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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty smiled softly as she kissed Jake on the lips pulling him in so that she could daze him. She would run off and save her love, and if she died, then it would be with him.

Charles laughed. "I already have." He said pushing Caden into a pillar that was on fire and taking off. He didn't need to be there when the house came down around the neko.
Good Job :)

Jake pulled away from her kiss. Hr knew what she was doing and he wouldnt let it happen. "You can't play me like you did before and I won't let you die. If something happened to you, think about us, me and Lola and Cyera and everyone else. We would be shipped off to some auction house and sold. Do you want that?" he growled at her. He didnt want to be mean to her but he didnt have a choice. 

Caden coughed as he hit the pillar. Smoke was billowing around him as embers fell around him. He knew he had to get out before the whole house caved in on him. He looked around but smoke was stinging his eyes as he looked for an escape. 
Misty looked at him and frowned. "I don't want to play you." She said as she made him let her go. "But I have to save him." She said as she took off running. She knew she would make it out, but she couldn't go on if Caden didn't make it out with her. She ran in and screamed for Caden. 'Where is he?' She thought
"Damn it Misty!" Jake shouted as he raced after her and grabbed her. "He is a grown man! He can make it out on his own! What If he is already out and you are in here? Then he will race back in and It'll be a giant mess! The beat thing to do is to stay outside where it is safe!" he said as he dragged her away from the house. 
She ripped her arm away from him. "No." She said grabbing a piece of wood that was on the ground. "I will strike you if you come after me again." She said backing her way into the house. She was going to get to him no matter what. She needed too. "Thank you so much for being with me. I am sorry I did not fulfill your wish." She said as she smiled softly, the tears still falling. "Good bye." She said as she walked through the door as it collapsed.
"Fine! Die if you want but don't expect me to take care of Lola and Cyera when they are sold as some sort of sex slave to a Pervy old man!" he said as he fled the house. He growled outside, his tail swishing as he walked over to the girls. "She wouldn't leave it be.. I don't know what's going to happen now..." he sighed as he sat down. He was so confused as to what was going on today until he saw a shadow crossing g the land. "Is that... Charles?" he asked the girls as he narrowed his eyes.
Misty ran through the house as she yelled for Caden. She ran up the stairs as they started to fall when she saw him. She rushed over to him and hugged him and kissed him. "There you are." She said as she put her hands on him. She didn't notice the blood until she put her hands on him. "What happened?" She asked scared and worried.

Lola looked over and growled. She took off running and tackled Charles to the ground as she pulled a blade and held it against his neck. Cyera looked to Jake. "We will all be fine. I promise." She said smiling happily as she watched Lola take the man down. She was happy for her love, and was happy that she could have some many people to be with. She looked down to Risa and shook her lightly trying to wake her.
Caden coughed as Misty grabbed him. His eyes fluttered open before closing again. "Get out of here..." he mumbled as his head fell forward, jolting him back awake. He had so much smoke in his lungs, he was light headed and dizzy. He had lost a lot of blood that pooled around his feet as he had tried to find a way out and failed. 

"We need something to tie him up with, I have a feeling he was a big part of all of this." he said as he motioned at the house. 

Risa groaned softy as she started to cough. "What's going on..." she grumbled as she sat up. Her hands went to her head as the glaring sunlight made her eyes sting and her head hurt.
Misty looked to Caden and smiled softly. "Not without you darling." She said as she started to pick him up and carry him to the back stairs. She started over and saw they were on fire. 'I have one chance.' She thought as she started to move down then quickly. She started to run as she went out the door and into the pool as the house collapsed behind them.

Lola smiled as she twisted his arms around to break them. "I think he's not going anywhere." She said as she laughed evilly.

Cyera looked down and held Risa close. "It's okay. You are safe." She said as he kissed her head softly. 'I just hope Misty and Caden are.' She thought watching the house collapse and the fire go out.
Caden felt the heat fade from around his body as something cold consumed him. Darkness flooded him as he went limp. His ears laid flat against his head as his tail floated guidlessly around him. 

Jake nodded to here before his ears twitched. He stood up and took off, racing around the house to the pool. He had heard something like splashing and wanted to make sure. He gasped as he came around before jumping in and pulling Misty out before jumping back in to get Caden. "Misty are you alright?!" he asked. He had to know she was Alright. He cast a sideways glance over to Caden and frowned as he saw blood. 

"Safe?" Risa groaned as she rubbed her eyes. She felt horrible and her voice had a slight rasp to it. "What happened?"
Misty smiled as she was pulled out. "I am fine. How are you Caden?" She asked looking over to him as best as she could. They were covered in soot and ash and now soaking wet. It was a fun little ride of adrenaline. 

Cyera smiled softly. "Someone burned the house down and Jake saved you." She said trying not to cry. She watched Jake run off and heard Misty talking and was happy that they were alive.
Jake smiled at her before looking over at Caden. He frowned as he moved over to check his breathing. It was shallow and slow. "Misty... don't freak but I think he needs medical attention..." he said as he moved away to let her see him. 

Caden lay in the ground, soaking wet and covered in ash and soot. He was breathing slowly and blood pooled from his wound. His eyes lay closed as his body was limp. His skin was a pale color that was totally different from his usual bronze skin. 

Risa's eyes widened as Cyera told her what happened. "Is everyone OK?" she asked as she forced herself up and looked around. Her eyes welled up in tears as she looked at the house. "Where are the others?" 
Misty sighed softly. "He will be okay. But yeah we need to move fast." She said getting up and helping Jake move Caden with the rest of the people. When she saw Charles on the ground with Lola on top of him she cocked her head. "Why is he...?" Realization struck as she stomped over ready to kill him. Cyera was going to stop her but she was holding Risa to make sure she was okay.
Jake frowned as he watched her go. He knew her adrenaline wouldnt hold up much longer. He stood up and walked with her. "Misty. don't do anything you'll regret. Remember there are laws and as much as I hate to say it,  there is no proof he did anything. With Caden the way he is its your word against his and we are already losing since Lola hurt him..." he said as she walked. 

Risa pushed herself up and over to Misty."Is everyone Alright? What's going on?" she asked as she came up on her other side.

(So I'm still not getting notifications for this and I'm. or sure why...All of my notification things are turned on..)
Misty looked down at Charles. "Why don't you ask him." She said as she balled her fist before coughing a bit.

Charles just looked to the side. "I saw your house on fire and came to help. I found no one inside so I thought you were all..." He was silences when Lola slammed him into the dirt more. We don't need your lies you piece of..." Misty put her hand on Lola. "It's okay Lola. Let him go." She said calmly. "The police should be here soon, and with no reason to be over on my property he will get what is coming." She said smirking at him as she looked back. "I hope you're happy. You hurt my family and everyone I care about." She said looking back at him.
Risa watched with a frown on her face.  She felt tears well up bit she wouldn't let them fall. She would be strong like everyone else. As she looked around again. "Where's Caden?" she asked out loud before turning to see Charles. "What did you do to him? Why can't you stand the fact that we are happy here without you?" she growled, her tears disappearing as her old self came foreword. 
Misty walked over and took Risa's hand. "Caden will be okay. He is just hurt." She said as Charles laughed. "Hurt is an understatement." He said looking away. He was glad for what he did and wouldn't take anything any of the girls or Jake said. "He deserves this." He said under his breathe as Lola got off of him. Cyera took Risa's other hand and held it tight so she knew she was there. They all wanted to feel like a family again, and this was not what their family needed. Misty looked back to see the doctors arrive and start to check out Caden. She let go and walked over. "Will he be okay?"
"Well... He is a strong one for sure. Though he has breathed in a lot of smoke and it looks like he has a nasty puncture on his side from something.. Itll be touch and go for a minute here and he will have to take his work load easy once he gets healed up. It looks like he won't be very much use to you." The doctor said as he raised up Caden shirt to see the wound. It was a nasty tear that ran down his side. "What I can't figure out is what this is from... if he caught it on a piece of falling roof or something it should have splinters in it but it doesn't... it looks to clean of a tear..." he frowned. 

Caden was breathing shallow and could hear voices above him. Pain shot down his side and his tail felt like it was on fire as his ears rang from all the loud noises. A small whine escaped him as his unconscious body seemed to try and get away from whatever demons were after him. 

Risa gave Charles a last evil glare before running over to see what was going on with the doctor. She hissed as she saw the tear in his side."That'll be one nasty scar..." she mumbled as she put her hand on Misty's shoulder for support. 
Misty held onto Caden's hand and smiled softly. "He will be of much use to me no matter how injured he is." She said with a tint of red on her cheeks. "I will take care of him once you have cleared him from death. Please do you best so that I may talk to him soon." She said as he leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Wake up for me and don't leave me. Your promised that you would love me forever, well if you leave me now then I guess Risa will just have to take over for you." She whispered and teased hoping to shock him a bit.

Misty looked back to Risa. "He will be okay. I know it." She said as he looked to Charles. She was going to get him for what he did no matter what. She smiled looking back to Cyera and Lola and Jake. "He will be okay. I promise you all." She said smiling as she looked to Jake. "I don't know what you will do now." She said looking sad. "I mean you are free and I can't really have you work for me in a destroy house." She said trying to lighten the mood.
Jake frowned and looked down. "I guess I'll have to find someone else who needs a butler type Neko..." he said as his mind went to the Auction house that was engraved in his memories. He knew he would be picked up some where and that it was inevitable. "I just hope everything turns out. I might not have liked him... but I don't wish him to be mortally wounded or dead..." he sighed as he turned to leave the girls. 

Risa gave a soft smile as she looked over at him. He did look pale but he had been through a lot in his life. She was sure he could survive this... even if he was still sleeping now. 

"We will get him to the hospital so that he can rest comfortably. It is a possibility that he will need Stitches for this." the doctor motioned to the tear that a nurse was holding a cloth to as blood still seeped from the opening. 
noJake frowned and looked down. "I guess I'll have to find someone else who needs a butler type Neko..." he said as his mind went to the Auction house that was engraved in his memories. He knew he would be picked up some where and that it was inevitable. "I just hope everything turns out. I might not have liked him... but I don't wish him to be mortally wounded or dead..." he sighed as he turned to leave the girls. 

Risa gave a soft smile as she looked over at him. He did look pale but he had been through a lot in his life. She was sure he could survive this... even if he was still sleeping now. 

"We will get him to the hospital so that he can rest comfortably. It is a possibility that he will need Stitches for this." the doctor motioned to the tear that a nurse was holding a cloth to as blood still seeped from the opening. 
noJake frowned and looked down. "I guess I'll have to find someone else who needs a butler type Neko..." he said as his mind went to the Auction house that was engraved in his memories. He knew he would be picked up some where and that it was inevitable. "I just hope everything turns out. I might not have liked him... but I don't wish him to be mortally wounded or dead..." he sighed as he turned to leave the girls. 

Risa gave a soft smile as she looked over at him. He did look pale but he had been through a lot in his life. She was sure he could survive this... even if he was still sleeping now. 

"We will get him to the hospital so that he can rest comfortably. It is a possibility that he will need Stitches for this." the doctor motioned to the tear that a nurse was holding a cloth to as blood still seeped from the opening. 
noJake frowned and looked down. "I guess I'll have to find someone else who needs a butler type Neko..." he said as his mind went to the Auction house that was engraved in his memories. He knew he would be picked up some where and that it was inevitable. "I just hope everything turns out. I might not have liked him... but I don't wish him to be mortally wounded or dead..." he sighed as he turned to leave the girls. 

Risa gave a soft smile as she looked over at him. He did look pale but he had been through a lot in his life. She was sure he could survive this... even if he was still sleeping now. 

"We will get him to the hospital so that he can rest comfortably. It is a possibility that he will need Stitches for this." the doctor motioned to the tear that a nurse was holding a cloth to as blood still seeped from the opening. 

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