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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Caden watched her leave and smiled. He felt better. He still wasn't happy about the memory but it was slowly vanishing into the past. He went to the house to find Misty. As he entered the house he frowned. Again, something didnt sit well with him. He found her in her Study and smiled before seeing her expression. "What is it love?" he asked as he walked over to her.

Risa pouted. She still didnt believe her. "I'm sure if you didnt wanna tell me, Lola would tell me... she used to always be such a good girl..." she purred as she backed away from Cyera.

Jake smiled as she stomped off. "So cute when your mad." he laughed to himself. How could she get mad at him for finishing what she started? He shook his head in amusement.
Misty looked to him questioningly. "Well hello to you too my dear." She said teasing him. "What are you confused about?" She didn't know what he was asking her about. She didn't think she looked any different then she normally did. She looked away knowing she was lying to him. "You can't be mad okay." She said wanting to make sure.

Cyera quickly pulled her back and brought her lips close to Risa. "I was always the good girl, but I learned to change. Don't mess with Lola." She threatened. She would do anything to make sure Lola was kept safe even if it meant taking the beating for her. "I will not let you manipulate her."

"I could never be mad at you love. What's going on?" he knelt down in front of her and took her hand in his before placing a gentle kiss on her knuckle. He knew she was stressing over something. He could feel it and it worried him. Did he do something?Did someone else do something to her? His mind whirled with possibilities.

Risa smiled at her as she placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Tsk Tsk Cyera. You act like I would hurt her. You know I babied that girl as if she was my own." she laughed as she pushed away from her. "I wouldn't dream of letting anyone hurt her, especially me."
Misty pulled him up to kiss him but stopped short. "I can't." She said pushing him back. "Not after he kissed me." She said tears coming to her eyes. "I teased to much and he just kissed me." She was so worried he would be mad she held his hands to keep him there. She just started to cry as she looked away. She couldn't face him right now. "I'm so sorry."

Cyera sighed and pulled Risa back one more time. This time locking there lips. "I know you won't. But please don't ask her anything." She asked almost begging. "Please." She kissed her one more time just to show her she would still obey her if she wanted it.
Caden narrowed his eyes as what she said dawned on him. He took her chin in his hand a little roughly admnd forced her to look at him. Once he had her looking at him he kissed her. Not a hard kiss or a deep kiss. It was a soft, sweet and loving gesture that he poured himself into. He wanted her to know he wasn't mad at her. That he loved her and cherished her. All the rage in his body was directed at Jake, not her and he knew if he saw him again, he would probably beat the living pulp from him.

Risa smiled at her after her kiss. "Oh stop it Cyera. I don't want you begging me for things. I just want to know why you were curious about Caden. I mean, if I didn't get an answer then I would be left to wonder on my own and the only reason I can think of is that you want to sleep with him and that just can't be right." she frowned. She really was curious. She had always been the curious type.
Misty accepted the kiss and put her arms around his neck. 'I love you so much.' She thought as she deepened the kiss to prove it. She just knew she could not leave them two alone anymore. She had to make sure she was around Caden at all times. Not for fear of him killing Jake, but that she would lose him.

Cyera looked away blushing. "Umm." She said not knowing how else to answer the question. She didn't want her knowing but she had figured it out. She wished she could change her mind about it, but she did want it.
Caden held her close after kissing her back and Nuzzled her gently. "You don't have to apologize to me baby. I would never be angry at you For something he did. But I do know my self control is getting very thin when it comes to him." he growled. He had never been this possessive before but she was worth it. He didnt want to have to fight but he would to keep what was his and she was most definitely his.

Risa's eyes widened. "That can't be it... You want to test him out! Wait does Lola know? Does she feel the same? You two have never been Into guys!" she lowered her voice as she spoke, not wanting anyone to over hear her. She might be a bitch but she would never betray her girls... even if they weren't hers anymore.
Misty smiled as she was nuzzled. "I love you Caden. But please don't go after him. I can't lose you." She cuddled him close and kissed him softly. "I almost lost you already, I hate the idea. I blame myself for it and I regret it I do." She said tears still falling.

Cyera put her hand over Risa's mouth. "Yes she knows, yes we both want to, and I don't know there is something about him. I know you wanted the same, and you got him and now I'm jealous." She said blushing bright but keeping her voice low. "I need to go work. Please don't say anything." She said softly as she walked off.
"I don't trust him. I don't like the idea of BIM being around any of you. Who knows what he might do. I mean. he has already kissed you and you own the roof over his head. Who knows what he might do to the others. If he lays a finger on any of you anymore then he already has I will step in." he said with a growl as he held her. "I love you and don't want anyone threatening you or the girls in any way shape or form."

Risa nodded and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I won't say anything to anyone. Swear." she smiled. "But if you do get the chance... I would say to take it. I think it would be more fun alone though. I mean it was fantastic with his attention split between two... I can't imagine one. She is a lucky girl to have him. We are lucky she wants us as well " she giggled. She liked to tease and this was an intersting bit she could play with for a while.
Misty smiled softly. "Someone getting a little attached." She teased as she kissed him again. "Please for me. Don't do anything unless I or Lola or Cyera ask." She said softly wanting him to make the promise. "Please hun. I don't want anything happening so that I lose you." She said as she put her head into his shoulder.
Caden flicked her with his tail. "I've been attached since you fell on me my first day here." he Nuzzled her. "I will do my best to control myself. I won't start anything unless asked. Promise." he kissed he cheek and smiked genty at her.
Misty was about to talk to him about what she thought was up with Jake when Risa walked in. She sighed softly and rolled her eyes. "You always come in right when I am about to do important things." She said teasing her. She was okay with Risa being around, but something felt different right now, as if something happened. Something felt off about everything in the house, and she was a bit confused.
"I thought you already did the important things." she winked at her. "Or am I not important enough? I could always leave." she said as she motioned to the door. She walked over to the two and smiled at them. Caden rolled his eyes but didnt say anything at her comment.
Misty giggled softly. "You're right. I did do important things. But someone tried to hog him when I gave her the chance to have him once." She said with jealousy. She smiled as she looked to the door. "I am okay with you leaving." She teased. She did care, she was getting attached to Risa. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. She hoped it wasn't bad, but knew it wouldn't be as good as she wanted it to be. 'I love them all. Is that so wrong?' She thought as she stared off into space.
Risa blushed. "I did not Hog him! Besides, you made me watch and be teased. think of it as my way of getting back at you." she giggled as she reached down and started petting Caden without even thinking about it. There was something so innocent in the act. Caden froze at the sudden touch but didnt move away. He didn't know why but this time she touched him, she didn't seem to have any Ill will as she starred lovingly at Misty.
Misty smiled softly before she realized what she was doing. "Seems someone is getting attached." She said teasing Risa more. She smiled and giggled before she sat up in Caden's lap and moved Risa's hand to her head. She loved the feeling of being scratched. It was just her Neko instincts that were coming in. She started to purr and then blushed trying to stop.
"And it seems some one is getting a little jealous." Risa shot back as she pet her head. "Don't want me touching your boy or just miss me touching you?" she laughed
Misty blushed and looked to Caden smiling softly. "Both." She said sheepishly thinking that Caden would be mad at her. She looked into his eyes begging him to be the one to touch her. She liked Risa's touch but she enjoyed his so much more. She just smirked as she thought about all that they had been through.
Caden smiled and kissed her cheek softly. He let one if his hands rub her back while Risa stroked her hair. After a few minutes he stood up and Stretched, looking at both girls. "I'll add Risa to what we discussed earlier as well." He smiled at Misty.

"What?" Risa asked, confused. "What am I being added to?"
Misty looked at him confused. "I don't remember what we talked about." She said blushing. "I mean we did have a lot of talking done and then there was a lot of fun and sex." She said looking away embarrassed. She looked to Risa and smirked. "It was fun don't get me wrong." She said as she stood next to Caden and tickled him. "Refresh my memory of what it was." She knew what he was talking about but she just wanted him to admit it for once.
Caden Rolled his eyes in a playful manner as she tried to tickle him. "You know what I mean. If she matters that much to you then it can't be helped. I'll keep her safe too. But if she gets handsie she's on her own. He kissed her forehead as Risa gave a soft smile.

" Awe he is starting to like me."
Misty giggled at the tease. "I love you both so much." She said before she blushed. She didn't mean to say it to Risa, but she felt okay with it. She looked to Risa and smiled softly. "Too bad it will be over tonight." She said a bit saddened. She knew she had her own things to go do and her own place to run. Plus she wouldn't stay here when she could control her own nekos. The idea suddenly made her a bit mad. She wanted to change her view but she doubt she did at all.
"I'm not the monster I'm played out to be you know." Risa gave her a weak smile before walking over and kissing her cheek softly. "And its not like I'm vanishing from the world or anything. I'm just going home. I can't stay here forever but I can always come visit or maybe you could come visit me and see that I'm not a monster. My father is though..." she sighed. "Which is why if you ever came to visit me... there would be rules." she looked away, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Misty looked to her confused. "What do you mean rules?" She said wanting to know. She was confused as to why she would still live there if she was a prisoner herself. She wanted to offer Risa her home, but knew she couldn't. Not yet at least. Maybe once whatever with Charles and Jake passes. She took her hand and sat her down. She smiled to Caden so he didn't have to worry about her.
"My father is very strict on our Nekos. He limits how many we have and what they can do. Take Caden for example. If my father saw him, his tall lean body and those cold dead eyes. He would either use him in the field or some other manual labor. If he k re his previous purpose... he would be forced to wear a collar that would point that out to everyone. He would be confined to the bedrooms and his meals would be brought to him. Lola and Cyera would be maids who would be assigned different parts of the house. If he caught them together he would have them punished. He would even get handsie sometimes with the maids we have and then punish them afterwards for making him want them." she sighed. "That's why I have a bad reputation amongst people like you who care for their Nekos. I can't leave though because if I do, then no one would be around to reel my father back in." she smiled softly. Caden stood back and listened,his tail flicking every now and then.

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