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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty smiled softly. "I was just going over some bills and different petition ideas to stop the selling of Nekos." She said trying her hardest not to feel under dressed and unsexy. She only wore a red long sleeve shirt with a black corset, and a black and red skirt with black boots on. She had her mothers necklace of cats eye. She motioned for her to sit in the chair opposite her and sat down. "Would you like some tea?" She said as one of her butlers came in with some and she took a cup.

Lola noticed Jake walking towards the gardens and she waved to him, albeit not as excitingly. 'I hope he doesn't go into the maze and cause trouble.' She thought as she finished and walked back into the house to fold. Cyera had just finished the dishes and walked out to the maze smiling. "What a lovely day." She said walking towards the fountain knowing exactly which way to go.
"That sounds Interesting..." she smiked as she nodded and took a cup for herself. "Do you think that the auctions will actually stop? I mean. I'm sure there are a lot of people that don't like the idea but there are far more that do." she took a sip as she looked the girl over slowly, her ryes lingering at spots as she folded one slender leg over the other. She knew she looked amazing. which was the plan. She intended to see just how much of a tease she could be to Misty. The idea excited her that someone could find her so attractive that they could hardly help themselves.

Caden looked around as the force driving him into the maze suddenly stopped. He frowned but shrugged and continued on. He paused by a shadowy area and looked around before reaching under the brush and pulling out a small violin. He loved playing it but was used to hiding his talent since he was forbidden from playing for so many years. He placed the instrument under his chin and slowly, drew the boe along the strings in a sweet melody.

Jake stopped at the edge of the maze and started to trim the overgrown parts as he watched Cyera enter the maze.
Misty tried to look away but when she caught Risa looking her over she blushed. 'I am so inferior to her why does she do this?' She thought as she nodded. "I think I can get it to change. Nekos need to be free to do what they want to do. But I need help. I just dont know who too ask because of the rumors. No one trusts me it seems." She said looking down watching her legs. She couldn't help but take a big gulp of air to keep from drooling. She was so glad Caden, or Lola, or Cyera was there.

Lola just happen to be in the next room and overheard who was in there. She wondered if she should go tell Caden and Cyera, but needed to do her job and respect Misty's business. She listened though to make sure she caught everything. She smiled as Misty's ideas.

Cyera went in and to the fountain splashing a bit when she heard some noise. She wondered a bit to see Caden playing a violin. She smiled and watched from a distance as to not disturb him
"Well I'm sure if you showed some people what actually happened with your 'Neko slaves'" she air quoted the words, "then some might open up to trust you." she smiled sweetly as she leaned forward, her breasts pressing together as she looked over the paper, threatening to spill out of their small holders. She smiled inwardly at her reaction. She was enjoying this and wanted to see just how far she could push her before she broke an had to find her boy toy or beg for her to ease the pain herself. That would be interesting, Risa thought to herself. She had never had a female lover before but she would be up to the challenge. She did have a slight sadistic side to her personality.

Caden smiled to himself as he continued to play. The wind blew gently, ruffling his hair as the light dabbled across his skin. It was an ethereal scene that seemed to come straight from a fairy tail.
Misty was nervous but she started to see a pattern in Risa's moves. 'She is doing this all on purpose.' She thought as she still blushed. She was new too this and didn't know if she should try the same thing. "So what can I do for you?" He said in a seductive manner trying to play her game. Her skirt rode up a bit to show off her panties as she uncrossed her own legs wondering if she could get Risa to blush. 'I will play your game Risa. I hope I can win.' She thought getting nervous again. "Is there a reason you came by today, as I was so rude and bad yesterday." She said acting a little innocent and naughty.

Cyera watched as he played and just wished she was Misty. 'I know she would enjoy this so much more then I am.' She said blushed a bit. He was handsome, but did she even like guys that much? Her mind was racing a bit.

Lola was listening in and when Misty made those comments she gasped a bit. 'Misty is trying to seduce Risa? Or are they just playing each other at this point?' She thought as she stopped folding and put her back to the wall to listen better.
Risa smiled as she watched her. 'What are you playing at little Girl? Are you sure you can handle this?' she laughed in her mind ass he watched her dress slide upwards. "I thought It over and decided to give this another shot. Maybe without all of the yelling and such that yesterday provided." She stood up and smiled seductively as she gave a low curtsey, her breasts bouncing slightly as she did so as her dress slide up against her body.

Caden paused in his playing as a rough wind started to blow. Chirping caught his attention. He put the instrument down and followed the sound to behind a near by bush where a small blue jay has fallen from its home. "Poor little guy. Don't worry, We will get you back home. I know how scary it can be to be lost and all alone..." he whispered to the bird as he looked around for his nest.

Jake wipedbthe sweat from his brow as he worked. As the wind blew roughly against his skin, it tore his hat away from his head and into the garden. He frowned before following it and stopping short as he saw Caden... and Cyera hidden on the opposite side if the maze clearing? He quickly hit the shadows as he watched. What was going on here?
Misty blushed again as she stood up. She gave a curtsy lifting her skirt higher then it needed to good trying to get her chest to bounce as well. 'I feel so dumb trying to fight her like this.' She thought as she smiled. "So what do you purpose?" She asked sitting back down still blushing. She had no idea what she was going to get into now, and Risa was clearing showing interest in her which she was okay with. Maybe a bit too okay.

Cyera watched as Caden moved and picked up a bird to take to the house. 'So sweet.' She thought, as she noticed Jake. Thinking he may say something she went the other way and left the maze going to find Lola.
Risa smiled as she sat back down. "I thought, If it is alright by you, I would like to stay here for a day or two and see what kind of conditions you let your Nekos live in. And after that, maybe we can become friends and I can help you with the petitions." she smiled as she picked up her tea again and took a sip. It was hotter then she expected and she let out a small cry of pain as some of it dropped down onto her exposed chest. She frowned as she wiped away the liquid.

Caden returned the bird and smiled as he looked up and watched as the mother flew in the clean it. "There you go little guy." he smiked before going back to were he had left his violin. He frowned as he noticed it was gone and started to look around to see if it had fallen.

Jake smiled as he his the small violin as he entered the house. If this thing brought Caden joy he would make sure it was gonna He would ruin everything that brought him joy.
Misty looked at her with shook. "I mean... Would you really want too?" She asked not knowing what else to say. "Who knows what people may say when they figure out what happened?" She was worried, but why. 'I can't really be starting to like this girl. She wants to take my Caden away.' She thought as she watched the liquid drop and her clean it up. She was entranced. She went from liking no one to falling for Caden, loving the feeling of being with Lola and Cyera and now thinking about Risa. She was so confused it was starting to hurt her head. She put her fingers to her temple and rubbed.

Cyera had found Lola and tried to sneak up on her. Lola yelped and covered her mouth. She was sneaking around, why did she have to get caught.
Risa nodded at her as she turned her attention back to Misty. "I feel it would be a better way to restart our relationship. And people won't know if we don't tell them." she smiled at her. She frowned as she started to rub her head. "Is everything alright? Do you need some aspirin or something?" She heard the small yelp and looked around. Was someone eaves dropping on them? That wasn't a very polite thing to do but what was she worried about? She had been here once before and she knew she could handle anything tossed at her.
Misty heard the yelp. "Lola. Cyera." She said calling them. The came over Lola blushing and Cyera laughing. Lola was looking down. "We are sorry to interrupt. Someone thought it would be funny so sneak up on me while I was cleaning." She said glaring at her girlfriend. Cyera just stuck her tongue out. "You know me Misty. Can't keep my hands off my babe." She said smiling. Misty blushed again. "I mean you can do it in your room." She said giggling. "Like you do every couple of hours." She joked as they both blushed. She turned back to Risa. "Just thinking. I will be okay." She said as she stood and took the tea cup. "Would you like more?" She asked.
Risa watched as the girls interacted. She smiled at Misty's blush. 'So its not just me...' she sighed a little inwardly but shrugged it off. "I would love another cup. thank you." she smiled sweetly as she stood up as well. She gave the two girls a small curtsey like she did earlier, her body moving smoothly into the action. She felt her chest jiggle as her dress rubbed against her thigh. She was used to outfits like this and wasn't phased by her body's movements like she had been at a younger age. "Its nice to see you two lovely ladies again."
Misty smiled and walked of to go get some tea. Lola and Cyera just glared at her. "Don't try that with us." Cyera said as she watched Misty walk away. "We aren't new to the dating a sexy girl thing. And we only have eyes for each other." Lola cut in when Cyera giggled. "And Misty." She said before closing her mouth. She wasn't suppose to say that at all. Cyera grabbed Lola's hand and ran off as Misty returned. "What was that all about?" She asked handing the tea back to Risa.
"Oh nothing. just the girls letting me know where we stand is all." she smiler as she took the cup from her hand, her fingers brushing against Misty's as she did so. "Thank you very much." She took a sip and sighed as the steam filled her body.

Caden was still scratching his head as to were his violin had gone whenever he entered the house. He couldn't very well go asking people either since he didnt want anyone to know about it. Only Misty knew that he played... as far as he knew anyways. He started up the stairs but stopped and smiled as he saw Lola and Cyera. "Is it break time already girls?" he teased them.
Misty giggled a bit. "I'm surprised. You already passed my expectations." She said sitting back down trying to not think about their hands touching the way they did. She looked to her and gave a smile. "I think I can agree to your arrangement under 1 condition." She said holding up her finger. "If you decide to bring any of your own staff into my house, they have to follow my rules." She said wagging her finger. "If any of them come into this house they are, for as long as they are here, not your servants but my staff." She smiled playing the game she knew she would win.

Lola and Cyera got scared and jumped. "Don't scare us." They yelled hitting him.
"Oh don't worry. I'll be here by myself. I'll even pitch in and help if you like." she smiked as she grasped her pinky with her own. "I told you I want to get a feel for how you treat your Nekos." she gave a smile as she held her pinky for a few seconds. This was a game she would be more then happy to play.

Caden laughed softly as they hit him. "Don't look so guilty then. What's going on anyways?" he asked after they stopped besting on him.
Misty smiled and shook her pinkie before breaking it. "Well I am glad you will help. That means Jake can take the vacation he has been asking for." She said smiling as she called for Jake. She sat back and took a sip of her tea eyeing Risa. 'What game are you trying to play dear. Because I will figure it out.' She thought as she licked some tea form her lips being very sexual about it.

Lola calmed down first. "Risa is back. She wants to stay here for a few days to see what Misty does with us Nekos." She said as she panted. Cyera just looked at her. "WHAT!" She yelled having not known any of this information. "When were you going to tell me?" She asked feeling hurt.
Risa returnee her smile as she waited for the boy to enter. She was impressed that Misty was returning her hints. She was a brave little girl for sure and would be an excellent play mate. Jake entered the room and frowned as he slowed his pace, his eyes going over to Risa hesitantly. Had she found out what he had been doing? Was she getting rid of him? Panic set in but he kept his cool as he gave each lady a respectful bow. "Yes Lady Misty?"

Caden felt his eyes widen a bit. "She wants to stay here for a few days? I feel like there is note to this then meets the eye.. Why would she take a sudden interest in how Misty manages her home..it doesn't make any sense unless she is up to something. We need to figure out what." He said before turning to Cyera."I'm sure she was going to tell you, but I don't think it would have been wise to say anything with them being just a few doors over." he tried to soothe her. He didnt want t them to fight or be upset with each other. They were the only actual friends he had here besides Misty and he didnt want to lost that.
Misty smiled. "I told you, you do not have to call me that." She said as she got up. "Risa here would like to stay a few days and help out around the house. Since I know you were wanting to take a few days off, I was going to ask you if you still did?" She said smiling. "You had a few things planned this coming weekend right? If you would like yo have the days off you can. Pay included." She informed him then looked back to Risa. "Does that sounds find too you? Staying this weekend?" She asked just so she knew when to expect her.

Cyera blushed. "I know." She kissed Lola on the cheek. "My little sneaky spy." She said teasing her. Lola just swatted her away. "I don't think we should look into it. We shouldn't interfere in her matters. Misty is okay with this happening so we can't change her mind now." She said a bit nervous. Caden was still new around her, but he would learn fast. She hoped.
"That sounds perfect." Risa nodded as Jake looked relieved. "Thank you. It is greatly appreciated." Jake smiled before turning to leave. Risa watched him go before clapping her bands toferher once and smiling. "This will be a very fun weekend!"

Jake gave a sigh of relieve as he walked out of the room and down the hall. He slowed whenever he saw the group of three and felt his tail bristle slightly. He quickly calmed himself.

Caden shook his head. "I don't mean to interfere... I just don't want Misty to get hurt is all... Risa was your masters and her Father mine and I don't think she is just going to step away from her past this easily...."
Misty smiled. "How do you suppose?" She asked wondering what was going through her head.

Lola and Cyera looked at him saddened. "We know how you feel."

(Time skip to Friday night?)

Risa smiled as her carriage rolled across the gravel and towards Misty's house. She had her small bag packed by her feet as she taper her foot impatiently. As the carriage stopped, she waited for the door to be opened for her before stepping out. She pulled her small black bag with her and started towards the door as her carriage driver bowed and started away.
Misty was waiting at the door smiling. "I figured you would be here later then you are. Jake hasn't even left yet." She said giggling. Lola and Cyera were next to her looking nervous. They did not want her here at all. Misty took a step down and held her hand out. "Welcome to the Misty Manor. Where you clean your own room and do your own dishes." She said giggling as she kept her hand out. Lola and Cyera just rolled their eyes. "She says that to almost ever new person who comes here." Lola said while Cyera just nudged her. The both giggled as they head back in seeing Jake walking down the stairs. "Have a good time." They both said smiling.
Risa smiled and clasped her hand. "I don't like keeping people waiting. I will be pleased to take care of myself like everyone else." she smiled at the girls before they disappeared back inside. "They are lovely girls aren't they." she laughed softly.

Jake smiled at the two girls. "I will. And I do hope you girls can contain your snooping selves. I've taken the liberty to clean my own room so you aren't tempted."
Misty laughed. "They are. But that is why I love them." She said giggling as she saw Jake. "Have a good time Jake. Don't let life slip by." She said as she smiled and gave him a quick hug. She walked back in before turning to Risa. "Well let's go to your room." She said giggling as she skipped in.

Lola and Cyera just sighed. "Maybe we should go looking?" Lola said and Cyera just shook her head. "No point."

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