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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Misty was still standing there stunned that she and Dani actually hurt someone. She looked to him before she walked away as he begged for them to save him. She wasn't going to deal with him, not even slightly.

She pulled Caden along as he finished wiping off the blood. "Thank you." She said softly as she took his hand. "I am sorry for that. I don't know what came over me. He has ruined my life far to much now and I just... I don't know." She said as Dia put her hand on her arm. "You did what you thought was right. No one will blame you for it." She said softly as she looked to Caden. She gave him a loving look before looking away. She thought about it and didn't want to interfere with them anymore.

Dani was shaking from what she did. She held on to Jake and when they got to the carriage she started to cry. "I...." She couldn't even form a full sentence. She just felt sick and mad.
Caden met Dia's eyes. His stare was a mystery as his emotions stayed hidden well inside his own mind. He helped Misty into a carriage as she apologized. "I don't blame you. It will all be right in the end." he gave her a soft smile before offering to help Dia into the carriage as well. He could see the longing in her eyes but he wasn't sure what to do about it. 

Jake held into Dani as she sobbed. "Its OK dear, its OK." he soothed her as he rubbed her back gently. "He deserved a lot worse then that. No one blames you for it." he kissed the top of her head gently as everyone got into the carriage and the doors closed. He felt the lurch forward and looked across to see Misty and Caden with Dia beside them. 

Out the window he watched Risa fade into the distance as peoppe started to file out if the church to see the man. He saw Risa shutter and cry as a normal bride would have been. She was a good actor, he had to give her that much.
A few days went by as the new spread of Charles death. No one helped him when he was dying on the ground in front of the church and the list of suspects dwindled as the days went by. Misty sat in her room still lost about what she did. She was a monster, and she killed a man. She felt so bad that she had not eaten the whole time. She would sit there looking out the window waiting for someone to find them and haul her away. But no one ever came.

Lola and Cyera tried to comfort her, but it never worked. Dia would help out around the house as she stayed there for a little while. She didn't try anything against Misty to take Caden away, and she didn't try to help her daughter at all.

Dani sat in her room just like Misty. She would be comforted by Jake but it never went farther then walking out before turning around not wanting to face the world. She had tried to seduce Jake a few times into having sex with her so that maybe she could forget about it, but he never budged. She wished she had someone, and even thought about going with Lola and Cyera one night, but she wasn't into girls. She liked guys. She was currently laying on her bed naked waiting for Jake to walk in so that maybe she could seduce him again.
Jake sighed as he walked from the kitchen towards his bedroom. He paused before he got there as he looked around. The house had been so quiet since the whole Charles incident. Risa had done as she said she would and had kept them off of the suspect list. That hadn't mattered to Misty and Dani though. They had been so upset over it that they hardly left their rooms. Dani had tried in several occasions to seduce him but he couldn't bring himself to sleep with her. How could he after what she had been through? He loved her but he wanted to wait for the right time before he slept with her. He looked out the window at the back of the house and frowned as he watched a piece of fabric fly off of the line. He set down his tray of tea for Dani and started out the back door to retrieve the sheet before it blew away. 

Caden sighed as he left Misty's room. He felt bad that he couldn't help her cheer up and thought maybe she would like to be alone for a few moments while he made her something to eat. He knew she would probably refuse but he had to at least try. He saw Jake walk outside and frowned. It was rare he wasn't with Dani though he knew why. He understood why the two were together but he also knew how hard it was for Jake to steadily turn her down. 
Misty looked around after a bit seeing Caden not there. She grew worried and got scared when she quickly darted out of her room. She saw that Caden had gone outside as well as Jake. She watched them from the door way as she sighed softly. "I'm sorry." She whispered to them both knowing she screwed up so many of their lives because of what she did.

Dani had been waiting for a long time and decided to go see what was going on. She put on a robe as she walked out to see Misty. 'I haven't tried to seduce her?' She thought with a smirk. 'Maybe she will want me. She does like everyone else.' She thought as she walked up behind Misty and wrapped her arms around her. "Want to come to bed and have some fun?" She said seductively as Misty shivered. She hadn't heard those words in so long. She wanted to, but she wanted to wait till Caden got his love for her back. "I would love to Dani, but I can't." She said softly as she turned around and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "That is all I can give you." She said as she walked back to the dinning room to see Dia. "Please help me." She begged as Dia looked at her confused.

Dani stood there and held her hand against her lips. 'It tastes so good...' She thought confused. 'Why did she have to tease me like that?' She was so confused now she stepped out forgetting she was only in a robe and ran after Jake. The wind had picked up the robe to show her legs and waist but she didn't care right now.
Caden paused as he heard Dani calling for Jake. He turned around and saw her dashing from the house, her face flushed with need. He knew that look,he had gotten it many times before. Turning back around, he went to help gather the clothes from the line before they all blew away. 

Since the incident, the family had moved a little farther out to a simple home with four bedrooms, three baths and a simple kitchen and dinning room. It wasn't a bad little home and Caden actually found it nice. It took his mind off of what his past was like. He just wished he could help Misty feel better about what had happened a few days prior. 

Jake turned as he heard his name and blushed as he saw Dani. 

"Damn it Dani..." he sighed as he grabbed her in a hug as she cascaded down the steps towards him. As he grabbed her in a spinning hug, he pulled her robe down and kissed her forehead. "Still not giving up on sleeping with me are you?" he laughed softly as he took her hands in his lovingly. "Tonight, I want to take you on a picnic." 
Misty looked to Dia as she talked to her about helping Caden. She didn't care anymore as long as Caden was happy and it seemed that nothing she did helped him so maybe she would be able too. Dia had agreed to help only to make sure that Caden found love in Misty again. She could see it in his eyes and she didn't want to ruin it and make things worse. She looked to her and smield. "I will make this work." She said as she went out to help Caden. Misty went back into her room as Lola and Cyera came in to talk to her.

Dani smiled as she heard those words. "Really. I would love that. As long as we can have sex." She said still trying her best. She had hoped being only in a robe would help but that seemed to backfire on her. She took his hand and kissed him softly. "Fine." She said with a smirk.
Caden finished getting all of the laundry and started back in the house, leaving the two outside alone. He overheard their conversation and sighed softly. He coud understand why she wanted it so much but at the same time he didnt. Sure he had been a slave like she had, he had been bought and some to the highest bidder and even afterwards he had apparently slept with four girls on a regular basis. As he thought about it he could feel a soft heat growing in his cheeks. 

"I told you I was going to do this the right way my dear." he said with a smile. "I am going  to show you what it means to be loved without it just being about sex." he held her close and kissed her back. He could smell Misty on her lips just slightly but he could tell. He felt his heart drop slightly but forced the thought away. 
Dia smiled as she saw Caden. "Caden my dear. How are you holding up?" She asked as she took his hand. "Is everything okay?" She was going to get him to fall for Misty, then she planned on taking him away again to make sure she never won. She had the best plan in the world. She was going to show him what it meant to love, then show him how she could love him better then her. She took her hand and placed it on his cheek. "My dear Caden, you are heating up." She said with a worried tone. "Please let me help you." She said taking him to her room.

Dani sighed. "I know what it means to love. I do love you. Now let's have sex." She said not even phasing that she just told Jake she loved him. When she thought it over her face grew red as she stepped back and ran back into the house and into her room. She couldn't believe she admitted it. She didn't want to because she wanted him to just think she wanted sex till afterwards. 
(Everyone runs away xD  I'm not that Intimidating!) 

Caden gave her a weak smile. "I'm fine, really." he said as she pulled him to her room. He had dropped the  asked with the clothes as she grabbed him uunexpectedly. Dia had always been careful of him. She worried about him in his previous life and she still seemed to worry about him now. He didn't have much if a choice as they entered her bedroom and out of sight of prying eyes and ears. 

Jake smiled at her words but frowned as she took off. She followed after her and paused as she slammed the door. 

"Dani... come out please." he wrapped on the door gently as he spoke. He didnt want her to flee from him, especially not when she had admitted she loved him. 
Dia smiled as she sat him on the bed. "Tell me what vexes you. Let me help make things better for you and your lover." She said not naming a name since she wanted to be the only one. She would help him and make him see how kind she was, then make a way for Misty to get mad at him and show him that she was far better then that brat. "I promise to help you." She said sitting next to him and taking his hands. "No matter what." She smiled softly.

Dani looked to the door. "Go away. I have to think." She said lying as she just sat on the bed. She didn't want to admit it to him, not yet. She didn't even want to admit it to herself. She hated the feeling of being weak and she knew that love was a form of weakness. "Just leave me alone." She said as she laid into her pillow.
Caden felt Ber hands clasped into his. Her skin was warm and soft but it wasn't as soft as Misty's had been when she grabs hold of him.

"I'm not vexed." he said as he looked down at the floor under his feet."I just don't remember everything I should remember." he sighed. He really did feel bad that he couldn't remember things that seemed so important though he could feel like it was on the two if his tongue, all that he lost.

Jake sighed as she dismissed him."Dani please... " he frowned as he leaned against the door. After what seemed like eternity, he turned to leave."I'll be expecting you at eight for our date." It wasn't a question, it was a statement as he went to the kitchen to start preparations for their date.
Dia took his hand as she pulled him into a hug. "I promise I will help you. She cares about you and wants to be with you. So lets make sure it happens." She said as she grinned getting to hold her beloved over that monster. She pulled back with a sorrowful expression on her face as she looked to him. "What all do you remember? Maybe I can help you figure out how to unlock the memories." She said as she laid him back and turned him so his head was in her lap. She rubbed her fingers along his forehead hoping to release the tension.

Dani looked to the door as he stopped. 'Does he still want me? Can this really be true?' She shook her head as she got dressed. When she realized she didn't look that good in the dress she changed into another, and another and another. She spend the time till eight trying on every dress she could and getting upset. She finally admitted defeat and went in to Misty's room to ask for help. What she didn't expect was to see her sitting on the bed talking to Lola and Cyera about everything under the sun, that happened between them all. Dani listened to them for a while before coughing to let them know she was there. She smiled asking them to help her for her date and they all cheered.
Caden wasn't sure how to feel with how touchy she was becoming of him but she said she wanted to help, what reason did he have not to trust that? 

"I don't really remember anything after that room. Everything seems like a giant blur. I remember something about a fire." he told her. He remembered bits and pieces of Misty and Risa and Lola and Cyera but it seemed so mumbled and out of order to him. 

Jake finished getting the picnic basket ready along with a blanket for there date. He had a sudden dou t about whether or not she would even join him. He went to his room to change his clothes, deciding on a simple black button up with a pair of black jeans. Once he finished he left and went to the back door, the basket tightly gripped in his hands.
Dia smiled softly. "They took you and gave you a home. Then Charles came back to take her away from you and you got mad. You started a fire to try and trap Charles but got yourself trapped instead. Misty came after you not knowing that you started the fire. She thought Charles did and you didn't get any blame for it." She lied as she tried to sooth him. "If she finds out though, there is no telling what she will do to you." Dia said as she internally laughed at how easy it was to manipulate Caden. She hummed softly as she rubbed his head and scratched his ears. "But I will protect you from her so you can tell her the truth."

Misty, Lola, and Cyera all helped Dani find the perfect outfit to wear and the prefect amount of makeup to put on. Not only that but they talked to her about everything she should to if she wanted to be a tease, or turn Jake on, or even just if she wanted to sit it out and relax. Misty was excited for Dani and she helped her the most. Dani finally looked into the mirror to see herself wearing a dark orange dress that came just above her knees. It puffed out before hugging her waist and chest with just enough of a top to hide herself. She smiled and blushed at the way she looked as she gave Misty a kiss like she did to her earlier. Misty blushed bright red as Dani walked out and looked for Jake.
Caden frowned. He didn't remember starting the fire. He remembered the heat if the flames, the pain of falling charred wood and the image of Charles but starting it? He didn't remember that. Dia didn't have a reason to lie to him though so why would she tell him things that weren't true? 

His mind whirled as she hummed and scratched him, his eyes searching her eyes for answers, the intense stare trying to find the truth. 

Jake sighed as he stood outside, wondering if Dani was going to even show up. As he heard the door open he turned and smiled. "You look beautiful my dear." he purred to her as he gave her a slight bow. He knew from the instant he saw her what had taken so long. She was sure the girls had fought and bickered over which outfit was better for her but he knew everyone of them that she had tried on would have looked breathtaking on her. He offered her his arm as they started away from the house and into the small forested area behind it. 
Dia looked into Caden's eyes with love and care. "I promise you I will keep you safe. I do not know if Misty will find out about the fire, but if she does I will make sure she does not hurt you." She said with a caring smiling. "I love you and always will, even if you never love me back." She said a tear falling from her eye as she acted. She knew what to use against him, it was simple to do when he couldn't remember anything.

Dani blushed bright red as she took his hand. "I... Thank you. You look handsome." She said as took his arm and walked off with him. "I am so sorry. I know you wanted to leave right at eight, and I am so late. I just... I was nervous." She said blushing again. She didn't know why. She had been with so many partners, but never had she been on a date.
Caden sat up as she started to cry. "Dia.. don't cry. It'll be OK. I'm a big boy. I can deal with Misty myself. You don't have to get involved..." he gave her a sad smile as he brushed away her tears. 

"Its alright, I'm just glad you decided to meet with me." he said as he gave her a smile. He helped her over rocks and tree limbs that had fallen until they emerged into a clearing with a small stream that babbled along the edge. 

"Welcome to our date." he said as he motioned for her to sit on a blanket that had been pre spread on the ground for them. A few pillows lines the area for comfort as well. 
Dia smiled softly. "I know I don't have to. I want to make sure you are okay though." She said leaning down and putting her face next to his. "I love you, and I always will. That's all that mat..." She was cut off as the door opened and Misty was standing there. She had come in only to make sure that Dia was okay since she had not seen her all day, and now she knew why.

Dani looked around with a smile. "This is so beautiful." She said walking over and sitting down like a lady. She made sure the dress covered up her legs so they weren't seen as much. "I... Thank you." She said as she held his hand and smiled. She had never been on a date, and she didn't know what to expect, but this was perfect for her.
Caden felt the heat from her face as she leaned closer to him. He wasn't sure what she was going to do but he had an idea. There was only one reason people ever got that close to him. He heard the door open and looked over to his Misty standing there. He didn't know why but he suddenly felt like he was doing something wrong. 

Jake smiled down at her as he opened the basket and pulled out some sandwiches and fresh fruit. "My lady tonight shall be all about you. I hope it will be an adequate first date." he kissed her hand gently. "I agree it is a beautiful scene." he purred, his eyes not leaving her face. 
Misty just turned around as she walked away from the door. She was crying now and ran right out the front door and away from the house. 'How could he...' She thought as she ran and ran. She didn't care where she would end up as long as she was away from the house. Lola and Cyera heard the commotion and ran out of the room looking around. They saw Caden on the bed with Dia on top and both stopped stunned. "So... I guess you have made your choice?" Cyera said with a bit of anger in her voice. Lola just walked to the front door too look out. 'Misty...' She thought trying not to be sad.

Dani smiled as she took the sandwich and put it near his mouth. "This will not be about me." She said arguing with him. "This is about US." She said as she bit one side of the sandwich. It was really good and she never expected that she would get food like this. "I feel bad for mom." She said softly. "She fell in love with someone she could never have." She said as she held onto Jake's hand. "I wish I could help her." She said as the sounds of someone crying and running flew past her ears.
Caden frowned. 

"I have made no choice." he told Cyera as he pushed himself up. Why was everyone so upset now? How come Misty ran away crying from him every time someone got to close?" Frustration lined his brow as he looked between the girls. "I've decided being free brings a lot of confusion with it." 

Jake smiled and took a bite from the sand which and agreed. "Alright, it'll be about us." he turned Hus head slightly as the sound of crying raced past him. 

"I understand you wish to help her but let's try to avoid them for a few hours. They are big kids, they can work out their own issues." 
Misty had finally made it to the river and just sat against it as she cried. She knew she couldn't win him, but she didn't think he would chose her before she even got the chance to prove her love for him. She laid back in the grass as she cried and looked at the stars. "I am so stupid." She yelled as she cried more.

Dani sighed as she looked to him. "You love her don't you?" She asked knowing the way that she saw him look at her. "Why don't you help her? Why don't you show her how much you love her?" She asked wanting to know the truth. "I know you care about me, but she was there first. Go after her." She said smiling.

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