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Misty and Caden (Closed)

"Lead the way." Risa smiled as she followed Misty. She noticed several Nekos stop and look at her before continuing on with their chores but none really spoke to her. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but she shrugged off the thoughts. She knew she was powerful and she knew she looked good at the same time. She hasin't gone to far out this time, just a simple black dress that hugged her body and stopped mid thigh and a pair of black high heels. Her legs were bare otherwise and her hair was pulled up in a curly ponytail.

Caden sighed as he looked under her another bush. His joy was still no were to be found and it was really starting to piss him off. He knew he wasn't crazy and the damn instrument had to be some where. Giving up, he started into the house and paused as he saw Jake leaving.
Misty walked with her to the room she would be in. It just so happened to be right next to her room. "This will be your room. If you need anything me and Caden are right next door." She said gloating at the fact that Caden stayed with her. She noticed a few more of her staff walk by and said her greetings. She opened the door and stepped in with Iris.

Lola and Cyera were in the room cleaning it up. When they heard the door open they separated. Misty looked at them as they were blushing. "You two." She said as she winked at them. "Go clean somewhere else. Leave the new girls room alone." She said giggling as she looked to Iris. "Don't worry, they didn't do anything." She said blushing. "I hope."
Risa smiled at her announcement. "Well I hope you two won't be keeping me up all weekend." she nudged her gently before she went in to her room and saw the girls. "I'm sure if they did do something it wouldn't be that bad now could it?" she giggled. She set down her bag and stretched. It had gotten a little heavy but she didnt mind. After all, she was here to see how other people live with their Nekos.
Misty smiled. "I have known them for too long to question if it is good or bad." She said smirking. "Just don't take a big wiff of the sheets and you won't know." She watched the two leaving giggling and laughed as she walked over and sat down with her. "So why do you want to do this? Really?" She asked wondering if she would get an answer this time.

Lola and Cyera walked down stairs to see Caden looking around. "Lost something?" Lola asked confused. "Like your girlfriend." Cyera joked since she was in the room alone with Iris.
Risa giggled and sat close to Misty. "I told you why silly. I've only been shown one way of life and you amuse me. I want to see how you live with your Nekos to gain a new experience.... or maybe more then just one..." she smiled sweetly as she leaned towards her slightly.

Caden felt his face flush slightly. "I'm sure Misty knows where to find me... no... I misplaced-er- something...." he didnt want everyone to know how he would sneak away when everyone was busy to play the violin. It just sounded so childish to him.
Misty looked at her a bit confused before putting her finger on Risa's forehead. "What one kiss from Caden and one from me isn't enough?" She teases and she blushed red. This was all new to her but she was enjoying it as much as she did with Caden. "While I admire your ideal, why couldn't you just do this at your own home by treating your staff differently?" She asked putting this back on a serious note. She wanted to know what she was looking for. Why she wanted to change her mind. 'Am I really that big of an influence on this girl?' She thought sitting there.

Lola looked at him confused while Cyera cracked a smile. "Ohh. Something that may make you happy?" Cyera said teasingly. "Maybe made of wood and has strings attached to it." She nudged him slightly. "Something that came from Miss Misty's room." She finally said know that it was her violin. She smiled as she took Lola's arm.
Risa smiled. "I can't just change the way my house is run without knowing how well it works. I mean, if you don't want me here.... I would understand." she frowned as she moved away. "And you don't have to worry about me going after Caden, he is cute and all but there are much cuter people here." she have her a wink.

Caden blushes slightly. "How do you know about that?" he thought he had been careful... his gut tightened as he thought of what torment was going to come.
Misty blushed. "I see." She said as she got off the bed and started to walk to the door. "Well feel free to stay if you want. But I do not expect that you will find what you are looking for. I do not mind having guests. That is what this house is for. But you have to find your own way to do things. Not copy others." She said as she blew her a kiss. "But alas there are cuter people in this house. Well since you walked in the door." She said teasingly as she walked out of the room to let her get situated.

Cyera smiled teasingly. "I saw you in the maze. And I know of all the musical pieces in this house. I knew it was hers the moment I saw it." She looked down saddened. "I do hope you can trust us enough to let us listen to you. We will never judge, after all most of are lives was spending with that against us." She said as she picked her head back up smiling. "We can help you look if you want."
Risa smiled as she watched her leave. "Aren't you a doll." she blew her a kiss before getting up. She wasn't really here for trying to find a new way of life but it was the easiest excuse to give. Not that she would tell Misty what her real purpose was, that would come later on. For now though, she thought she should enjoy her time here.

Caden blushed slightly as he looked away. "Its really not that great at playing... Its just like mg escape, it always has been but I don't know what happened to it. I mean, one minute I set it down and the next... its just gone."
Misty smiled on her way down and got even happier when she saw Caden. "What was just gone?" She said coming in at the end of the conversation. Lola and Cyera smiled and walked off to leave the two alone and let him talk to her. Misty just giggles watching them run off together and looked back at Caden. "Hey sexy. What did you lose?" She asked curious.
Caden rubbed the back of his head a little nervous as she questioned him. "Your violin... I had it in the maze and put it down for a minute to go and put a hatchling back in its nest and when I came back it was just gone. I'm sorry... I will find it, I promise."
Misty smile softly as she took his hand. "What do you mean. I saw it up on the mantle yesterday." She said a bit confused. She started to walk off to the living room and walked over to the fireplace. She picked it up and smiled softly. "See. It still has some dust on it. You sure you were playing it and not the one that was in my room?" She asked confused still. She brought it to Caden and handed it to him. "Because that was just a practice Violin. It was just the one I usually play when I don't want to be professional." She said blushing.
Caden frowned as he took the violin from her."No... This isn't the one I was playing..." he handed it back with a sad smile. "I wouldn't take something off of the mantle. At least not without permission." He gave her a smile. "I think anytime you play, you would be as beautiful and as professional and as the best violinist."
Misty smiled as she cleaned the dust off. She sat down on the chair and tuned it before she started to play. She looked to Caden smiling. "I am not that great." She said playing a few songs she had memorized. A few of her staff came and watched her smiling. It had been a long time since they had listened to her play and were happy she was doing it again. Misty didn't pay any attention to anyone else. She just played so that Caden could hear her.
Caden smiled as she started to play."You play beautifully my dear." he purred to her as he sat on the floor in front of her. He hasn't heard very many other people play but he enjoyed watching her. He didnt care If she wasn't the best in the world because to him she was.

Risa followed the sound of music and paused, leaning against the door to listen as she watched Misty and Caden together
Misty continued to play as a crowd formed. She kept playing till the end of the song then blushed as everyone started clapping. She smiled as she got up and bowed to everyone. She looked to everyone's face and smiled. She was happy to have so many friend and good people around her. She couldn't help but linger her gaze on Risa wondering what was going through her mind.
Risa applauded with the rest of the crowd. She was a pretty good violinist, she would give her that though she herself preferred the piano. As the crowd started to disband, she strode into the room, stepping around Caden who was still on the floor. "Aren't you a talented little lady." she smiled to her.

Caden frowned as Risa stepped in front of him. He pushed himself up and walked a little to the side. He didnt like this lady though he wasn't sure why.
Misty just blushed at the comment. "I mean... Years of practice and all that." She said nervously. She looked to Caden and smiled. "You should listen to him. He is so amazing." She said play smacking him. She knew he didn't like being the center of attention, but she figured a bit of teasing wouldn't be too bad. She looked back to Risa as she got close and became really nervous. 'What is she planning? I thought she was just here to see how the staff lived?' She thought a bit confused, but not showing it on her face.
Risa turned her gaze to him and have a smile. "Well why don't we hear him play? Its an honor to listen to such skilled people! What do you guys say?" she asked the remaining crowd that had yet to break. A few of them nodded and made approving noises. Caden looked at her with swirling eyes that showed nothing. He didnt know what she was trying to do but he would figure it out. His jaw clenched as the crowd agreed with her
Misty handed him the violin and smiled. "You will do great. Just think of doing it just for me." She whispered to try and help him out. She kissed his cheek as she sat down on the couch so that she could listen.

Lola and Cyera smiled as they watched from outside the door just whispering to each other about what was going on.

Misty smiled softly at all her of staff as she waited for Caden to start. She loved the way he played and wondered where he learned it from. There was so much that she didn't know about him. It had only been about a week since she met him, but she was so happy.
Caden took a deep breathe before placing the violin against his skin. He closed his eyes and slowly, expertly pulled the boe against the strings as he had done in all his past years. As the soft melody pulsed through his body, he relaxed and the rhythm played almost like a second nature to him. He went to his own world where no one else mattered except the melody that he played.
Misty just smiled as she watched him wondering what was going on in his mind. She couldn't help but swat to his playing. She was in love with the sound and was enjoying every bit of it as Risa ended up sitting next to her. She didn't even notice it and reached her hand down grabbing her hand by accident. She blushed instantly as she looked over at her smiling.
Risa jumped at the sudden touch but smiled as she laced her fingers through Misty's. She had to admit, he was pretty good even if he didnt like playing publicly. She would have to figure out where he learned to play since no slave in any part of their family home had been musically instructed. It was a mystery for sure. Caden finished his song and lowered the violin before looking at the ground as the crowd applauded him. He set the violin down on the chair before walking out of the room and away from. Risa watched him go but kept a firm grasp on Misty, figuring she would try to go after him. "He plays very well but he isn't used to the audience is he?"
Misty smiled as she tried to get up but was held back. She listened and giggles. "Yeah I can see that." She said smiling as the rest of the group left leaving Misty and Risa on the couch holding hands. "I can understand why though. If you have never been told you were good, you never want to play in front of people." She said blushing having known that feeling. "Maybe he will get use to it. Maybe he can play for us again." She said smiling as she looked into Risa's eyes. 'What is your game?' She wondered.
"I'm sure he will eventually, After all he is a talented young man." she smiled as she brushed her fingers over the top of Misty's hand. She gave her an innocent smile before she leaned in and placed her lips against hers, giving her a soft, seductively teasing kiss before getting up and moving away.

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