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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty sighed. "I don't know. Anything can happen. I just want Caden by my side." She said as he turned to Risa and pulled her into a hug. "I am sorry for dragging you into this mess. But you kinda asked for it by flirting with me." She said winking at her as she patted her head. "Thank you for the experience, and you will always be welcomed here. Just like all my other friends. But please, keep what I do to yourself. This isn't what I normally do with my staff and the are all here by choice. I have not forced anyone expect for Jake this morning." She said looking down upset with herself.

Cyera sat next to him and pulled him into a hug. "I know it must be hard, but she has always done everything she knew was for the better. You may not see it now, or ever, but she has a plan and there is a reason behind what she does." She said as he smiled softly. "She was the one who set me and Lola up. We avoided each other ever since we got here till she sat up down and had a talk. It's why we both love her so much." She said as she giggled. "She has done so much for everyone here."
Risa smiled. "I'm not sorry for anything we did or perhaps can do later in life. And I'm pretty sure it didn't take to much for Jake to jump you. I would probably advise trying tin keep him a way from lover boy though. He still looked pretty pissed at him." she laughed as she hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

Caden shrugged. He was sure she would have some kind of plan but he wanted to know and not find out about it later. What if she wanted to experiment again with another guy? He didnt know if he would be able to stay calm about it again. He was doing his damnedest not to pummel Jake as it was.
Misty smiled and fell asleep in Risa's arms. She didn't know why, but like Caden she felt safe in her arms. She snuggled closer as best as she could trying to get comfortable. 'I know Caden will understand that I only want him. I hope he will be okay if Lola and Cyera jump in sometimes, maybe Risa.' She thought mumbling the names in her sleep. When she said Risa's name she smiled wide.

Cyera put her arm around Caden. "Everything will be okay. But I am here and so is Lola if you want to talk." She said as she kissed his cheek again. "Be happy your the only other person beside Misty that I will do that for. That shows how much I care about you." She said blushing softly as she got up and started to walk away. "Get some sleep with your fiancee." She said looking back one more time with a wink.
Risa smiled and bummed softly to her as she brushed her fingers through her hair gently and eventually sleep overcame her. She rested her head on top of Misty's and owed her eyes peacefully.

Jake paused as on his way to the kitchen fr his room and stopped as he looked over and saw the two girls asleep in Misty's room. He felt a small chuckle forming in his throat as he continued on. He knew he needed to call lord Charles and inform him of all this. He still wanted to her rid of Caden. His one taste of her wasn't enough for him.

Caden gave her a soft smile. "Can I ask you something else?" he stood up and walked with her. "Why do you always blush when you talk to me? I don't understand it... what happened to embarrasse you?"
Misty had a nice dream of her and Caden getting married. Everyone was there and happy until Risa stormed in demanding the wedding be held off. She wanted her for her own and Misty was flattered but upset. She wanted Caden but she wanted Risa as well. She didn't want either alone. She couldn't help but then start dreaming about them having fun together.

Cyera smiled softly. "I don't do it because I am embarrassed. It is because you have changed so much of us." She said as she punched him softly. "You have made me and my girlfriend question if guys are good, and we both realize we love you as much as we love Misty." She said blushing again. "But don't tell her I told you that." She said quickly as she looked away.
Risa groaned in her sleep before waking up. She yawned and looked down and blushed as she saw Misty curled into her arms. She blushed again as she looked down and could see down her shirt. Still half asleep. she couldn't help but want her... need her... how could she resist? She gently rolled her over and began kissing and licking her neck...

Caden frowned. Why was their so much he didnt understand about love? Why did their have to be so many types of it? "What do you mean love me as much as Misty? I don't understand.." he was trying but with his past he just never understood how someone could love him and how many ways. Did she love him like a brother or was it more then that? He asked himself as she looked away.
Misty still asleep moaned softly. "Not now Caden. Risa wants to have fun." She said as she tried to put 'Caden' off of her. She smiled softly as she dreamed about kissing Risa and them doing other things. She reached her hands down her chest starting to pull off her clothes. She had no clue what she was doing.

Cyera smiled softly. "I can honestly say if you weren't going after Misty and I wasn't gayer then bi, I would try to go after you myself." She said giggling as she walked off to head to sleep. It was late, and she needed her Lola.
Risa smiled and helped her with her clothes. "Yea... Risa wants to have fun.." she purred as she kissed her deeply. She wanted her so bad she couldn't wait. She didnt want to wait.

Caden blushed at her words. He smiled as he watched her leave. He was feeling kind of tired himself and decided to head on to bed as well, it was late after all. He would go and cuddle his Misty and maybe fool around with her a little. With the thoughts on his mind he headed into the house.
Misty smiled as she felt her clothing coming off. "I'm glad you want some as well." She said in her sleep as she felt lips against hers. She tried to deepen the kiss and slide her tongue in playing with the shirt of the person in her dreams. She was starting to get excited and moaning softly as she touched her body before touching Risa.
Risa purred as she watched her touch herself and bite her ear gently. "I wanna play...." she whispered as she let her hands wander down wards and smiled when she found what she was looking for.

Caden paused as he reached the stairs. Something didnt feel right.. but what could it be? "Time for bed?" Jake laughed from the top of the stairs. "You might not wanna go in their just yet. Its kinda being occupied at the moment." Caden growled as he started up the stairs and shoved past him.

"Hey, watch where you are going!" Jake snarled as he shoved him back.

"Then stay outta my way." Caden hissed as he turned on him. Both boys had fists ready and tails were lashing back and forth like two angry two cats.
Misty heard the fighting and woke up. She moved forward so fast she hit her head on Risa. "Owe." She said as she rubbed her head before looking down to see she was shirtless. She looked to Risa and screamed as she covered herself with her sheet. "What were you doing to me?!" She yelled as she tried to kick Risa off of her and her bed. She was scared now.
Risa growled as she hit her and rubbed her eyes. "me to you?! You were the one calling for me! Moaning and grinding against me while you touched yourself!" she turned away from her. "Make up your mind whether you want me or not because this isn't going to be a habit damn it! one minute everything is fine and the next your hitting me!"
Misty felt bad. She moved over behind her and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "I'm sorry. Just waking up to you doing that was different." She said softly trying to avoid angering her again. She heard the commotion outside and got off the bed. She went to the door before she remembered she was topless. She walked back and grabbed her shirt putting it on before stealing a kiss from Risa. "You are so addicting sometimes." She said softly as she went to the door and stepped out. "What is going on here?" He demanded as she saw Caden and Jake.
Risa smiled as she hugged her. "I'm only addicting to you sweetheart " she smiled and kissed her back before clothing herself and following. Her eyes widened as she looked and Saw the two boys fighting. "I think someone stepped on someones tail..." she said as she walked up behind Misty.

Caden hissed as Jake slammed into him. He snarled as he rammed his fist into his side. They had been fightings for several minutes now, both guys panting as scratch marks were on both of their bodies. Caden slammed Jake to the ground and hissed, his ears laying flat against his head as his appearance turned feral, his eyes slits and his teeth barred.
Misty sighed and did the one thing she always hated. She yelled loud. "Will you two quit it before I throw you both out." She threatened as she watched them. She moved over to Caden and pulled him off of Jake. She pushed him back staring at him. "I get it. You are mad at him for a lot of things, but that doesn't mean you get to hurt him." She then turned to Jake, "and you. I get that you are jealous of him and that there is some shit between you, but you have no reason to hit him either." She said getting territorial with them both. "If I see you two fight again you are both banned from this house." She said looking between them.
Caden didnt take his eyes off of Jake as Jake starred at him. Finally, after Misty threatened to ban them both, Caden wiped the back of his arm across his mouth before turning and heading back down stairs. He didnt stop as he went out of the front door and into the garden. He was seething with anger. He slammed Hus fist against the trees as he went.

Jake growled and stood up as he left before fixing his shirt and looking at Misty."I apologize for that..."
Misty sighed and followed Caden. She looked back to Risa, "Pleas check on Jake." She said not waiting for an answer. When she walked outside she watched Caden punch the tress. "What is wrong sweetie." She said in a loving voice as she walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. She had hoped she could calm him down. It was the least she could do for him.
Caden shook his head as she wrapped her arms around him. He wasn't sure what was wrong exactly but he knew if he saw Jake again he would probably fight him again and this time he wouldn't go easy on him. "Nothing." he growled, not looking at her.

Risa frowned as she walked away. She didnt want to be responsible for Jake. She didnt really even care for him. He seemed weak to her and she didnt like weak men. "So what happened?" she asked as Misty vanished.

"Nothing. I just told him the truth about his room being occupied and he lost it. He isn't stable and I think we need to have him committed to a home or something." Jake said as he watched Misty leave.
Misty stepped away. "I understand you don't like Jake. I understand I messed up, but if we are going to make this work, please talk to me about whatever it is." She stepped back next to him and pulled him down with her so that she was sitting and his head was in her lap. "I love you so please talk to me." She said soothingly as she stroked his hair.
Caden bit his tongue as she pulled him down. Yes she had messed up and it bothered him but that wasn't what was wrong. He knew it. There was just something about Jake that he didnt like. "I don't trust him. He is a snake." he finally said as he closed his eyes. He felt his ears perk back up as his anger seethed back into its box. Maybe it was because she was with him that he felt better even though he could smell Risa on her and smell what they had been doing. That irked him slightly but Jake was more important to him. He was the bigger issue here. "I don't like him near you or Cyera or Lola. He isn't good news. He is hiding something I'm sure of it."
Misty sighed softly. "I know he is. But that is the least of my worries." She said softly. "I gave him the ability to choose what he does, just like you all have, so as long as it does not involve violence against my family, I will not worry it." She pet him a bit harder. "That is why I was mad at you both." She said gritting her teeth. "I don't want to see my family fight, even if they don't like each other. There are different ways to settle it." She said lightening up on her touch. She noticed what she was doing and stopped. "I'm sorry." She said moving her hand. "I didn't mean to rub so hard." She looked down eyeing him softly. "I know you smell Risa on me and I'm sorry." She said knowing he hated it. "Maybe I should get cleaned up." She said trying to move him a bit.
Madden sat up as she started to move him. "If you want to sleep with other people its OK. I can understand the attraction you feel for them." he gave her a soft smile as he fixed his hair from where she had pet him a little rough. It didn't phase him though. He had has worse in his life and this was nothing new. He enjoyed her touch regardless of it out was gentle or rough.
Misty looked at him sad. "I know but I shouldn't. I want to be only yours, but I just can't help feel for her sometimes." She said before cupping her hand over her mouth. 'I messed up didn't I.' She thought expecting him to be angry again. She was in love with him but now she seemed to have ruin it all over again. "I am so sorry." She said tears coming to her eyes.
"Its fine, I understand. You aren't experiences at this and your still exploring. Its normal for it to happen. You wanna know if you lean more boys or more girls or fall in the middle. I won't hold that against you and the older you get and more experienced, the easier it becomes to decide."
Misty took his hands and held them. "I love you Caden." She said softly. She pulled him into a kiss and melted into it. It was so much better the Jake's, and leagues better then Risa. She broke the kiss smiling softly. "Sometimes I wish Risa didn't come here." She said softly as she looked away. "Maybe things wouldn't be so difficult." She looked down blushing.

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