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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty smiled. "We are actually not here to visit. We wanted to know if you could tell us about a friend of his. Maybe it will help bring back memories and get him back to being okay." She said as she motioned for Caden to go in first. She wondered what the Neko's would think seeing that Misty was very different then Risa. She didn't want to mess things up for her and get her kicked out, but she wanted to be with her as well.

Lola and Cyera frowned. "We couldn't get his memories back so they are going to try and find a friend of his. Girl by the name of Dia." Lola said as Dani froze. "Dia? The caregiver?" She asked confused. Why would someone know her mother. How did Caden of all people know her mother. "I have to go." She said as she started to run off towards the road. Cyera tried to grab her. "Wait."
Caden walked in nervously as scents collided with his nose. There were plenty of Nekos around and a strong tension on the air. The house was lovely though in contrast with tall ceilings and pretty black furniture and pictures along the walls. 

"A friend of yours, Risa?" a male voice asked from the top of the stairs. A man stood there with black hair and shining blue eyes. He wore a suit that was clean and polished. He was a very handsome man who eyes the two curiously. 

"Father! This is Misty and her Neko, Caden. Misty, this is my father." she said as she hurriedly gave introductions. 

"Come, sit. We can talk in the living room." her father motioned them into the other room as he came down the stairs. 

"Dani wait!." Jake sighed. He ran after her and caught up with her. "Where are you going? Do you want to be picked up and taken back to a life of punishment?" he asked her as he looked back that Lola and Cyera.
Misty seemed a bit nervous about him. "We really mustn't be long. We were only here for a moment." She said to the man before pulling Risa aside. "We are looking for Dia. Do you know anything about her?" She asked quietly so that her father couldn't hear. She didn't want to upset the man, but knew if she stayed to long she would.

Dani tried to get around him. "I have to find her. If Caden finds her who knows what will happen." She said as she started to run again. "He can't know what she did." She said as she tried to run. Cyera caught up to her and picked her up. "Why don't you tell us then." She said with a serious tone.
Caden felt the back of his neck prickle at the man. He had a bad feeling about him which was intensified as a jingle could be heard at the top of the stairs. "Master... will you be requiring us today?" a Neko purred at the top of the stairs. She had on a red lace bra and panty set with a velvet choker around her neck. She leaned over the banister seductively as she pressed her chest together, her flesh showing as bands wrapped around her arms and ankles. 

"Now Miki, we have company. Be a little more appropriate in their presence." he said with a smile as he looked her over. She nodded to him before disappearing, her tail wagging as she went. 

Risa groaned and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that." she sighed. "Someone named Dia? Hm... I think my uncle had someone named Dia before he died... I don't know much about her though." she shook her head. 

"Nothing will happen to her if Caden finds her. He isn't a violent type... well not towards ladies." Jake said as he thought about the fights the two of them had. "I know you find it hard to believe, but you can trust us. I mean. it they do find her, they are probably going to bring her back here with them and you will be with her again." 
Misty seemed to grow most interested. "Where is she now? Do you know? Who may know?" She asked as she made sure to grab Caden's hand. She didn't want him doing anything that would get them both in a lot of trouble. "Please tell me." She said desperate. "I will do anything for you." She said with a twinkle in her eye.

Dani shook her head. "He will kill her if he finds out the truth." She said as she tried to get Cyera to let her go. "If he finds out my mother killed that man and blamed it on him, he will go beserk." She said as she knew this would shock them enough. Sure enough Cyera seemed to be in disbelief that caused her to let Dani go.
Caden felt her warm hand in his and wondered what she was planning on doing. 

"I think she still lives at the house... It wasn't sold or anything since my Uncle's death and is actually Stoll being used as... well... you know what it was used as..." Risa said, rubbing the back of her neck at the uncomfortable topic. 

"Wait... so Caden didn't kill him? Why did he go along with it then? He even acted like he did it." Jake mused as he grabbed her arm as Cyera let go. He shook his head. "Either way, Caden won't kill her for it. I mean, that rumor freed him after all in the end. He got a better life out of it... Even if he doesn't remember it. I just hope someone doesn't ruin him with lies or anything. Misty would be shattered." he sighed. He still loved her even if he knew he couldn't have her. 
Misty smiled softly. "Would you like to take a walk with us and have a nice little chat." She said with a semi evil grin. She had some words she wanted to say and didn't want her father to hear them. "Please?" She asked smiling softly.

Dani tried to pull away. "He had to let her go. How else was he suppose to protect his daughter." She yelled before freezing and putting her hands over her mouth.
"Papa I'm going out for a bit! I'll be home for dinner though!" she called to him. He frowned but shoo'd her off. 

"Let's go, before he changes his mind." she said as she slipped on her sandals d led them out of the house and towards the carriage.

"What?!" Jake exclaimed as he looked at her. "He has a kid? but you look just a few years younger then him. Start from the beginning. We will help you but we have to know the whole story and if I were you If hurry up about it."
Misty was happy. She got to be with Risa again and help make things better for Caden. 'What could possibly go wrong?' She thought as they got into the carriage.

Dani tried to struggle but ended up stopping. "I am much younger then him. From what my mother told me, they were in love, but they never were allowed to be." She said with the obvious reasons. "They got intimate 16 years ago and I was born. My mother never told him and he never figured out why she avoided him so. My mother got mad at master when he started abusing me sexually. She beat him and killed him and Caden saw the whole thing. He thought it weird that she could kill so easily over another slave. My mom didn't want to tell him why she did so she knocked him out hoping he would forget. When he awoke he thought he was the killer and ran. That was a few years ago." She said telling the whole story. "He's in his late 30's." She said knowing the truth about him.

Lola and Cyera seemed shocked by the news. "We need to find them." They said as they got their carriages.
"What did you want to talk about?" Rosa asked as the carriage started off. It wasn't to far away, the house her uncle used. 

Caden sat quietly on the seat beside Misty, his gaze going to the window as the terrain passed by. 

Jake frowned at her. "But that doesn't make sense... If he was that old, we would have known. Hell, I'm only twenty five." Jake said. "Are you sure we are talking about the same guy here?" he asked. After a moment he called the carriage and opened the door. "Come on, we need to get this story straightened out. Someone isn't being honest and we need to find out." he said as he waited for the girls to get in.
Misty took Risa's hand and pull her close. "I just wanted to be next to you. But seriously, do you know if Dia is still there? Caden knows her from when he use to be there." She said assuming that he was there with her and it wasn't some other owner. "I mean... I want to help him figure out his past and let him remember what happened with us." She said pointing between them both. "And I just love being in your arms." She said shyly as she blushed.

Dani just sighed. "Unless my mom was lying, Caden is my dad." She said as she huffed. "Why is it so hard to believe. He was a sex slave. He was bound to have a kid at some point." She said as Lola and Cyera looked away. They didn't want to talk about Misty having a miscarriage and they didn't want Jake to know either.
"Hunny you are so sweet and cute." Risa giggled as she hugged her close and kissed the top of her head. "The only way that we will know for sure is to go there."

"Go there?" Caden asked, his head shooting up as memories assailed him. Fear gripped his heart at being locked in a room and used again. 

"Don't worry sweetie. We aren't going to put you back there. We are just going to go and see if your friend is still there." Risa said as she tried to reassure him.  

Jake motioned for the carriage. "Well let's go find out." he said simply as he opened the door for them. "If you are that worried about it, we will go stop it."
Misty smiled softly. "If we have to wait in the carriage we can and Risa can go looking for Dia." She said as she took his hand. "I promise my love that I will protect you and never let you go somewhere you can't stand." She said looking to Risa. "That is the same with you. I want to help you get them all freed and get them away from your father." She said as she looked down. "I know I have done the same with Caden and Lola and Cyera and you, but I would never say it like he did." She said frowning.

Dani sighed. "Fine let's go." She said as they started to move. Lola and Cyera jumped in and went with them. "We have you back. You are family now." Lola said as Cyera smiled sitting next to Dani. "Just don't try and take Lola or Misty away from me." She whispered softly as she side hugged her. Dani gulped looking to Jake for help.
Caden shook his head. "I'm fine. I don't need to be babied like some smile child." he growled softly, knowing he shouldn't take that kind of tone with a master. He couldn't help it though. His fear was pissing him off and so was not being able to remember things that he should know by heart. 

"It looks like he has some of his fire back in him." Risa teased as she laughed softly. "Maybe being back there will help him... I don't mean like being used or anything but maybe seeing the house... it could jolt him out of this and he will remember who he is." she offered as she rubbed Misty's hand. "And don't worry, that girl at my fathers house, she pretty much begged for that position. I don't know why but she is in love with that man and does nothing but whine and complain when he ignores her. It's a strange relationship but he favors her for sure. Since she has been around, he has actually been leaving the others alone. I just hope it lasts." she sighed as the house came into view. Like her house, it was a beautiful and large area with giant marble pillars lining the entrance. It was well kept with a neatly trimmed yard and freshly painted fence. "This is where Caden came from." Risa said with a sad smile. "I wish I could have helped him all those years ago but what's done is done." she said as she hopped out of the carriage as it came to a stop. Caden hesitated as he gazed up at the house but, shaking his head, he forced himself out of the carriage after her and waited, offering his hand to help Misty down before following Risa to the door. 

Risa knocked on the door and waited as a butler answered. "Ah Miss Risa, it has been a while since we have gotten a visit from you. And I see you have brought some friends. Please come in, come in." the man said as he moved aside so they could enter the house. He eyed Caden for a moment before shaking his head and giving a curt bow to Misty. "What brings you here today ma'am? If I might ask." 

"We are looking for a girl named Dia. She used to work here when Uncle was still alive. We need to speak with her if we can." Risa answered with a soft smile. 

"I think she was cleaning up one of the rooms. You are more then welcome to look. I think it was in 308. Sadly, not much has changed around her since his passing like so many of us thought. I'm just glad to see the twisted mind skipped you at least... that way we all have hope."  he said before bowing once more and leaving.  Risa turned to face Misty and Caden. "If I remember right, 308 should be down this way." she started off down one of the long hallways, twisting and turning corridors. There were many doors on the dark hallways, from some of them could be heard the murmurs of pleasure and the cries of enjoyment from both men and woman. Risa sighed sadly before she stopped in front of a large black door. "This is 308." she said before stepping aside. Caden felt his pulse race as he starred at the door. It had been a long time but the door was burned into his memory. He knew what laid on the other side. His tail twitched back and forth as he waited. 


The carriage jerked along the road as Jake tried to talk the girls into leaving her alone. "You guys can't just go around pouncing on everyone and forcing your love onto them. Especially when they don't know if they can trust you or not." he said as he made the girls trade spots with him. He knew he wasn't a much better option but he figured at least then she would't have to worry about being loved to death and threatened, even if they were just playing. He looked out the window as the house came into  view and laughed softly as he saw the other carriage out front. "It looks like we are a little to late. We better hurry if we wanna beat them to it." he said. The carriage stopped and Jake stepped out, offering his hand to help the others out a well. He rushed to the door and knocked, hoping they would be let in without any problems. As the door opened, he explained the situation to the butler and sighed after he finished. 

"Lady Risa and her friends are here looking for Dia too... I hope it isn't any trouble or anything she is in. Last I saw her, she was cleaning room 308." he said as he ushered them inside. Jake nodded and sniffed the air, figuring that would be the easiest way to find the others. 

(Can you tell I finally got my lazy ass on a computer instead of my phone? xD)
Misty followed Risa in with Caden right behind her. She wanted to make sure that he had no troubles with anything when they walked in so she kept a hold of his hand to make sure he felt safe. When no one moved Misty took it upon herself to open the door. When the door opened there was a woman on her knees cleaning up blood from the carpet. "Can you close the door. I work better in the dark." She called out not turning around. Misty seemed to be in shock. 'Is this the person he knew?' Misty thought as she coughed softly. "Hello. I am Misty. This is my friend Caden. He has been looking for..." She stopped talking as the person seemed to freeze. She slowly turned around to see Caden standing there and smiled softly. "It has been far too long since I got to look into those eyes." She said meeting his gaze. She stood seeming to gravitate too him as she walked over. When she got within arms reach she pulled him into a tight hug. "I have missed you so much." She said tears coming down her face.

Dani sighed when she heard they were their. "I guess we will have to wait and see." Se said as they approached the door. When the door opened and Jake explained everything they were let in. Dani looked around and got a few shivers down her spine. "I was hoping never to come back here." She said to herself as they walked down the hall. When Dani saw Caden and her mother she almost flipped. "Nooooo!" She screamed as she rushed them and tried to tackle Caden of of her. "Let my mother go." She yelled thinking he was hurting her since she could hear her crying.
Risa took a step back as Misty opened the door. Her eyes squinting into the dark room to see the girl. She could feel the tension in the air as Misty spoke, her words seeming to catch her attention easily. As Dia approached Caden and pulled him into a hug, Risa squeezed Misty's hand in reassurance. She knew it was probably hard to see another woman crying and hugging her man. 

"Dia..." Caden said softly as her arms wrapped around him. His eyes had been glued to the dark room as a wave of familiarity washed over him. The bed with bird like hooks for chains, the small box for punishments. He didn't know if it was his imagination or not but he swore he could even small his own blood still lingering in the air.  

"Nooooo! Let my mother go!" Caden heard the words as he was charged. He felt her at his side and before he could snap out of his memories, he was on the ground with another Neko on top of him. 

"What is going on here?!" Risa demanded as she watched the girl tackling Caden. She didn't recognize the girl and was slightly pissed off that someone had barged in and disturbed them. 

"Wait! You can't just rush them like that!" Jake exclaimed as he raced to catch up to her. By the times he caught up, Caden was already on the ground. He slowed as he saw Misty and Risa and who he guessed was Dia.
Misty held on to Risa as someone tackled Caden. When she looked down the hall she saw Jake, Lola, and Cyera. "What is going on? Who is this? What are you all doing here? Why am I still yelling?" She asked yelling the whole time to see if people would answer her.

Lola and Cyera tried their best to explain what was going on while Jake was screaming at the same time. It seemed everyone was confused at what was going on. Well everyone expect Dia it seemed. 

Dia stood there laughing as everyone did what they had to do. She couldn't help but just laugh at all of this and smile. "Wow." She said as she continued to laugh. It seemed to get Dani's attention. "Mom. You're smiling." She said getting off of Caden and hugging her. "I came to save you." She said as Dia looked at her with a smirk. "It seems you came to tackle your father not save me." She said as she hugged her daughter. "I am so glad to see you again my child. It has been far to long since we last spoke." She then looked to Misty and Risa. "Thank you for inadvertently bringing my family back to me." She said as Misty seemed to look shocked and confused.

"Wait..... WHAT!?" She screamed looking to Caden. "You never told me you had a child. You never told me you had another lover. I fell in love with you, and you kept this from me? We almost had a baby and you didn't think to tell me that you already had a kid?" She said standing over Caden now, eyes red with tears and pain. 
Risa stood wide eyed as Dia spoke. "Are you serious Dia? This is your family? How could this be?" she asked as confusion lined her brow. She grabbed a hold of Misty and pulled her into a hug. She rubbed her back gently, trying to calm her down. 

"That can't be right..." Caden mused as Misty stood over him, her eyes searing into him. He hears her words and felt her pain as his eyes wandered over to Dia and Dani. He knew one of them but Dani was a fuzzy memory for him. "I don't remember having a child with you... I'm sorry." he whispered looking away from them all. 

Jake sighed as Dani hugged Dia and stopped trying to hurt Caden. "OK. Now that every one is here, can someone please explain this to us?" he asked as he motioned to him and the two girls. "Apparently we all need an explanation Miss Dia." he said. 
Dia looked to them all as she pondered what to say. Dani decided not to wait and tell her story. "This is my mother. He is my father. He ran away years and years ago when the master was killed. I was taken and sold to my past owner and well now I am here. I have been searching for him so that I may see my dad again." She said as she looked to him. "But if he were to find out what happened then he may hurt mommy and I will not let that happen even if he is my father." She said as Misty seemed confused. 

Misty looked between them both as she stared into their eyes. "You two have different eyes." She said softly with a smile. "You can't be related. It's impossible. All Neko's have the same eyes as their parents. Yours match your mother's but not Caden's." She said her smiling growing. She walked over and helped Caden up before hugging him. "I am so sorry I yelled at you. I was so afraid." She said as she held him close and tried to keep him away from the lying brat.
Caden didn't speak as confusion clouded his eyes. He was so lost and confused, his memories still fuzzy as he looked between all the people around him. He didn't know who to believe but Misty seemed to be relieved by the mere color of his eyes. "I don't remember you." he said softly to Dani as she looked at him, a threatenting atmosphere between them. "I don't know you, but I wouldn't hurt Dia... I remember her... She helped me all those years... cleaned my wounds... helped me eat and heal... She was my only friend in this god forsaken place." 
Dani seemed to have her word broken. "You... I was there when you ran... I was holding mommy when you left..." She said as she started to cry, her fake memories clouding her. Dia pet her daughters hair. "He wasn't...." She said softly as she pet her. Dani looked up then backed away. "What?" She asked as it seemed even Misty and the girls were confused. "He wasn't there when you were born. He wasn't even in the house when you were born. He isn't your father. He is someone I wish could have been." Dia said as she backed up a bit. "I clouded your mind with those memories so that you would believe something. Anything, better then master being your father. He threatened to kill you. I killed him. Caden saw the whole thing, so I changed his memory so that he thought he killed him." She said as she turned away. "I am a witch. A rare breed of Neko who can use magic. I helped Caden yes, and I fell in love, but then everything happened with Master and I couldn't lose you. So I decided to lose him instead." She said as she teared up. "I'm sorry for hurting you both." She said as she dropped to her knees. 

Misty let got of Caden and walked over to Dia. No one stopped her, not even Dani. Misty lifted her hand and placed it on her shoulder. She knelt down and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you." She said softly as she held her close. "You saved him, and brought him to me. I know it's not much, but you are the reason I am happy. You are the reason he is happy. But he's lost his memory and we need it back. Can you do something to unlock them?" She asked as Dia looked into her eyes. 'I could change it all, make him forget about her...' She thought as she contemplated doing that. She got up and put her hand on his head. She said a little chant and kissed his forever. 
(oh that's Diabolical)

Caden felt a sharp pain Im his head as she kissed him and whispered words he couldn't understand. He grabbed hold of his head and felt his knees give way, making them hit the floor. He felt like his mind was going to explode as images played through his head. He remembered the room, the cold hands that groped his body and scratched him. He remembered the murmurs of pleasure he had brought to people, his hair being pulled when he disobeyed. He remembered having to bed for his food, eating from his masters hands once he satisfied him. Tears welled up in his eyes as his past unraveled. Shame and embarrassment lined his features as he knelt non the cold stone floor. 

Jake frowned as he hugged Dani. He could understand all she was going through and how hard it could be and he wanted to comfort her. Her whole life had been a lie from her mother, just to protect her. "Come on, let's go get some air..." he whispered to her GE fly as he tried to pull her away from all of the drama that was unfolding. His heart clenched as he watched Caden hit the ground. He didn't want to see anymore and he didn't think she would either. He had always been curious about his past and boe horrible it had been but now that he saw the pain it brought him, his curiousity faded away. 
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Misty dropped down with Caden. "Caden hunny. That was the past. It will never happen again." She said hugging him and holding him close. "I promise you that you will never have to do that again. I will never let anyone do that to you and I will never ask for you to do anything they made you do here." She looked to Dia as she started to tear up. "Can you help him remember the good times? Help him remember what we went through this past year. Please." She begged as Dia shook her head. "I can only help him with what I know. I know nothing of his life after he left, so I can not help." She said as she turned and walked back in to continue cleaning.

Dani wanted to stay but she didn't fight being pulled away. She jumped into Jake's arms and hugged him tight as they went outside. "I want him to be my dad. But not if it was a lie." She said in tears as she looked back at them. "I want to believe my mom, but now I don't know who to believe." She said as the light hit her eyes. She winced at the light but moaned softly at the heat. She never even realized that it was so cold in the house.
Caden sighed softly as the pain started to pass. His eyes were a glazed over blue color as he looked to Misty. He heard her words but he didn't register what she was saying as he watched Dia go back to cleaning the room. "Do I have a full schedule today?" he asked her in a flat voice. 

"What are you talking about?" Risa asked as he spoke. "A full schedule? Did you guys plan to do a lot of stuff today?" she asked turning to Misty in hopes of clearing up some of her confusion. 

Caden slowly rose to his feet, his hands running through his hair as his eyes lingered in the dark room. His memory of this house was fresh in his mind but he didn't remember that his master was dead. He remembered taking a beating for not pleasing a customer fully before being locked in the small black box. He turned to look at Misty. She must be my new client... he thought to himself as he moved with a fluid like motion, until he stood behind her, his hands gently running down her body to sit on her hips while his lips met the back of her neck as he kissed her softly. He pulled her body against his as he moved his mouth around her neck until he bite her collar bone. 

Jake slid his arm around her and pulled her into a hug. "Well, just because he isn't your biological father, if he was still there for you I think that he could still be your father figure. It isn't the strangest thing to happen around here. I've learned over the years that blood isn't the only thing that makes you related. It's all in how you feel about the person in question." he told her as he stroked her hair gently. "Your mom didn't mean to hurt you when she lied to you about him. She only wanted to give you a better life then what would have been if you had known the truth. Don't hold it against her." he said with a soft smile. 
Misty moaned softly. "Oh Caden. You spoil me so much sometimes." She said as she moved her hands against his. "Please let me take over." She said not realizing that she was in a hallway with Risa and Dia. Dia looked over and giggled a bit. "It seems someone is happy. I wish I could have been with Caden in the same way." She said with a sour tone in her voice. She wanted to stop it, but at the same time she didn't want to lose Caden. 'If he keeps going and she gets mad then he will stay thinking he failed.' She thought as she played the idea in her head. Misty wasn't paying any attention as she turned around so her arms were around his next. "Shall we take this somewhere else?" She asked then looked to Risa. "And bring Risa along?" She said winking.

Dani tried to smile but she couldn't. "I can't forgive her. She lied about killing Master, and lied about him being my father. I thought he saved me. I thought he left because he wanted to keep me alive." She said as she cried more. She let go and tried to fall onto the ground as she tried to curl into a ball again. "Don't hurt me master. I will do better if you just let me." She said moving her hands to Jake's pants and starting to undo them. 

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