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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty blushed. "I can't keep any secrets can I." She said knowing who told him. She smiled as they walked through the kitchen out the back door. They stood in front of the roses and she just smiled. She bent down and picked one out without hitting a single thorn. "These were my mothers favorite flower." She said as she picked off the thorns. "She use to always put one in my hair every time we came out here." She said as she put it behind Caden's ear. "Red looks cute against your blue hair." She said giggling.
Caden smiled at her as she placed the rose in his hair. "Thank you my dear. I will treasure it always." He quickly bent and kissed her lightly on the cheek. He paused, not pulling to far away from her face as his eyes caught hers. "You have beautiful eyes...." he whispered as he trailed her hand across her cheek slowly.
Misty slapped his hand away. "I'm already your girlfriend. You don't have to flatter me by lying." She said blushing and teasing him. "They aren't that great." She said looking at the roses. "They just prove that I am not normal." She sighed a bit. Did she want to tell him her past? Did she want him to know everything? She sighed again as she walked down the trail to the lavender. She breathed it in and smiled. 'This always cheers me up.' She thought as she sat on the bench.
Caden watched her bewildered as she left him to walk down by the lavender. He slowly walked after her, enjoying the cool breeze that blew against his skin. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I dont care if you are normal or not. you are mine and you are beautiful." he Nuzzled her neck.
Misty smiled softly. "Oh. I'm yours? I thought you were mine? Or did I not purchase you legally?" She said with an evil grin. She looked at him and giggled. "Just kidding." She said turning happy again. She pulled him down onto the bench and kissed him happily. "You know, it has only been a day and I've had so many firsts because of you." She said laughing and blushing. "I am sorry if it took this long for you." She said her smile dropping only barely. "I promise to make things perfect for you." She said as she stuck out her pinkie. "Even if we don't stay together, your life will never be less then what you want it to be." She said happily. 'I will follow your footsteps mom. I have found the perfect man for me just like you did in dad.' She thought as she smiled.
Caden frowned at her comment. "You might have bought me my sweet but I have marked you as my own..." he purred seductively as he Tracee his fingers down to her neck, stopping at the small bite mark that still shown on her skin. He kissed her back happily as she pulled him down on the bench with her. "I'm glad to have been your first for many things. You've been my first for a few things as well..." he felt a soft best come to his cheeks as he looked at her. "I wouldn't want to leave your side even if it killed me."
Caden frowned at her comment. "You might have bought me my sweet but I have marked you as my own..." he purred seductively as he Tracee his fingers down to her neck, stopping at the small bite mark that still shown on her skin. He kissed her back happily as she pulled him down on the bench with her. "I'm glad to have been your first for many things. You've been my first for a few things as well..." he felt a soft best come to his cheeks as he looked at her. "I wouldn't want to leave your side even if it killed me."
Misty smiled. "I apologize for my comment as it was insensitive of me." She said as she held his hand. She blushed about the bite marks forgetting that she didn't apply some makeup to hide them. 'Did I forget? Or did I want them shown off?' She thought to herself as she smiled at him when he blushed. "I finally got you embarrassed." She said teasingly. "Tell me oh experienced one. What am I your first in?" She said rather curious now. She knew he would be experienced after he told her a bit of his past, but to think she was a first was shocking to her.
He stared at her for a minute as his eyes danced. "You are the first woman I've ever wanted to be with... the first I've ever felt safe around..." he smiled at her. He wasn't sure why he felt complied to tell her this but he wanted her to know how he felt about her. He had never known what love was and it was a strange feeling but strange in a good way. He could spend eternity looking into her eyes and staying by her side.
Misty smiled as she leaned in to kiss him again. "Miss." Lola said popping out behind Caden. "You are needed at the front door." She said smiling. Misty glared at her. Rarely did she ever glare but it seemed she was doing it more as well. She got up and dusted off her dress. "I will be right back." She said kissing Cadens forehead. "Don't go anywhere." She said as she walked off. Lola just stood there with a grin. "You loooovvvveeee her." She said playing innocent.
"I'm starting to think this Is a game between the two of you." he growled at her playfully. "to see who can catch us the most at the most interesting time." he stretched as his ears twitched, glancing over to where Misty disappeared. "I'm not even sure if I know what love is to be honest..." he told her, turning his swirling eyes to her as his thoughts roamed. Did he love her? He wanted to be with her and he missed her when she was gone but he didnt know if it was love. He had never known love but if this was what it was, he was enjoying it.
Lola smiled. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." She said as she got next to him and puckered up. She moved closer to his lips wanting to know his reaction. 'I know you trust me Cyera, and you too Misty.' She thought already hating this idea. 'But I cannot let you both down.' She said as she came closer. 'Please don't kiss me. Please don't ruin what I have with Cyera.' She thought as she closed her eyes.

(Yes this was my plan the whole time. I wonder what was going through your mind? Hehe)
Caden frowned at her as she got closer to him. He growled softly as he backed away from her, memories flashing through his mind as she advanced towards him. "What are you doing?" he asked as he stood from the bench, careful not to knock her off as he moved.

((Wondering why it would ruin whatever she has with Cyera xD ))
(They are afraid that this plan would have caused him to want one of them XP)

Lola smiled softly. "Just testing you." She said relieved that he didn't go for it. "Nothing but a test." She said to herself trying to convince herself that it was nothing. Her heart was racing still. She started to walk away. "I am sorry." She said with a few tears in her eyes. Misty was walking back and noticed the tears. "Are you okay?" She asked as Lola ran by. "What happened?" She asked as she came to Caden.
((gotcha! Just hope they dont want him xD ))

Caden rubbed the back of his neck as she returned. "To be honest, I have no idea. Something about a test?" he shook his head as he wrapped offered him her arm. "So who was at the door?"
(Oh no they want her XP)

Misty blushed. "No one." She said sighing. "We planned this whole thing from the start." She said as she looked away. "I trust them the most of all my staff. So we made a pack a few years back." She smiled softly. "Sorry to have tricked you." She said with a small frown. She knew it was a dumb idea and she would pay for it. She just wondered what he would do, how he would get mad. She didn't want him mad, and thought about canceling the plan, but she made a promise to let them check the guy out for her.
((I dont know how willing he is to share xD ))

Caden looked at her before looking up at the sky above. After a few moments that seemed to drag by forever he finally spoke. "So did I pass?" He glanced down at her as his ears twitched.
(He may have to learn XP)

Misty looked at him confused. "What?"She asked. 'Did he really just ask that. He isn't mad? He isn't going to just leave me and go?' She thought as she looked away. "It was such a horrible thing and you just don't care?" She asked wanting a true reaction. 'He has to care. There is no way a person could ever just be this kind.' She thought knowing what has happened outside of her walls.
((Easier said then done for him!))

"Did I pass?" he asked again as he watched her baffled expression. "I'm not going to get mad and storm off over something like this. I mean, they care about you. Yea, I wish they wouldn't have done it like that but If it was to make sure I was worthy then I feel like I should know if In passed or not."
Misty blushed. "No." She said giggling. "You failed." She smiled and laughed. "You were suppose to kiss her and fall for her so I could kick you out and they could take me and make me feel happy again and cheer me up so I would fall madly in love with them." She smiled teasing him a bit. "That was the test and you failed." She laughed again. "But that means that I am all yours." She said jumping into his arms and putting her forehead on his. "I love you." She said softly before she blushed deep red and buried her head into his shoulder. "You didn't hear that." She mumbled into his arm.
Caden gave her a crooked grin as she told him she failed. "Would you like me to try again? I'm sure she hasn't gotten to far away." he teased her before she jumped him. He caught her and kissed her lightly, sweetly on cheek. "I think I love you too... I'm not sure what Love feels like though but I know I feel.... something..."
Misty blushed and tried to hide it. "I feel the same." She mumbled as she tears up a bit. "I don't want to lose you." She said as she pulled away. Her eyes were teared and her face was red. "I can't lose you like my mother." She said as she openly cried in his arms. She had never told anyone about her mothers death. No one but the few staff members who were they knew. Not even Cyera or Lola.
Caden's eyes widened as she started to cry. "Hey now.." he whispered to her, "Whats going on in that pretty little head of hours lovely?" he rubbed her back as he cradled her against him. He didnt know what was going on with her but he knew he would help her however he could.
Misty just continued to cry. "It's nothing." She said as she pointed towards the maze (yes they have a hedge maze). "Let's go in the maze." She said knowing that no one really goes in there, and that she always goes there when she wanted to talk privately with Lola or Cyera. 'I will tell him there.' She thought as she cried some more. 'Mother please give me strength.' She whispered to herself.
Caden nodded as he walked into the maze, cradling her still as he moved. He would do anything to make her feel better. As he entered the maze, he found a small shady area off to one side and decided that would be the best place to go. He sat on the ground and pulled her along, into his lap.

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