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Misty and Caden (Closed)

((roger that!))

Caden laughed again at the two. "I may be talented but I can't handle all four of you at once, there just isn't enough of me." he smiled at them as they kissed everyone. "You girls are sure bold tonight." he smiled as a loud clap of thunder intruded on their moment. His ears flicked at the noise as he looked behind him to see the rain pouring down steadily.

Risa purred and kissed each girl back. "You girls can torture her anytime... I'm only here every now and then." she pouted as she ran her hands through their hair and kissed them again.
Misty had awoken and come down stairs and listened to the last half of the conversation. "Well if you would just move in and agree to be my wife we would avoid that." She teased grabbing her butt and kissing her when she turned. She winked at Caden to mess with him as well since there was no plan of them getting married. Lola and Cyera both blushed as she came in. "We are not bold. Just more comfortable." They said together as they looked to Misty and smiled softly. Misty glared at them. "I will torture you both before you could lay a finger on me." She said as she winked at them. She walked over and gave Caden a long drawn out kiss while sliding her hands along his body and hair then grabbing and petting his tail.
Caden moaned softly as he returned her kiss and held her close. "It seems your young ladies want to have a try at me as well. What do you think of that?" he purred as she stroked his tail. He kissed her jawline. nibbling softly as he held her close to him. He wouldnt mind playing with the girls, not at all. He did love Misty but everyone else was having fun, he was starting to feel a little left out. He also felt bad that Jake stole Cyera's first kiss from a boy and he wanted to make that right.

Risa yelped softly as Misty grabbed her butt. She hadnt heard her coming in and giggled as she joked about marriage. "So... the girls can't torture you... but I wouldn't mind. I mean, You could watch Caden take them... and then I'll take you... and then we play musical chairs." she laughed at the last part.
Misty smiled softly. "Let us have a family dinner first and talk about a few things." She said in a somewhat serious manner. She did have something she wanted to talk to them all about. She had some fears now and she wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page with this. The last thing she wanted was another incident like Jake kissing Cyera. She was still mad at him for that but she felt guilty.
Caden smiled at her and nodded. "Alright guys, let's finish dinner. Its a little past dinner time as is." he smiled at them all. "So what are we doing now?" he asked. He wasn't used to bring in the kitchen but he wanted to help and hopefully not screw anything up." Risa giggled.

"Are you sure you can handle cooking? I mean... no offense but how many times have you actually been in the kitchen?"

"If I can handle you and Misty then I'm sure I can handle this." he growled before sticking his tongue out at her. It was a very cute and childish expression that he didnt do to often but he was feeling very light and happy right then.
Misty helped out with the preparation of food. They had a nice dinner made and the all sat down and ate. She watched as everyone ate and enjoyed her time just chatting about everything. It was starting to get late in the night. She wondered when Risa was going to go home, because she still wanted to talk with them all. She stood and smiled as she looked amongst the 5 of them. "Well I am glad we have had a great evening." She said smiling at them. "It has been a lot of fun with all of you." She looked happy but in reality she was still scared. "I just wanted to say that I love you all." She said smiling.
Caden smiled at her. "And we all love you as well dear." he purred to her as he took a drink of milk from his glass. He wondered what she wanted to talk about with them. He still hoped he hadnt messed anything up...

Risa laughed. "What he said! I love you and will probably always love you." she took another bite to eat as she waited.
She put her hands on her stomach. "I am 75% sure I am pregnant." She said as she blushed brightly. She watched all of them wanting everyone of their reactions. Lola and Cyera both jumped up and screamed running over to her and petting her stomach. They could feel something and it didn't feel like her body movement. The both looked back to her and smiled. The looked to each other and then back to her. "We are going to be aunts?" They both asked and she nodded tears coming down her eyes.
Caden smiled at her and kissed her hand. "What do you think that other 25% is?" he asked teasingly. He was slightly worried but he wouldnt let them know that. he couldn't let them know. "You know this means no more rough sex for you." he teased again with a smile on his face. Risa neat choked on Her milk at the news as she smiled and laughed. "really?! I've never had a pregnant friend before!"
Misty looked to Caden and smiled. "If I am not then I am really sick." She said softly as she looked to Risa. She looked at her with a sad look. "I am only your friend?" She asked sitting down as if she was distraught. She looked to the others. "I lost a future wife." She said trying to make it so much more dramatic then it was. "I had planned on asking you all to be my lovers. But now I am losing one." She started to fake cry. "I guess I have to get rid of Risa's baby." She said before sticking her tongue out and giggling.
"Well I didnt want to make your baby announcment all about me but if I must." Risa laughed as she threw a pea at her playfully. She smiled as she kissed her hand and blew the kiss to Misty. "Don't worry. I still love you and will still seduce you and do as I please to you." she winked before taking another bite of her dinner.

Caden rolled his eyes at her. "Even if you were just sick I'd still take care of you." he smiled as he rubbed his thumb across her hand. His mind whirled with the news. His heart was beating in his chest and he felt like he could cry. It couldn't be his child... he had been fixed in his previous life. No one wanted to get impregnated by a whore after all right? He shook his head. He didnt care. He would still raise it as his own. He did want to go and see a doctor though at some point... he wanted to know if there was a chance it could actually be his... his own child... the thought soothed his flustered heart as he looked at Misty. He loved her so much.
Misty smiled softly. She pulled Caden into a kiss before whispering. "I'm scared it's Jake's." She said softly hoping Cyera and Lola did hear. "I don't want a child from him. I want yours." She said softly again as she started to cry a bit. "That's why I was scared earlier." She felt so bad. She didn't want something like this to happen. She looked to the girls trying to fake a smile. Cyera and Lola both tried to pretend they didn't hear her. But they couldn't not. Lola spoke up. "I won't let you go through it if you don't want to." She said as she went to her and pulled her up into a hug. "I promise I will help you if you are. But let's see a doctor and hope you aren't." Cyera said walking over and smiling kissing her cheek.
Caden gave a soft smile as he held her close. "I know baby girl... I know..." he would be strong for her no matter what the outcome was and if it did turn out to be his, he would most definitely need to be more careful around the girls. The last thing he needed was to get all of his family pregnant. That would not end well. He laughed softly at the thought. It wasn't something he was proud of but it did hit him as funny. He kissed her softly. "It could go either way dear, We will go to a doctor as soon as we can and find out what's going on." he purred as he tried to sooth her. "For now just enjoy the thought, we could be parents " he Nuzzled her before sitting back up. Risa frowned. "So much whispering going on!" She pouted. "So wait... does that mean we can't play our party game tonight?"

Caden rolled his eyes at her. "Is that all you ever think about it is getting laid?"
Misty looked to Caden and blushed. "I did promise her that she could torture me while you took on those two." She said looking to Lola and Cyera. They both blushed looking to each other and back to Caden. They never really thought that something like this would happen. They just messed around and played along. They did like Caden, and wanted to be with him and combine their family. But only if Caden and Misty were okay with it. Misty smiled softly at their expressions and walked over to Risa. "I still need to tell you the other news." She whispered as she ran her hand over her chest. She stood back and and giggled. "I did also want to ask Caden this. But figured we could discuss it together." She looked to him smiling. "I know you don't like sharing, but would you consider being all of ours? Forever?" She asked hinting at the thought of a multi-marriage between them all. She knew it probably would not go over well or that Risa would object, but Misty wanted to be with her officially just like Caden.
Caden blushed as the two girls looked at him. Did they really want him that much? Hr couldn't believe they wanted him. They had never had an interest in any guy before. Why so much in him? His attention snapped back as Misty asked her question.

Risa blushed at the thought. "You are well aware that if you did this... then anyone could jump your man at any time and you would have to be OK with that right? Along with anyone jumping any one else. Are you sure your soon to be hormonal raging body will be able to deal with that?" She teased. "You know this will never be accepted in society and my father would never allow it. I would love to be yours my dear." she said as she pulled her close and kissed her deeply. "If you are Alright with it not being an official official thing. I would never have anyone else besides what we have here."
Misty frowned. "I was hoping we could find a place for just us. I have enough to let this place go to Jake or Justin or all over them and then we could find a place just for us." She said softly as she broke from the kiss. "I love you all and would be willing to if all of you want to as well." She looked happy but sad at the same time. "I just don't want to lose any of you for any reason. And I know your dad is one of those reasons I will lose you." She looked to Lola and Cyera. "I know you two will always love me, but I fear that is me and Caden make it official someone will try to come after you two." She then looked at Caden. "And I if you do not want to agree with this, then I will understand and ask no more of it." She said smiling softly.
Risa felt her eyes start to water as she listened. "I can't leave my home at this time.... There are to many Nekos there that need me... I would love to leave and run away with you all, I wouldnt wish for anything else." she sighed as she was torn between decisions. Did she leave her responsibility or her love? Could she? She didnt know...

Caden smiled at her softly. "Would you be OK with me getting jumped in dark hallways?" he laughed, teasing her as he glanced at the girls. He knew they would t actually jump him... and if they did then he would make sure to show them who the man Is. Though if he did that... they might come back for seconds.
Misty smiled softly as she lifted Risa up and into a hug. "Promise me that you will do what you need to to be happy." She kissed her lips deep and passionate. "I love you so much. But I will not force you to leave if you don't want to." He pulled her into a hug again and smiled softly. "Just think, if you do some you can have any of us whenever you want." She whispered to tease her and not to make her choose. She pulled away blushing. Why was she so bold. She looked to Caden as she winked. "I think you will have a lot of fun being our man." She said walking over to him and kissing him softly. "And you can take us all however much you want." She whispered knowing he probably would only want her unless the girls wanted him.
Risa smiled as she teased her. "My my little kitten, is that Baby making you bold or is it just me?" she laughed as she kissed her back before she went to Caden. Caden smiled at her and pulled her onto his lap."I will always enjoy being your man. As for you two..." he said as he looked over at the girls."Keep in teasing me and I can get you back for it now." he gave them a sweet and sexy smile all the while rubbing Misty's back before turning back and kissing her deeply, passionately.
Lola and Cyera smiled as they walked over and pulled the two apart. Cyera started to kiss Misty and Lola started to kiss Caden. After a few moments they switched and had a little orgy of kissing. That was when they all looked to Risa and winked. "Come and join us." Misty said smiling as she held her hand out. She looked back to Caden. "Will you show the same love for Risa?" She asked knowing he wasn't too fond of her sexually.
Caden looked at her and stood her up before walking over to Risa. She looked up at him. He towered over her a good foot. She looked slightly nervous as she looked up at him. "Can I help you?" she asked him, doing her best to keep her in control attitude. He gave a half smile at her before grabbing her chin and kissing her. She gasped softly before her eyes fluttered closed and she moaned softly into the kiss. He broke away from her and she gave a soft whine of complaint before she blushed. "That just isn't fair..." she panted softly before she went over to Misty and kissed her deeply, her hands running over her body.

Caden gave a cocky smile as he watched. "Whose next?"
Misty giggled into the kiss as she broke it and looked to them all. "Shall we go to the bedroom and enjoy our time as one big happy love group?" She asked getting up and kissing Risa on the cheek before pulling Caden by hand so they would all follow. She knew she would get her fun with Caden, but if the rest wanted to join they would have to catch up. She giggled on the way to her room and when everyone got in she locked the door and smiled. "Now. I love you all, but I want to make one thing clear. The moment someone says no or stop it is over. I do not want anyone feeling they have to do something or are forced into anything. I promise you all that I will not judge and anyone who does will not be in this marriage." She winked to all of them as she dropped her dress to show a very seductive and dominatrix outfit.
Caden purred as her gown fell away from her body. "So are you young to actually treat me as the slave this time?" he growled as he pulled her against his body. He licked at her neck as Risa blushed.

"Who says you get to have her first?" She pouted as she wiggled in between them and stuck her tongue out at Caden before kissing her deeply. Caden rolled his eyes at her as she ran her hands over Misty's body. He would have his fun for sure but he wasn't going to start a war over who got her first. After all, he had already had her first and would have her last as well. ,
Misty smiled as she was kissed by Risa moaning into her mouth. 'This is going to be so much fun.' She thought as she pulled Risa around and pushed her against the wall putting at he clothes. Cyera and Lola both came up behind Caden and started pulling his clothing as one kissed his neck and the other kissed his lips. "Let's go to the bed." Cyera said pulling them both.
Caden followed them willingly. He smirked as he sat on the bed and pulled the two into his lap. He turned to Cyera and kissed her deeply, letting his tongue dance with hers before turning and sharing the same thing with Lola. His hands ran lightly along their backs as he kissed them. He hoped he could replace the lingering remnants of Jake for Cyera while giving Lola a good kiss from him. He didnt want to disappoint either of them while Risa played with Misty.

Risa moaned softly as she felt the wall against her back. She purred as she let her nails rack gently down Misty's back as they kissed. She didnt want to be to rough with her knowing there was something growing inside of her.

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