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Misty and Caden (Closed)

The next morning came and Misty awoke smiling at the sun. She felt great. It was like everything in the world was coming together. She was in bed, naked with a beautiful sexy young lady... 'Wait... Lady?' She thought as she looked down to see a head of hair cuddling her chest. 'This is not Caden.' She thought as she moved the hair a bit to see Risa's face. She let go and gasp as her hand covered her mouth. 'What did I do last night?' She thought looking to see Lola and Cyera on the floor cuddled in a couple of blankets. 'And they saw the whole thing?' She was so confused and worried.
Risa mumbled slightly In her sleep before waking up and yawning. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up, her hair a little fluffed up from the night they had. "Good morning..." she yawned before smiling at her.
Misty looked down at her. Blushing brightly she looked away. "Why are you in my bed?" She said softly knowing that this wasn't her room. She wondered if Caden knew what happened and if he went to sleep alone without her. She suddenly felt bad that she left Caden alone. She hopped out of bed and grabbed one of the many robes in the bathroom. "Never mind the question. I want you out." She said as she walked out the door slamming it.

Lola and Cyera awoke from the door being slammed and looked over at the bed. "Well that could have gone worse." Cyera said before kissing Lola no shame in it.
Risa simply smiled as she stretched again. "She will be fine, Its not like he cares if she has fun. I mean, from what I've seen they aren't getting along to well right now anyways... a few doubt's seemed to have snaked in somewhere along the way. It's a shame really, that is the only thing I feel bad about."

Caden knew he was awake early but he just couldn't sleep. Instead, he thought if he did something it would help him to relax. He wasn't sure what was bothering him... something just seemed wrong. He shrugged the thoughts away as he ran his hands across the marbled wooden bookshelves in the library. This was another of his favorite places to go.
Misty felt ashamed at what she did. She went back to her room hoping that Caden was there. She saw no one and sighed. She went to take a shower and relax or try to, but everything just kept coming into her mind. She knew Caden would be mad, Risa would be upset for kickign her out, and who knows how the rest of the people would feel. She ended up pleasing herself in the shower without even thinking about it, moaning for both Risa and Caden. When she stepped out of the shower she saw the shocked face of Jake standing there.

Lola looked at her confused. "Why do you think there is doubt going on between them?" She asked as she tried to settle Cyera down. Cyera just pouted and played more. Lola sighed as she got up and walked over to Risa. "What are you planning to do? Break them up so you can take him back?"
"No. I honestly don't even want him, he is to.... mopey? I dont know. I do know however that she has her own doubt's. I found her with that." she pointed st the suitcase that was still leaning against the wall. "She was planning on leaving Is my guess and she wouldnt do that if she didnt have doubt's."

Caden smiled as he saw birds chirping and flying past the bay window. His cat instincts did make him want to play with them but he would never allow that part of him free. Yarn though.... yarn was a totally different story. He felt bid cheeks warm at the thought.Hr would be embarrassed if he was ever saw like that.

Jake blushes as she stepped out. He hasn't meant to over hear what she did to herself but he had to talk to her. He felt the paper in his hand like that of an angry wasp. "What Is this...?" he asked as he held out her will.
Lola and Cyera looked to the bag. It seemed like a lie. "How do we know that you didn't pack that?" Cyera said not buying a word of it. Lola knew something was up with Misty but didn't think she would run away. "I believe you. We need to talk with her." She said looking to Cyera. Cyera just nodded.

Misty looked at the paper and sighed. "It's nothing." She said as she grabbed a towel and covered herself. 'This is the second time he's done this. If I didn't know better I would think he does it on purpose.' She thought as she blushed and walked to the mirror to brush her hair. She looked at his reflection and smiled softly. "I didn't think you would be back so soon. Plans change or you just miss me that much?" She said not even realizing she just flirted with him.
Risa scoffed. "Why would I pack that? How would I pack that? I was either with Misty alone... or I was around you two. Think about it. But hey, its up to you. I will lose a very lovely kitten but you two will lose a lot.more." she said as she got up and started to change Into a new set of under clothes and a deep blue flowing skirt.

Jake felt a smile read the edge of bid mouth but he shook his head. "I always miss you, and yes my place s did change. Did you not want me back?" he asked teasingly as he watched her.
Lola and Cyera just signed and went to their room to shower and clean and dress.

Misty got up and faced him smiling. "On the contrary. I would miss you to much if you didn't come back to me." She said with a low purr as she kissed his cheek. She put his hand on his waist to bring him closer while the other took the hand with the paper in it and grabbed it. She threw the paper in the trash as she kissed his jaw.
Jake gasped as she pulled him in and kissed his jawline. He felt his heart beat quicken as his body aroused. Clenching his teeth he pulled away from her. "Not that I mind... but why are you doing this?"
Misty smiled seductively. "Are you saying you don't want me. You've come in on me naked a few times now. That means you either want me, or are very perverted." She said as she undid her towel and let it drop. "Oops." She said as she sashayed towards him moving her hips. She puckered her lips as she winked at him.
Jake blushed as he tried not to look at her. "I do want you... I always have... but you've always turned me down... why the sudden change of heart?" he tried to control his breathing as it became more rapid.
Misty smiled as she got up on him and pulled his head down so they were eye to eye. "Just saw the light." She said as she kissed his lips hard. She felt no static from that kiss, no pleasure from holding him, but she needed to test what it meant to be with someone other then Caden. She knew she was an awful person to do so. To not only cheat on him with a woman, but another man as well. But she felt so alive with Caden, and just as much so with Risa. She needed to see if it was the same with someone else.
Jake sighed as she kissed him. He had waited forever for this day. 'F*ck it'... he thought as she pressed against him.'When am I ever going to get this chance again? In know she has to have some alterior motive....' he argued with himself inside his head but finally just shout it all out. He reached down and grabbed her, lifting her up and onto the counter and kissing her neck as he let his hands explore her bare back.
Lola and Cyera were done getting ready and went on to do their chores. Cyera ended up in the library and found Caden. "Hey." She said softly as to not scare or disturb him. She felt down and bad about what happened. She cleaned around him not saying really anything. Lola went on to go clean some other parts of the house and prepare breakfast. She didn't feel like eating at all though once it was finished. They both felt really guilty about everything that happened last night.

Misty was lost in the word. She let Jake do whatever he wanted to her without fighting back. She didn't enjoy one moment with him, but she figured she might as well let him get one fantasy dream while she was being a slut. When they got done she just sat in her robe on the bed looking at the door. 'I wonder if Caden will even walk in? What will I do if he does? Will I run like I wanted to yesterday?' He thoughts were all over the place.
Caden gave her a soft smile. "You seem b upset about something... do you wanna talk about it?" he didnt know why but as time passed, its like he was being pushed out. So many things seemed to be kept from him. He didnt know why but it bothered him. In his past he would just move on but why not now?

Jake sighed as he redressed and looked at her. "So do you wanna tell me what is really going on? I know you wouldn't have sex with me if you were right in the head."
Cyera sighed and sat next to him. "I think you need to hear it from Misty. I know she feels the same way I do." She said softly as she kissed his cheek. "Just don't let her run." She said as she got up and went to clean more. She didn't want him to know, but he had a right too.

Misty turned to him with a fake smile. "Just live the dream while it lasts." She said as she laid back and looked at the ceiling. "Just enjoy the ride, for it has to end when you least expect it." As if on cue the door opened and standing there was Risa.
Caden frowned at her. Both her and Lola had gotten a lot more touchy with him as of late. He wasn't sure what it meant between that and them being so flirtatious. He got up and started to head to Misty's room.

Jake frowned as she walked in. "Can we help you?" he asked as she smiled at the two. "Just wanted to see what was going on. Misty took a long shower and there was some interesting banging noises."
Misty laughed. "We were not up to anything." She said as she sat up and looked at Risa. "Well not anything you wouldn't expect." She winked and pulled Jake in for one final kiss. "Thank you." She said to him as she got up and started to get dressed. She knew she needed to get dressed and stop messing around. But she was having a lot of fun. She didn't really know why though.
Caden slowed as he saw Risa standing at Misty's door. He felt the hair on his tail start to rise. He didnt know why but she was like Jake to him: always meaning trouble. He slowed as he approached, and heard Misty's voice. "Not anything you wouldn't expect." That was strange and didnt sit well in his gut.
Misty finished getting dressed after she kissed Jake and walked over to Risa. "If you will." She said motioning for her to move. As she moved she started to walk out and saw Caden. "Caden!" She said in a happy tone. She had wanted to see him for a while now. "Come with me." She said as she started to walk the other way pulling him along. She was ready for the sparks to truly fly.
Caden felt his guy tighten as she pulled him past her room and he saw Jake standing there with his shirt hanging loosely off his torso. Misty didnt smell the same either, he just couldn't place what it was that was off..."You know I'd go anywhere with you." he answered her
Misty smiled and giggled. "Oh you better come anywhere with me." She said seductively as they went into a empty room. She pulled him in and locked the door before pushing him onto the bed and getting on top of him. She started to kiss his neck and slowly move to his lips. "I love you so much." She said as she grinded against him.

Lola heard them come into the room and hid knowing that she was not going to get out. 'Don't do this now.' She begged in her mind as she listened. SHe did not want to hear this, not with what she knew was going on.
Caden felt his heart speed up at what she meant to do and his body jumped at the thoughts. As she kissed him he felt himself slipping back to their first time. He let his hands caress over her back as she kissed him. The scent of Jake mixed with Risa slammed into him as she kissed his lips. His eyes narrowed as he gently drew her up from their kiss. "Misty... what did you do today..."
Misty looked at him confused. "Whatever do you mean love?" She tried to hide what happened. SHe knew it would not work and that he would have asked but she hoped she wouldn't have to tell him. She cursed in her mind worried that he would leave. If he did she would just die.

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