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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty looked at the 3 of them and wondered. "Who else would know any of us are...." She stopped. It can't be Jake. If it is then everything she worked for could be ruined. She was scared now. 'Just go away.' She thought as she tried to cuddle all 3 of them close to hide. As long as she was with them she was safe. Right?
The knock sounded again. "My' Lady, It is one in the afternoon, you have missed all of your classes and breakfast today. I was sent to see if you were alright. Since your twins are incognito this morning." he called as he listened for any noise.
Misty seemed to relax a bit. She got up and went to answer the door. She opened it and smiled. "I will be down shortly. I just have a few things to take care of." She said not realizing she was still naked. She suddenly went red seeing the person blush. She closed the door fast and ran into the shower. She was covered in sweat now as she started the shower and jumped right in, screaming as the cold water landed on her.

Lola and Cyera smiled and giggled at her reaction then looked to Caden. "Do not think we will do anything with you. We will only allow you to kiss us, but that is only during the moment." Lola said being very territorial with Cyera. Cyera just smiled and giggled. "She only wants me and Misty, I would not be too objective as she is, but she is the boss." She said as Lola gave her a glare. "Damn right I am." She said kissing her and pulling the covers over them both.
Caden laughed at them. "I got the message loud and clear before it was ever stated. I'm well aware that you two aren't attracted to me in the slightest." he slid out of the bed and went to Misty's closet and grabbed a dress he though she would like and a towel before going into the bathroom to wait. He knew he didnt have to but he wanted her to know he didnt just want sex from her but he actually did love her.
Misty sighed as the water warmed up. The steam felt so good she let out a moan. She heard the door move and froze. "Who's there? Jake is that you again?" She said remembering yesterday morning. She would be so scared if it was him again. 'Wait how could he be in here if Caden and the girls were out there?' She thought confused. She slowly drew the curtains back to see Caden standing there holding a dress and tower. "What is this for?" She asked confused.
"For when you get out." he said as he held open the towel. "I thought it would be a nice gesture, that and I would get to see you again while those two made it clear I wasn't to welcome in their activities." he laughed, smiling adoringly at her
Misty blushed remembering that they were in there and probably fooling around. "I am sorry I let them into our intimate moment." She said frowning a bit. "It was wrong of me to have them join in and then to do things with them and you when I didn't ask your opinion on it." She knew she had asked if he was okay and he said yes, but she still felt bad. She was falling for him, but she didn't know if now he might think she was going after the girls too. She liked them, and that being her first lesbian experience added onto the fact that she cared for them, but she wouldn't leave him. 'I have no reason too. Right?' She thought to herself as she forgot about her shower. The water heated up too much and burned part of her side and her whole right leg. She winced in pain as she fell forward.
Caden caught her and wrapped her up before turning off the water. "You should be more careful my dear." he said as he kissed her forehead before proceeding to dry her off.
Misty just frowned. How could he be so nice after what happened. Sure they had sex, but then after that so many other things happened. She felt horrible and not worthy of this care. She winced when he patted at her leg. "It seems I burned myself real well." She said softly as she looked out the door. The girls had snuck off to their own room to give the two of them space. She looked into Caden's eyes but could not find any hint or betrayal. She felt so bad.
"What's wrong?" he asked her as he made sure to be careful with her burns. He thought everything had gone well last night but a small voice in the back of his began to nag at him. 'She regrets you... she wishes she would have saved herself.... you aren't worth anyone that hasn't paid for you... it's only a matter of time now...' He felt his breath catch in his chest as he tried to shut the voice up. Memories flashed through his eyes.
Misty could see something was wrong now. 'I ruined things. I made him hate you. This was a mistake to force him to bed 3 women, when he was always forced to bed with someone.' She thought as she tried to walk out of his arms. She took one step and fell again. 'I am useless.' She started to tear up as she fell. 'I am worth nothing. I am a half breed, so I'm worth less then nothing.' She thought realizing that she wasn't even worth it to a human or a neko.
Caden caught her again and frowned. "Why are you crying?" he asked as he held her close to him, cradling her in his arms. "Talk to me..."
Misty looked up into his eyes. "I'm useless. I ruined things, and made it worse for you. I never meant to hurt you, and I feel like that's all I did." She said sobbing and cuddling into his chest. She felt like she hurt him bad. She just wanted to go to bed. To skip today and make it a new on already. "I love you so much, but I know I'm not worth trusting or keeping around. After all, I'm a dirty halfbreed." She said with venom towards herself.
"There is nothing dirty about you my love, You are not worth less either. I just don't want you to regret being with me..." he said as he rubbed her back softly. "You haven't ruined anything at all my sweet girl." he purred in her ear as he tried to soothe her.
Misty heard her words and realization sunk in. "You..." She couldn't say it. She couldn't even bare to think that he thought she regretted it. "You thought..." She tried to tell him. She tried to reword it in any way in her mind. "I would never. I love you. What I said last night too all three of you was true. I love you all. I am new to this yes, but I love all three of you and would never not want to be with you." She said pulling him into a kiss. "I would rather you think I'm worthless for making you watch me have fun with two girls then to ever think I regret what we did." She said kissing him again. "I love you." She whispered as she kissed him again not letting the passion drop at all. She was still only in a towel, in his arms when the door opened. (And here comes Jake's overreaction right?)
Caden returned her kiss, the voice calming down in his head as she told him she loved him and would never regret him. "I'm glad... and I don't want you to ever think you are worthless." he said as the door opened. He turned around, expecting to see the girls but felt a growl enter his throat as his tail thrashed when he saw Jake.

Jake's eyes widened as he saw them, her only in a towel as Caden held her close. "Do this is why you have missed all of your classes. I'm starting to think bringing him home was a bad idea. Ever since he had been here you have changed! You have missed class and haven't eaten today and you were rude to a guest, who is in the dining hall by the way, and It just isn't like you!"
Misty tried to hide. She didn't want this right now. At the mention of a guest she quickly got out of Caden's grasp and went to the bathroom and changed into the dress he picked out. She quickly got ready so she could go meet this person. 'How could I be so rude. I can't believe I made someone wait this long.' She thought as she slowed down a bit. 'But I guess love is better then anything.' She thought as she smiled.
Caden watched her leave before turning his attention back to Jake.

"What's your problem? She doesn't like you in a romantic way, can't you just leave her alone? Move on already." He growled as he stood toe to tow with the other Neko, his ears pricked and his tail lashing out behind him. He would have to put a stop to this somehow or another if he was going to keep Misty happy.
Misty came out and smiled. "Let us go meet our friend shall we." She said to Jake as she looked to Caden. "Get cleaned up love." She whispered as she kissed him softly on the lips. She followed Jake down to the dinning hall. On the way down she spoke to him. "I am sorry if there has become a problem with us Jake." She said softly. "You know I care about you, but I do now have those feelings for you." She said trying to be honest.
Jake frowned at her. "There is no problem between us, just a problem with that thing you insist to love. He has changed you into a completely different person and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing to be honest." he said, keeping his eyes ahead as he lead her down to where the guest was waiting. "
Misty sighed. "He is not a thing. Just like you or anyone else, he is a person. I like him and he makes me feel different." She said honestly to Jake. She felt like he was against them, but she wouldn't allow it. She loved Caden. No matter what. They walked into the dinning hall and she noticed the guest.
Jake gave a small bow. "As you wish." he growled, before moving aside to leave them alone. In the room was a girl about her age with long blonde hair and a pretty little black dress that hugged her body. She turned around and gave a sweet smile as she curtsied.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. I am Lady Risa and I have some things I would like to discuss with you."

As Jake left the two alone he made his way into his room and. grabbing his computer, sat on his bed. "Alright Caden... let's see what we can find about you..."
Misty curtsied as well showing respect. She motioned for her to sit down and smiled. "Well Lady Risa, as you Know I am Lady Misty. What shall we be discussing today?" She asked curious but at the same time wanting to get this over with to be with Caden again. She sat a bit awkwardly as it still hurt from the fun they had last night. She hoped that this girl wouldn't care.

Lola came down too see Misty talking to the guest and smiled. 'Finally got out of bed I see.' She thought as she looked. 'Oh no.' She thought as she noticed who it was. She ran back up the stairs.

Cyera was doing her chores when she saw Jake. She heard him mumble about Caden and got worried. 'He better not hurt him.' She thought as she followed keeping behind just enough so he didn't notice her.

(All these characters XP I am making an assumption about who Lady Risa is and that Lola knows her, so I will be playing off of that based on what you say just fyi)
(That's fine, I have a plan and hope you don't hate me for it xD )

"I have heard rumors that you have been adopting many Nekos and doing who knows what with them." she started out as she noticed a Neko flee from sight up the stairs.

Caden walked down the hall after he cleaned up and stretched, placing his hands behind his head as he went. He almost collided with Lola as she racer up the stairs. "Hey hey what's the rush?"

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