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Misty and Caden (Closed)

(We can skip to the day before? He can come and stay to prepare to ask her or whatever)
Misty was getting ready to plan her wedding when Charles showed up. "What can I do for you?" She asked as he smiled. "I would like to stay for the night, if I may. I am in need of a get away." He said softly trying to act like he needed to be away. Misty looked to him and sighed. "Fine, but do not cause any issues. We have enough as is." She said as Charles came in. "I will not." He said taking her hand and kissing it softly. "You have my thanks." Lola and Cyera just happen to come down and see this and questioned what was going on. 'This is different. She is too kind.' They thought.
Caden was straightening up in the bedroom when he heard a carriage pull up. He went tit he window and watched as Charles a exchanged a few words with Misty before kissing her hands. "Weird..." he mumbled to himself as a hint of jealousy fluttered in his chest. He shook his head. He was just being polite. That had to be it. It just had to be.

Jake had finished planning and was ready to put it into action. He smiled at himself. This plan was pretty good if he said so himself. All he needed was for Caden to be alone with either Cyera or Lola and for Misty and the other girl to be as far away as possible.
Misty lead Charles to the room he could stay in. She then walked away as she went to the main room and phoned Risa. "Can you come by. I miss you." She said softly over the phone giggling. She didn't really mean it but she figured she could tease her. When she got her answer she hung up and met with Lola in the maze.

Cyera was walking over to Caden. "Hey we need to help out with dinner. It seems there is an extra body for tonight and tomorrow night." She said poking his back. "Are you okay?" She asked as she looked out the window and saw it was Charles.
Caden smiked and nodded. "I'm fine and happy to help." he turned his attention away from the window and thoughts of Charles to Cyera. He was always happy to help when one of them asked for it.

Jake paused at the door and smiled. This would work perfectly. He smiled into the room and smiled at the two. "I heard we had two extra people coming over for dinner. But I wanted to have a word with you two before it got to crowded."
Cyera looked to Jake confused. "Two. I only know of one." She said confused as she looked to Caden. "Do you know who else could be coming?" She seemed to not want to believe anyone else would be coming. 'Is Risa coming back over. I miss her.' She thought blushing softly trying to make sure they didn't notice.

Misty had helped Lola with some of the chores in the garden and just had a nice chat with her. They had been getting closer and eventually both Cyera and Lola admitted to her that they wanted Caden as well. She laughed and said that she would be okay with it as long as he would. She did wonder if they were planning on getting together with him without her. She would be sad if they were.
"I might be wrong. It is a large house with a lot of talk going around. Anyways that wasn't what I wanted to discuss." He said as he shook his head and came into the room, the door closing behind him. He walked over the Cyera and smiled at her. "Do you know hr takes great interest in keeping you and Lola out of any harms way. It had me curious as to what he would do in other types if situations..." he said before he pulled her against him and kissed her deeply, his free hand running down her body.

Caden was already tensed as he had walked closer to her. When he grabbed her his eyes lit a cold fire and he lunged. He pushed him away from her with a snarl as he made sure she was steadied on her feet. His whole body was shaking in anger as Jake licked his lips.

"She tasted nice." he smiled. He hasn't really enjoyed kissing her but he would play the part to get him heated up.He wanted to make him as angry as possible and if insulting him didnt work, he had to move on to what he cherished more then himself: the girls.
Cyera felt her lips with her fingers and tears came to her eyes. 'He was the first guy to kiss me.' She thought. No master she ever had kissed her lips. He was the first guy to do it. She shook her head before becoming angry. She walked up to Jake and slapped him. "How dare you. I was saving that for Caden." She said before she cupped her hand over her mouth. She didn't mean to admit that but there it was out in the open now. She teared up more and ran out the door. She would find Lola and explain everything. She felt so bad.

Charles had walked past as he saw Cyera run out the door. He looked in to see Jake and Caden. "My my what was going on here." He said walking in and putting himself into the situation. He smiled sadistically. He had a plan and he was going to follow through. Unlike his paid help.
Caden watched her run away and his anger boiled over. He didnt care I'd Charles was there. He turned on Jake and slammed his first into him. "How dare you make one of mine cry! How dare you even think about contaminating her with your filth! I should rip you to shreds!" he snarled as Jake hit the ground. He wanted to run after her and calm her down but Charles stood in his way. "Move." he growled, his tail lashing. He knew he needed to get away from Jake before he hurt him more.
Charles smiled softly. "I don't think so. A gentleman should not hit and run." He made sure he used the words properly. "But I guess a Neko like yourself would be all for running away." He smirked as he stepped to the side. "So are you a man?" He asked as he looked to Jake.

Misty was walking back into the house when Cyera ran right into her. She explained what happened and that they were in her room. Misty was pissed now. She was for people who loved each other, but to force someone was not on her list of likes. She stomped upstairs as she heard the commotion.
"No, a real man wouldn't force a young girl to cry." Caden snarled as Jake stood back up. He let out a warning growl as his tail lashed. He didnt know what was going to happen but he would be sure to come out on top. His life had taught him how to be strong.

"I didnt force her to cry. I didnt force her to anything." Jake said calmly as his ears twitched. He heard the door open and close downstairs and assumed it had to be Misty. He didnt want to be caught making a scene. That would ruin his plan and the sudden appearance of Charles didnt help either. His hand went to his jaw as he spoke. It was sore and bruised.
Misty walked up to the door to see it open and Jake, Caden and Charles standing in her room. She walked in smiling happily. "Oh. Party in my room and no one invited me." She said sarcastically acting like she knew nothing. "What's going on?" She asked looking to all 3 guys. She was going to get an answer and it better be the right one.
Caden frowned as she came in. He didnt want her in the middle of this. He would tell her what was going on later but she was in danger in here with these two monsters. "Misty... please don't." he said as Jake dropped his hand from his cheek and bowed slightly to her.

"We are just discussing what a man is." Jake said as he winced. Talking hurt but he wasn't going to show that Caden had actually hurt him as bad as it did.
Misty smiled. "Oh. I would love to join in on this conversation. Please boys, tell me what a man is." She winked to all of them. "Tell me wwaht a man possesses and what defines a man." She walked over and sat on her bed as she put one leg on the other. "I have plenty of time to talk about this." She said a bit harshly.
Jake looked slightly uncomfortable as she sat down. She was now between him and Caden with Charles still by the door. Caden felt slightly better as Misty moved closer to where he was. He could at least be there if anyone tried to hurt her or try anything else.

"I know a man doesn't force himself on others." he growled at Jake. "Nor try and get them removed from a home just because they are rejected."

Jake hissed at him. "You've messed up everything here! We didnt have all these problems until you showed up and fucked our Mistress! That's all you know is fucking and seduction! That's not what a man is."
Misty smiled softly. She got up and walked to Jake slapping him. "I am not some Mistress. I am not an owner." She screamed at him. "I gave you all freedom. But you still think of me like that?" She had a few tears in her eyes. "Yes I make mistakes like everyone else. Yes I did sleep with many people in this house. But I am no Mistress. Everything that you have ever done here was all of your own free will. But it seems that you still see me as the master who bought you so long ago." She turned to Charles. "And you. I know what your plan is. I did a bit of research. I found the gold you have been handing off to Jake. I was hoping you would confess and maybe I would change my mind about you. But I was wrong." Charles looked to her with a slight frown. "Then I will be off. Good day M'lady." He said as he turned to leave.
Jake. bowed his head."I meant no disrespect to you my lady. You did give me my freedom and I only say Mistress out of the respect I have for you." he sighed softly. He was running out of hope but his anger was still there. Everyone was in trouble le here except Caden. "Might I ask though... why have you not turned on him with some sort of scolding? Why is he allowed to say things to others and we get punished for fighting back? I feel I have been hit enough today.And you." he turned to Charles. "After all this, you're just leaving? I put everything on the line for you and you just shrug it off and leave? I wouldn't be in this shit half as deep if it wasn't for you."
Charles smiled as he turned around. "But you were the one who chose to go with the plan. If you do respect her as much as you say you would have told her everything and not taken my side. Plus I was going to dispose of you when I had the chance anyways." He said as he bowed. "Till we meet again."

Misty looked back at Jake. "I am mad at Caden for getting into another fight with you. But from what I was told, you were the one who started it to begin with." She put her hand on his back and smiled softly. "I want you out of this house tonight." She said till her look saddened. "I always saw you as family, even if it was not the love you were wanting. I am sorry for what I forced you to do, but I can not trust you anymore." She lifted his head and kissed his cheek. "You were always a friend, but I am sorry to say that our time together is over." She walked back to Caden. "Now you." She said in a mock angry tone so that Jake would think she was going to yell at him while leaving.
Caden cocked one eye at her. He had relaxed a little more since Charles had left. "Yes my dear?" He knew she could yell at him, could call him names, kick him, hit him, whatever she wanted but he wouldn't complain. He watched as Jake closed his eyes before leaving. He didnt feel sorry for him either. He was happy he would be gone but at the same time... "Misty... I know we can't trust him but he will die out there... If Charles put him up to it and failed, who knows what he will do and I know you would feel terrible if anything happened to him." he sighed. Why did he have to feel sorry for that piece of shit? He hated him for everything he had done and yet he couldn't help it.

Jake left as Misty turned to Caden. He didnt care If she yelled at him, fucked him, whatever. He had to go get his things. He walked I to his room and closed the door, leaning against it as tears rolled down his cheeks.
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Misty looked to Caden. "Even when it's the one person you don't want in this house. You would defend him." She said smiling softly. She pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for standing up for Cyera. Thank you for caring about Jake." She pulled away and slapped him not to hard across the face. "But what did I say about getting into trouble." She said in mock anger. She then laughed softly as she looked into Caden's eyes. "I love you so much." She said as she pulled him into a kiss. She thought it over and smiled breaking the kiss. "I guess he could stay. But I can't trust him anymore." She said looking to the door. "Let's go tell him."
Caden smiled at her."Hit me again my lady and I'll be sure you get a proper spanking for it." he kissed her back. "Actually... if you don't mind, I would like to go make sure Cyera is Alright. She was pretty shook up over the whole thing." he gave her a soft smile. " And in my defense, I only hit him once instead of multiple times. I feel like that should win me some kind of bonus points."
Misty smiled as she walked to her door with him. "Ha. I told you not to get into trouble. You should be the one who gets a spanking and not gives." She blushed at the idea. "But maybe I deserve it." She said winking as she walked down the way to Jake's room. She knocked on the door. "Jake?"

Cyera was in the garden with Lola still crying. Lola wanted to help her but it seemed she couldn't do anything for her at all. She felt so bad.
Caden watched her go and smiled before he went to find Cyera. He paused at the garden as he saw her and Lola. He felt his anger again as he watched her tears fall but that wasn't his purpose here. He approached them slowly and smiked at Lola. "I'll take care of this. Go make sure Misty is OK for me?" he asked.

Jake wiped his eyes and moved from the door before opening it. "Yes My lady." he said as he took a step back, his eyes firmly flued to the floor.
Lola seems to trust him and smiled softly. She kissed Cyera on the head. "I will be back my love." She said as she walked off to find Misty.

Cyera just sat there till Lola went away. She looked up to see Caden and practically threw herself at him. "I am so sorry." She said as she pulled him down hugging him tightly. "If I wasn't there this wouldn't have happened. If I didn't even like you remotely, this wouldn't have happened." She said crying the whole time.

Lola turned when she heard Cyera cry and smiled softly. She felt a bit of pain that she couldn't be the one to comfort her. She sighed. She was having a bit of doubt that she would lose her to Caden. She then realized that if that happened Misty would lose him to her and she couldn't see Misty sad. She wouldn't care about being sad but not Misty. She quickly went through the house trying to find her.

Misty walked in and before he could say anything else she hugged him. "I won't kick you out. Caden is worried that something may happen to you if you were left out alone. I couldn't live with myself if I knew I was the reason you got hurt or killed." She pulled back form the hug and smiled softly. "I just need you to promise me you won't do something like that again. You know I do put so much trust in all of you. I am surprised you would break it just because I having something with Caden." She said softly. She knew she shouldn't bring it up but she needed to know why, and just because he loved her wouldn't be a good enough reason.
Caden caught her as she hugged him. *hush now, everything Is alright dear." he cradled her against him as she cried. "You didnt cause any of this. I'm just sorry you had to be in the middle of it." he pulled her head up gently to look at him, using his thumb to wipe away her tears."There is no need to cry over it. Everything is worked out now and Jake won't ever try that again. I think I damn near broke his jaw." he smiled softly at her. He placed her back on her feet and took her hand in his. "I'm sorry, I should have known he was up to something and protected you better." he said as he knelt down in front of her."Can you forgive me?"

Jake closed his eyes at her words. How could he want him to stay after all that? "Its a long story...." he told her as he moved away and to the bed. "I know I wasn't the best person in the world. Charles started to give me gold for pieces of Information. I didnt know to much and would never tell him anything that could hurt you or your house. And when it started to get to where he wasn't getting anything... he started to threaten me... and I didnt know what to do.. I didnt want to bother you with it... I wasn't even sure you would believe me after everything I've done... Caden right... I am no man..." he sighed as he felt a tear escape.

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