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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty looked to the doctors. "I know. Do whatever you can to save him." She said as she let go of his hand so they could take him. She looked amongst the people there and smiled softly. Her family came together to help each other and she was happy about it. She looked to Jake as he started to walk away. She walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. "I think you misunderstood." She said giggling a bit. "You are free to do whatever you like. But you are still welcome in my home." She said with a bright smile as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. "Thank you for helping me, or well trying too." She said nervously giggling a bit. "I think there is still an extra room in the cottage you can stay in till you find your own place. I won't be able to pay you a lot since I have to find the fund to rebuild this house for you." She said before cupping her mouth at the last part.
The doctors nodded as she left them to work. two men brought out a stretched and together moved Caden. He moaned softly as the pain of it hit his core. 

A female Neko walked over to Misty and handed her a piece of yellow paper with the hospital information for Caden on it. "The Doctor said you could possibly come and see him tomorrow." She said before turning and leaving her. 

Jake looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked her as she covered her  mouth
Misty looked away blushing. "Nothing." She said as Lola and Cyera came up and hugged her tight. "She didn't want you to feel alone when we all left, so she was going to give you the house and let you know where we were in case you wanted to visit." Cyera said as Misty tried to deny it. She didn't want him knowing how much she did care about him. He may not have been someone she would fall in love with, but she would always treat him as family because he was always like the brother she never had. She looked away blushing bright red trying to hide her face.
Jake blushed a little and smiled weakly before pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry fro how I've acted. I know I've been a horrible person and I will do anything I can to make up for the matter." he purred as his tail flicked gently. 
Misty accepted the hugs and smiled softly. "I am sorry for everything that has happened because I wasn't willing to tell you to stop. Most of this is my fault and I am sorry." She said as she kissed his cheek softly. "You will always be my family and I will always love you." She said with a tint of red. She did mean what she said, but hoped he would understand that she was in love with Caden and always would be.
"I understand. And I promise I won't stand I'm your way anymore with him. I'll always love you but I'm sure I will find the right girl for me one of these days." he said as he returned her kiss on the cheek. He felt a little better and was happy he wouldnt have to go back to an auction house. 
Misty smiled softly as he looked to the other girls. "Shall we go make sure our man is doing alright?" She asked blushing a bit for admitting that he was all of theirs and not just hers. She looked back to Risa hoping she would come with them. After all she was part of the family too. She looked to Jake and gave him a bag of coins. "I know this may sound weird to ask, but umm..." She didn't know how to say this without sounding like she was too controlling. "Please go to the auction house and free up a couple of friends to help you rebuild the house. I know you will need the help and maybe you can find someone for you." She said with a wink as she looked back to Lola and Cyera. She was so happy that everyone was okay.
Jake smiled at her and sighed. "I think you are forgetting something Misty..." he said with a soft laugh. "I'm a Neko. Nekos aren't allowed to buy other Nekos... I would need someone that lacks ears and a tail to go with me." he said softly. 

Risa hugged Misty gently as she looked back to see the ambulance gone. "I think they already took him. I still wonder what happened...."
Misty looked to Jake and smiled softly. "Just tell them I sent you." She said as she walked off. She started down the road with Lola and Cyera following on their way into town. "Misty are we going to see your man?" Lola asked trying to tease her. Misty smiled. "NO! We are going to see our man." She said walking back and putting her hand on their stomachs. "Don't think I don't know you guys accepted his seed as much as I did." She said winking at them both. "I would be happy to be an aunt and mother." She said looking to Risa. "How about you?"
Risa blushed. "I wouldnt mind being an aunt but I didnt accept it. My father would have be locked up if I gave birth to a Neko." she said with a sad smile on her face. "Aren't you a little worried though? I mean.. what if things change because of a child that isn't in you? I'm sure the girls would still be the same but parental instincts...." she trailed off. She didnt want anything to change between any of them and she hated to bring up the topic but it was something that everyone had to consider. 

Jake sighed as they walked off. He knew this was going to be a tough challenge and that he would have to find the right house. There had been rumors spreading about Misty and he hoped they hadn't lasted all this time... She hasn't been to an auction house since she brought Caden home and he had never been the one holding the coins. 
Misty looked down sighing. "I know and I am sorry for your father. When will we be able to see you again?" She asked knowing it could be a long time before she saw her Risa again. Both the girls seemed sad by this as it seemed they were all talking about splitting up. None of them wanted that but the air seemed to grow thick as they continued to walk.
Risa smiled at her. "Wel I haven't gave birth to a Neko so I'm still free to roam." she said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. She didn't want them to be all sad when they went to see Caden. She didnt think that would help his condition. "So what hospital did they take him to?" she asked.
Misty smiled as she tried to lighten the mood. "Yet." She said as she put her hand around Risa. "I think we will all be great parents." She said as she teased them all and they made it to the hospital. "I mean come on, we are all awesome and we all love each other right?" She said getting a cheer from Lola and Cyera.
"We do." Risa agreed. She winked at Misty as she turned her attention to Cyera and Lola. "So girls, which one of you wants to have his kid more?" she giggled. She knew they both loved each other but they also loved Caden and that was unusual for them to like any guy.
Both the girls blushed as they looked away causing Misty to laugh. "Be nice Risa, or we will make you have the first child." She said teasing her but rubbing and tickling her belly. "You never know, maybe we already found a way to get you pregnant." She said before she kissed her lips softly causing Lola and Cyera to smirk and giggle.
"I'm pretty sure there is only one way to get pregnant." she laughed softly. "Multiple methods but the same thing is required." she said as they approached the hospital. She smiled softly, a sad kind of smile. "If there is even a chance he can have children.Let's not think about that. Right now we have to think about him getting better and hope he is awake." she said with a determined smile. "Are you girls ready?"
Misty smiled taking their hands. "Let's go check on our Caden." She said as she walked in with them. They waited in the room for hours upon hours until they finally got the go ahead to go to his room. Misty was the first one to the door as she opened it to see Caden sitting in his bed. "Caden, you're awake." She yelled as she rushed over and grabbed him pulling him into a deep kiss.

Dani was sitting in her cage watching as people walked by. She kept her face hidden from everyone not wanting them to see the red eyes she had. 'Everyone will think I'm a freak and I will never get bought.' She thought as she stared at the ground. 'I need to get away from Lord Charles.' She hoped and prayed someone would come and rescue her.
Caden was startled as his door opened and several girls walked in, one yelling "Caden, you're awake!" before throwing herself at him and kissing him. He blushed slightly at the sudden affection before the doctor came in with the nurse, seemingly just getting done scolding her. 

"Sorry to introude but our nurse here should have let me talk to you before allowing  you in. Caden here has made a splendid patient and is healing well but he seems to have amnesia. He doesn't remember anything except something about a dark room with no windows? If that means anything to any of you."

Jake sighed as he pulled his hood farther over his head as he entered the auction house. He felt nervous being here and knew he didnt belong on this side of the cafe 
Misty looked to Caden scared. "You don't remember me? Or Lola, or Cyera or Risa?" She asked confused. She couldn't accept it. She couldn't accept that he didn't remember them. She couldn't accept that he had forgotten who he fell in love with. "Please tell me you know who I am." She said starting to tear up and cry. "I'm your fiance. Your lover. Your whole world." She said crying at everything she said. He couldn't have forgotten her. But she could see it in his eyes that he had.

Dani smelled something that was different. 'That smells like a Neko, but one who wasn't here before. It smells expensive.' She thought as she looked up through her arms so no one could see her. She saw someone moving in with a hood over their head. 'Because that doesn't look suspicious.' She thought smirking and putting her head down again.
"Please calm down Miss Misty, it isn't from lack of feelings or anything. These things happen and I'm sure it'll wear off after a time. Our experts say that sometimes being in familiar places and with familiar people will sometimes snap out of it, until then don't feel upset over it. Just try to give him familiar things to work off of." the doctor said as he tried to calm her down. 

Caden frowned at her. His mind was blank as she spoke. He didnt remember her nor were the names she spoke familiar to him. He racked his mind as he tried to think. She obviously knew him... "Are you someone my master sent?" he asked in a low voice. It was the same one he used when he was chained up in the auction house. 

"Apparently he can remember what he is. That isn't surprising though, since they are drilled on who and what they are. Its a shame, it really is." the doctor sighed as he looked at Caden. 

Jake sniffed the air slightly, making sure he wasn't obvious as he walked among the crowd. He had picked out a few Nekos that were gong to be released into his custody and as he continued on he felt more and more calm. He felt like he could do this and was about to leave with his new friends until a cage caught his eye. He looked over at her and frowned. "What's your name?"
Misty sighed as she hugged him. "No.... You don't have a master anymore." She said hugging him tightly. Lola and Cyera had asked the doctor to step out because they didn't want him hearing this or anyone else for that matter. "I never owned you. I freed you. You were my friend and my love." She said crying on his shoulder. "Please remember. You got me pregnant, we almost had a child. We will have a child someday soon. All of us." She said smiling as she held her hand out for everyone to come hug him with her. She was crying so much, she didn't want to lose him.

Dani looked up a bit in between her arms. "What's it too you." She said before someone hit her with a pole. "Don't give anyone attitude." The guard said as Dani tried to grab the pole before falling to the ground from the pain. He arms were no longer over her face and her eyes were easy to see. Bright red like rubies, and her face was that of a young child. She was 16 year old but she looked as if she was 12. "I'm Dani." She said as she got on her knees and bowed till she was on her hands. "Forgive sir." She said not caring if he did or not. They never did.
"It'll be alright Misty." Risa said as she patted her shoulder. "The doctor said he was fine to leave and we can take him home and I'm sure he will come back to us and when he does this will all just be a memory. I mean, he loved you before he lost his memory, I'm sure he will just fall back in love with you all over again." she smiled. "It'll be an experience you get to relive." 

Caden watched them all, his ears laid down slightly as confusion clouded his eyes. "I'm a Neko. I'm supposed to have a master..." he couldn't comprehend what she told him as he tried to remember. He almost had a child? She was beautiful but he couldn't imagine her wanting to have a child with him... He didnt understand any of this..

"Don't apologize. Guard, I'll take her." he said as he grabbed the clipboard with paperwork and filled it put before throwing the bag of money at him and u locking the cage. "Come with me, We have a good distance to go and our ride should be outside." he said before turning and starting towards the door were the rest of the Nekos hr bought were waiting.
Misty smiled. "You're right." She said as she sat up on the bed. "We will take him back home and show him how much we all love him." She said as she looked to him and smiled. "I know you don't remember, but this is Lola, Cyera, and Risa." She said pointing to each woman as she called them out. "We are all your lovers and your family." She said blushing. She could have lied and told him she was all his, but she wouldn't have done that, because she loved them and wanted them just as much.

Dani didn't stand. She didn't move. She just sat there. "No." She said looking away. "I will not be bought by a Neko." She said calling him out. The crowd seemed to have gone into a frenzy.
Caden frowned in confusion. "Its nice to meet you..." he mumbled as he looked away. He had reverted back into his old Neko self. His training coming back into play, his tail flicked slightly under the covers. He was nervous. Even if she said they loved him and wanted him happy and such, could he actually believe that? He had no memory of how he ended up here but he was I'm a hospital. Had they sent him there? Had he angered them in some way? Questions ram through his mind but he wouldnt voice them. His expression remained neutral as Misty talked.

Jake froze as he was called out. He knew this was something that wouldnt have happened if Misty had come with him or even Risa. Anger suddenly my flared and he turned to her, ignoring the crowd like a human would have done. "I bought you and yet you feel the need to disrespect me and call me a dirty Neko?" he snapped as he narrowed his eyes. The crowd seemed to have calmed down as tension filled the air. "If you would rather stay here and be a sex slave or something for someone fine. I'll gladly take my money back!" he snarled. "Its not like you could ever afford your own freedom."
Misty looked back to Caden as she saw him frown. "Please talk to us. Ask questions. We will answer everything for you I promise." She said taking his hand and holding it in hers. She slowly brought it up to her lips and kissed it softly. "I promise we will not hurt you. We all love you." She said smiling.

Dani laughed. "Like you would offer me freedom. No one has ever offered a Neko freedom." She spat back as the guard hit her again and she dropped to her knees. She looked to the guard and growled. He did say that he would take his money back, so she was not his anymore. She looked back to the man. 'He is a Neko. I just know it.' She got on her knees and bowed again. "I am sorry master Jake. If you will forgive me, I will be your humble servant." She said as she shook. She didn't want to go with him. Not after all she heard about him.

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