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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty smiled and moaned softly at the feel of Risa's nails. She could tell she was taking it easy, so she decided to spice it up and force her to make it rougher. She bit down on her collarbone to leave a bright bruise as well as sliding her hands up and under her dress to get to her mark. She moved her mouth up to her ear and whispered. "If you don't fight back you will lose this battle and no one else will be able to please you tonight." She said threateningly while joking at the same time.

Lola was having so much fun trying to get Caden out of his shirt and pants while he focused more on Cyera. She appreciated that he wanted to make her forget what Jake did this morning. She would repay him in anyway possible and show her gratitude to the both of them for being in her life.

Cyera was full blown making out with Caden and ignoring what Lola was going. Every time she broke away she would start to suck on his neck and whisper. "Thank you so much," before going back to his lips. She wanted him, and she knew it. He was the only guy she would have want this from. She knew Lola had been with a guy before and turned gay but she had never been with a guy till Jake kissed her and she wanted to forget that and pretend that Caden was her first and only.
Risa moaned softly as she bit her. "If you wanted or rough you should have waited til after to mention the baby." she purred as she decided to leave her own mark. She bite her neck hard and suckled, leaving a bright red hickey in her wake. She would have her pleasure one way or another whether she allowed it or not. "I would her pleasure out of forcing you to watch them and not be able to join..." she purred in her ear. She had her own sadistic side and she wouldn't hesitate to play on it, even if she couldn't hurt her physically.

Caden moaned softly into the kiss and purred. He let his tail flick over Lola, making sure she knew he hasn't forgotten about her as he felt the buttons on bus shirt come undone before he helped her slide it off. He moved his hands quickly as he unzipped their dresses. He wouldn't be the only one to lose clothing during this.
The night came and went as fast and slow as the group of people. The next morning Misty awoke to find everyone in her bed and she just smiled. She got up and went to use the bathroom when the worst thing happened. She didn't even bother to scream or yell, she accepted the fate and stepped into the shower to clean herself off. She was in there for a long time just crying softly. She had always heard of the possibilities but never thought she would have a miscarriage. She lost all of her energy standing in the shower and finally sat down letting the water run down her hair and over her body. 'Of course this would happen to a monster like myself.' She thought as he just cried.
Caden grumbled as he felt someone move. He opened his eyes as he watched Misty get up. As she walked into the bathroom his gut tightened up. He carefully disentangled himself from Cyera and Lola,careful not to wake the two, before going into the bathroom. He frowned as he found her sitting In the shower. "Hey..." he said as he joined her. He sat down and pulled her into his lap. She still smelled of blood and he could only guess why. "Its alright dear....We can always try again..." he soothed her as she cried.
Misty held onto Caden as she cried. She didn't know if she could go through it again. She was scared of this now. She thought she was worth nothing now. She couldn't even keep a child in her. She couldn't help but just cry and cry. Hours went by and she just sat in the water crying into Caden's shoulder. Cyera and Lola had gotten up and heard her. They awoke Risa and told her she should get dressed. They shouldn't be in there. They thought they did something wrong not knowing what was going on.
Caden rocked her as she cried. "It'll be Alright. One day we will have a child... It will be alright baby..." he soothed her. He knew they would have a child some day and he was slightly relieved. Who knee if the child would have been his or Jakes and at least now... if it happened again... he knee it would be his for sure... at least he hoped.

Risa frowned as they woke her up and she got dressed. She didnt feel like they did anything wrong but she shrugged and followed the girls.
Hours went by before Misty finally decided to get out of the shower after she cleaned herself up. She was so exhausted with the day but she needed to let the other 3 know what was going on. She held onto Caden the whole time happy that he was there for her. Her eyes were red and her tears were still coming slowly, the thoughts never leaving her mind. She hated today, and it was after such a perfect night.
Caden held her close as he walked with her. He would stay by her side through this whole thing. He knew she was hurting and he felt hurt too but he wasnt going to show it. He was there for her and her alone. He would regret his loss later.

Risa smiled at them as she turned to see them enter the kitchen. Her smile disappeared soon after her eyes saw the tears in Misty's eyes. Her gut clenched as she waited.
Misty smiled as best as she could. "So. What plans do we want to do today?" She asked trying to take her mind off of this morning. Lola and Cyera smiled softly as they got up and walked over hugging them both. "We want to help you feel better with whatever it is that happened." Cyera said. Lola just nodded and kissed her cheek to dry her tears. "We are here for you." She said happily.
"We don't really have any plans today." Risa gave her a small smile. "So we are free to do as we please. I know! How about us girls go on a shipping trip... take your mind off of topics... and I'm sure Caden wouldn't mind break to do whatever it is that he does." Risa came up and hugged her, giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek.
Misty smiled softly. "Thank you. But I think we and Caden need to spend the day together." She said softly not wanting to push them away. "How about I take half the day with him now, then we can go out and shop?" She asked a bit of shyness in her voice. She wanted to be with them all, but she still felt like she was betraying them all.
Caden wrapped his arm around her and kissed her softly. "Whatever you wish my dear, we will all go with your decision happily." he whispered against her forehead as Risa nodded.

Risa knew she needs time and that this would cause them all to go a step back in their relationship but she was prepared for it. " Alright.We will do whatever you wish. And don't worry, we will always be by your side. "
Misty smiled softly as she pulled Risa into a quick kiss. When she pulled away she blushed. "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me." She lied. She was happy they were all going to be there, and she would try to be with them all. She looked to Caden and smiled softly. "Shall we take a walk?" She asked. Cyera and Lola had already known about the house they she had built. They would go over there and tend to it when they could. And sneak in some love making. But they could tell Misty wanted to show Caden the house.
"I'll walk with you anywhere my love." he smiled as he took her hand. He loved her and he really would follow her to the ends of the world if she asked. In all hisife he had never felt this way and wanted it to last a life time.

Risa blushed and smiled. "You don't need a reason to kiss me. I'm always willing." she purred.
Misty smiled softly blushing again. "Well good." She said trying to be bold and outgoing but failing badly. "I love you all so much." She said blushing a deeper red. She pulled Risa into a hug with Caden as she just sighed in content. She was happy and didn't want to change anything. But she knew it all couldn't last, since Risa had to leave, and that she wouldn't be able to live with them. Her mind went into a dark place again as she started to get depressed.
Risa smiled at her. "Don't Go getting all sad on me now. Just cherish the time we do have together and know we won't be a part for long." she hugged her tightly. "Now go enjoy your walk." she gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning and looking to Cyera and Lola. "Now what shall we do in the meantime?"
Misty walked out the door with Caden and started down the road to the house that was built up for them. She smiled at the idea that they wouldn't be apart for long.

Cyera and Lola both smiled. "We need to cheer her up." Cyera said. "We need to do something big for her." Lola suggested.
Caden followed her. "Any particular destination my dear?" he asked as they started down the road. He had actually never left the property since being brought to her residence and he felt kind of nervous leaving it now. The only time he was every allowed to leave anywhere in the past was when he was being sold or bartered.

Risa frowned. "Hm.. but what could we do for her?"
Misty smiled softly pulling him along. "Our new home." She said with a bright smile as she started to run. It hurt to run but she tried to ignore it so she didn't get depressed again. She just wanted to be with Caden and relax.

Lola smiled softly as she pulled them both close to whisper. "Let's go surprise them at the new home. That way Risa can also know where it is so she doesn't get lost." She offered and winked to Risa. Cyera smiled softly and laughed. "No, let them have the place to themselves for a bit. We can go later today when we go shopping." She said being the voice of reason for once.
Risa laughed softly. "I agree with Cyera. I think they need some time alone. I mean, something had to really upset her. She was in the shower crying for a good two or so hours... I just hope we didnt do anything to bad." she gave a soft smile. "So ladies... since we have time..." she winked at them. "Did you get your fill of Caden last night?"

Caden frowned in confusion. "Our new home?" He asked as he ran with her. He picked her up easily and kissed her nose. "Don't push yourself baby. I don't want you getting hurt." he gave her a soft smile.
Both the girls blushed as they looked to each other then back to Risa. "We did." They said at the same time holding themselves straight. They didn't want to talk about it, but they did love the feeling from Caden. They were even more happy to play with each other after. Cyera looked to Risa and smiled. "How was your time with Misty. We were a bit distracted to pay attention." She asked smirking.

Misty smiled softly. "Do you not remember what I said yesterday before we went off to have fun." She said blushing brightly. "I will be fine, but the home is pretty well hidden and away." She said as she cuddled into him.
Risa smiled. "I had a wonderful time... I just hope I wasn't to rough with her..." she frowned as she thought about it. She didnt want to get rough with her last night but she wasn't given much of a choice. "I'm glad you girls enjoyed your own time. I do hope you didn't leave Caden all alone once you finished with him. That wouldnt be very nice." she teased them as she gave them a wink.

Caden Nuzzled her. "How can I forget anything you tell me when you are so important to me?" he smiled. "But how did you afford such a thing? Aren't your funds running low?" he asked. He knew she was struggling whenever she first came and got him and it worried him.
Misty smiled softly. "This was part of the plan the whole time. I just didn't know you were going to be there until I met you." She blushed as she smiled. She had been planning to fall in love, just who was the question that needed an answer. She kissed him as they arrived at the cabin. "I hope you like it." She said softly.

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