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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Caden gave her a soft smile. "Im thankful to have been the one to be a part of your plan. How did you know you would fall in love like this though?" He looked up at the cabin as they arrived and gave a soft smile. He didnt care if it had been a card board box. As long as he was with her he wouldn't care what they lived in or under. He had never been very materialistic anyways, not that he had ever had anything to be materialistic over.
Misty smiled. "I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." She said as she pulled him into the cabin. It was large. Big enough for all of them. She would have to add a bit to support any kids but she was okay with it. She stood in the living room and smiled. "I just didn't know it would be you. But I am glad it is." She said holding her stomach. "Maybe we can have a real family. If not maybe one of the other girls will bare your children." She said happily. She would be okay if the child was one of theirs.
Caden blushed. "I don't know if I'm even able to have children..." he gave a sad smile. "I mean, who would have ever wanted to get impregnated by a whore in my line of work?" he laughed softly as he pulled her close. "This is amazing... you are amazing. I love you my sweet and I'll love you with a child or without." he gave her a kiss on the cheek. He was content with his life with her
(sounds fine with me. Sorry for the delay. We lost power thanks to a lovely storm last night.)
It had been many hours that the two were at the house. When it was time to head back Misty sighed. "I don't want to leave ever." She said trying to act like a little child. She knew better then to do it to Caden, but she thought that maybe she could get away with it. After all she was the one who could get away with anything.

The girls at the mansion had a bit of fun with Risa without going to far. They wanted to save the time for Misty and Caden and maybe torture Risa a bit. They were hoping that she would want to come live with them and be one big happy family, but they knew she had so many things to do. They talked with her a while about all the possibilities, but they knew it was for naught.
Caden smiled at her. "Come on dear, you know we have to Go back. The girls are probably missing you." he hugged her close. He knew she wasn't used to being told no but if they were going to have a child together she would have to learn.
She smiled softly and laughed. "You will be an amazing father." She said walking out with him. They walked back to the house taking another couple of hours and when they walked up to the house Misty dropped as she screamed. The house had gone up in flames and was just finished burning. Cyera and Lola were both outside holding each other when they heard Misty. They rushed over and grabbed her since she tried to run in. "You can't go in. It's not safe." They both said.
Caden frowned at the sight."What happened? Is everyone alright?" he asked as the girls rushed up. How had the house suddenly burst into flames in such a short time?/Why hadn't he noticed it on the walk back? His nose should have picked it up long before now.
Lola was crying while Cyera tried to comfort both the girls. "Risa was helping us plan a surprise for you when Jake came down. He said something about not wanting to be apart of this anymore and had been washing the whole house with kerosene." She said ashamed that she didn't realize it before. "He set the house ablaze before locking himself in his room." Misty looked to them with a saddened expression. "It's all my fault." She said and the repeated it over and over again.
Caden frowned at them and looked at the house. He knew Jake would have done something to hurt Misty. Its like every time they turned around a problem was arising and he knew it was already hard on Misty to handle the loss to of their child let alone this. If he ever net Jake in hell he was sure going to beat his ass for this. "Its not your fault Misty and don't say it is. Jake was unbalanced enough before you and he couldn't handle what he did behind your back. None of that is your fault."
Misty just sobbed as she realized Risa wasn't there. "Where is Risa?" She asked looking to the girls. Neither of them said anything, each of them having a different expression. They had no idea what happened to her and they didn't want to tell Misty. Misty quickly got up and ran into the house as it was still burning yelling Risa's name.
Caden cursed as he raced after her. "Misty wait!" he said as he caught up to her and grabbed her, pulling her towards him as a beam fell. "What the hell? You shouldn't go racing into burning buildings! Get out of here;" he said, shoving her towards the exit. "I'll find her. You stay away." He gave her a stern look before he disappeared to find Risa. He knew he was agile enough and sensitive enough to maneuver through the burning building and he would be able to focus a lot better if he knew Misty was away from danger.
Misty ran back out coughing. Cyera and Lola grabbed her and pulled her away. "He went in after her. He shouldn't have gone. It's my fault." She yelled as she tried to go back in. They held her back keeping her at bay and trying to calm her down. She felt bad, everything was happening because of her. Why did she have to cause so many disasters.
Caden sniffed the air and growled. The smoke was covering everything. He shook his head. He would find her without smell. He moved slowly through the house as pieces of wood fell around him. After checking the whole first floor, he saw the staircase still in some form and decided it would be worth a check up them.

Jake frowned as he came up behind the girls, Risa laying limp in his arms. He had years in his eyes at the mess he caused and he gently laid her down. She was still breathing but unconscious from all of the smoke she had breathed in.
Misty heard Jake come form behind and looked at him. When she saw Risa she almost screamed. "Caden just ran in to get her." She yelled tears falling faster. She ran over hitting Jake as hard as she could, which wasn't that hard, as she cried against him. She then looked to the girls. "Get Risa to the closest doctor." She said as she ran back to the house. She would get Caden herself this time.
Jake grabbed her arm as she ran into the house. "You can't go in there! Its to dangerous. Why do you think I went to get Risa?" he growled at her. "And stop hitting me! I know I screwed up a lot but Its not my fault about the house!"

Caden coughed as he got up the stairs and Into Misty's old room. He narrowed his eyes as he saw a figure standing there, smiling at him. "Jake?" he growled as the smoke continued to rise around him.
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Misty looked to Jake as Cyera and Lola glared at him. "You were the one who started the fire? Why would you care what happened to us?" Lola asked confused. They heard the next part and Cyera got angry. "You expect us to believe it wasn't you when we saw you doing it?" She said as Misty pulled her hand away.

Inside the man smirked. "I knew I could get you in here." He said in his accented voice. Charles stepped out and laughed. "Now I can kill you and take Misty all for myself." He said as he drew his sword. "So be a good boy and die."
"What are you talking about? I was in the gardens all day. I saw the house catch fire and saw Risa trapped so I went to get here. Why would I burn down my own home?!" he growled at them as he kept an eye on Misty to make sure she didn't bolt. The house was getting less and less safe as it went.

Caden hissed at Charles. "You actually think that after learning what you did to her house and trying to kill me, Misty is going to want you? What kind of fucked up world are you living in?" he growled as his eyes narrowed.
Charles laughed. "But you see, I have been helping Jake with some financial issues, therefore I control him. It will be easy to blame it all on him. And with you and him out of the way, she will come to me." He said chuckling as he stepped closer. "But alas it does not matter since you will be dead soon." He said as he charged him.

Cyera and Lola looked at Jake with confusion and disbelief, but Misty smiled as she pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for saving Risa." She said as she held him tight. "But I need to go save Caden." She said looking into his eyes. She needed him to understand that she had to go no matter what.
Caden diced his attack and hissed, his tail lashing out. He swiped at Charles as he passed, making sure to keep himself away from the flames that seemed to he closing in on them. "You won't get away with this." he growled as a piece of ceiling fell behind him.

Jake shook his head. "You can't go in there. It looks like its ready to fall at any minute." he said as he hugged her back. "And I won't let you go. I barely saved Risa without her being killed. I won't lose you to this damn house."

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