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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Caden paused as she turned in his arms. "Whatever you wish m'lady..." he whispered softly. He was used to his customers wanting to share him with their lovers. He heard Dia giggle and felt his past coming back in to haunt him. He would do as he was trained to do and please his master. He turned to look at Risa and gave her a soft smile before he walked over and kissed her gently. He felt her stiffen up before she relaxed and let out a sigh, returning his kiss. After a moment he pulled away and turned to Dia. "Is my room ready to entertain?" 

Jake blushed as she touched him. "Dani... I"m not your master and you don't have to do this." he whispered to her as he pulled her into his lap and held her tightly. "I'm not going to use you that way." he said as the temptation of being with her flitted through his mind. She was a beautiful girl and he wouldn't mind sharing a bed with her but this seemed wrong. He brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead gently. "You know, he might not have cared about you... but I care about you." 
Dia didn't want this and sighed. "No. It hasn't been ready since master passed away." She said hoping to shatter his memory and get him out of this. She didn't want him taking another, even if he already did with these two girls. 'I can't believe Miss Risa took a fancy to him.' She thought as she looked away blushing. "It will be ready when you go to bed tonight with me, but only me." She said as Misty stepped forward. "I'm sorry but he isn't staying with you tonight. He is coming home with his fiance." She said holding up the ring.

Dani stopped as she looked at him. "What?" She said as she backed away. "No.... You can't...." She said as she started to run. 'I can't have another person lie to me.' She thought as memories hit her. 'I can't fall in love again. It's a trap. It's all a lie.' She thought running as fast as she could away from him. She didn't care if she got picked up. She didn't care if she died.
Caden frowned as her words rang in his ears. "Master's passing?" he asked as he stepped away from Risa. Risa let out a soft moan as he left her. "Yes Caden.. Uncle died over a year ago..." she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked down at the ground as his mind processed what they were saying. "So... who is my new master?" he asked as the tension in the air increased. He looked up at the two girls as Misty held up her hand with a ring on it. It shined in the dim light, the gleam reflecting in his eyes. He didn't remember that ring, nor did he remember proposing to her. Thinking about it made his head hurt. He didn't understand why the two were so adamant about where he slept. He had never been allowed to sleep anywhere but his room except on occasions when he had done well and Master allowed him to share his bed. "Ladies, we can't do this in front of him. It isn't going to help him remember anything." Risa stepped between Dia and Misty as she snapped out of her daydream. 

Jake took off after her as she ran. He grabbed her hand as she ran and growled at her. "Not everyone is lying to you! What? You would rather me fuck you and use you then try and give you a home where no one is allowed to touch you like that?" he asked as anger boiled over. Her words ran through his head as he held her close. "Your mother couldn't have hurt you this bad... who was it?" he asked as he held her at arms length. "Who rejected you and used you?" 
Misty seemed to calm down. "You're right. Let us get Caden home and talk this over." She said going to Caden and latching onto his arm. "Come one sweetie. I will take you home and make you a good meal and we can try to get your memory back." She said hoping that maybe it would help. Dia seemed to not want this as she walked over to the other side of Caden and held onto his arm. "Come Caden. I can make you dinner and we can talk about what we can do not that Master is dead." She said as she smirked towards Risa. "Unless your new Master wants to have a little fun with you and take you back home." She said knowing that calling Risa his Master would help his decision making better.

Dani looked away. "Don't touch me." She said even thought she didn't try to get out of his hold. "Just leave me alone. I don't need anyone." She then looked back into his eyes and kissed him as best she could. She knew what people liked, but she always got beat because she was never good at it. She figured that 5 years of practice and beatings would have made her better. When she broke the kiss she blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." She said as she tried to move away from him. "Just forget what I did. I need to sit down." She said walking to the carriage and hopping in.
Risa blushed at the mention of her being his master. She had been with him before and he really was good in bed which made the idea a little more appealing. She threw the thought away and sighed. She couldn't use him like this. "Dia why are you doing this?" she said as she snapped back into the Mistress that she was when she first met Misty. Caden watched the two girls as they grabbed his arms. He wasn't sure what to do as they glared at each other. He didn't want to be used but he didnt know if this was where he belonged. 

"If its that much of a problem, why dont you all go back to this so called 'home'." the butler spoke as he walked up behind them. "I'm sure Dia could use a break and you don't want him staying here." he didn't stop as be walked past the group and disappeared down the other end of the hallway. 

Jake paused as she kissed him. He felt his pulse quickened as her lips pressed against his. She pulled away with a blush before going to the carriage. Again st her words, he followed and kneeled in front of her. His mouth went dry as he looked for the right words to says but he came up short. As he gazed up at her, he had the need to touch her. It wasn't like the need he felt for Misty. This was something more. He reached his hand up and brushed her hair from her face In a gentle caress before slowly pulling her face down to his. He made sure to give her enough time to pull away from him if she pleased, before kissing her gently. It wasn't a demanding touch or a hateful touch.
Misty smiled happy at her victory as she frowned at Risa for getting like that. She understood why, but she didn't have to but on that facade. She hated her acting like that when she knew the real Risa. The one who cared about her Nekos and wanted to love them like she did. 'Well maybe not exactly like I do.' She thought blushing looking to Caden. "Let's go back home. You need to see what happened and maybe you will remember it." She said as she started to pull him away. Dia seemed to stand still. She lost him again and it was again her fault. "Just come back to me soon Caden. I miss you so much." She said as she walked into the room to clean. She didn't really have to since their master was dead, but she felt calm doing it. Like she wasn't useless anymore.

Dani wanted to pull away. She didn't want to kiss him again, not after he followed her. But she couldn't stop herself. She embraced him as she picked him up so he wasn't so much lower then her. 'I should never be higher then my master.' She thought as she made sure she got to her knees. She kissed him back deep witha  bit of passion she didn't think she had. 'Why am I getting hot. Why is this suffocating.' She thought breaking the kiss to get air. She looked into his eyes with a frown. "I'm sorry master. I have not done that in some time. I will get better I promise." She said as she stayed on her knees. She was meant to be lower then her master. Always.
Caden frowned at the sad atmosphere Dia had as he was pulled away. He hadn't meant to cause her any pain. She was the only thing he could remember and now its like she was in every memory he had. He loved her as a sister, even if she didn't know it. He didn't understand that she loved him and wanted him in a romantic way. 

"When will I be sent back?" he asked Misty in a low voice as he thought about his room and how stale it smelled. He must have been with his Master for a while for his room to get that way... until he died that is. The thought was strange to have. 

Risa sighed as she dropped her facade. She didn't mean to get mean like that but sometimes around her families Nekos, it was the only way to get their attention. "So that's it? That's what we came to find? I don't feel like we really accomplished anything here." 

Jake felt his breath quicken as she pulled away. "Dani... that was the best kiss I have ever had..." he said as he cleared his throat. He needed to contain himself as he looked at her. He paused as he saw her get in her knees, his mind trying to run sway with him again. He gave a soft laugh to himself as he pulled her off of her knees and placed her back on her chair. 'I don't want her lower then me... I have to keep a hold of this situation.' he thought to himself as his tail twitched back and forth. 
Misty looked to Caden confused. "Sent back where? Hunny I don't understand. You are with me now, at least that what you wanted. I will understand if you don't remember, but I will fight my hardest till you remember that I love you." She said taking his hand and pulling him close. She then looked back at Risa with a small frown. "I know it wasn't what we expected, but I guess it is something. We will just have to go home and try to figure out what we can do." She said looking Risa in the eyes. "And I hope you will join us soon. I miss you." She said as she winked softly.

Dani looked at him confused. "But master... A servant should never be at the same level as those they serve." She said as she tried to get back on her knees again. She was lost in her memories that she didn't even realize that she was calling another Neko her master. She just saw him as a man and not a Neko. She suddenly heard Misty outside and looked out. "Master we have company." She said quickly getting out and bowing.
"Are you not taking me with you to play with? That is my position after all.." he said as he watched her wink at Risa. His slave mind kept wandering through his memories, confirming that he was just being taken away for sex though he didn't understand why. He had never been taken from his room to please unless it was his master and even then he didn't leave the house. 

"I just don't understand... why would Dia have to have been there to give him back his memories... It felt like she really didn't want to help you or me." Risa said. more to herself then Misty. "She was a strange lady for sure." 

 "The problem with that is... I have never known a Neko to own another Neko." he said as he flicked her with his tail gently. As he heard the approach of the others he looked out the window and sighed heavily as her words before he followed her out. "I hope you got everything worked out?" he said as she watched them approach. His eyes took in their faces and he could assume things hadn't gone as planned. "Let me introduce you, this is Dani." he said as he rolled her eyes at her bow. He couldn't blame her to much though, he had been in the same slave mindset before... though not a sex slave. "Dani, this is Misty, Risa, and Caden. Those two over there are Lola and Cyera but you already met them." he said as he listed the group. 
Misty sighed. "Maybe we will have fun and you will have some play time, but that is not why we are taking you. You are part of the family. We are all together equally and we all want to be. I hope you can remember that." She said getting a little annoyed about this. She knew it wasn't his fault but she felt like it was Dia's now.

As they came up on the carriage she smiled. "Welcome to the family Dani. I hope you enjoy your time with us if you so wish it. I know Jake will look after you as I have entrusted. I hope he did tell you that you are no long bound as a slave. You can come and go as you want and do as you please. We only ask that you help out around the house when you live there." She said patting her shoulder as she looked to Jake. "And I guess that you and Jake will be getting along well." She said seeing the hint of lust still left in his eyes from whatever may have happened.

Dani looked to her a bit confused. "I don't understand. I was bought to be a slave. Why would you let me go? What purpose to I have in life besides being a slave? This is wrong. You are tricking me somehow." She said backing away a bit trying to get defensive. She didn't want anything to do with this woman now and not Jake if she trusted him so much. But something in her heart seemed to ignore that as she backed up behind Jake. She felt she could trust him and that he would protect her. Even if it was in exchange for sex like she expected.
Caden just nodded. "Whatever you wish Malady." he answered as they approached the carriage. He looked at the man who greeted them and felt a twitch in his tail. Confusion clouded his eyes at the action. He didn't know why but he got a bad feeling about him.

Risa smiled at Dani as they appeared. "It'll take some getting used to but it isn't a trick. Its just the way she is." she chimed in as she walked up to stand beside Misty. "And don't worry, she has no need of you for sex." 

At her words, Caden looked away. He was standing behind the group so he was sure the two girls wouldn't notice it. 

Jake flicked her with his tail as she stood behind him. He wanted her to know it was Alright and he was there. "There is whatever purpose to life that you want it to have. As Nekos we do still have limitations but we aren't as confined. You can learn new things and just be yourself. Don't worry. I will help you if you need " he smiled at her. 
Misty sighed as she lowered her head. "You make it sound like I need it. I don't need it." She said blushing trying to defend herself. "I do it because I love you both." She was going to make sure Caden understood that he wasn't a slave. That it was something they did because of love. She was going to make sure he knew. "Are you coming home with us?" She asked Risa looking over as Lola and Cyera got into their carriage.

Dani looked between them all confused. "I can learn?" She said softly as she grabbed Jake's tail and held it. It was soft and reminded her of the tail she use to have. 'I miss my tail.' She thought looking behind her. She looked back to Caden and walked over. She hugged him and smiled. "I know you aren't my real father, but I hope maybe we can have that kind of relationship." She said as she looked up at him. "Also you lady is a keeper. Don't lose her." She whispered looking to Misty then back at Caden quickly.
"I didn't mean it that way." Risa said with a soft smile. "Just reassuring them is all. I actually should be getting back home. I'm sure you can help him without me. I mean, you still have Lola and Cyera to assist." she said as she kissed her cheek quickly and smiled to Caden. "I'll talk to you later though OK?" She turned and started off towards her house, her phone ringing as she went. 

Caden felt Dani wrap her arms around him and suppressed the shiver that tried to engulf him. "How do you know that. You just met." he told her, his voice low enough only she could hear. He didnt like that he couldn't remember and he didn't know why everyone kept telling him things that seemed he should know. 

"Yes you can learn." Jake said as he blushed softly when she grabbed his tail. He felt a slight twinge of jealousy as she embraced Caden, his past lose of Misty trying to creep into his mind. He discarded the thought quickly. After all, he loved Misty but Dani seemed to spark his interest in a new light.
Misty frown when she walked away. "I will be waiting for you." She said with a smile as she looked back to Caden. "We all love you Caden, or at least most of us." She said looking to Jake with a grin. "We will all help you remember everything you have forgotten, but first let us get home so that we may eat. It has been a while and I believe we are all hungry." She said trying to get everyone into the carriage.

Dani smiled as she held onto Caden a bit longer. "Because I can sense how much she loves you. And so does Risa and the other two. They want to help you so let them." She said before kissing his cheek and running off to Jake. She took his hand in hers and smiled. "Shall we be off master." She said with a bit of a tease. She wanted him to see her good side so he didn't have to hate her. The thought almost made her cringe. 'Why do I feel this way?' She thought a bit as they got into the carriage to set off.
"I've also felt the love of others who used me and threw me out..." he told her before she detached herself and ran off to join Jake. The sight of them made him feel like he was missing something. He turned back to look at the house before going over to the carriage and holding his hand out for Misty. He was a gentleman after all and would always be one. As she got into the carriage, he followed and closed the door before the carriage lurched off. He sat on the ground, leaning his back against the side so that the ladies would have a seat. It was a right space with all six of them. 

Jake smiled down at her as she grabbed his hand before leading her into the carriage. He placed her on the seat before sitting next to her, his tail seeming to have a mind of its own as it wrapped around her gently. 

"Let's go, I'm sure you are ready to see your room and get situated."
Misty looked at Caden with a frown. "Here." She said standing and pulling Caden onto the chair then sitting on his lap. "I don't think the ground ifs good for you after what happened to your back." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Plus I can do this." She said kissing him as she held him close, Lola and Cyera blushing while Dani looked away and at Jake. "Are they like this all the time?" She asked holding onto his tail as to keep it close. 'I miss mine so much.' She thought looking down at his tail. "I mean, I don't mind, but it's weird." She said as Misty moved her hand back and slapped her playfully. "I'll have you know I love this man. So don't judge." She said as she broke the kiss and blushed.
Caden didn't refuse as she pulled him up and sat on his lap. "What happened to my back...." he asked before she kissed him. He kissed back before Dani's words intruded. 

"They are normally a lot worse when He knows who he is." Jake told her as he flicked his tail against her fingertips gently. He felt Caden look at him before glancing out the window. "If I might offer... I think you should take it easy on him til he remembers more about everyone. I mean... with his past and stuff it might not help." Jake said tentatively. He didn't want to upset anyone but he ddid want to help.
Misty sighed as she put her head on his. "I know I should be but I just don't want to." She said with a grin. I love him to much." She kissed him again quickly as she continued. "You were going into our burning house to save Risa and got attacked by Charles. You broke your back in the process but have recovered mostly." She said as she held him close. "I was so worried about you I ran in to save you." She said acting heroic. 

Dani sighed as she cuddled closer to Jake leaning into him. She ended up falling asleep on their way back that when they made it to the cottage she was out of it.

Misty smiled as she saw this. "Seems someone is fancying you Jake." She said teasing him.
"Oh." was all Caden could manage as she touched him and loved him. He was used to the attention but it had been a while since there had been an audience around for it. She kept saying she lover him, and the words rang in his ears as memories pulled to the surface of his previous "lovers." They had all claimed the same thing as he made them wreath in pleasure but he wasn't sure if he knew what love was. He was sure if what they said was true, the old him would know... or would that be considered the new him? 

Jake blushed at her words as he hissed playfully. "It's not impossible for someone to like me you know, I'm not that horrible of a person." He looked down at her and smiled to himself. She was so pretty laying on him and for her to fall asleep like that showed him how much she trusted him.
Misty helped Caden out of the carriage before helping Lola and Cyera. She left Jake to carry Dani while she was asleep, seeing as how Dani had placed herself in his arms and wasn't looking like she would let go.

"Get some rest everyone. We have a rough day tomorrow trying to fix up the house." She said as she took Caden by the hand and led them to their room. She hoped maybe it would jog his memory a bit. "This is our room. I will understand if you don't want to sleep in the same bed tonight, so I will sleep on the couch in the living room. Please get some rest and I hope things come back to you." She said kissing his cheek softly before grabbing her nightgown and walking to the door.

Lola and Cyera both smiled as they walked to their room and started chatting a bit keeping quiet. They wanted to have some fun but thought it wrong with Caden not knowing what is going on. They ended up staying up most of the night just talking about everything and how much they wanted Caden back.
Caden looked around the room as she left. As she spoke of sleeping on the couch his tail twitched. "A master shouldn't sleep in the couch while a Neko have a bed." he whispered to himself. He was so confused on the situation. He walked around the room, unable to sleep until he heard voices not far away. It sounded like the girls he saw earlier. Deciding to go ahead and risk it, he slipped from the room and down the hallway. He paused at there door, hesitation in his eyes. 

Jake carried Dani carefully to their room and laid her gently on the bed, making sure not to wake her as he went over to the little love seat that sat in the corner. He laid down on the couch and watched her sleep before his eyes slid closed themselves.
Lola and Cyera were still talking about everything when Lola decided to go get some water. She got up and opened the door to see Caden and smiled. "Couldn't sleep?' She asked as she kissed his cheek softly. "Go on in if you want to talk. I need to get something to drink." She said walking past him. Cyera heard those words and looked over to see him. "Caden? What a pleasant surprise." She said smiling. "What can we do for you?" She asked walking over to him. They were both wearing simple night wear outfits. Nothing to revealing and nothing that would be considered sexy. Cyera pulled him in with a smile as she sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked.
Caden felt his checks heat up slightly at being caught but couldn't back out now. As Lola left and Cyera pulled him into the room to sit on the bed he sighed. "I'm feeling confused. Everyone keeps tellinge how they love me but I don't know how to believe it..." he didn't know why he was telling her all these things. He was just so built up that he was about to explode with emotions. "Miss Misty seems nice and she seems to care yes but It's all just to strange."
Cyera smiled as she pulled Caden into a hug. "That's because it is all strange. But you two fell in love once and I bet it will happen again." She said with a smile pulling away. "She bought you to free you so you can do whatever you wanted. Somehow and no one really knows how, but you two clicked and fell in love. It was so sweet." She said as she giggled. 
"Then why can't I remember...." he asked her with a sigh as she hugged him. "I don't remember being bought. It's all just like one cloudy dream." he shook his head as his tail flicked in agitation. He hated not being able to remember anything, especially if it had once been so important to him. 

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