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Misty and Caden (Closed)

"Death would be to sweet of an end my dear. He will have a lot of internal suffering before that."

Caden watched as she backed away from him and he sighed. "Yes. I killed him. He beat me day in and day out and sold me to be fucked as many times as the buyer wanted. I was treated as a dog and then I heard of a new shipment of young girls he was going to be getting in. Young girls from his daughter." he turned his cold gaze to her. "You were going to sell your servents so you could have some fun and make extra money. I wasn't going to let some innocent young girl be forced into this life. So I killed him. He got drunk one night and decided to have a little fun with me and that's when I did it."
Misty looked to Risa and backed away from her. "You would do that?" She said moving to Caden. "He had a right to kill him. He should kill you too." She said not afraid to say it, even though she rarely talked about death unless it was her mothers. "You are as horrible as all the other people. People like you are the reason my mothers dead." She screamed as she hugged Caden. "I won't lose you." She said sobbing again.
"How petty." Risa snorted. "You know he has more then one daughter. The only ladies I had are the ones you are in care of. I wouldn't sell them to a sex slave owner. And your mothers death isn't of my problem. Its not my fault your Father had a child with a Neko and then she died."

Caden held her as she cried. "Its not worth the tears dear.. nothing you say will get through to her."
Misty looked at her shocked. "Get out of my house. If you don't I will be forced to remove you." She said holding on to Caden. "I bought him fair and square and he is mine now." She said not wanting to play that card ever. He has yet to chose to go free and until he does he is my property." She said hating the words she was saying. She felt nauseous just saying it, and wondered if Lola and Cyera thought bad of her now. "Leave now." She demanded.
Risa laughed as she was dismissed. "You think this is over? If I leave that doesn't mean youve won the war, merely the battle. And it is far from being over. Ilk let you have your planning period but I'll be back don't worry." she said as she walked by them. She stopped and a sly look came into her eyes as she turned and walked back over to them. She quickly reached up and pulled Caden down to her, pressing her lips against his as she kissed him before turning and leaving, laughing all the way.

Caden growled as she held him against her before shoving away and wiping his mouth. Rage was lit in his eyes as she left.
Misty wanted to kill her at that point. But better yet she suddenly became turned on. Seeing another woman take her man, something in her roared to life. She quickly grabbed Caden and kissed him so she could taste the girl and him. She wanted him to forget her taste but most of all she wanted to know what it was. She didn't know what came over her, but the idea just burst into her head and she acted on it. 'That was so hot I want some.' She thought trying to get the taste of Risa into her mouth. (Someone seems to like a lot of girls XP)
(Maybe Caden will have better look if he had Boob's xD )

Caden felt her kiss as he was taken by surprise. He gently pulled her off of him and looked at her, his eyes swirling. "What was that about?" he asked as he stared at her. He wasn't sure what had come over her but something told him it wasn't just him that had her revved up.
(Na she likes him to much, just likes girls as well XP)

Misty blushed and looked away. "Nothing. I just got jealous." She said shyly as she looked away and back to Risa walking out. She was jealous alright. She walked to the front door and quickly walked out closing it behind her. "Risa wait!" She yelled hoping she would stop for a moment.

Lola and Cyera were both confused. "We should let her talk this out. Let's go do out jobs." They said walking away. No one noticed Jake at all.
Caden watched her leave and frowned. Before he knew it the others were gone as well, leaving him alone with the hidden Jake. He wasn't sure what he should do now. What was going to happen to his life now since we was sold under handedly?

Risa paused and turned around, her blonde hair floating gracefully as she did so. "What Is it? you wanted me gone and Now that I'm leaving you want to race after me?" she sneered as she crosser her arms delicately across her chest.
Misty walked up to her and offered her a hand. "I am so sorry. I never do that, nor did I mean too. My anger just got the better of me." She said with a slight smile. 'Please take my hand.' She thought as she held it out. "I want to make a deal. I want to keep Caden, he is my boyfriend and I love him. I am sorry for what happened. Can we find anyway to put it past us? I know it's asking a lot, but I have proof that your father was the one who orchestrated the death of my mother, so please let's not let that come out. I want my mother to rest in piece, but if you were to try anything then rumors would spread." She smiled softly with a bit of evil in it. She knew she had her trump card.

Risa cocked one eye brow at that. "And what kind of deal would you want to make? You using my father's name against me is nothing sweet cheeks. His name can be dragged through the mud as much as you like."
(You would find a picture for her XP)

Misty sighed her hand still out. "What would you like then, for me to keep Caden." She looked her stern in the eyes amazed at how beautiful they were. She blushed a bit as she looked away. "I will do anything just let me keep him by my side." She said trying not to let her anger take over again. She looked back to Risa trying not to smile at her eyes. "Just tell me what I can do so we can settle this without a war." She said pleading.
(Don't you like? ;) )

Risa smiled as she watched the small blush appeared. " what happened to all that tough talk earlier?" she purred as she closed the distance between them, her face only inches away. "Did you give up on the hope if winning or are you coming to your senses?" she laughed softly, her sweet breath hitting her. "You can't best me dear." she leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips before pulling away teasingly and turning, getting into her car. "I'll think about what I want from you."
Misty blushed instantly. 'Did she really just kiss me or am I imagining it?' She thought as she put her fingers on her lips. 'That little taste.' She thought as she licked her lips. She turned around to see Caden standing there. 'How much did he see? Was he worried?' She thought as she smiled softly. "Hey sexy." She said as she walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "I think we will be good. Now let us go have a quick chat before we make out again." She said smiling and blushing.
Caden frowned as he watched her. She had enjoyed being kissed... He hoped that wouldn't be a sign of how things were going to play out. He knew it might sound interesting to be a play toy for others that were attractive but he knew it wasn't. "As you wish." he gave her a soft smile as she lead him back inside for a quick chat.
Misty knew something was off. She knew something was going to be said and one or both of them were going to have a problem with it. She sighed knowing that things would be hard for them. They went back to her room and she locked the door and took him as far away from the door as possible. She pulled him into a hug and cried. "I can't lose you." She said holding him close. "I love you so much and I can't bare to think about not being with you." She looked him in the eyes tears falling slowly. "We need to find a way to make sure she can't take you. I will gladly give up my freedom if it means you can stay free." Not ever taking her eyes off him.
Caden shook his head. "I wouldn't be happy if you were a slave. I'd rather give up myself then have you hurt." he said as he wiped away her tears and cradled her against his chest. "We will think of something but you can't give up yourself."
Misty smiled softly. "As long as I have you I will never give up." She said then stepped back and held out her pinkie. "Promise." She said smiling.

Lola and Cyera were doing their jobs and cleaning the rooms. They were cleaning Jake's room when Lola, who was pulling the sheet off of his bed, heard some coins drop. "What was that?" She said to herself as she picked up a heavy bag. In it was gold, lots of it. "Where did he get this from?" She said as Cyera walked over. "Whatcha find sexy lady." She said looking at the gold. "Who's is that?"
Caden took her pinky in his and smiled. "deal. Just never try to sell yourself again. I don't want to have an in going record." he joked as he pulled her into a hug.

Jake was rubbing his head as he entered his room and froze. "Can I help you ladies?" he growled as he saw them with his gold.
Misty smiled and leaned up to kiss him sweetly. "Shall we have our make out session now?" She joked kissing him deeply. (They need a time skip XP unless you can think of something else to plop them into before we skip.)

Lola dropped the bag as Cyera quickly rushed Jake. "Why do you have all that gold. Have you been stealing from Misty?" She called hoping someone would hear and get Misty. Lola just backed away scared. She had been in a situation like this before and was scared she would get punished. Flashbacks causing her to cry. Cyera looked back to see her crying. "What are you doing to this family?" She said accusing him of messing everything up.
((Just time skip and day they had their fun? focus on but he other plots going on right now?))

Jake pushed her away before she could get near him. "I'm not the one snooping through other people's things! I'm not doing anything to this family, everything was fine until this last auction! If you wanna blame anyone for this then blame that murdering bastard. Hell he could be plotting the death of any of us!"
(Okay we can time skip on your post)

Lola and Cyera walked out a bit bitter. "He is not the one ruining anything." Lola said as she glared at him. "Love cannot ruin life unless you choose to let it." Cyera said as they both walked off and to their room. "We need to stop getting into trouble." Lola said huffing. Cyera grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. "You sure you want to stop." She said seductively.
((Time skip to the next day?))

Caden smiled to himself as he hummed softy. He had decided to go walking the grounds since everyone else seemed to be busy and he hasn't wanted to get in their way. Everything had seemed peaceful today though he knew speaking it would probably jinx them. Lola and Cyera had been oddly quite but he figured that was something between the two.
Misty was in her study working away on an assignment she had missed the day before. It had felt like it was forever since she had been working, but only 2 days ago did Caden show up to her house. She smiled thinking about her when someone came in. "Miss Misty. Lady Risa has arrived." He said as he showed her into the room. Misty didn't know what to do. 'Frown, smile, glare, ugh.' She thought as she stood holding out her hand. "Lady Risa. What a lovely surprise." She said with a half smile.

Lola was doing some laundry when she noticed Caden in the garden. She waved to him when he looked over and she smiled. 'I am so glad things are back to normal.' She thought jinxing what was to come. Cyera was doing the dishes when she heard Jake walk in. "I have the dishes this time Jake. You can take the hour off if you would like." She called to him not turning to face him.
Risa smiled as she walked in the study. Today she was wearing a black corset dress thag stopped mid thigh with openings down the front over a long sleeve fishnet shirt. Her hair was loose around her back in gorgeous golden waves. "Nice to see you again. I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" her black boots clicked on the tile as she entered the room. Risa clasped her hand gently before peeking at what she was working on.

Caden smiled and waved back at her before he wondered over to the maze. He didnt know where he was going but something seemed to lead him into the maze.... a smell it a sound? Something familiar and calming almost...

Jake nodded to her. "Alright, I'll go tend to the gardens then so Finn can have a break too." he started toward the garden shed to get his tools.


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