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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Caden smiled down at her, Letting his tail swish across her bare legs. "Who wouldn't sleep well beside someone as beautiful at you?" He purred as she Nuzzled into him. her shirt riding up. He let his fingers trace along her bared skin, moving along the dips and curves of her body as he kissed her forehead.
Misty moans softly as she pulled his head closer to her lips and kisses him deeply. 'Please keep going.' She thinks as she feels her body heating up. 'Please understand I want this.' She thinks as she shoves her tongue into his mouth, her hands dancing along his chest.
Caden growled softly as she shoved her tongue in his mouth. He complied and let his tongue dance with her, delving in and out as his fingers pulled at her skin, leaving small scratch marks along her sides. He made sure to keep his grip gentle though so as not to hurt her as he explored her body. After a minute he flipped over and pulled her on top of him, entwining his fingers in her hair, he pulled her head back so he could lick and bite at her neck, leaving small love bites as he went.
Misty moaned louder loving the feeling she was getting. Her body moved on it's own as she was grinding on him. She was clawing at his chest as she moved her hands along his body. "Oh Caden." She moaned as there was a knock on the door. Misty pulled up and glared at the door. "M'lady. Breakfast is ready." One of the girls said as her heels clicked walking away. "I swear they do this to me on purpose." She said as she looked down and blushed. She moved her shirt down to cover herself as she slid off. She suddenly felt exposed and naughty and she liked it but didn't want to show it. "I am going to take a shower. Go get some food." She said as she got up. Not in a demanding matter but as a suggestion to rather then just waiting there for her.
Caden frowned as she got off of him. As she left the room to shower he fell back on the bed and covered his eyes with his hands. Didnt these people know how bad it was for a guy to be left in a situation like this? And what about Misty? He was sure she would be rather upset about how she was left. He sighed as he still tasted her on his tongue. She was innocent yes and he wanted to ease her into this world but at the same time. his primal urges wanted him to devour her and satisfy both of their needs. After a minute or two he sat up off of the bed and dressed in a tight tee shirt- the only one he could find- and a pair of black jeans. After combing his fingers through his hair he glanced towards the bathroom before walking down the hallway.
Misty had sat in the bathroom letting the water run for a few minutes. She sighed and just groaned. "I was so close." She said to herself as she stepped into the water. It didn't feel as warm as Caden. It wasn't as satisfying as Caden. She washed herself careful not to touch herself in the right ways. She didn't want to please herself. She wanted Caden. She huffed again getting frustrated. She heard the door open. "Caden is that you?" She asked giggling a bit. "You want to continue where we left off? You naughty boy." She said as she moved the curtain. Standing there was Jake. She was ready to scream.
Jake blushed and looked away as she threw the curtain open. He had never seen so much of her and he didnt want to look away but knew better then not to. "My lady... My apologies... I didn't realize it was you in here... I just heard sounds that seemed like distraught and thought I should check... I didnt expect you to reveal yourself to me... but then again, I guess if you thought I was Caden you wouldn't hesitate huh..." he uttered the last part.
Misty looked at him and covered herself. "I am sorry Jake. I have known this hold time what you feel towards me. I do not feel the same. You are a good friend and I do care about you." She said softly as she grabbed a towel and turned off the water. She stepped out covered and dried her hair. "I am sorry that you have to find out now of all times." She said blushing deep red.

One of the girls (I need names for them lol) came in smiling. "M'Lady, have you finished...." She noticed Jake and frowned a bit. "And you said I was the one who go off one disgusting things." She said giggling a bit. "M'Lady." She said looked back at Misty. "Breakfast has been set for you and you have a visitor. It is the Charlies the Brave." She said saying his name with a bit of disgust. She stuck her tongue out as Misty looked to her. "Don't be mean to him. It is not his fault he can't take a hint." She said smiling. The girl laughed. "He will today. He has already starting talking with Caden, and just assumed he is a servant."
(What about Lola and Cyera?)

Jake growled. "You didnt have a problem with me before that guy came along, we used to go on walks together at night and you didn't mind when I played the piano for you or danced with you at balls but now that he is here I guess I'm not as needed." he turned and stormed off, shoving past the girl not so gently as he went. He went into his room and slammed the door shut, his heart shattering at what had happened.
(Which one is which. Green Lola Blue Cyera?)

Misty sighed. "It was bound to happen." She said looking to Cyera. "I just wish it didn't have to be this bad. Are you okay?" She asked walking over and cupping her cheek. "Did he hurt you?" She asked smiling softly. Cyera just blushed. "I am fine M'lady." She said turning away. She would never cheat on Lola, or so she thought. They both fell for Misty because of her kindness. She wondered if there was a possibility. She looked back smiling. "Like I said Caden and Charles are waiting for you." She said giggling.

Misty sighed and went to her dresser and put on a black dress that went down to her ankles. It had one strap that went behind her neck with a bow on the back. She brushed her hair so it was all down behind her with a bit of a curl at the end. She put on a Ruby ring and smiled at it. 'Thank you mother.' She thought as she turned seeing Cyera still there. "Shall we?" She said holding her arm out to link as they walked down to the dinning room.
((Sounds good to me now to remember which is which xD ))

Caden waited at the dining hall as people came in and left. He had been told to wait here as someone had told him they had a visitor. He didnt know why they had told him though unless they wanted him to pass it on the Misty. Misty... Just thinking about her made his pulse quicken. He clenched his teeth together as he forced his thoughts away from the bedroom.
A man walked in and chuckled. "Since when does the help sit at the table before the Lady?" He asked seeing Caden sitting there. He had been there before and knew a lot about Misty, but still felt her could change her to be like normal slave owners. He sat near the head of the table smirking. "I think you should leave." He said pointing to him.

Misty and Cyera walked down when Lola appeared. "Have you guys seen Jake? He has not done any of his chores today. Is he ill?" She asked worried about him. She noticed they had their arms interlocked and winked. "Is someone trying to sneak away with the Misses behind my back." She said winking at Cyera. Misty blushed a bit. "As flattered as I am, you two would be way to much for me." She said not realizing she just flirted with them. Never once had she flirted with the girls. Both their mouths were dropped trying to comprehend what she just said. "It seems Caden here has brought out something we never thought to see." Cyera said tugging Misty. Misty blushed again. "Jake may not be working today as he has come down with something." She told Lola trying to avoid what happened. She knew they would talk later.
Caden bristled at the mans comment. He should leave? Who the hell did he think he was telling him what to do? The command went over his body all the wrong way. He had actually been happy here with Misty and could almost forget what he was and yet here this man was. bringing the memories back in a total wave. "Since when do Guests order around other peoples Nekos and sit before even being greeted by the Head's household?" Caden shot back before he could think of the consequences that could come from him being a smart ass.
Charles stood up. "Since when the a Neko think he can order around a human." He said walking over to him and raising his hand. Misty walked in and smiled. "Why Charles. I do hope you don't plan on laying a hand on my boyfriend." She said without even thinking. Everyone other staff member in the room stopped. Cyera had let go of her arm at this point and just grabbed Lola. "I knew it would happen." She said bouncing with Lola. They were so excited while the rest of the staff just went back to what they were doing. Only Cyera and Caden knew she was half Neko, so everyone else thought it a bit weird that a human would want to be with a neko. But when they remembered who her father was they did not question it.

Charles seemed bothered. "You have to be joking. You would rather soil yourself with a beast then to be with me." He said walking towards her. He was going to try and win her over, if not take her for himself.
Caden smiled at her before walking over to join her. He best Charles there and kissed her hand softly. his eyes smiling all the while. She announced they were together so there was no point in hiding it anymore. "I do not wish to soil you my lady, Just to cherish your beauty and wall beside your grace." He purred to her as he looked back to see Charles. He knew there was a reason be hadn't liked him but now he had a new reason. He damn sure wasn't going to let him have Misty.
Misty blushed and smiled. "My dear Caden you will never soil me. I chose you because I want to show you how special you are." She said pulling him into a kiss. She kept him close when they broke the kiss and smiled towards Charles. "You may leave no. You have no reason to be here." She said as she walked over to her seat pulling Caden to sit next to her at the head of the table. "You know the way out right?" She teased as he walked off angered.

Cyera and Lola just giggles as they walked over. "Shall we reheat your meal?" They both asked together but Misty shock her head. "Please sit and enjoy. You both have helped me through a lot." Misty said smiling as she took Caden's hand.
Caden purred as he kissed her back. He could feel the rage that emanated off of Charles as he watched, appalled at such a sight. He tried to protest but as she dismissed him be stomped off like a child. He laughed softly as she pulled him to the table and sat down with him next to her. He rubbed his thumb gently aroundthe top of her hand as she held his tightly. He knew he could be content with her for the rest of his life.

Jake descended the stairs and nearly ran over the steaming Charles. "I apologize my lord. I didnt see you there..." he mumbled as he bowed respectfully.
Charles almost yelled at the man. "You have..." He started but looked at the man. "You have some information I may need." He said smiling evilly. "Please come with me, tell me about Misty and her new 'guest.'" He said as he motioned to the front door. "I will happily reward you for your help." He said knowing that using threatening tactics won't work on one who wasn't his servant. "Maybe we can work something out to get rid of this pest." He said hoping it would spike his interest. He knew Jake had a crush on Misty, and if he played his cards right he could get them both out of his way.

Misty ate her breakfast smiling the whole time. "Well as you have heard, Caden is not a guest in my house but my boyfriend." She said then stuttered as she blushed and looked at Caden. "I...I...I... mean i...i...if you w...w...want to be." She stated forgetting that she never officially asked him. She suddenly got beat red at the thought that he may decline in order to go about his own business. Lola and Cyera just giggled as they watched.
"I'd be honored to be called yours." he smiled at her as he raised her hand up to his lips and placed a sweet kiss on her knuckles. He smiled at her as he started to eat his own breakfast, content with life for once.

Jake looked at Charles with suspicious eyes but nodded. "Yes My lord." he smiled as he was offered a chance to get rid of Caden. "She doesn't speak much of who he is or what his story is but he was found at an auction house a day ago and she hasn't let him out of her sight since."
Misty just froze at his acceptance. 'This is real. I have my first boyfriend.' She thought as she looked at the girls. She gave them a glare but smiled. "That's right. He is mine and I am his." She winked at the girls. "Only HIS." She said blushing again. 'Why am I flirting with them now. What has come over me.' She thought as she continued to eat.

Charles smiled. "Only a day you say." He nodded as he threw a sack of gold at him. "I may be asking for some help in the near future." He motioned to the bag. "Expect more next time." He said as he left. 'I will make her mine.' He thought as he left.
Caden cocked a brow at her declaration to the girls. "Is there something I should be aware if here?" he asked one of them as he took a drink of milk. He knew they wouldn't actually try anything... at least he didnt think they would but with this group of people who knew what could happen? He mentally shook himself. They wouldn't try so hard to get them together if they were just going to play with her as well.

Jake caught the bag as Charles through it to him and smiled. Gold for a little information about the pest? That he could get behind. "Anytime you need my Lord." he bowed as he slid the bag into his pocket. He didnt know what was In store but if it got Caden out of the way it was worth it.
Misty blushed as she looked away from the two. Cyera was the bold one of the two and just winked. "She knows what it is. And that is all I will say." She said as she looked to Lola. "Shall we be off?" She asked her and Lola smiled and got up. "We do have chores to complete." She said giggling. They left the two in the dinning hall alone. Misty looked to Caden. "So. What shall we do today?" She asked wanting to do anything with him.
Caden watched the two leave. There was so.much between the three that he just couldn't understand. He laughed it off as she turned to him. "I'm all yours today my dear. whatever you wish to do or wherever you wish to go."
Misty pouted. "I asked you for a reason dumbie." She said teasing him. "What do YOU want to do?" She asked again making sure he understood that he was choosing what they did today and she wasn't take no for an answer. She smiled softly as she took his hand. "Lead the way." She said getting up giggling.

Lola and Cyera smiled as they went back to their room to get ready for some of the chores. "They are so cute together." Lola said giggling. "And to think we may get to have fun as well." Cyera said giggling as well. "Yeah but do you think he will be okay with it?" Lola asked curious. "He better or else he won't get to join." Cyera said blushing a bit. "Are you okay with it my love." She said looking at Lola. Lola smiled, "As long as we all agree that I will not lose you." She said happily.
Caden smiled at her and he gave her a bow before clasping his hand around hers. "Why don't we go and see the garden? I hear you love the view and I would like to see them."

Jake walked to his room and smiled to himself as he stashed the bag of gold. He didnt know what was to come but he knew he could use the extra gold to help him out around the house and to maybe even buy a present to help soothe things over with Misty from what had happened. There was no way he was going to go down without a fight.

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