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Misty and Caden (Closed)

"I have no questions my lady." he said as she kissed his hand. He knew she said they were all his lovers which gave him a sense of where he fell in this family. Her lips felt warm on his skin though but it also made his nerves fire in edge as memories flooded over him of that windowless room. 

"Misty... I think he would feel more comfortable out of this hospital." Risa said as she patted her shoulder. "He looked like he is about to jump out of his skin." she whispered to her. 

Jake looked down at her as she apologized. "I will forgive it this time but don't let it happen again." he said as she turned and walked away. The crowd began to mumble as he left, a few new rumors being created as he passed by. As he exited the auction house, he sighed as he felt his tension relax just a little bit. "You boys can ride in the second cart. You can ride in the first with me." he said to Dani without looking at her.
Misty looked up and stuttered. "I am so sorry. Let's get you out of here." She said quickly as she got up and grabbed a pair of clothing they got before they came in. "I know your clothes were burnt in the fire so we had to buy you new ones." She said as she handed them to him. "We will step out and let you change." She said smiling.

Dani followed him out looking down the whole time. She didn't care about the crowd anymore, she just didn't want to be with this man. "Yes sir." She said as she waited for him to get in first. She was not going to go in before him unless he forced her too. 'I will run when we leave the area.' She thought trying to plan her escape.
"Fire...." Caden mumbled as he took the clothes she offered him. He saw the flash of flames in his mind before it vanished and left him blank again. He closed his eyes as pain assailed him, his head hammering with pain. "Get it together..." he whispered to himself as he forced himself to change clothes. 

"Well what is the game plan going to be girls?" Risa asked as they went outside. "We have to find things to remind him who he is. Personally, I think everyone crowding him is just going to make him nervous... what was he like when you first brought him home?" she asked as she though. She would do whatever she could to bring him back. Not just for herself but she knew what he meant to Misty and she loved them all. 

"Ladies first." Jake said as he opened the door for her. He really wasn't mean and he had no idea were the rumors had come from. He had never been anyone of importance at auction houses. 
Misty sighed. "I really don't remember." She said blushing. "I remember he was nervous and then he opened up as we started to get close then we just fell in love. Then you showed up." She said sticking her tongue out at Risa. "But that was when things became fun and different." She said quickly kissing Risa on the lips before she backed up to see the door open.

Dani cursed to herself as she got in. She didn't sit on the chair as she didn't think she would be allowed too. She waited on her knees as she looked to him. She closed her eyes and just waited for anything to happen.
Caden opened the door as Misty kissed Risa. He didnt understand how this open relationship worked nor how he was a part of it but they knew him... maybe they knew the blanks that he couldn't fill in... which seemed to be everything. He remembered his name and that room but everything else was a mystery to him. As they noticed him, he averted his gaze down to the floor, Hus blue eyes swirling with several different emotions. 

"Let's just take this easy... We will help him piece things back together..." she whispered as she checked her watch and cursed under her breath. "I will have to catch up with you lovely people on a few. Father has a meeting be wants me to attend with him." she said s before kissing all the girls cheeks and rushing down the hall. She was already running late.

Jake watched her and frowned. He remembered doing the same thing. "Relax. I know it sounds weird to hear but   I'm not like those other people." he said as he took a seat and pulled his hood down as the carriage started off. "Have a seat on the chair. Its not going to bite or anything."
Misty sighed. "Awe and I was jsut starting to have fun." She said as she took Caden's hand. "Now what shall we do to help you?" She thought as Lola and Cyera just stood there. They didn't want to ruin anything between them getting back together so they decided to stay back and watch keeping close because it was Misty and Caden. Misty smiled softly as she pulled Caden along. "Come on, let's get some food." She said smiling.

Dani looked down. "I would rather not sir." She said not taking her eyes off the ground. "I know who you are. I know who you belong to." She said not moving. "I know what you are going to do to me and I would rather stay on my knees then ever sit in that chair." She said as she bowed. "I would rather die then see that man." She said as she started to cry. 
Caden felt his face heat up slightly as she pulled him along. He wasn't sure what to do as he followed along behind her. He felt the other girls, the Nekos, staying back and figured that was there role. He had never been in a situation like this. She seemed like an energetic chil, he thought as she pulled him along happily. 

"What do you mean?" Jake asked confused. "What man?" he didnt know who she was talking about. He had 'belonged' to Misty all his free life and wondered what this girl meant. She was a mystery to him and he found his curiousity peaked.
Misty smiled happily as they started to walk to the nearest diner. When they got there she asked Lola and Cyera to find a table and start ordering. She pulled Caden to the side and put her hands on his shoulders. "I am here for you and I know you don't remember too much but I do love you." She said as she pulled him into a kiss. 

Dani looked up at him confused. "Are you not the same Jake that Charles employed to help kill off the Neko Caden and his bitch mistress?" She asked confused. She knew who he was and what rumors went around. She didn't want to belong to Charles or anyone associated to him. She was already his once and she wasn't going back. She would run from him again if she could. "Isn't that why you bought me? To take me back to him?" She asked confused and shaking scared.
Caden felt his breathing catch in his chest as she kissed him. It was a warm kiss, not like the forcefully groping kisses he remembered. This was a strange thing for him and he wasn't sure what it was for. He kissed her back hesitantly as a few people looked over at them and started to mumble. He broke away from her and looked away. "I apologize..." he said as his ears twitched as the words going on around them. 

Look at that... 

Shes publicly kissing her Neko?

How disgusting.

Hm... I wouldn't mind having a piece of that... 

How could some people live like that?

Caden felt his ears fall slightly as he blocked out the words as best he could. He knew they were whispered words and wouldnt be heard by human ears. 

Jake sighed as he looked out the window. "Yes Charles hired me but it was only for information on Caden and Misty. He wanted me to kill him but I didnt. I couldn't do something that would have hurt my mistress... She gave me freedom and I cared for her. I don't work for Charles and I didnt buy you to give you to him. I picked you because you seem to have had a hard life... and you deserve a slice of happiness as well. Don't worry, I'm not turning you over to him, nor any of the other Nekos in the car behind us." he said as he gave her a sad smile.
Misty smiled softly. "Forget about them." She whispered to call out over all the noise. "Forget about everything everyone is saying. It is just you and me right now. No one else matters." She said taking his hand and pulling him down to bring him into another kiss. She kissed him softly and with some passion. She didn't want to overwhelm him, but she wanted him to know that she was there for him to love. "I love you." She whispered on his lips. "I always will." She smiled as she looked into his eyes.

Dani looked to Jake confused. "You... Aren't here to hand me over to that ass?" She asked looked at him and then sitting on the chair. Dani looked out the window smiling softly. "I don't want to ever see him again." She said huffing. She put her hands on her lap and looked to him smiling softly. "So where are we going master?" She asked being more obedient. 
Caden kissed her back but it wasn't a warm and loving kiss. It was more of a trained thing to do. He heard her words and he knew she meant them. He just wished he knew what to do. He felt his head start to burn as he tried to dig up a memory of her... 

Darkness.... no light.... no air... 

"Alright. Open the door." a voice called as a door creaked open and cold light flooded his vision. "Get him ready. His first client will be here soon." a raspy voice snarled as he was hauled by his hair out into the bitter light. 

"Yes master." a voice whispered as the rough hands were replaced by soft and delicate fingers as they brushed his hair back into place. "Come on Caden... we need to get you cleaned up..." she said, her voice soft and sweet as the door slammed shut, their master leaving them in the room alone. 

Caden hissed softly to himself as the pain ebbed away. His eyes glistened softly as he came back from his past. 

"No I'm not going to hand you over to him." he said giving her a smile. "And you don't have to call me master. I'm a Neko just like you." he felt a tingle as she called him her master. He felt his eyes wander over her. His cheeks turned a slight pink. She was a cute girl. 
Misty looked to his as she let the kiss end and backed away. "I am sorry. Let us get some food then maybe we can try to help you remember the good things that have happened over the past almost year." She said as she took his hand and walked him into the diner. She smiled as she saw Lola, Cyera, and good waiting for them. She said down smiling as the girls were cuddling in and talking about ways to help Caden.

Dani sighed. "I know who you are. But I had heard rumors that you were let go by the slut and given back to the ass." She said looking out the window as a frown appeared. "If I am not to go to Charles, then I guess I am to be the slut's next toy?" She asked curious as to what was in store for her.
Caden watched her sit down and paused. The other Nekos were in a chair so did that mean he was supposed to use a chair as well? He didn't remember but decided to test it. He sat down slowly, hesitantly. His tail flicked slightly as he looked up to see the others. He didn't meet there eyes. Whats wrong with me... I don't remember ever being this much of a scared little cat.... he growled to himself.

"DON'T CALL HER A SLUT." he growled between clenched teeth as she talked about Misty. He sighed and took a few breathes to calm downdown. "She isn't a slut. She has never had a love before and now that she met Caden, she has been a little on the excessive side yes, but she isnt a slut..." his eyes went to he window as he spoke and a small bubble of fear started to grow in his stomach at the mention of Caden. Every girl that had met him, it seemed, had tried to get with him. He hoped this wasn't going to turn out the same way but if it did, he wasn't going to lose to him. again.
Misty looked to Caden and put her hand on his leg. "Are you okay my love?" She asked when she heard the growl. "Is there something bothering you?" Lola asked as she looked him. She held Cyera's hand tight hoping that maybe he would talk to them and they could go back to normal. Cyera had other ideas on what to do, but none of them could happen right this moment.

Dani laughed softly. "Someone jealous?" She asked poking fun at him. "We all heard the rumors that she slept with her most recent toy. Caden was it? We all knew she had so thank you for confirming that she has been intimate with more then one of her play things." She said not taking her eyes off of him. "But if she so lays a hand on me, I will fight back. I have yet to be taken without force and no one is going to lay a hand on me without my retaliation." She said as she seemed to sit up some to give herself pride. "I will never bow to someone who abused their neko's. Not willingly." She said as she looked away.
"I'm fine." he said without looking at them. He knew they were trying to help him, or that's what they kept telling him. He didnt remember what they wanted to help him do though. "Where is Dia.." he asked after a moment. 

"She has never abused any of us. She gave us freedom to stay with her or to find out own place. He fell in love with her and went with her willingly so don't talk about shit you don't know about. Rumors are just that. Rumors." he snapped. "You don't have to worry about her trying to fuck you. She isn't like that."
All three girls looked at him confused. "Who?" They all asked at the same time. None of them had any idea what he was talking about.

Dani laughed. "That is what they all said to me. Then the next thing I knew I was waking up tied to the bed naked." She shivered a bit. "Blood all over me..." She said softly as she seemed to close in on herself. She was remembering some dark times and her mind was starting to go insane. "Please don't hurt me. No master I will do what you want. Please don't cut me again." She begged as she seemed to curl into a ball.
"Dia..." he said again, his eyes meeting theirs for the first time Intentionally. "She used to be with me... in that room.... I think." he was confused Now. They didn't know who she was and yet she had been there so long with him... his only friend. "Never mind. It doesn't matter anyways." he finally said after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"You really did have it bad didn't you..." he sighed. He knew better then to touch her in this state. He had been around a lit of Nekos who hadn't had great lives before Misty. "I can promise you, you aren't going to end up tied to a bed and abused. You will be safe and away from all of that. I cross my heart." he gave her a gentle smile, his tail wagging softly on the chair.
Misty looked at him and held his hand. "Who is Dia?" She asked curious. "Maybe we can find her." She said with  a smile. She really didn't want to, but if she could help Caden then why not. Misty's heart seemed to beat a bit faster at the idea of someone else being important to Caden and not her. 'Why am I against it. I don't feel this way about Lola or Cyera or Risa.' She thought as she looked away.

Dani heard his words but didn't believe them. She had been lied to so much that she didn't want to believe him. 'I will run away as soon as I can.' She thought as she tried to plan her escape. Another wave of memories hit her and she curled up more wrapping her tail around her. Now that her tail was out and wrapped around it could be seen that she had little hair on her tail that was discolored. She had her hair pulled before going to the auction so that she wouldn't get sold. She smiled at the idea that her master wasn't going to see her again.
"She was.... she was the one who cared for me in that room.... She would fix my hair and tend my wounds...." he whispered as he thought about it. "I don't know what happened after that... There were just so many hands.... so much grabbing and pulling..." he could feel his body shutting down on itself but he refused to give in. He took a deep breath and calmed down. "Im sorry."

Jake sighed. He wasn't good with dealing with situations like this. Misty had always been the one to help the Nekos but she was currently busy with another Neko that had a similar past it seemed. "You know, you aren't the first Neko to be taken in with an abusive past. I know its hard to believe that its over now but hopefully you will see we aren't like those other people."
Misty looked to him with sad eyes. "No I am sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. Do you want to try and find her?" She asked looking to Lola and Cyera for help. They both smiled and spoke at the same time. "We would love to meet a friend of yours." Misty smiled at the idea of seeing someone that Caden knew. Getting a insight of his past life. Then showing him his new life with her.

Dani smiled softly. "I will try." She lied as the carriages came to a stop. She looked out the window to see a burnt house then looked back at Jake with a disgusted look. "You brought us here. Are you trying to make us believe we are in better hands? It looks like you are taking us to our graves." She said in a serious tone before she cracked a smile. "Still looks better then some of the places I've been too." She said giggling.
"I don't think we can find her... I don't remember what she looks like. I can just hear Master yelling her name." he shook his head with a sigh. He didn't want to cause any more problems then he felt he already had. He wouldn't even know where to start if he did look for her. 

Jake looked at the burned down house and sighed. "This was our home. I am going to rebuild it with the help of the other Nekos. I'm not going to ask you to help. We have a place to stay until its fixed so Don't worry about that. You will have a good life... that is if you stay. I won't force you to stay here but I can't protect you from those humans if you leave."
Misty smiled and looked to Lola and Cyera. "You to head back and see if Jake has returned. If he has, please start working on cleaning up. We are going on an adventure." She said as they finished eating and got up to walk out. "Come on Caden. Let's go find your friend." She said knowing where to look. 'Risa's father.' She thought shivering a bit.

Dani looked at him confused. "Okay so where is our master?" She asked looking around seeing no one. "You expect me to just leave and run into master and get whipped don't you. That is your tactic." She said as the others could hear her now. "I won't fall for it. I won't run. I won't leave. I won't get punished for disobeying." She said smirking.
"On an adventure? Where do you plan on starting?" he asked her as the two girls left. He didn't feel to confident in her plan and didn't even know of Dia would even remember him. He wouldn't argue though and followed Misty. 

"One, we don't have a 'Master'. Misty isn't mean like that. Two, last I heard, she was going to check on Caden. I'm sure Lola and Cyera will be back soon though. Until then, I'm going to start work on rebuilding our home." he rolled his eyes at her before getting out of the carriage and rolling up his sleeves. He went over to the rubble and began to remove what he could. 
Misty smiled as she walked with Caden down the ways. "Just follow me." She said with a happy tone. They came up to a large house and Misty rang the doorbell. 'I hope Risa is home.' She thought wondering if she would have gone anywhere else.

Dani watched him for a few hours not wanting to join in and see what would happen. A few hours went by and nothing. Not yelling. Not whipping. No beating. No curses. She looked around expecting someone to come up to her and push her face into the ground. After another hour when nothing happened she stood. Right as she did Cyera and Lola came walking up holding hands. "Jake..." Cyera called out. "Who's the pipsqueak?" She called as Lola hit her softly. "Don't mind her. She is just rude." Lola said with a smile. 
Caden frowned at the house and felt tension well in his gut as the door opened. 

"Might I help you?" an older Neko girl asked as she opened the door. 

"Who is it Fawn?" Risa called from the stairs. 

"Its a girl and a Neko boy..." she answered as Risa came up. 

"Misty! Caden, what are you guys doing here?" she asked as she opened the door and motioned them inside. 

"You are one to talk about being a pipsqueak Cyera." he called back as he dropped the piece of burnt wood he had been moving. "Cyera. Lola this is Dani. Dani. Lola and Cyera." he said as he wiped his hands off as the two girls came up. "She's not to friendly and thinks everything I tell her is a lie. She didn't have a good past, like Caden. Speaking of which. where is Misty anyways?"

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