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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty smiled. "So word of what I do has been spreading?" She said happy about it. "Truthfully I say that I do. But what does it matter if I am?" She asked curious as to why someone would bring this up. "You do not look like someone who would care if I were taking the Nekos and giving them a home." She stated smiling softly. The girl was beautiful. Misty was almost jealous.

Lola looked at Caden as she hugged him. "Please. I can't let Cyera go downstairs. Help me find her." She said a bit teary. She thought this woman was coming to take someone away. The last thing she wanted was for Cyera or Caden to be taken from Misty.
"Yes. the rumors are spreading rather quickly and I got wind if an interesting Tid bit. Apparently you have bought someone that shouldn't have even been at an auction."

Caden wiped her tears away. "Don't cry sweetie, we will go get her." He soothed her. "Where did you last see her?"

Jake smiled at his computer screen before going over to his bedside phone and dialing his accomplice.

(I forgot dudes name!!!)

Misty looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" She said inching a bit closer to this girl. "I have bought all of my friends fairly." She said with a smile on her face.

Lola hugged him. "I don't know." She sobbed. "I need to find her."

Cyera was watching Jake. 'Who is he calling?' She thought keeping hidden.

Charles picked up. "Hello, Sir Charles speaking." He stated so formally.
(Thank chu!)

"I'm sure you did!" she exclaimed,not wanting to offend her in any way. "I meant this Neko shouldn't have been there at all, you see the owner died and instead of trying to contact any family, they just sent all of the Nekos to Auction. It was terrible really because who knows what has happened to them. I'm trying to track them all down and bring them home."

"We will find her." he gave her a soft smile before turning and leading her away. He sniffed at the air, trying to catch her scent bit failing as all of the smells mixed together in a jumbled mess.

"Its me, Jake. I have found some interesting pieces of you would like to hear them concerning the house pest."
Misty's mouth dropped. "What exactly do you mean by that? They are not your slaves. They deserve as much freedom as we do." She started to grow angry. 'Of course she would come here to demand her slave back. What else would a human do.' She thought her neko side feeling betrayed. She was not going to give any of them up.

Charles smiled. "I shall be there shortly." He said. "Meet me by the back gate, I will have some gold for you." He said hanging up and getting ready. "I will be rid of him soon." He said to himself laughing.

Cyera frowned. 'Who is the pest?' She wondered but had a good idea who he meant. She hid so when he left he wouldn't notice.
"I didnt mean it like that, In under stand they need freedom like us but others don't believe that. They want to use them for disgusting things. But you seem to have been rumored to have many and I know if anyone got an idea of how many, you would be forced to get rid of them." She said gently.

"She has to be around here somewhere..." Caden mumbled as the two searched.

"Alright." Jake smiked into the phone before hanging up and heading to the door. He would help Lord Charles get rid of Caden and then become a hero for Misty... just a little to late to save Caden though. He laughed to himself as he headed down stairs and out into the gardens to the back gate to wait.
Misty looked at her in shock. "You have no proof on how many I have. Nor does it matter. There has never been a law against having people work for you. I pay them all. I own no slaves." She said knowing she was okay. She knew it was wrong to have to many slaves, but she didn't have any.

Lola was getting scared till they found Cyera walking the halls. She let go of Caden and tackled her. "Where have you been." She yelled kissing her. "Someone is here to get rid of us." Lola said in a panic. Cyera just looked at her confused.

Charles had made is way to the back gate. There he found Jake and smiled. "So what info do you have for me?" He asked trying to hold his tongue since he needed him to help him for now.
"That isn't how some see it and if they rioted against you, things wouldn't go to well for you..." she tsked softly, pushing her hair out of her face with one hand. "I simply want to help. And I also would like to discuss the Neko that wasn't to be sold.." she started to dig in her back for something and smiled when she found it and held it out to the girl. It was a dark picture of a blue haired Neko boy... a very familiar Neko...

Caden smiled. "I told you we would find her. now what is this about someone wanting to get rid of you?"he asked softly as he patted her shoulder.

Jake smiled when he got there. " That boy was owned and rumored to have helped murder his owner. That's why he was sold so cheap... or would have been, who knows how much Misty actually paid for him..."
Misty looked at the photo and dawned a confused look. "I have never seen this man in my life. Wasn't he in the news about killing his owner and trying to blame it on the humans?" She asked trying to fake her knowledge. She would never give him up. He may not be her slave but he was her lover and she wouldn't lose him. "I don't know who told you I had him or knew about him, but they were wrong." She said as she sat down slowly.

Lola just shook her head. "The girl that is here is from a family who use to own us. She might be back to take me away from Cyera, or Cyera from me." She said sobbing into Cyera's arms. "Shhh. She will not take us hun. And if she does we will go together I promise." She said softly.

Charles just laughed. "She paid one million for a murderer." He said laughing. He couldn't help himself. He handed the man a sack of gold bigger then the one before. "Let me know if there is anything else. Maybe get him to kill someone else other than Misty. I will pay you handsomely." He said as he walked off. "Call me when the deed is done." He left making sure no one knew he was there.
"A handsome number of people at the last Auction all reported you buying him and your signature was on his paper work. You may not know his past fully but I'm sure you know him. His owner was my Father and in his will was stated that all his belongings were to go to me and my siblings. Since he was my fathers belong and no one legally put him up for auction then the deal cannot be held to court order." She said as she leaned back in her chair, folding her hands nearly in her lap.

"Why would you think she wanted to take you back? Even if she wanted to she wouldn't be able too Lola, Misty bought you and gave you your freedom fair and square and I'm positive she wouldn't give you up. Nor would she give up Cyera." he stated firmly as he tried to calm her down.

"You want someone dead and for his prints to be on it? How do you expect me to do that?" Jake growled as he started to walk away. "It's just a rumor anyways and no one knows what actually happened, just that he had been in the room at the time."
Misty smiled. "Well, like I said. No one here is my slave. I let them all have a chance at freedom when I bring them here. I gave him the same choice and he ran. I do not know where he went, nor do I care. He is free to do what he wants and is no concern of mine." She smiled slyly. "I assume you did not get the money, if that is so I will be willing to compensate you for your troubles. I do not look to much into these things when I go to an auction as usually plan to buy their freedom not their servitude. Now I will have to ask if you speak a word about this to anyone that you may not be able to speak again." She threatened strongly. She didn't like people being in her business and she never would.

Lola kept crying. "Let's go see who it is. You must be mistaken Lola." Cyera said as she started to walk towards the stairs. "You want to see who it is also?" She asked Caden as she took the first step down.

Chales laughed as the car started to drive away. "Silly boy. Someone knows what happened." He said with an evil grin. How else was he suppose to get a killer in the hands of his beloved. (Yes this was his plan from the start, expect the falling in love part)
Risa smiled sweetly. "Oh dear, I wish I could say your threats had some sort of impact on me but sadly they don't. And I seriously doubt that you would just allow such a creature to leave without at least having a taste of him... I mean, he isn't to bad on in the eyes and I'm sure he is talented in many ways. You can't tell me you haven't taken a chance with him yet before you 'let him run away'" she air quoted before she laughed softly, a sweet sound that anyone else would mistake for friendly and sweet.

"Of course, and if anything bad happens I'll make sure to keep both of you safe and sound. I won't anyone separate you two." he smiled at them, flicking each in turn before following down the steps and towards the room the guest was in with Misty.

"I don't understand...." Jake said. Confusions lining his face as he watched the car drive away. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now or how to even go about figuring it out.
Misty hated this girl. "Are you saying you have 'tried' this creature. How good does that make you? A human willing to have sexy with a beast?" She said smiling. "With information like that your reputation could be ruined. I mean, it's one thing for a man to have sex with his neko bitches, but not a little girl." She said trying to find her weak spot. 'What does she hate most that I can play off of?' She thought as she smiled again. "No. I told you I let him make his choice and he choose.... to...." She looked to see him walking in the door behind her. And with all that, her plan was sunk.

Lola was cowering from Lady Risa, while Cyera was holding her head high. "It has been away Lady Risa." Cyera said smiling devilishly. "You seem to have gotten some weight." She said trying to piss her off. She knew she was safe now, and she would talk all the trash she could. She then noticed Misty's expression and the back to Risa's. They had messed up. Whatever they did, made the situation a whole lot worse.
"No, I have never gotten a chance to see him or even ask his name but I wouldn't balk at the idea." she laughed at Misty's threat. "My reputation cannot be marred by such trivial matters my dear." she paused as she heard the familiar voice and looked to see Cyera and Lola. "Oh Cyera, Lola. its so nice to see you again! Yes I have gained a little weight, We got a better cook so the food has been so much better!" she laughed like an old friend before her gaze wandered up to Caden. "Well well well, it looks like he changed his mind, isn't that such a good thing Lady Misty?" she smiled as she eyed them. "And since he Ran away that means he is not in your possession right? Which also means... free for me to claim as my own by right. Everyone wins here! How delightful!" she sneered as she stood up and straightened her dress.

Caden frowned at Cyera and gave her a flick to be nice. She was a guest even if not a nice one or loved and they had apparently missed something of importance from the looks they were getting
Misty quickly stood up in response. "You will not take him." She said with anger in her voice. "I will not let you take the man I love." She said before putting her hands on her mouth. 'I wasn't suppose to say that.' She thought as she blushed red and pulled Caden into a hug. "I don't care what you say to anyone, or what you do. I will not let you take him away from me." She said as she kissed him right in front of Risa. The boldness of her moved outlined by the fact that she had wrapped her arms around his waist to pull him closer. "I need you to run, she wants to take you back because you were never suppose to be sold at the auction." She whispered during the kiss. "I don't know for how long but run then come back." She looked back to Risa. "I trust him with my life and he would never hurt me or betray me.

Lola and Cyera heard their masters words and tried to start pulling Caden to the back door.
Risa cocked an eye brow at the girl. "Bold word and for such a young girl. You actually think you love him? And he love you?" she laughed softly. "It's really not a choice for you to make. You can tell him to run or whatever but think about it, if he runs then that means anyone can't pick him up and force him to do anything. At least with one of us he would have a home and a roof over his head and food in his belly. I'm not nearly as harsh as my Father." She gave her a sweet smile. "I mean, I did take care of those two fine young ladies for a few years and they haven't been brutally mauled or anything."

Caden kissed her back as he was pulled in two different directions. As Misty hugged him close and Lola and Cyera tried to pull him away he felt his breath quicken in his chest. Run away? He didnt know this place, how could he run? He had to trust her though.... he did trust her.
Misty looked back to Risa tears in her eyes. She dropped to her knees shocking everyone in the room. "What can I do to not lose him?" She asked almost begging. She looked up at Risa. "Let me keep him and I will do anything." She said her sobs starting to come out. Lola and Cyera just stopped. 'Is she really doing this.' They both thought as they looked to Caden. He needed to be with her. He couldn't afford to run. Misty looked back in longing at Caden then back to Risa. "I will give you anything, just don't separate us." She said taking her hand.
"My dear stop this." Risa scoffed as she pulled her from the floor. "It is not lady like nor is it worth it. You don't have anything I want or need. But fine, I'll let you make me an offer."

"Misty stop..." Caden whispered to her as she stood back up. "Its not worth this... We can figure out any other way but you can't give in to her like this. People are ruthless and will take what you have along with what they want."
Misty stuck her hand up. "I will give you my servitude as a half neko, if you let me live here and be with my Caden." She said knowing that anyone would take that offer. The idea of a half neko in their house would make them a fortune. Misty knew she was good at house work and doing anything that was needed, so she was confident that she could do the job.

Lola and Cyera just looked at her like she was crazy. "You can't do that." Cyera said moving to her. "We can't lose you too a monster." Lola said not holding back on her words.

Misty turned around smiling. "I love you three too much to ever want to lose you. This is the best and only option." She said as she turned back to Rise. "What do you say?"
"You would be willing to give up your freedom? Everything you own and know to become a slave of mine? Interesting..." Risa pondered as she thought it through.

"Don't do this Misty." Caden growled. "You don't understand what the consequences would be... being a servant even as a Neko could lead to you doing any and everything.... Like what I had to go through and you can't even say a word about it.... I don't want that for you.." He felt his tail lashing in anger as he looked at Risa. "What do you want from me anyways? I don't know you."

"Oh but you do... See I was that little girl that used to come and see your previous master. I used to feed you scraps from my hands and love you and brush you and everything. Until you murdered my father!" her words lit with anger as she stared at him.
Misty was in shock now. "No. He wouldn't have." She said looking back to him. "You wouldn't have killed your master? Not unless you were defending yourself. You are to kind hearted to be a cold blooded killer." She said not believing it. She looked to Risa when realization hit. "You had a crush on him." She said blushing a bit. Not only did he kill her father, but he broke her heart. Misty walked up to Risa and did something she never thought she would do. She hugged her.
Risa frowned as she shoved her away. "I didnt have a crush on him. I wouldn't allow myself to love a slave like you." she spat.

"No, He was my friend and companion. Whenever my Father wasn't using him, I would play with him. Yea sure he is cute and all and grew up to be a very handsome boy I'll give you that but love is far from the truth." she regained her composure as she spoke, turning her attention to him. "Now would you like to answer her question about my father?"

Caden avoided both girls gaze as he looked at the floor. His tail wrapped around his leg as memories flashed in his eyes. He didnt want to talk about that day. He didnt want Misty to know the truth, and he didnt want her to hate him for what he did.
Misty looked shocked he didn't answer right away. She looked back to Risa and slapped her across the face. "Not only do you disrespect my boyfriend, your 'friend,' and all of my staff who are not slaves, but you go and ask him that. His master was killed in front of him. Whether he killed him or not is irrelevant, it was still a traumatically experience." She was screaming at this point so upset tears were forming again. "How dare you come into my house and cause my love to relive what happened." She said in anger. She ran to Caden and hugged him tight. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to relive it. I don't care what you did. You are my love and my life and that is all that matters." She said holding him close.
Rosa's eyes widened as she was struck. Rage filled her eyes as her face turned red. "How dare I? How dare you try to keep what is mine from me!" she snarled. "I own him legally and I was willing to make an offer with you and you treat me like this."

Caden returned her hug gently. "Yes. I did it." he growled as he closed his eyes. He felt the knot forming in his stomach as he tried to think of how this was going to play out for him. He knew he couldn't hide from it forever.

Jake stopped as he heard the commotion and slid into but he shadows. making sure he was out of sight as he listened.
Misty looked between him and Risa. "What will you want for him to be free? His death?" She said when she heard him say that. She looked back at him. "You what?" She said backing up a bit. She figured she should give him some space to explain himself. "You really killed him? Why?" She asked knowing that they all wanted that answer. She looked to Risa.

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