "You also did just take my first kiss." She said teasingly. She stepped to him and patted his hand. She got close to his ear and whispered. "I did like it thought." She said as she walked off. She needed to go think about what she just did. 'Where did that come from. Why was a being such a seductress.' She thought as she stepped into her room. She laid on her bed and just sighed. "What do you think mom." She asked looking to the ceiling.
Caden smirked after she left, her whispered words running through his head. Maybe what she wanted was someone to love her and care for her even if she didn't know who or why. Thinking he would test his theory, he followed her to her room and watches as she laid down. "That was a poor excuse for a first kiss you know." he purred, his voice low as he let his icey gaze run over her body, pausing at a few places. She really was beautiful. He would give her that. He licked his lips as he thought, wondering how she would react to him. If he had done this to any other master when they didnt want him. he would be hit or have things thrown at him. Her words rang through his mind though and it made gave him the courage to try. Worse thing to happen would be to be punished and he had already lived through that. She would be worth it though. Besides, he liked seeing her checks flush pink when he flustered her.
Misty turned around quickly. "I...i...i...I thought you were going to get some... Hey!" She yelled realizing what he said. She went from red with embarrassment to red with anger. "Well excuse me for wanting to wait and kiss a man I loved rather then just do it with whoever offered." She said before turning pink again. "N..n..not that I am in love with you." She tried to recover. She watched him look her over and suddenly felt like she was inferior, as if every inch of her was worthless to him. "Stop looking at me like a piece of meat." She said softly trying to regain herself. It was a lost cause. She looked back out the window and sighed. She patted the bed to let him know he could come sit if he wanted to.
His eyes widened in surprise at her anger. He hesitated, not sure what to do.. He felt his guy tighten ar the mention of love. "That's not what I meant..." he whisper rest as he sat on the bed next to her. "I simply meant, it was to one-sided to be a good first kiss...." he said as he brushed a piece of hair from her face. "You are much more then a piece of meat, you are a beautiful young woman with a bright future ahead of you."
Misty looked to him a bit surprised. "I bet you've been forced to say that before." She said softly moving her cheek into his hand. She blushed at her thoughts. "Let's say that wasn't my first kiss then. How should a first kiss me?" She asked nervous but excited. 'Will he kiss me out of curiosity or because I told him?' She thought looking into his eyes. She could see the hurt, the pain and she wanted to make it all go away.
Caden gave her a soft smile, before leaning over her. He could fee her breath on his face and knew his would caress her as well. He paused mere inches from her face before gently pressing his lips against hers. He moved his mouth against hers, gently caressing her cheek with his hand as he did so. After a moment he licked her lips before forcing them apart and letting his tongue delve into her mouth, exploring as he waited to see how she would react to him.
Misty was completely in shock when he towered over her. She leaned back as he kissed her so she was laying on the bed with him on top. She felt his tongue invade and just sat the letting him do as he pleased. She thought of what to do, thinking what she had seen and heard. She put her arms around his neck and tried to bring him closer. She flicked her tongue against his and felt the electricity fly between them. She was in heaven now, never had she felt this before.
Caden smiled as she responded to him. He easily maneuverer her without breaking their kiss so that she was on his lap. He wanted to let her have the control to stop when she wanted too, not that he was complaining. He liked the feel of her against him, her soft body pressed against his. He had never had a master he enjoyed kissing until now. He ran his hands down her back, pressing her closer to him. He let his canines graze her tongues, making sure not to hurt her.
Misty could feel the static in the kiss. She was enjoying every bit of it. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what to do. 'Why am I so nervous?' She thought as her eyes just fluttered closed. She pulled away from his lips smiling as she went till her arms were fully extended. "So that is what it feels like." She said smiling softly. "Who knew?" She said as she wiggled her butt on his lap. There was a knock on the door that had been left opened. She gave Caden a glare. "Couldn't even close the door." She said sharply as she got off and straightened her dress out. "Dinner is ready Miss May." He said as he turned and walked away. Misty looked in the mirror to see her hair was all a mess and her dress was pulled down some. "I need to change." She said grabbing a new red dress and going into the bathroom.
Caden leaned back on the bed as she got off of him. "If it was closed, your servants might think something more was going on in here." he smirked as he licked his lips, the taste of her Lingering. He watched her grab a new dress before turning his attention to the servant that had interrupted them.

They held eye contact for a moment before he walked awaym. Caden glanced away before getting up and brushing his hair our of his face. He had never felt so much in a single kiss.
Misty had gotten dressed in her new dress. It was short and came down to her thighs, while the straps were thin and the top stopped just above her b-cup bust. She did her hair in a side ponytail as well as making sure her bangs were out of her eyes. 'Why am I dressing up for him.' She thought as she messed with her bangs more. 'He always pushed them behind my ears, so maybe it bothers him.' She thought as she tucked them back. She smiled happily then frowned. 'Mom would be so disappointed.' She thought but smiled again. 'I hope he likes it.' She finally finished and walked out.
Caden looked up as he heard her come back out. He felt his eyes widen as he saw her. She was breath taking. "M'lady..." he smiled as he rose from the bed. "I feel under dressed now.* he teased her as he kissed her hand gently.
Misty play smacked his cheek as she lifted his head. "Then go get dressed." She said seductively as she sat on the bed. "I can wait here for you." She said as she laid back on the bed. "After all." She started picking her head up and looking at him. "This dinner is for you." She said as she blew a kiss. 'Where is this coming from?' She thought to herself confused but trying to hide it.
Caden nodded and stood, catching her hand and kissing the back of it before he disappeared down the hall and back to his room. He went to the dresser and looked inside. He picked up a long sleeved black button up and slide it on. He flipped down the collar and brushed his hair into spikes like he used to wear it before the Auction house. He looked in the mirror and smiked before be headed back to her room.

Misty waited for him and smiled when he walked in. "You clean up well." She said teasing him. "It's like you are the owner of this fine mansion instead of me." She giggled as she took his hand. "I know this must be hard for you, but please, you are not my slave, you or not my servant, you are my friend, and you are my guest." She said hoping to get it into his head. "I want you to be happy, and find your way in life. My mother found hers and she was a neko." She said smiling softly.
Caden felt his face heat up at her compliment. He looked at his clothes before up at her. "Were you expecting something more revealing from me?" he cocked one eyebrow at her before smiling. "I'm doing my best to remember that."
Misty blushes at his question. "I wasn't expecting anything." She said lying threw her teeth. She took his hand and pulled him along down the stairs and to the dinning room. There were plates and plates and plates of food all for them. She motioned for him to go in. "After you, after all you are my guest." She said happily.
He looked around. his eyes shocked at how much food was there he had never seen so much in his life. He took her hand and lead her to the table. "Ladies are always first." he said as he bowed his head. It was apparent how great of a slave he had been. He moved with precision in everything he did.
Misty smiled at his politeness but knew where it came form. She sat down and allowed him to do as he pleased before motioning. "Please sit, this is all for you. Tell me a little about yourself. After all I do not know to much." She said blushing a bit. She kissed and straddled a total stranger. She lost herself to someone she had only known for an hour or so. She felt her cheeks and other areas heating up at the thought of how far she was willing to go with him.
Caden sat in one of the chairs and looked st her. Why was she getting flustered? He had done nothing to her, or had he? He frowned as he made a plate with a little of everything in it. "What would you like to know? I was born a slave and used mostly for sex." Sometimes if I was good and please my clients In would be allowed out of my room and in the dinning hall." he shrugged as he took a bite of his food.
Misty was shocked a bit. "What do you mean only for sex?" She was curious. She knew it happened but she didn't have any idea. 'So he is very experienced in a bad way.' She thought as she shifted her legs trying to get rid of her excitement. She watched as he picked at his food. "There is plenty for all of us. Help yourself." She said trying to coax him into taking more food.
He looked up at her for moment before smiling. "Let me put it this way: my owner put me in a room with nothing but a bed and a few er wall accessories. I was trained from the age of 7 on how to please every man or woman that wanted me. If I did goof and they came back, I got food that night. If I didn't.... well I got no food and a beating. I knew nothing except that room.No window. no nothing but black walls. Then my master died and I was actioned off. I lived with him for 11 years."
Misty gasped. "I am so sorry." She said as she put her hands on his arms. She rubbed his arm softly so he knew she was there for him. "I promise you that you will never have to do that for someone else again. Only if you want to." She said blushing a bit. The idea that he may want to be intimate with her excited her a bit more. 'No do not think that way. I am trying to help him not myself.' She thought shaking her head. "I will be here to help you figure out what you want to do, and get you away from the past and towards a better future." She said smiling.

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