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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Jake growled as he pulled out the pistol , the hair on the back if his neck rising.

"Why are you so intent on making this family suffer?' he snapped as he pulled Dani behind him so she wouldn't get hurt if anything happened. He would do all he could to protect Misty as we'll but he was hoping Caden would step in where he couldn't be. 

Caden paused as the scent of the unfamiliar object hit his nose. He looked up to see this man pointing something at him. This man.... something strange seemed to fill his mind as he stared at him. The scent if fire permeated has nose as crackling wood filled his ears. 

" He was in the house during the fire..." Caden muttered as he moved from behind Misty. He  strode over to Charles, his eyes swirling as he tried to place who this man was. He remembered him being in the house but did he try to save him? Was he a victim? His head was starting to hurt as he tried to remember. 

"Sir, it is not polite to point objects towards any lady." he said, his voice soft and hard at the same time. He couldn't remember him but he knew etiquette. 
Charles watched him come close pointing the gun to him. "Then I shall just point it at you." He said starting to pull the trigger. Misty had to act fast. "I'll marry you." She said causing Dani, Charles, Lola and Cyera to all look to her confused. "If you promise to leave everyone here alone for now on I will go through with marrying you." She said bowing her head. "I just want my family to be okay, and I couldn't live with myself if I couldn't save them." She said as Charles lowered his gun. "Splendid. Then we will get married by the end of the day." He said as he motioned for the guards to move out and got on his horse before looking back at Caden. "I was always going to win." He said as he road off.

Dani was scared the whole time but saw Misty's bravery and ran over to hug her. "I'm so sorry I caused all of this Mistress." She said trying her best to solve this. Misty just sobbed quietly. "Don't call me that. You aren't anyone's anymore. You're free." She said looking up at them all with tears in her eyes. "You are all free. So go live you lives happy and make sure you all stay safe." She said with a bright smile though tears were still falling down her cheeks.
Jack frowned as Charles left. "Misty... you shouldn't have. " he knew she didn't have a choice in the matter and his anger began to boil over. "This is your fault." he growled at Caden before giving him a shove. "If she wasn't so worried about your life she wouldn't have risked hers! We have to find a way out of this... I won't let you marry him." Jack said as he turned his back on Caden. He walked over to the two girls and knelt down with them. Even if he wasn't attracted to her sexually anymore, he still loved her. 

Caden frowned. He wasn't sure what to do but he knew one Thing for sure: he was going to stay with Misty no matter what. She was his 'master' after all and honestly, she had been the nicest girl he had ever met. He didn't want to leave her side. 

"I  am staying by your side." he said as he looked up at the sky. He knew Charles couldn't legally force her to give up her 'servants' even in marriage. 
Misty sighed. "Thank you all, but I am making this decision to protect you all." She said holding Dani as she seemed to start to cry. "It's okay Dani. You guys are my family and I would never let anything happen to you all." She kissed Dani on the head before tilting it. "Now go be with the person you have feelings for." She whispered with a wink as Dani turned to look at Jake. She let go and grabbed onto Jake before kissing him passionately as Misty stood. 

Misty walked over to Caden putting her hand on his shoulder. "I don't want you by my side if it isn't because you love me. You are not my servant, or my toy. You are my friend and I love you." She said as she kissed his lips softly. "Now I must go prepare for this wedding." She said as she turned to the house and looked to the girls. "Will you both help me?" She asked as the nodded.
Jake kissed her back before he hugged her tightly as he watched Misty and the girls leave. "I will protect you from all harm from now on." he said against the top of her head. He wasn't sure what to do about Misty but they would figure out something somehow.They had to. Who knew what Charles would end up doing to her if they weren't around. 

Caden watched her leave and frowned. He wasn't sure If he loved her but there was an empty feeling when she left him. He felt warm when she was around and it was nice. He made up his mind ams followed after her. He would be with her no matter what and when he remembers who he is, he will still be with her. 
The night came and everyone who was important showed up for Charle's wedding. Misty sat in the back in a white dress with Risa as she tried to hold it together. She had told everyone else that she loved them but to stay home and just live their lives. Misty looked to Risa with a small smile. "I love you." She said as she looked to the door to hear the music. "But I guess we won't be together like I thought." She said trying not to tear up.

Back at the house it was empty. Lola and Cyera had gone to clean up the mansion and Dani was taking Caden and Jake to the wedding to stop it. "You both are so stupid!" She yelled at them. "You clam you care about her but let her go and you..." She said looking to Caden. "You have forgotten everything, but you know there is something there... Why would you let her go? Why would you let her marry that creep?" She asked as the carriage rolled down the road.
"We will find a way to get you out if this mess. Don't worry." Risa said as she patted her hand gently. She knew Charles was up to no good and this was always his plan. She had talked to her own father about the situation but he had blatantly told her to stay to her own business. He was expecting her to be married off soon anyways and told her to follow in Misty's steps by finding a rich and well off husband. Shaking her head she sighed as everything started to fall into place. 

Jack just sat and listened whike Dani yelled. His mind was tumbling over the events of today and how he could help her but everything always came back as a blank. How could he stop her from being with Charles when he knew she would refuse anything they said? That was just the person she was. She meant to be selfless but ended up being selfish instead.

Caden narrowed his eyes as Dani turned on him. He had about had enough. "What the hell do you want me to do? I'm a trained sex slave not a miracle worker!" he snapped as his eyes bore into her. "The only thing I can think of from what I remember is handing myself over to him in her place. He has wanted me dead and gone and if he can torment me then he would be happy but she wouldn't allow it....unless she didn't know.." 

Jack looked up at him. "Are you aware of what you are even saying? Besides Misty being broken over that, there is no 100% guarantee he will accept your offer." He pulled Dani against him when Caden snapped, his own anger rising at that. 
Misty smiled softly as she stood. "Just make sure everyone stays safe." She said as she kissed her real quick before anyone could see them. "I love you Risa, and hope that one day it will be you and me up there waiting for Caden." She said hoping for the future she never expected to get anymore. She started to walk down the aisle as everyone one stood. Misty made sure to keep her eyes dry and look to Charles to make sure he knew she was there and going to obey.

Dani sighed as she smacked them both in the back of the head hard. She looked to Jake. "Save her." She then looked to Caden. "Love her. Say it to her. Show her, then she will never go with him. She is only going because you don't remember. I doubt she would be doing this if you proved how much you loved her." She said as she sat back down and looked out the window. "We only have one try." She said as she saw the chapel. 
Risa frowned as she watched her go. She shook her head as she followed a little slower, her eyes narrowed slits on Charles smug face. She wished she could help this end before it even began. 

"Even if I do tell her I love her. I don't remember it!" Caden growled as she hit him. 

"Well you don't have much of a choice. You are the one who can stop her but even if we stop her, Charles will just go after her. We don't know if he has that weapon ready to shoot her or anyone else." Jack chimed in as he rubbed the back of his head.
Misty got up to the alter and stood next to Charles. He smiled as he took her hand. "Thank you for agreeing to this." He said as he looked to the people. "This will be history in the making. The marriage of a Human and a Neko." He said as Misty looked at everyone shocked. He didn't think she would say her secret and be proud of it. "We have here the most beautiful and wealthy Neko-Human alive being married to me." He said as he bragged. She realized what he was doing now and sighed softly. She couldn't say no anymore. If she did it would ruin all images for Nekos.

Dani sighed as she looked to Caden. "How can we help you remember. We only have a few more minutes." She said as the carriage was slowing down. She looked to Jake hoping he had a plan, something that he could do that maybe would trigger Caden to remember he loved her. "Or would you rather lose her to someone else. Maybe Jake wants to take her from you." She said hoping he would play along.
Jake rolled his eyes. "I was doing a fine job of it too until you shower up and snuck her out from under me." he growled as the chapel neared. "I loved her before you shows up and at this point in time. you are proving to be worthless beyond belief." 

Caden shook his head. He felt the pressure building in his cheat as what seemed like the weight of the world towered over him, pressing him down until he couldn't breathe. "I don't want to lose her no but Don't you think if O could force myself to remember I would have done it already?" he growled

Jake narrowed his eyes on Caden. "I could try beatinf the sense into you if that would help."

He paused as another carriage stopped and a Neko stepped out. "Isn't that your mom..." Jake asked
Dani got out and looked to her mom. "Mom... What are you doing here?" She asked as she ran over and hugged her. She then looked back at Jake and Caden and smiled softly. "You remember Jake right? Well we wanted to tell you something." She said hoping Jake was okay with coming out about their relationship. Before any of that could happen though Misty was seen running out the back door and down the way in a white dress, hopping over fences as she ran. Dani looked to Caden. "Go get your girl." She said as she looked to Jake.
Caden nodded and started after Misty. He wondered what had happened but knew he could ask questions later. He jumped over the fence and caught up with her a few moments later. 

"Misty.... what happened?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

Jake smiled at Dia as he followed Dani close. He nodded to her to let her know it was alright with him as he watched Caden take off after Misty. "What are you doing here? I thought you were still at the mansion Caden was at?" 
Dani smiled softly. "We are starting our relationship." She said as she looked to Jake smiling happily. Dia looked to them a bit confused. "You two are starting what relationship?" She asked as Jake asked his question. "I am here because Charles now owns the house and all the Nekos in it." She said sighing softly. She then looked to Dani as she walked over and kissed Jake. She seemed happy but in truth she hated it right now. 

Misty was crying as she held on to Caden. "I can't marry him. Not now... He called me out as being a Neko. He told everyone there that I was a Neko. I need to marry him so that things will be better, but now I just ran out and ruined the image of all nekos." She said crying into his chest. "I couldn't marry him, because I love you. I love Risa, Lola, Cyera but most importantly I love you. I would never want to marry anyone but you." She said as she leaned up kissing him softly trying to help him. "Please remember my love." She said begging him.
Jake frowned at her words. "Yes. I have promised her I would protect her from everyone." he said as he held her gently. "Charles owns the house now? But Risa said they would never sell... how did this happen?" he asked, he wasn't expecting an answer but one would have been nice. 

Risa rushed out of the Chapel and paused as she saw Jake and Dani and Dia. "What's going on?" she asked as she slowed to a halt. 

Caden kissed her back. "I'm sorry. I dont remember..." he said as he held her while she cried. "I do know... that when I'm with you... something happens... I feel warm inside and like a void is filled... When you leave me, everything gets cold and dull... I don't know if you call or love... but I don't want you to leave me." he said. He wanted to be honest with her and try to explain how he felt but he wasn't sure I'd he was doing it right.
Dani looked to Risa and ran into her hitting her softly. "What did you do to my mother?" She asked crying softly. "Why does she belong to that man?" She begged as Dia sighed. "It wasn't her. She had nothing to do with it." Dia said trying to explain. She looked to Risa with a sigh. "Caden ran after Misty into the city. What happened?" She asked confused as she hoped she didn't have to go in now. She sigh knowing that she wouldn't be free anymore, but she figured that would happen. (Let's say Charles made a deal to take the house and 'free' the nekos if he married Misty and Risa.)

Misty held him close crying. "I love you so much and that is love. Maybe you don't feel it completely but that is what is known as love." She said as she smirked and kissed him again. "I want to have a baby with you again. I want to have a house with you and a life with you and only you." She said as she pulled him. "So let's leave now." She said trying to pull him along. "Let's run away please." She said hoping he would come.
Risa frowned. "My father decided Cam harked would make an excellent husband for me... he said him marrying a " Neko" wasn't a true marriage so I was sold off. the house belongs to him now as well as me and Misty though she took off. I don't blame her .. " she said with a sad smile. She knew this was her responsibility and she was raised with the knowledge that this would happen. 

Jake frowned at Rosa's words. "So he wants you both to be his wives... what kind of sick, twisted bastard is he?" he growled as he held Dani close. Everything was falling apart now and he didn't know how to stop the chaos from spiraling any farther out of control.

Caden kissed her back and paused at her words. "But what about everyone else... won't they miss you? I'm sure they will want to be with you as well..." he asked as he looked down at her. He didn't remember much of their past but he knew they could make a future but something nagged at him... 
Misty sighed as she looked at him. "I want to yes, but they will be safer without us." She said as she tried to pull him along. "Is this not what you want? Me by yourself with no one else?" She asked confused. She knew he was jealous of the others, she thought he always hated being shared. She just wanted to leave so she never had to deal with Charles again. She would miss Risa, and Dani, and Jake, and most of all Lola and Cyera but she needed to leave to protect herself and them. 

Dani looked to Jake a bit confused. 'He still wants her. I will never be his because I am not her.' She thought sadly as she just looked to Risa and Dia. "Just run then. Get away and he will never find you." She suggested hoping it would help Jake make a decision. She couldn't help but feel like she was a lost cause in his life now.
"If this is what you think is best..." he said with a soft smile. He wasn't sure leaving them all behind was a good answer but he trusted her words and that she knew best. He followed along as she pulled at him., not sure where they were going by that they were going somewhere.

Risa shook her head. "I have to many responsibilities to run away. I will do what I can to make the life of those Nekos better in whatever way that I can." she said with a dignified look. She hated her situation but she was going to do whatever she could like she had been raised to.

Jake sighed at her answer as he wrapped  his arms around Dani. "It'll be OK, I will keep you safe through all of this.." he kissed the tip of her head gently as the doors to the church opened to reveal Charles standing there.
Misty looked back to Caden as she stopped walking. "I don't know what is best." She said as she held him. "I am just scared because I don't want to lose you or anyone else." She looked into his eyes as she sighed. "But you don't know why I am scared." She said as tears came to her eyes. She sighed deciding she should go back. "Let's go." She said pulling him along with her.

Dani held on to Jake as she saw Charles step out. He looked mad and like he wanted to murder someone. She hid behind him making she he couldn't see her.

Charles walked down towards Dia and Risa smiling an evil grin. "My two beautiful ladies. How are you today?" He said as he raised his hand up and brought it across Dia's face. "You were suppose to run after her." He yelled looking to Risa. "Now I guess I will just have to do with marrying you." He sighed as he grabbed her arm.
"If we go back... won't Charles come after you again?" he asked as she started back. He didn't want to lose her to Charles. He couldn't remember everything but from what he did remember, Charles was a vicious man who wouldn't stop at anything to get what he wanted. 

Jake growled as his Charles snapped and hut Dia. He wrapped his tail around Dani, making sure not to move his body so he could see her. He wished he could help her mother but he knew standing up against Charles at this moment would only cause his anger to be redirected. 

Risa narrowed her eyes on Charles as he grabbed her arm. "I am more then worthy of a bride and you should be grateful my father was even willing to look down at you for such a matter." she snapped, her sharp attitude piercing her words as she pulled away from him. "You might have bought my Uncle s estate but the Nekos within it are /not/ yours to abuse and slap around." she said as she moved to stand between him and Dia. She might have to marry this man but she wasn't going to give up her strong will. 
Misty looked to him as she walked. "I know but I would rather him take me then hurt any of you." She said making up her mind. When she got over to the area she had seen Charles slap Dia in the face and Risa stand up for her. Her mind went red as she saw this. He was no man, and she would never marry someone like him. She walked over about to say things to him when Dani stepped out.

Dani watched Charles hit her mother and she grew angry. She wanted to do something to make sure he never touched her or her mother or Misty again. She didn't know what to do though. She remembered that she had a dagger on her, but would she really be willing to kill someone. She didn't know, but she knew she had to do something. When Charles turned his back she stepped out and stabbed him. Stabbing him felt amazing for her, like she was a hero, until the thoughts sunk in of what she did. She just stabbed a man, and now he was dying. She let go of the dagger quick as Charles bent over in pain. "Why you little bitch." He yelled trying to grab for her. He was stopped when Misty swatted his hand away. "You deserve this... No matter what you may think, you will never be the man anyone wants. Go to the ground and be with the dead." She said taking the dagger out letting his blood pool as he fell to the ground. 
Caden followed her and paused as he witnessed what happened. He saw a flash of a similar incident play through his mind but shook it away. This was no time to be trying to play out his memories. As Blood flowed from the back of Charles wound, he grabbed a napkin from his pocket and wiped the blood from Misty's hands and body. He did the want her to be covered in blood. especially not this man's blood. 

Jake watched wide eyed at what Dani did before he grabbed her and pulled her away. He knew when someone came out, it would be a big mess and he didn't want her to be apart of it. "come on..." he said to her as he pushed her gently into the carriage and followed. "Aren't you guys coming?" he asked as he looked back to the other three. 

Risa gave a soft smile to them. "Go on and get out of here. I'll change what happened here when people start to quesrion it. They already saw you run away so go on." She said was she shooed them away from the scene. "Dia, you go with them. Misty will help keep you save until this thing blows over. " she knew she wouldn't be a suspect in this murder. She had always shown society the prim and proper girl they expected for her to be. 

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