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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Lola had walked in at that time. "Things happen. We will try to help you but you just have to realize that you are not a slave anymore and live life the way you want to. If you don't want to fall in love again that is on you, but Misty will not be too upset she is very understanding." She said looking a bit saddened. She knew that if Misty lost Caden she would probably go for Risa and not them since they had each other. It was a dream that she wanted but knew she probably would never get.
Caden looked up as Lola walked in. He wouldn't mind love but he couldn't just force himself, especial when he remembered nothing about her, nor very much about himself either.
Cyera seemed to see his express. "There is nothing wrong with not falling in love, but make sure you know it's true. Misty will be willing to take it slow, just talk to her about it." She said as she kissed his cheek. "Just remember that we are as much in love with you as she is and Risa." She said spilling the beans on who he was in a relationship with.
Caden looked at her, his eyes swirling as he thought. "So This isn't a normal relationship. None of this is normal." he said after a few moments. He wondered how he had ended up with all of them if he wasn't forced to have sex with them. It didn't make sense.

"I can't talk to her about it. I don't even know what to say." he sighed as he stood up and paced the floor. 
Misty was standing at the door at this point having seen Caden wasn't there. "How about start by saying 'Hi. My name is Caden, and I am a free man.' She said walking up to him and taking his hand. She gave it a squeeze as she smiled. "I don't own you. I made sure to get you and free you just as I did with these two, and just as Jake had done with Dani earlier today." She sat on the bed next to Cyera and Lola and smiled softly. "We love you because of who you are. You are amazing and awesome and we want to show you we love you still." She smiled as she reached under the bed and pulled out a violin. "Please play for us." She said giving him the option to say no.
Caden looked at the violin and a smile seemed to tug at the edges of his lips. "I don't know if I can play it..." he said as doubt lined his voice. He took the instrument and ran his fingers along it delicately. Something about it seemed so familiar... He placed it under his chin and tenderly ran the bow across its strings In a testing manner. His eyes closed as he held it close, the music flowing from it almost in its own.
Misty, Lola, and Cyera just sat their listening as he played. They were happy with it and hoped that he would keep going all night. The girls started to fall asleep as Misty got up and let them lay down together. She sat on the floor at Caden's feet to listen to him as she hugged her knees. She was glad he got to play for her again. She had loved hearing him the first time and was happy to have heard him once more. She looked out the window with a smile as she saw the moon light up the night. It was beautiful and she was enjoying the peace.
Caden continued to play as the girls fell asleep. He heard Misty moving and opened his eyes to see her staring out the window as he played. His song drew to an end and he lowered the instrument. It had been about an hour and a half that he had been playing. 

"I remember playing this..." he said softly as to not awake the girls. "I don't remember where or when... but I remember it." he gave her a sad smile as he slipped the violin back into its case ands slid it under the bed.
Misty smiled. "You played it the morning after I asked you to marry me. Everyone was there and listened to you." She said looking back at him. "You are amazing and I wish I was as good as you. Will you teach me?" She asked knowing she was good but still wanted to find a way to bond with him. She knew it was wrong to ask for something like this, but she thought maybe it would be better then just telling him she loved him. She crawled back over and laid her head in his lap. "I'm sorry I am such a burden to you." She said as she slowly went to sleep. "I have done nothing good for you but you have shown me nothing but love. I wish I could repay you." She mumbled.
Caden watched as she fell asleep on his lap. This girl confused him. She loved him and yet he was nothing but a Neko used to sex. So much had happened today, he woke up with no memory, saw Dia and regained a few of his memories, found d out he was loved by not only one but four girls. He almost had a child that turned out to not be his and got to play an Instrument that felt right as the notes flower throughout. He leaned back against the wall and looked out the window. The two girls where sleeping in the bed and Misty was in his lap. He sighed softly as his eyes closed and he drifted off into a what he hoped would be a dreamless sleep. 
Misty would wake up the next morning seeing she was on Caden and sigh. She moved up and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry I made you sleep on the floor." She whispered as she looked to see the girls were gone already. She moved Caden to the bed as she tucked him in and walked out to see Dani in the kitchen wearing nothing by an apron dancing around. "Why are you naked in my house?" She asked as Dani turned around blushing. "I can explain... I was starting to cook and got my clothes dirty. I didn't want to look like a slob after cleaning up so I put this on. I promise I will wash it well." She said then noticed that Lola and Cyera were sitting at the table watching and blushing. "I.... I.... I didn't hear either of you...." Dani blushed bright red as she tried to cover herself even though nothing was visible.
(I love that misty can move Caden so easily Lol)

Jake yawned as he walked out of the room and Into the kitchen. "Morning..." he murmured as he rubbed his eyes. He opened the fridge to grab a drink and turned around. His mind was still asleep as he did this and didn't seem to focus on the fact that Dani was naked. As his mind woke up his eyes widened and he quickly turned away from her, his cheeks slightly red. He was glad nothing had been visible since he knew if anything popped up, he would hear about it for days from the girls. 

"I think I missed something here..." he muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
(I mean why couldn't she? She has done it before XP)

Misty just laughed as she pulled Dani into a hug. "It's okay. It looks cute on you. Keep it." She said with a wink. "You never know when you will be cooking like this again." She then looked to Jake with a blush. "You missed a lot, but don't worry, I'm sure Dani will fill you up... I mean in." She said as the girls at the table laughed while Misty blushed. Dani went so red that she ran off into her room and closed the door. Misty looked down saddened. "I'll talk to her after I finish breakfast." She said sounding defeated. 

While in the room Dani was looking for anything to change into. She didn't mind what Misty had said, but she wasn't trying to get sex from any of them. Especially not from her Master, or during cooking breakfast. She thought about it and how it would have been a first for her in the kitchen, but shook the thought. 'I am not going to do that. I will work off my debt then leave.' She thought as she tried to find something good but not to sexy to wear. 
Jake frowned at Misty. "I appreciate everything you have done for me Misty but I must ask for you not to make sex jokes or any kind of remarks like that to Dani. She is uncomfortable with it and I don't want her thinking that is all she is wanted for." he turned around and walked out of the kitchen, shooting the laughing girls a glare before going to their room. He faded their closet and smiled when he came up with a simple sundress before taking it to the closed bedroom door. He knocked on it gently. 

"Dani... I'm sorry about that. I brought you a dress to wear until we can get you some new clothes." he said as he sat the dress on the door handle. 

"I'll leave you to change in peace." he said with a sigh as he turned to walk away. 

(I was amazed then too XD)
Misty sighed as she finished making breakfast and setting the table for everyone. She didn't mean to make it go that far, it just happened and now she felt bad about it. When she saw Jake walk away she felt like she messed up so much and ruined everything all over again. She decided to just make her plate and return to her room to eat in peace. Lola and Cyera were saddened about it but didn't do anything but ate like normal.

Dani had opened the door and reached her hand out to grab Jake's. She tugged on it a bit. "Do you think I'm cute?" She asked innocent like. She didn't mind the sexual reference, she was just so embarrassed to be told it outright instead of just being forced into it. It was different for her and she didn't know how to take it besides to make sure that she covered up since she didn't want her master to take advantage of her. She could care less what the girls thought about her. She looked into Jake's eyes with a few tears. "Do you want to take me master." She said as she dropped the top of the apron letting it show off her chest.
Jake looked back at her and sighed. He took the dress and handed it to her, covering her up. 

"You are adorable but I'm not going to take advantage of you. I've seen it to many times and I'm not going to do that to you." he said as he held her hand gently. "Don't pay them any mind. They have no filter most days. Once you change and get something to eat we will go into town and you can pick you out some new clothes or whatever you need." He brought her hand up and kissed it gently. 

Caden opened one eye as the door opened and closed. He sat up and yawned as he saw misty. "Good morning." he mumbled softly as he rubbed his eyes.
Dani didn't let go. "No." She said as she looked him in the eyes with a stern expression. She pulled him forward so he was lower. "Tell me you want me." She said almost begging. Tears started to form in her eyes. "Tell me you love me and never want to hurt me. Show me you want me as more then a slave." She said knowing it probably wasn't going to happen. She had been in this situation so many times where someone would say they wouldn't take advantage and then they did. "Make me yours." She said starting to cry as she wanted to move towards him. "Let me be yours." She said begging him.

(Caden is in Lola's and Cyera's room remember)
(Oh yea, my bad lol) 

Jake frowned at her. He didn't know what to do in this situation so he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head, his hands rubbing her back. It wasn't a sexual gesture, but a comforting one. He pulled her into his lap as he sat down, rocking her gently. 

"You aren't a sex slave anymore. No one will ever touch you in such a way if you don't want them too. I know its hard to believe but it happened for Caden. He was in your shoes as well and now he is free of all that. You are too." 
Dani sighed as she hugged him. "Then be mine. I want this please." She said looking into his eyes as she leaned up to kiss him. "Just let me have this moment of weakness before I decide I don't want this." She said as she locked lips with him. She started to move against him in his lap as she repositioned herself so she was straddling him. "I want this, please." She begged as she started to pull the apron down more. "Let me be a true women and find love." She said softly.
Jake blushed as she moved against him. "You'll hate me and yourself afterwards..." he said as he held her. He was torn between wanting her and wanting to make her happy in life.  He was sure she would hate him if he let her have this, that she would just say he was like everyone else that she had been with. In all his life he had never been prepared to deal with a situation like this one. 
Dani started to pull his shirt off then laid her head on his chest to listen to his heart. "I won't. But I will not force you like I was." She said as she kissed his heart softly. She wrapped her arms around him and put her chest against his as she breathed. She felt warm and safe in his arms and she didn't want to lose this. 

Misty finished eating when she saw a carriage come up to the house. She sighed not knowing what was going on when she walked out of her room. "Can you make sure Dani and Jake are alright?" She asked the girls when she didn't seem them in the dinning room. She went out the front door with a smile. "May I help you?" She asked the carriage driver.
Jake held her as she listened to his heart beat. "I wouldn't mind being with you in an intimate way but I want to show you the right way to do this. I am going to court you like a lady should be." he said as he kissed the top of her head. He sighed as he cursed himself inwardly. He would always be at war with himself over her and he knew it. 

(Who is in the carriage?)
Dani smiled softly as she looked up and kissed his lips. "Just know I am hard to court." She said with a wink before getting off and going into the bathroom to get dressed. When she came out she was wearing the sundress smiling. "How do I look?" She said as she noticed a carriage outside through the window and cursed as she ran out the room. 

Dani ran out next to Misty as she looked at the carriage. "It's can't be..." She said as she hid behind Misty. Misty looked at the girl confused when the door opened.

Charles stepped out with a smile. "I heard rumors that my little brat made it out this way. It's funny that she would lead me to you." He said with a chuckle. "Still with your whores?" He asked as Misty balled up her fists. "It's no surprise you aren't in prison." She said as she looked to Dani. "She mine now, I bought her fair." She said as Charles shook his head. "Not from what I heard. I heard that a Neko bought her, and you know that Neko's can not own another Neko. So I will be taking her back now." He said as some of his guards walked up next to him. "With force." He said. 
Jake followed her outside as he noticed the carriage. As he approached behind he hears the words "With force." as guards circled around. His hair stood on ends as a ferocious growl grumbled deep in his throat. 

"Get the hell out of here Charles." he growled as he places his hand on Dani's shoulder. "She does not belong to you. If people knew you tried but Kill Misty's Neko, you would be ripped from your own ownership." he growled as he heard the door behind him open. He turned slightly to see who it was. 

Caden stood in the doorway, his chest bare and his hair messy. A yawn engulfed him as he strode from the house. His feet were bare in the grass. 

"My lady... I woke to you not being around." he said as his attention settled on the scene playing out. Tension sparked in the air like a field before lightning strikes. 
Dani held onto Jake's hand. "I will never be yours again and I will kill you if you try." She threatened even though she was shaking the whole time. She was scared to go back and she was nervous that Misty would let her go. She didn't know her, and Dani already screwed up in their house. She had no reason to keep her there.

Misty sighed and looked to the guards. "Would you really disobey the law of the land, to be swayed by a few coin?" She asked smirking. "All I have to do is talk to the king and you all would be hanged. Is this worth it?" She asked as some of them seemed to falter a bit. 

Hearing Caden, Misty turned around and saw him. "Caden?" She called as she walked back to him and got in front of him. Charles laughed. "I knew he lived but, I didn't think he would be back so soon." He said pulling a pistol from his jacket. It was a new weapon and not too many people knew about it. "Step aside or I will hit you Misty." He said as he laughed. They guards seemed to not care what would happen to them at this point being committed.

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