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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty followed her lips when she parted wanting more. She blushed brightly when she realized this. "What was that for?" She said trying to play it off. SHe liked it, maybe a little too much. She looked to where Caden had walked away from and thought about going after him, but Risa was now suck in her mind. That kiss was the most shocking and fulfilling kiss she has had. SHe followed Risa, wanting an answer.
"Does there need to be a reason?" she purred as Misty followed her. She turned quickly, almost making the two collide before forcing her against the wall and pressing thier bodies together. "Do you not like me enough?" she pouted
Misty gasped at the contact almost losing herself. She shook her head. "No there doesn't have to be a reason." She said a bit thrown off at how dominating Risa could be. She felt Risa's body against hers and something inside of her just clicked on. She wanted her. Right that second. She was about to ask for more when Cyera popped around the corner to see them. She growled as she looked at Risa. "And what are you doing with Miss Misty?" She asked in a demanding tone. Cyera could have the same dominating feel that Risa was having right now.
Risa looked away and smirked. "We were just talking. And can we help you with something?" her voice held a slight sadistic tone but she maintained her composition as she stayed pressed against her. "If not, why don't you run along and find your girlfriend, or go stalk your boyfriend, you know the one you wouldn't take your eyes off of the other day?"
Cyera was getting angry and Misty saw that. "Risa." She said using a bit of strength to push herself off the wall. "That is no way to speak to one of my friends." She said turning to Cyera. "I am sorry, ignore that. I am okay honestly." She said as she smiled softy. Cyera did not want to leave but knew Misty enough that she should. As she walked away she made sure to give a glare to Risa. Misty giggles softly at that. She liked that Cyera would have her back, and get jealous sometimes. She turned back to Risa. "I do not want to hear you saying anything like that again." She said before walking off. "I thought you could be different from everyone else. It seems I was wrong." She said stomping off.
Risa gave a soft laugh. "Has anyone ever told you how precious you are when upset?" she called after her as she leaned against the wall. She really did like this girl and she would have to learn a few of her kinks for sure but she was up to the challenge.

Caden sighed as he leaned back under the tree. He was still shaking slightly but being alone made him feel better. he had found a hiding place not to long ago and usually came to it whenever his past started to haunt him.
Misty started to walk off out the doors. She was upset and knew of one place she could go to calm down. She walked out to her favorite tree and sat under it. (Behind Caden so he didn't know she was there) She huffed a bit and just leaned back. 'Why does she have to be so rude? Why does she have to be so cute?' She thought getting more angry. 'No I like Caden. He is awesome and kind and sweet.' She thought before her mind thought about Risa. 'But Risa is beautiful and looks amazing. But she's a bitch.' She thought as she hit the tree then gasped in pain.

Cyera waited for Misty to leave and went back to Risa. "Don't touch her like that again." She said with a threatening manner. She would take this chick out if she hurt her friend and boss. She loved Misty almost as much as she loved Lola, and she would defend them both.
Caden looked up as the tree shook and he frowned before sniffing the air. The smell of Misty hit his noise but that wasn't to strange. Her scent was everywhere around here. He sighed again as he leaned back against the tree. He wished Risa wasn't here. He wouldn't be feeling this way if she wasn't. It was her fault he had had to play in front of people. One day he would conquer his past but it wasn't today apparently.

Risa smirked at the girl. "Oh but she seems to enjoy herself, especially when she kissed me the other day, and then when she held my hand during Caden's little performance. Does that make you jealous?" she purred as she leaned down to look her in the eye. She had never found someone that intimidated her but she did love her spunk.
Misty just sighed. 'Why does she have to make me question everything.' She thought as she looked up at the tree. 'She is cute, but she is a pain. How can I deal with her?' She was so lost that she decided to walk around the tree. As she did she didn't even notice that Caden was sitting right there. She walked pass him and sighed. "I love Caden. So why does she make me question it?" She said aloud.
Caden blinked as he saw her and was about to speak when he heard her talking to herself. "I love Caden. So why does she make me question it?" He felt his breath catch as his eyes widened. 'She questions if she loves me?' He could feel his demons coming to the surface as his mind whirled. He didnt want to interrupt her as she worked through her thoughts, instead he sat as still as a statue.
She walked by again still having not noticed. "Why is she here? To mess with my mind? To make me question my beliefs?" She vanished behind the tree again to reappear a bit later. "Would she even want me? No I love Caden. He is the one for me." She said with a smile on her face. She then saddened. "But I forced him to play. I made him revel something that I had alone." She said as she walked around again. She reappeared and sighed, "What if I just hurt him? Would it be better to just leave?" She said as she punched the tree again. When she did she looked down to see Caden and screamed.

Cyera sighed. "Yes it does. I love Misty and I will not let you toy with her or hurt her." She said as she glared back. "If you lay another finger on her I will end you." She said not showing any sign of backing down.
Caden looked away from her as he stood up and gave her a soft smile. He turned and started to the maze and into the house. As he walked into the hall he heard Cyera and Risa. Anger flared in him as he walked in on the two. Risa paused as she looked up at him and smiled. "Hello there." His swirling eyes never showed any emotion as he walked over to her. He stood a good foot taller then her.

"I'm not scared if you little kitty cat." Risa smiled at her before turning as Caden enterer the room. 'I wonder what he wants...' she thought as she greeted him.
Cyera noticed something off about him. "Caden what's the matter?" She asked as she grabbed him arm. "Where is Misty? Why aren't you with her right now?" She asked confused. She could handle Risa herself and wanted him to be with Misty to make sure she was okay.

Misty just sat on the floor crying a bit. "He heard the whole thing." She said to herself. "He knows everything and now he hates me." She looked up at the tree and sighed. "I should just run away. Leave enough money for all my staff and leave for good." She said as she got up. "That's what I will do." She said as she started to walk back to the house.
Caden paid no attention to Cyera as his eyes bore into Risa's. "You may have her confused. She may be curious about you. But know this: I am the one she will always come back to. I will always be the one to protect her and if you so much as make her think about crying, I will personally find you and make you wish you would have stayed at home." His eyes were swirling slits of rage but his time was calm, almost to a frightening degree. "You won't be able to take her from us. She knows where she belongs and who she belongs with and you won't be able to change that." without another word he placed his hand over Cyera as she had touched his arm and turned to walk away. Risa stood wide-eyed as she watched him leave. He was slightly more intimidating but that wouldn't stop her. He wouldnt hurt her....right?
Cyera just stood there shocked. Then she snapped out of it. "What he said." She said to Risa before walking off.

No one had noticed Misty sneak back into the mansion and into her room. She was packing light, knowing that what she needed was never going to get her anywhere. 'I will just run away leaving my will here.' She thought as she finished writing it. She knew she would die out on this "adventure" so she figured she would make her will now for anyone to see. 'I love you all. But I can't be here anymore.' She thought as she put the bag on her back and walked out her door. (Have Risa run into her and do whatever Risa would do XP)
Caden ran his hands through his hair as he let his rage go back into the bottle. He had always been good at bottling up his feelings and that wasn't going to change now. He wouldn't let this woman ruin his Misty. Sure. she might want to experience it and he wouldn't stop that but he was damn sure going to make sure she didnt her hurt in the process.

Risa frowned as they left her alone. She shrugged it off and decided to head back to her room. She ascended the stairs and stopped as she passed Misty's room. "What are you doing?"
Misty looked to Risa and blushed looking away. "N...n...nothing." She said as she tried to walk but her, shift her bag so it didn't fall.

Lola had run into Caden during her chores. "Hey." She said looking at him. "Are you okay big guy?" She asked a bit confused. He looked like something was wrong. "Something happened between you and Misty?" She asked curious. She could always tell if something bad was going on and she had that vibe right now.
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Risa followed after her. "And where are you headed with such a large suitcase?" she stoppednin her path as she leaned forward, inches from her face. She wasn't intimidated anymore and she was ready to play again.

Caden looked at her and gave a soft smile. "Everything is fine. She is just trying to figure out some things and I feel it best to give her some time to think." he continued on past her as his thoughts whirled.
Misty looked away. "I do not want to do this. This is too much to handle and I am leaving. I advise that you leave yourself." She said taking a step to the side.

Lola turned to follow him. "Are you sure that is what you want to do?" She asked curious. She knew he didn't want to leave her alone. She was smart enough to know that. She grabbed onto his arm and purred by accident. "I mean how could someone as strong and handsome as you, just say hes going to leave such a beauty alone." She said blushing. 'Am I hitting on Caden.' She thought confused.
Risa stepped in front of her again and tilted her head to the side. "What are you talking about? you seem stressed my dear. Come with me to my room. I have something that will help calm you and hekp you think straight." she didnt wait for a response but headed straight to her room.

Caden felt his cheeks heat as he looked n down at her. Why was she complimenting him like this? She wasn't attracted to him, there should be no reason for her to see him as strong or handsome. It confused him. "She said she wasn't sure if she even loved me."
Misty looked down the steps. 'I must leave.' She thought but something was tugging her to go back. She listened and followed Risa to her room. She said on her bed while she watched her not saying a word.

Lola smiled. "She does." She said happily without missing a beat. "If she didn't. What happened a few days ago wouldn't have." She said as she kissed his cheek. "Just talk to her. Maybe she just needs a little push in the right direction."
As Risa entered her room, she went over to her bag and dug around before pulling out a small box. She smiled as she went over to the dresser and Behan warming up some water before slipping whatever was in the box into the water. After she finished she brought the cup over to her and handed her the cup. "Its a special blend of tea and a few other herbs. It'll help loosen you up... kinda like alcohol but with no horrible hang over tomorrow." she smiled as she made her own cup.

Caden frowned at her as she went straight back to being up beat and happy."Things can Change in the course of a few days..." he mumbled. He wasn't sure what was going on with any of the girls in this house but he wished he did. Confusion was all he was finding this week. He loved Misty and wanted to be with her but he didnt want her to have any doubt about him.

Jake sighed as he returned to the house. His plans had been cut short and forced him to return home. He wondered what had happened since he had been gone, it had only been a few hours but still. It was always interesting around the house, especially with all the new Nekos around.
Misty watched her brew the tea. 'What is she putting in there?' She thought as she was handed a cup. She looked at it a bit weird. 'There is something more in here.' She thought as she took a small sip. It tasted good to her. She took another sip and then another as it cooled off. "This is good." She said smiling as if her mood was becoming so much better now.

Lola smiled softly. "It can, but it can also stay the same if you wish it." She said as she gave him a hug before going back to work. "Just talk to her." She said over he shoulder as she walked off.

Cyera was cleaning the front steps when she saw Jake coming up. "Your back?" She said a bit happy. It was as if Caden's playing had put everyone in a better mood today. "I thought you were going to be gone all weekend?"
"Are you feeling better now?" Risa asked as she took seat next to her on the bed and sipped her own cup. She smiled as Misty drank and went to make another cup as hers Began to her low.

Caden watched her walk away and sighed. He still want to sure what to do but he guessed talking to her couldn't be that bad of a thing right? He turned and started up the stairs to her room. He stopped as he noticed it was empty and frowned.

"Yea. Something's happened and plans for canceled. I'll just have to try again some other weekend. How are things here?" he asked her as he set down his bag and smiled at her. It was as if Caden had never been here and they weren't snapping st each other. He liked it. Everything seemed normal again.
Misty smiled softly. "I guess I am. What did you put in this?" She said feeling weird. She felt the whole room spinning. She laid on the bed so that maybe her world would stop spinning. "Why does it feel like the world doesn't make sense anymore?" She asked confused.

Cyera smiled softly. "Well everyone's spirits have been lifted up some since Misty and Caden played for us. It was so cool. I want to see them play together so badly now." She said excited. "Other then that nothing really has changed."

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