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Misty and Caden (Closed)

He gave her a soft smile as she rubbed his arm. "Thank you, but its fine. I may not like my past but its not going to just vanish. Its something you have to work through and hey. I'm good at what I do." he said jokingly, a bit of venom hidden in his voice.
Misty looked at him with a devilish smile. "Maybe you can prove it." She said before she shook her head. "No... I mean..." She blushed and pulled her hands back. "I'm sorry." She said looking down disappointed. She knew she messed up. She told him he would never do that unless it was on his own accord and she just suggested disobeying that. "I shouldn't have said that, I am sorry." She said again worried she messed up. She just wanted to make him happy and help him, not herself.
Caden laughed at her comment. "You are a curious little kitten aren't you?" he asked as was he took another bite. "My dear, I don't want you to have regrets about your first time, especially since we just met." he smiled at her. He didnt say no, no. He wouldn't mind having a taste of her but she was sweet and nice. He didnt want her to be hurt later on because of him.a
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Misty looked up smiling. "Well I am half neko so I should be a kitten sometimes." She said giggling. She couldn't help herself with just feeling happy around him. She felt like her world just became better then ever. She noticed how late it was getting and called her staff in. In all there were 23 members total. She stood and gestured to Caden. "This is Caden. As some of you have met." She said glaring at the two girls who were giggling. "He will be staying with us for as long as he needs. I want you to treat him the same as you would me. Most of you came to work here by sitting in that same seat. Please be courteous about his past, but I don't really need to tell any of you." She smiled to all of them. "As normal custom when a special guest comes, please eat well and leave the dishes in the sink." She said as she sat back down. She suddenly remembered something and stood back up causing them all to shuffle back to place. "I forgot to mention, if you have any questions about pay or any concerns please let me know. I will be making the raise official in one week." She said then sat back down.
Cadens tail twitched nervously as the room filled with other Nekos. He kept a straight face as they all turner their gaze to him. He felt heat from a few of them but he wasn't sure what for. As she finished speaking and everyone sat down, he pulled his tail into his lap so it wouldn't be swishing in someone else's way.

So will you be working with us?" a voice asked, dragging him out of his thoughts.

"I'm not sure..." he mumbled, keeping his eyes down. He may be surrounded by Nekos but that didnt make him any less reserved.
Misty smiled as she watched Caden interact with the others. As the staff ate and left one by one things were quieting down. She listened the whole time to Caden talk with everyone and just smiled. 'He will enjoy it here.' She thought as she looked to him. 'I wonder for how long though.' She couldn't help but feel that he wouldn't be here for long unless she made a move. When there was just the girls from earlier and Caden left at the table Misty got up and went to the kitchen. She turned on the record player with low volume as she started the water, humming her favorite tunes as she cleaned the dishes.
Caden watched Misty leave and felt a hollow feeling at her absence. He didnt know why but he didnt like Being gone from his sight. Not sure what to do next. he finished eating and stood to follow her into the kitche.

"Hold on a second new guy." A voice called before he even got halfway to the kitchen. "We need to have a talk. I know you are new here or whatever but there is a few ground rules we need to set. Miss Misty, she's not yours. I dont want to see any funny business going on with her. Otherwise we will have s problem. Understand?" The man growled at him, standing toe to toe with him as if trying to intimidate him. He was a handsome guy with black hair and a muscular build. Caden frowned at him, his eyes narrowing into slits as his tail lashed, his action mirrored the other mans. Seeing as Caden didnt answer. the man smirked and turned, walking back to his seat to rejoin the others.

Misty had finished the dishes that were there and walked back to get the rest. She noticed Caden just standing there and walked to him smiling. "Hey good looking, whats the matter?" She said softly as she walked next to him. She could tell something just happened and she wanted to know what. She looked at who was at the table and wondered if it was the girls. She never knew Jake to talk to anyone other then her so she didn't think it was him. She looked back to Caden a bit worried. She tilted her head smirking a bit. "Me got your tongue." She teased as she brought up what happened earlier. She blushed a deep red again as she thought, 'Why do I keep saying those things?'
Caden glanced at her, his eyes swirling as his mind raced with thoughts. He smiled at her before he whispered, "Its OK, You can have my tongue anytime." he purred as his tail twitched against her leg. He felt eyes boring into him and he knew he was making enemies but he didnt care. He glanced back at the table and watched as eyes narrowed slightly. If he was going to make enemies. might as well have fun with him. Not that it was hard, he was attracted to Misty anyways.
Misty smiled as she walked to the table and grabbed the rest of the dishes. She walked back past Caden and gave a smirk as she went into the kitchen again. The girls walked over to him giggling. "So what happened between you two?" One asked trying to get some details. "We saw you in the library, what happened after." The other asked giggling. Misty was finishing up cleaning the dishes when Jake came in. She turned to see him and smiled. "Jake. How have you been. I barely see you expect for dinner." She said turning off the water and the record player.
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Caden took a step back as the two girls crowded him with questions. "I dont know what your talking about." he told them, a smirk on his face as he looked at the two. "I'm sure if anything happened of interest that you need to know, Misty would be delighted to tell you."

Jake gave her a smile as he walked in to see her. "I have been busy with all the chores. they have been piling up but I've gotten them back down. I've missed talking to you though." He purred. "I just thought we could go for a walk through the garden or something to catch up?"
Misty smiled. "I would like that." She said drying off her hands. "Let me just make sure that Caden gets directions to his room." She said lying a bit since she wanted him to go to her room. 'Wait do I?' She thought as she walked past Jake.

The girls smiled together. "Or you could just tell us." They both said at the same time. "Come on spill. She has never been this happy in her life." One said as she pulled onto Caden's arm. "Yeah tell us what she means to you and you to her." The other said grabbing his other arm. They were going to get answers or drag him to hell to climb back out.
Caden laughed softly at them. He was starting to like them, even if they were clinging to him like monkeys. "I'm new. that's pretty much all I in tell you. I dont want to tell things that shouldn't be told. And the Library was just am accident. She was climbing the ladder to get a book and she fell. I caught her. End of story." he said as he went back over the event. She had been so flustered that he might see up her dress that she had fell. He hasn't wanted her to get hurt so he had jumped to save her. And he would do it again anytime she needed.

"I'm sure the girls could help him find his room..." Jake said before she could leave. "He has to learn his way around here and it'll be easier if you dont baby him... you didnt worry this much about anyone else..."
Misty scoffed mockingly. "I have worried about everyone who I have helped." She said fainting hurt. She smacked him softly smiling. "She walked to the doorway and saw that Caden was being crowded by the girls. She thought he would be okay so she went back to Jake. "Let us go." She said a bit of jealousy in her voice. 'I wanted to be all over him, don't I?' She thought as they went out the door from the kitchen to the garden in the back. "So what has kept you so busy. I did not think the chores would get so bad or I would have helped." She said feeling bad for not helping.
"Oh I've just been helping out around the yard and a few things needed to be fixed in the house. I wanted to let the older guys have a break so I took care of everything." He smiled as his tail wagged slightly, his happiness evident on his face. "And you, how have you been? You've been distant for a while. I've missed you."
Misty frowned a bit. "It just as been hard trying to help everyone and still get a bad rep for it. I know I ask people not to say anything when they leave, but this is making things harder. If it keeps going I may not be allowed at auctions again." She said stopping by the roses. "I also just miss my mother." She said bending down and plucking a rose careful to avoid the thorns. She looked up at Jake and smiled. "I have missed you all, and I promise to spend more time with you all." She said holding out her pinkie.

The girls had dragged Caden to his room (whose window just happens to face the garden) and were asking him all these questions. They wanted info about him and Misty, as well as what he wanted to do, where he had been, and how long he was going to stay. "Just tell us already." On said trying to pull him onto the bed with her girlfriend.
Caden was used to girls trying to get him in bed but never had he been in a situation like this. He wasn't sure what was going on but how bad could it be? I mean its not like they were trying to sleep with him, they didnt swing that way and he was glad for it. "I'm not sure what I want to do.... I've never thought about it. I never thought I would be free."

Jake smiled as he grasped her pinkie with his. "I'm gong to hold you to that." he didnt release her finger though, instead he twined his fingers with hers. He didnt want to think that she could love anyone else when he loved her. He always had but now he had competition and he didnt like it. He would have to move his plans to win her over faster but he didnt know how attached she was to Caden and that bothered him. He wouldn't go down without a fight though and he promised himself that.
Misty smiled as they held the pinkie promise. 'This is not normal for him.' She thought looking back at the flower. "So what else did you want to talk about?" She asked trying to let his pinkie go. She didn't struggle but she did try to get him to let go. She had never felt this way before. So many new emotions in one day. 'I hope Caden is okay.' She thought as she looked towards the house.

One of the girls smiled. "At least tell her you love her." She said as she held his hand. The other one grabbed his other hand. "Yeah just tell her. You like her don't you?" She asked already know the answer. "If you don't know what to do just try to be with her. She has been lonely for so long. She needs someone who makes her happy." They said back and forth. Together they pulled him to the window. "She also loves the roses." One said pointing at her. "I knew she would be there right now." The other said as they saw Jake. "What is he doing there?" They asked together confused.
"Girls. we just met. Love isn't a word I want to use. I dont want to hurt her..." he trailed off as he looked out the window to see Jake. His tail bristled at the sight of him let alone the sight of him with Misty. "Has he always been this way?" he asked the girls as he watched them.

Jake felt face fall as she tried to let go. He quickly smiled at her as he released her hand. "I'm sorry.... I don't know what I was thinking..." he told her as he bowed slightly. "So... about the new guy... what is his story?"
Misty grinned. "You of all people should know I do not reveal other's past." She said turning back to the flowers and smiling. "It is his story to share and I will not let the moment go to waste." She turned back to Jake. "I never told anyone your story, and people still ask to this day." She said flicking him lightly. "But then again you never told me your full story." She said teasing him.

The girls smiled as they watched his expression. "Your jealous." They said together as they pulled on his arms. "You L-O-V-E her." They sang out ignoring the question about Jake. They didn't know him that well and didn't like to talk about him. He was always a flirt to them and it bothered them since he knew they were together.
"My story isn't nearly as interesting as you think. I've told you most of it, just left out the more graphic parts." he smiled as she flicked him. "I was just curious though... You seem different when he is around...." his voice dropped a little as be spoke to her.He loved to see her smile and wished he could be the reason why. He had always wanted to be her love since he first met her but didnt know how to go about expressing himself to her.

Caden looked at the two girls and shrugged. "I'm not jealous, He just isn't the type of guy I'd want to leave alone with anyone." he said nonchalantly as his tail flicked both girls. "Besides, How can you be in love with someone you just met. Not from my world at least."
Misty smiled softly. "Well, I do act a bit differently but nothing is different." She said a bit confused herself. "Shall we head back in? It is getting late." She offered as she took a step towards the house. She wanted to see Caden again. 'Maybe something is different.' She thought to herself keeping her expression from changing. 'What could this be though?'

The girls both yelled when he flicked them. "Love happens when you least expect it. And with whom you least expect." They said as the walked out of the door. "Have a good night. Master." They said teasing him. What they failed to mention to Caden was that they had dragged him not to his room, but Misty's room, as she loved the view of the rose garden.
Jake frowned but quickly changed his expression as she looked back to him. "Yes my lady, I wouldn't want to keep you away from anytjing to important..." he mumbled as he walked with her back into the house.

Caden frowned as they left and finally blocked around. He didnt know this room but it smelled familiar...
Misty could feel his sorrow and she wanted to cheer him up but didn't know how. "Don't worry Jake. We will have time to spend again soon, I promise." She said as she the girls walked down the stairs. Misty gave them a look. "I hope you two aren't getting into trouble." She said smirking. One of the giggled while the other blushed. "Not as much as you will be." She said seductively as they walked off. Misty was so confused by what she said but paid no mind as she walked up and to her bedroom door. It was partially open and she wondered why. No one ever left a door open before. She peaked in to see Caden walking around the room. Her mind went into overdrive. 'I wanted this, but now I don't, but I do, but oh my god he's in my room, just calm down, be calm, I can't be calm when that hunk is in my room, yes I can, he is just another guest, who is hot and tastes so good, no bad brain, yes good brain, no.' Her internal conflict was killing her slowly. She watched him move wondering what he would do alone in her room.
Jake watched the girls giggling and blushing before following after them. "What are you two up to?" he asked as be caught up to them.

Caden looked around the room and Wonderer what was so familiar about it until he realized: the smell. It smelled like Misty. Strange that this room would be covered in her scent but then again it was her house, how could it not be? Noticing something in the corner he smiled to himself as he walked over. It was a violin. He had grown up playing the sweet music as a way to pass time and to please his master, though he never minded because he loved the sweet melody that came from the instrument. He expertly picked it up and began to play a soft song as he sat by the window.



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