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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Caden kissed her back with pleasure and pulled her close. "If it wouldn't have been Risa, it would have been someone else. It'll get easier don't worry." he purred as he rubbed her back. "And I'll try to behave around Jake...." he sighed as he looked up at the sky. It was clear and a gentle breeze was blowing around them, carrying the scents from the garden to them. He glanced back at the house and frowned again.

Jake went to the phone in his room and punched in a number he now knee by heart. This would be interesting piece that Lord Charles could probably use.
Misty smiled. "Thank you." She didn't want to take sides but she wanted everyone to be safe. She felt the breeze blow through her hair and smiled softly. She kissed Caden's cheek as she saw him frown. "Love. What is wrong?" She asked looking at the house. Something back there was bothering him and she wanted to know what.

Charles picked up the phone after his butler answered it. "Jake. I hope you have some news. It has been a few days since we last chatted." He said all proper like. When his butler left he dropped the act. "Tell me what you know. I was hoping to wed Misty by next weekend, if you help me there will be more in it for you." He said evilly.
Caden felt his ears twitch as he watched the house. "Something just feels off... I can't explain it but it just feels... wrong." his tail started to flick on its own accord as he pulled her close. "Its probably nothing. Just me being paranoid after what happened. I would prefer it if you or the fuela weren't alone though..." he kissed the top of her head and held her close

Jake smiled into the phone. "Well Misty has expanded her private interests from her new boy toy. Now she is playing with some lady named Risa and she even jumped me. And Caden isn't liking it to much. He attacked me just a few minutes ago and would have probably tried to kill me had Misty and Risa not pulled it apart " he paused as he thought over all the events. "Oh. And she has announced her engagement to Caden earlier as well...."
Misty smiled softly as she cuddled him and started to doze off. "I am okay with not being alone as long as it is you." She said but thought about Risa again. She cursed herself for thinking that but let it slide. She yawned in his arms and smiled again. "Night night my one true love." She said softly as she nodded off. Lola and Cyera were walking by and smiled at them. "May we sit?" Lola whispered as they got closer.

Charles screamed into the phone. "If they get married so help me your flesh will be my rug." He yelled hanging up. He had some plans that needed to be put in motion. And now knowing that Risa was involved helped him out. He took off out of his home and towards Misty's.
Caden smiled at them and slide over, careful not to disturb Misty. He easily maneuvered her to where she was cradled in his lap so the two would have room. "You two know you don't have to ask to sit with us. She just nodded off so I don't think she will wake up to easily. She was really tired and had a very long day."

Jake winced from the phone as Charles shrieked at him. He put the phone back on the hook and walked over to the window and looked outside. He had a clear view of the gardens and frowned as he saw the four. How could he stop them from being married? What power did he have over that that wouldn't get him kicked out of his home as well?
Lola and Cyera smiled softly. "But now she is happy. Happier then anytime I have ever seen her." Lola said happy. Cyera blushed and looked away. She was jealous for both of them. She wanted them both but she had her Lola and that's all that mattered. As long as they were happy she would be okay. Lola looked to Cyera surprised. "No comment?" She said to her and Cyera just shook her head before kissing Lola's lips softly.
Caden watched and felt his cheeks get slightly red as he remembered their earlier conversation. Could she be thinking about that and that be the reason she wasn't talking to much? He shook the thought away as she kissed Lola. "And you two seem happy as well. I just hope things can stay like this...." he sighed more to himself then to them. He paused as he saw something move in the house and his tail started to flick again. He knew it had to be Jake and the thought made him mad. He took a deep breathe and forced himself to calm down. He had the three people he cared about right here with him and he would be damned if he let anything happen to them.
Misty moved a bit in her sleep as she mumbled for everyone she near. She ended up moving to grab Lola and Cyera's hands and smiled when she grabbed them. "I love you all." She said without knowing it. "My family is all I want. Maybe Risa could join one day." She said as she snored a bit. Lola and Cyera looked at Caden worried that he would be mad.
Caden smiled down at her and gently pet her sleeping self. He felt eyes on him and frowned, looking at the two. "What?" he asked as he forgot all about Jake and all the other worries of the world as he held his love in his lap.
Lola just sighed. "You aren't going to question her about Risa?" She asked as Cyera just held Lola close and tried to move closer so she could be near Caden. He blush got deeper and she was glad Lola wasn't paying attention to her. If she had found out that she blabbed she would be so mad. Lola noticed Risa walking out the back door and wondered what she was doing.
Caden ran his free hand through his hair and blew out his breath. "I am not going to hold her back just because I want her to myself. She needs to be able to explore her choices and as long as its not him, I won't interfere. He will not have her and that is her only linitation at the moment. I will protect her while she explores. My past has taught me a lot about people new to sex." he gave them a smile as he shook his head. He let his gaze to to Cyera as Lola looked away. He wished he knew what was on her mind...

Risa sighed as she stretched. Today had been an interesting day and she really just needed to be outside. Its not like anyone was inside anyways. Misty had ran off after Caden and Jake had went to his room, leaving her all alone.
Cyera just mouthed at him. 'She still doesn't know I told you.' She looked away when she saw Risa as well. 'What is she doing out here?' She thought as Lola noticed her look over. She lifted her hand and waved a bit. She wasn't trying to bring Risa over there but she wasn't going to deny her either. Lola just turned to Cyera and smiled softly oblivious to what had happened. Misty still lay there sleep cuddling into Caden.
Caden nodded slightly at her. He wasn't going to blow her cover. If Lola ever wanted to tell him he would let her but if not, he wouldn't know anything. He watched Risa walking and watched the girls. They really were sweet girls and he did love them. All three of them but his eyes were still for Misty.

Risa smiked when she saw the four ad waved back. She didnt know if she should go over to them but she decided saying hi wouldn't hurt before continuing on. She walked over and smiled as she saw Misty passed out on Caden. "Isn't this a lovely sight, All four of you. You guys make a lovely picture.*
Misty heard Risa and reached out for her. "Come join the picture." She said before snoring again. She tried to grab her and smile. "Say cheese." She called as she pulled Risa and snuggled into her. She then let her go and turned around to snuggle into Caden again. She had woken up slightly from her constant moving. "Let's go to bed Caden. I want to make love to you and sleep." She was still out of it. "Maybe Rise will sneak in." She said out loud causing Lola nad Cyera to both blush and giggle.
Caden gave a soft laugh at her words. "I don't think Risa will be joining us tonight. She has already had her fun with you." he said the words looking at her. She cocked a brow at him and purred. "I don't know Caden.. I am pretty hard to satisfy with just one go. I think I could go for another round with her. Maybe while that happens you could play with Lola or Cyera." she teased him as she winked. She wouldn't give up on her just because Caden didnt want to share.
Misty smiled in her sleep. She was having a good dream and was snuggling closer to Caden. "I love you Caden." She said as she kissed his chest. Lola and Cyera just blushed bright at Risa's comment and neither said a thing. They would not admit to like Caden, and there is no way Risa found out, so they thought. Lola just looked to Cyera and she kept her mouth shut.
Risa smiled at them before she turned. "I'm going for a walk, I might see you later if you know what I mean." She winked before walking away. Caden held Misty close and petted her as she kissed his chest. Caden glanced over and smiled at them. "I think into a bout time to take her to lay down." he said as he stood up with her in his arms.
Lola and Cyera smiled and said their goodbyes as they chased after Risa. "Hey." Lola said as she walked up behind her. "Tell us the truth. How much does Misty mean to you?" Cyera asked wanting a straight answer. They wanted to know if they could trust her, they didn't think they could, but it was better to make sure. "Is she more then an object to you? Now that you know she is a Neko like us." Lola asked a bit nervously.
Risa smiled at the two girls as they raced up to her. "Well of course she is more then an object. If I just needed a play toy I would n have stayed home." she laughed. "I'm actually glad I got word from my friends about Caden. Of not, I wouldn't have met her nor got to see you girls again."
Lola and Cyera both blushed. "We have missed you mistress." Lola said obediently. Cyera smiled softly. "Don't get us wrong, we love our freedom, but we did have fun when we weren't getting abused by your step-father." She said looking away trying not to be shameful. The had their fun with Risa, and they were glad to see her again, even if they didn't at first. They both leaned in and kissed either side of her cheeks. "Have a good night. See you in the morning." They said as they started to walk off.
Risa blushed at the two girls. They didnt know it but the only reason she gave them up for sale was to get them away from her father and she had missed them dearly ever since. She watched them leave before continuing on her walk.

Caden sighed as he snuggled misty closer to him. He had enjoyed himself last night and was actually pleased that they had no intrusions. He needed her to himself last night more then he knew it. "Good morning my love." he said as he kissed her neck.
Misty smiled as she awoke to Caden kissing her. "Mmm good morning my sexy man." She said as she sat up. She looked down to see Caden and Risa? "Umm. Why is Risa next to you?" She asked getting kind of jealous. She wanted to be next to them both, but Risa was next to Caden. 'I don't remember her being her last night?' She thought confused. That was when she heard the door being knocked on. "Miss Misty, someone is at the door for you." They said and she sighed. 'It's too early.' She thought.
Caden looked behind him and frowned. 'When did she sneak in here?' he thought as he rolled his eyes.'And why is she next to me?' he kissed Misty one last time before poking her cheek. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked her as she Nuzzled under the blankets. He was glad he had redressed them before going to sleep. "I was lonely so I thought I'd come in here but you two finished before I could join." she pouted.

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