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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Caden sat up and picked up a piece of her and let the scent surround him. "You smell of Risa and Jake. They are all over your body..." he growled softly. "You know what I mean, don't lie to me." He didnt want it to be true.
Misty sighed. "I love you Caden." She said and the tears just started. "But if you want to leave I understand. I know what I did was wrong, I just got lost. I am sorry that I hurt you and betrayed you." She lowered her head as she started to cry. "I don't expect you to love me back. But I will always love you." She said softly as she got up and ran out the door.
Caden watched her leave. He wanted to chase after her and tell her it was alright but at the same time he was hurt. Lola and Cyera had been one thing, but this hurt. He didnt want to share, he had been sharing his whole life, more then he ever wanted to. He closed his eyes as thoughts consumed him.Why did this always have to happen to him? Why can't he have peace for once in his life? He finally found someone he loved and who loved him back so why did he feel so much pain now?
Misty ran to Risa's room and grabbed the bag. She was going to leave now. For good. She walked out of the room almost hitting Lola. Lola looked to her and sighed as she watched her run. 'I knew it.' She thought as she walked off. Misty got to the front door and opened it. 'Just one more step.' She thought but she couldn't take it. She would be leaving so much behind. She would be hurting so much more then she was now. She tried to move but her body wouldn't let her.
Risa stood at the door of the hall, watching her. She felt bad for her, she really did and if Jake wouldn't have happened she wouldn't feel nearly as bad. "You know running away won't stop anything. You will leave, eventually authorities will notice your absence and think someone here hurt you since it wasn't reported and then come and take every Neko back to auction. The best plan of action is to work things out with him. He wasn't upset until he smelled that guy on you."

Caden growled low on his throat as his thoughts raced. Why did she have to pick Jake of all people? He had his dirty hands all over her! His anger burned in his eyes as he tried to work through everything. He should be used to this right? Being used and have ming to watch his lover go to different people... they always came back though, saying he was different. Why? why why why? He started to pace the room, his hands balled into fists as he held them to his temple.
Misty looked to Risa tears in her eyes. "And why do you think that? Why would anyone come back to me. I gave him a choice and I know he will choose to leave. I would not force him like you or anyone else. I forced Jake and I regret that more then sleeping with him." She said as she moved to the wall and slide down it crying. "I forced a neko..." She said softly. "I forced my own kind like a monster." She never realized that she was just like them. She tried so hard not to be. She put her face into her hands and cried.
"What do you mean forced him?" Risa asked sitting down next to her and wrapping her arm around her in a comforting manner. "I don't think he will leave, he is just upset is all. Give him time and you'll see, everything will work itself out." she smiled softly as she looked up the hall towards the stairs. She hoped she was right.
Misty didn't move. "No I am a monster. That is all I have every been. Not human, not Neko. Just a freak. I deserve no kindness. No loyalty" She was at this point mumbling all the bad things everyone ever told her. She was worthless and she knew it. She couldn't change the world, and everyone would leave her soon enough. Lola and Cyera ended up finding them and watching what happened. Lola ran up stairs into Caden's room. "Are you going to let her leave?" She asked a bit of anger in her voice.
"You aren't a monster dear, you are a kind soul and no one is going to see you as a monster. You had sex, its something everyone does. That doesn't make you a monster. Yea, you may have gotten a little carried away but that doesn't mean you don't deserve kindness and loyalty. Everyone is entitled to experiment with their sexuality and you are no different." Risa whispered to her as she gently rubbed her back.

Caden looked over at Lola, his eyes swirling with anger as tears glistened underneath. He wouldn't allow them to fall though. "You knew didnt you. That's why everyone was acting so strange around me. She slept with not only Risa but Jake too and I was left in the dark. What else don't I know." he growled.
Misty threw her off. "You were the one who tempted me. How are you not calling me a monster." She said as she got up. "I never should have invited you into my home." She knew things were going bad but she needed to stop. "I'm done." She said as she walked out the door not turning back. She had no where to go, but she knew there was no going back.

Lola's eyes widened. "She had sex with Jake? When?" She asked confused. Did she really have sex in that short amount of time that she left. She had no idea what he was talking about. "I don't think it's an issue. Just come down and help her. She needs you." She said tearing up. She didn't want anyone to leave, definitely not Misty.
Risa frowned as she races after her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her around to look at her. "I tempted you yes and that doesn't make either of us monsters! It makes us normal! I'm sure your boyfriend has had sex willingly with plenty of people! Its nature and I'm also sure he doesn't want you to leave like any one else here does. You need to just calm down, everything is going to work out."

"Fine." he said as he closed his eyes and reopened them. He had the same expression on his face as when he first showed up, unemotional, cool, calm and collected. 'Its not like my feelings ever matter anyways...' he thought to himself as he started out the door.
Misty just huffed. "And what would you know about love." She said as she pulled her arm away. "Can you stand there and tell me that you love someone, yet are willing to cheat on them with me? Because that is what I just did, and I would rather die then do it again, oh but wait I did do it again." She said as she stomped. "I am a horrible human being and a horrible Neko. I shouldn't even be alive right now." She said as she walked back to the house. She walked in the front door and grabbed the sword that was always by the door. "I should never have been saved by my mother." She said as she plunged the sword into her chest.
Caden growled at her as he grabbed her before she could do any harm to herself. "So you would rather die and leave everyone else in despair?" he threw the sword away from her and slammed her against the wall, making sure not to hurt her as he trapped her there. "I can forgive a lot of things but if you ever get something like that again I will NOT forgive you." he narrowed his eyes as he closed the space between them, their faces inches apart.
Misty had a look of fear in her eyes. "I'm not worth it." She mumbled trying to look away. She couldn't turn her head at all so settled for just closing her eyes. "I betrayed everyone here. Why does it matter anymore. I am not worth anything." She said softly wishing she could have just died then have this talk with him. She huffed softly. "I love you." She said a bit louder. "I'm sorry." She finished as her tears stopped falling.
"If you really love me, or Lola or Cyera you wouldn't try to end your own life. Do you know what that would do to them? Look at me. Look at them. No one here things you worthless, Hell we owe you everything we have. Snap out of this childish behavior. It won't solve anything." he growled as Risa and Jake entered the room along with a few other servants who heard the commotion.
Misty looked into his eyes a bit of fire in them. She smiled softly and leaned up kissing him. She quickly wrapped her arms around him so he couldn't pull away, but she hoped he didn't want to. 'I love you so much.' She thought as she pulled back slowly. "I don't deserve you." She said softly as she kissed his lips softly this time. "I am not worth being around." She kissed him one more time. "But if you will have me, I will be everything for you and only you." She said softly to keep it between them. "Marry me?" She whispered.
Caden kissed her back as she kissed him. He felt her and couldn't help but love her. He knew he should still be upset but he couldn't. She was so sweet and innocent, even if she was wild at times. "Are you sure you want to marry man like me?" he asked her as he put his forehead against hers, his ears brushing against her hair as they twitched.
Misty kissed him again pulling him as close to her as possible. "Without a doubt." She said pushing him back. "Thank you so much for all of you gathering on such short notice." She said like she had been planning this. She smiled softly as she held his hand. "We have decided to get married." She said as Lola and Cyera came down the steps. They screamed as they ran up to her jumping up and down. They were so happy for her they decided to act like school girls. Misty was overtaken by the girls but was happy none the less.
Caden smiled at them softly but something was still bothering him, not that he would let anyone know though. He watched the reactions of the people around them, Most everyone was pleased and happy for her but Jake had a look of disgust plastered on his face and Risa stood with shock on hers. Things were sure to get interesting between everyone.
Misty was talking with Lola and Cyera about everything and was just happy. She paid no attention to anyone else expect for Caden trying to drag him into the conversations. As people started to leave everything died down and Misty went to her room to relax. 'Today was so eventful.' She thought as she got depressed again. 'I cheated on my boyfriend, twice, and am not engaged to him.' She was so mixed with emotions now. She lay on her bed sighing. "What a long day." She said to herself.
Caden watches as everyone talked and laughed together but once Misty retired to her room he slipped outside to his favorite spot in the Garden. He had a lot of thoughts to sort through. So much had happened today and he wasn't sure what to do now.
Misty smiled in bed just laying there. She didn't want to move or anything and just let the day sink in. She was happy but still felt bad. She wanted to know what Caden was thinking. What was everyone thinking. She would ask most of them tomorrow. But some she would not ask anyone tonight. She did want to know why things seemed to awkward when she left.
Caden sighed as he slid down the tree and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and letting the gently breeze calm his nerves. He was engaged... that was something new and he did love her, but something in him just kept wondering... would this happen again? Would he not be enough some day and she get tired of him?
Misty looked at the door as she heard a knock. "Come in?" She said confused at who would be at her door. It was one of the two people she didn't really want to see, but she was happy none the less. "Good evening Risa." She said politely.

Cyera was out in the maze walking around and she noticed Caden. "Shouldn't you be with someone lover boy." She teased as she walked over to him. "How are you feeling?" She was concerned with him but also just wanted to help them both be happy.
Risa smiled as she walked in. "You seem Happy for someons that wanted to kill herself earlier. Am I safe to assume that that dramatic piece is over with?" she asked as she sat on the bed next to her. She was still worried that she might change her mind and try to drive a knife into herself or something.

"She seemed tired so I came out here to catch a breath. I'm fine. Just... a lot to happen in one day. From suicide attempts to marriage. Being the only love to being cheated on with another man... I still don't know why she did it..." he sighed. He wasn't sure why he was telling her this. It wasn't in his nature to tell anyone what was going on in his head. He guessed he was just so full of pent up emotions he couldn't help it.

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