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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty sighed. "I wish I could help. I want you to stay here, and be with us, but I want to help them too." She said a tear coming to her eye. She then cupped her hand over her mouth. She had just admitted what she didn't think she would again. She was becoming way to courageous because of Caden. She didn't mind it but at the same time she was starting to not like it because she wasn't ready. She took Risa's and and smiled softly. "I mean it too." She said not caring anymore but still blushing. "I love you."
Risa's eyes widened as her cheeks turned bright red. "I love you too." she leaned over and kissed her cheek. "One day we can be together, until then we will make things work." she said as she Nuzzled her gently. She didnt care if Caden was in the room and she was getting mushy. She loved this girl.
Misty smiled softly as she looked to Caden. She smiled at him hoping he would return it. She knew he probably did not like so many people that she was admitting that she loved. She did wonder what he really thought though. Would he be okay with her being with them as well? She had so many thoughts that she didn't even feel Risa nuzzle into her.
Caden gave her a small smile in return before turning his attention away. His ears flicked as he heard something... some faint noise that attracted his attention. Without even thinking about it, he left the room and followed the noise. It was coming from the library.

Risa patted her hand gently as she watched him. Once he was gone she spoke again. "What are you thinking about? Maybe I can help?"
Misty blushed a deep red. "I ummm..." She didn't know if she wanted someone too know yet. She was still trying to figure it out herself. She knew that she needed to tell Caden first of all people. She looked away nervous. "I...it's nothing." She stuttered out as she blushed. She didn't know why she was having these thoughts but she liked them.
Risa cocked one eye brow at her. "You sure I can't help?" she v purred as she slide closer to her. "She mixed her neck again and kissed her gentle. " I'm pretty helpful you know.. "

Caden opened the door and walked inside. It was dark and he wasn't sure what was going on. The noise had stopped. He flipped on the light and felt a growl escape his throat as he saw Jake standing there, smiling.
Misty smiled softly. "You may be able to." She moaned softly as she put her arms around her lovingly. "But, maybe we should stop before it goes to far." She said not really moving or having any indication of moving from where she was. She smiled as she kissed her back. "Oh my god I love you." She said softly as she moaned more.
"If It'll help you tell me what's wrong then I'm not going anywhere." she purred as she kissed her deeply, her hands moving down her body slowly. "Now tell me...what's going through that little head of yours..." she said as she moved from her mouth up her jawline and to her ear.

"What do you want?" Caden asked as he looking at him coldly.

"I just wanted to have a word with you. So talk me, how's Misty? Has she learned to stop teasing those she doesn't really want? Or has she decided to love me as well as everyone else in this house?" He asked as he leaned against the wall. Caden felt his tail start to twitch but he calmed it and turned to leave. "I'm not doing this Jake. Go fuck with someone else and leave me and my girls alone."

"Your girls? What are you running a whore house now?" He laughed softly.

Caden felt his fists clench but he clamped his jaw and refused to take the bait. He made a promise and he was gonna do his best to keep it.
Misty moaned softly. "I just want you all equally." She breathed out as she shivered. "I want you all as much as I want Caden." She knew it was wrong, to love so many and want so much. But she still did, even if it was wrong. She never knew pleasure till she met Caden, and he unlocked a door she didn't want to close. She pushed Risa off of her softly. "I need some air." She said trying not to hyperventilate.

Cyera just happened to pass by the library when she head Jake's comment. 'It does seem like it.' Now that she thought about it. Misty had 4 lovers who she wanted and a lover she didn't. Cyera smiled softly that Caden wasn't going to jump into a fight, but she stuck by so she could help him if needed.
Risa backed off of her slightly and smiled. "My poor girl is getting to worked up." she purred as she rubbed her shoulders to help calm her down. She brushed her hair as she hummed softy. "It'll all work out." she smiled.

Caden started to leave when something whirled past his head. "Don't walk away from me. We need to end this here and now!" Jake snarled. Caden stopped and turned around.

"You want to end this? Fine. I end it. I have her. You don't. I have the other three girls. You have none. You are nothing but another Neko. You will always just be another Neko and you be I'll never hold her heart like I do." Caden said as he walked over to Jake and eyed him. Jake growled in anger at every word, anger taking over. "You can't talk to me like that!" he snarled as his hand went up to slam into him. Caden moved away and pushed him onto the couch. "You need to sit down and calm down. I don't want to fight you but don't mistake that for me saying I won't."
Misty smiled softly as Risa helped her. "This feels so great." She said as she started to doze off. "I am so glad you decided to come over. I am so happy." She said as she leaned her head back onto Risa's shoulder.

Cyera listened to them as she smiled. 'Yeah he does.' She thought as she peeked in to watch. She wanted to see Jake get his ass handed to him. She had been wanting to do it so many times and she was glad that Caden was going to do it.
Risa kissed her forehead softly as she moved and let her sleep on the seat. She smiled down at her before she turner off the light to let her rest. As she left she saw Cyera peeking into the library. "What are you doing?" she asked as she walked up to her.

"Your nothing but a whore! That's the only reason they love you! Your a toy to be used and thrown away! There is no way they could ever truly love a trained sex slave." Jake growled as he shot back up from the couch. "You will be forgotten as soon as they find someone who is more skilled then you. I mean Risa got to Misty. Apparently you aren't as great as you think you are whore!"

Caden smiled at him coldly. "You're right. I am a whore. I'm also a better man then you will ever be. I am more skilled then you, sexier then you, smarter then you, everything. You are nothing but a fly and if I have to I will swat you down. Your nothing but a pest who has a sick obsession with Misty and me. Youre a sick twisted stalker who needs to get a life of his own. Now if you have anything else to say or do I suggest you do it."
Misty smiled as she slept dreaming of all of them being happy.

Cyera looked to Risa sadly. "They are fighting agian." She said softly as she just looked back in. "I am just here if anything goes out of hand." She didn't want to see them fight and knew Misty would be mad if she found out. She would make sure that they would not try to kill each other. She looked back to Risa and smiled softly. "I have this taken care of." She whispered.
Risa nodded as she listened. "It sounds like Jake doesn't really wanna fight..at least not start it." She mumbled as she watched. She didnt want to leave her alone. She was smaller then both boys and sure she could handle herself but there was still a chance of her getting hurt.

Caden shook his head as Jake starred at him. His hesitation was all he needed. "What exactly are you trying to pull here?"

Jake didnt answer as his mind whirled with thoughts. How could he get this man angry enough to attack him? Charles would kill him if he didnt think of something...
Cyera smiled softly. "I know that. But Caden will not start it." She said sure of herself. She wanted to help him, but she would not interfere in this affair. She knew what Jake said was all a lie, and he was just jealous, but there was something else. He was doing it for more then just himself. 'What is he planning? Why does he want Caden out of here.' She thought confused.
Caden smiled at Jake. "If that's all you wanted, I'll be leaving now. /I/ have ladies who would actually appreciate my company. I'll let you sulk by yourself." he turned and walked to the door. He paused as he saw Cyera. "Can I help you pretty lady?"

Jake growled to himself as Caden left. He wished Charles had given him some kind of idea. He didnt know how hard this was! How could he get rid of him without actually getting himself in trouble with Misty?
Cyera smiled softly. "Hey sexy man." She said before she realized Risa was still right there. She blushed bright and looked away. "Okay you caught me." She told Risa blushing bright. That was when Lola walked up. "Caught you doing what?" She looked to Risa and smiled and to Caden and blushed a bit. She took Cyera's hand and squeezed it. "What happened?"
Caden looked at them both and smiled. He pet them both gently once. "Nothing really, just a little drama in the library that She decided to watch. I guess she didn't think I could handle myself." he told Lola. He figured it was something she didn't want to discuss in the open and he didnt know that Risa knew more then he did on the subject matter. He was a smart guy but he wasn't to bright when it came to understanding the three women in his life. Risa just smiled as she tried hard not to giggle.

Jake sighed as he listened to the gathering group outside. He didnt want to be caught here but an idea started to form in his head as he listened. It was risky and was probably going to drag him down as well but It would get Caden so mad he wouldnt think before attacking, at least he hoped.
Cyera just blushed. "I knew you could handle yourself. I just always have your back." She said hooking her arm to his and pulling Lola into a group hug. Lola giggled as she hugged them both smiling. "Well as long as everyone is safe." She said as she pulled Risa into the hug. "Come on you are a part of this now too." She said teasing her. Cyera smiled softly as she blushed. She had the girl she loved, the girl she liked, and the guy she wanted all in her small bubble. How happy could she be. She suddenly looked over to see Jake. 'Don't do anything.' She thought watching him.
Jake slid past the group and went upstairs to finish plotting. He would go down fighting for sure but if he played his cards right... it wouldn't be a problem. He could get away Scot free.

Caden laughed at her, all traces of his coldness gone. "I know you do. As I always have yours, and yours... and even yours." he said to the girls. He could learn to deal with Risa. Jake was his only problem and that was enough. He watched as he disappeared up the stairs. He knew this wasn't over. No were near it.

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