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Misty and Caden (Closed)

Jake frowned at her. "Dani. I did love Misty yes but that love has faded. Hell, I feel like it was more infatuation then love. Misty is a strong girl. She will work through it on her own. She is nothing to me but a friend." he stroked her hand gently as the sound of Misty faded into the background. He knew it had to be Caden. It was always him. Ever since he had showed up in their home, it had been nothing but pain and tears for Misty. In all honesty, it had made him so mad through all of this, he just didn't have the patients to deal with it anymore. His heart had gave up on Misty and he knew he hadn't really love her. 
Dani looked to him sighing. "You say that but your eyes do not." She said as she got up. "Let's go make sure she is okay. She saved us both and got us together. It's the least we could do." She said taking his hand and pulling him up. She smiled as she thought about it before bringing him into a kiss so that she could show him how much she cared about this. "Thank you so much for bringing me. I promise I will remember this and we can do it again soon." She smiled.
Jake sighed sadly as she pulled him along. Of course he could never have a special night to himself without some sort of drama dragging him back into the problems circling Misty and Caden. He was even planning on giving in to her wish by the end of it. He kissed her back gently as she pulled him up. He started towards the direction he had heard Misty running off. His pace was slow as his thoughts went. He wished they could fix their issues without him. 
Dani had pulled Jake along for some time before she realized they couldn't hear Misty anymore. Was she asleep? Did she stop crying? Was someone with her? Dani wouldn't know because they were not lost in the middle of the woods at night. Dani heard something coming from a nearby bush and jumped as she ran behind Jake. She noticed that a little rabbit came out and sighed as she looked to Jake. "Don't laugh. I will break you if you laugh." She said teasingly.
Jake stifled his laughter as his tail twitched, betraying him. "Its just a little fluffy bunny. I'm sure you could take it on in a fight." he teased her as they walked. He knew they weren't gonna ng the right way to get to Misty but Dani seemed to be determined to go this way. As they walked, the smell of home became more faint as the scent of clean air and unbroken foliage drifted to him. It was always nice to be in nature that had never been tainted by society... and it was even better to be there with the girl he loved. 
Dani had kept on walking with Jake's hand in hers. She was happy but she felt like she was going the wrong way. She then noticed that the smell of the house was gone and that it smelled like just the forest. She took a deep breathe as she looked to Jake. "Well at least you got your wish." She said teasingly as she leaned over and kissed him. She was happy to be with him now, but she did want to help her friend.
"I guess date just wants us to have a night to yourself. I mean, its not like she doesn't have help. I'm sire Lola and Cyera are helping whatever Caden fucked up." he said as he kissed her back. Crickets and birds seemed to sing to the two as other small creatures peeked out at the two before fleeing into holes and trees. 
Dani broke the kiss smiling before getting mad. "Why do you think he is the one who fucked it up?" She asked sternly. "Is that why you came after me? Because I hadn't been infected by Caden love?" She asked realizing that he did still love Misty but she just wouldn't love him back. "Am I the second place prize? The silver to the gold?" She asked as she started to fume. Her ears stood up tall as her "tail" swished around. 'I hate not having a tail anymore.' She screamed in her head as she started too walk over. "Consider this date over!" She yelled as she stomped off.
Jake's eyes widened as the atmosphere changed around them. 

"How many more times do I have to say it? I don't love her! I thought I did but I realize now it wasn't love. I had never been in love until I met you! And he doesn't have a very good running streak as of late. I mean, you haven't been around for all of these ups and downs that go on between them! Even when I am not around them they keep getting in my way...." he growled as his eyes glistened with emotions. How many more rimes was he going to have to defend himself? How long was he going to have to deal with his past emotions? He didn't know why it kept coming up. Yes he had wanted her but she had been the only one to ever show him kindness and he had never known true love. He watched her storm off but followed after her, making sure to give her some space but making sure nothing happened to her. 

Caden rode from the bed and walked to the door. He was so confused as to what he did wrong but felt he should at least try to fix it.... right? By just talking to Dia he had somehow angered not one but all three of the other girls in the house. 
Dani listened to Jake as she walked away but she didn't respond. He had proven himself, but she just felt jealous and like he was lying to her. Why else would he not go to help her, if it wasn't because he would get jealous to help her and get nothing back. He wanted something, or so she thought and that made her mad. "Just go be with your true love." She said as she made her way back to the camp her set up. She sat down eating another sandwich as she waited.

Misty had been out for a while and had fallen asleep. When she awoke she could hear some yelling but didn't pay attention too it. She looked around as she realized where she went and thought back to why she did. She thought and thought but couldn't think of it at all.
"Im trying to but she keeps walking away from me." he sighed as he watched her go back to the picnic. He sat down beside her and took her hand in his own. 

"What is this really about?" he asked in a soft voice as he gazed at her. He wanted to understand why she was acting like this when they had started out so well. How could she go from happy and playful to mad and upset so fast when he didn't think he had done anything?

"Will it make you happy if I go find her? I just want to make you happy and I wanted tonight to be all about us. I love you."

Caden opened the door and stepped out into the growing night. He had left Dia in her room and wasn't sure where Lola and Cyera where but he knew Misty had raced out here. He wanted to understand what he did wrong. He started off into the forest as his mind whirled.
Dani put her hand on his. "I... I don't know. I just feel like I am going to lose you." She said as she looked away blushing. "She is so beautiful and awesome. I could see why you love her." She said softly as she laid back and onto his lap looking up at him. She moved his hands so they were on her head. "Just.... If you are going to leave me at some point can it be after we have sex." She said blushing and smirking. She really wasn't out of her old element, but she at least got to be herself about it and wasn't forced into it.

Dia was going to follow him out to help him but she was stopped by the girls. They had a long talk with her as they tried to figure out what she was planning. 

Misty was on her way back to the house when she saw Caden. She waved to him as she smiled. "Caden!" She called so he would notice. It was a bad move as a wolf charged at her from the side and pounced on her. Misty screamed as loud as she could as the wolf went down to bite her.
"I'm not going anywhere Dani. I don't want to be with Misty. I don't want to be with anyone but you. I swear in everything that I believe in." he said as he gently stroked her hair. His gaze was heavy as he tried to convince her how he felt and that he wasn't lying to her. 

Caden rushed over and knocked the work away from Misty, a hiss exploding from him as the two squared off. His tail lashed out as the wolf lunged. Caden met him halfway, cat vs wolf as they clasped together and rolled. Caden claws flashed as the wolfs teeth snapped. After what seemed like eternity, the wolf broke away and raced off, his rail between his legs as a limp slowed his pace. 
Dani heard the scream from Misty but ignored it. She wanted it to be her world right now and she was happy to be in it. She pulled Jake's face down to kiss her as he stroked her hair. it felt awkward to be kissed upside down, but it felt different, more passionate, less lust filled. She looked into his eyes as they broke the kiss and giggled. "I'm sorry." She said as she moved her head to hide her blush.

Misty screamed as Caden knocked the wolf away from her. "Caden. Don't." She yelled as he started fighting the wolf. She was so scared her would get hurt that when the wolf ran away she ran over and searched every inch of him. "Are you hurt? Did he get you anywhere?" She asked as she frantically moved her hands along his whole body. "Please tell me you're okay." She said starting to cry.
Jake smiled down at her. "Its OK." she told her as he pulled her face back around to look at him. "You're beautiful you know. I could stare into your eyes all night.." he purred as he kissed her gently, a smile on his face as he tasted her soft skin. 

Caden panted as the wolf left. He had a few scratches and a bite mark or two but overall he was alright, though adrenaline was still coursing through his veins as his eyes watched the beast disappear into the trees. 

"I'm fine, don't cry anymore... I never understand why you cry..." he said softly as he turned to face her. His face was dirty with three scratch marks from the wolfs paw on his cheek but his eyes showed no sign of pain as he gazed at her. 
Dani smiled as she licked his cheek. "Keep going like that and you will leave me upset." She teases seductively as she bit his ear softly. She sat up and into his lap as she wrapped his arms around her and started to sway back and forth. "Thank you." She said softly as she closed her eyes and hummed her favorite song.

Misty looked to Caden still scared. "I cry because I care... I cry because I don't want to hurt you or cause you too be hurt." She said as she pulled him into a deep kiss. She knew he wouldn't return it, but she needed to kiss him and know she wasn't dreaming. She needed to feel him on her and know that she was safe from anything as long as he was there.
Jake watched her with a smile. He loved everything about her and enjoyed watching her be herself. His mind started to drift as he thought if the future the two if then could have together, the children they could have, the home they could own. He sighed contently as he kissed her cheek before moving to her lips. His body burned for her and he didn't knoe if he could control himself much linger around her. 

Caden kissed her back. He was trained to always return affection but it felt different now. He didn't have to force do much affection into the action as his body just fell into it. 

"Don't cry anymore. I don't like she. you cry." he whispered softly as his eyes seared into hers. 
Dani was cut off by the kiss as she moaned into his mouth. It felt good to be with him finally and she wanted to go father. She wanted to go all the way, but knew he didn't so she kept herself under control. 'Just kiss. No more.' She thought as her eyes closed and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him with passion as she held him close. Finally breaking the kiss she laid her head on his shoulder. "Thank you." She said as she started to fall asleep.

Misty looked into his eyes and felt so much passion she almost lost it. "Y... You remember?" She asked getting her hopes up really high. He looked like he was remember, she looked into his eyes and saw the man she fell in love with. At least she thought that's what she was seeing. "I... I love you Caden. Always and forever." She said as she pulled him into a hug.
Jake sighed as he felt her breathing mellow out as she drifted away from him and into unconscious dreams. He gingerly picker her up and cared her back to the house. He saw Dia with Cyera and Lola, the atmosphere seemed tense. He laid Dani in his bed, kissing the top of her head before leaving to see what was going in. 

"What's up ladies?" 

"I don't remember everything no. There are still holes lacing my memories but it seems to be getting easier to think." He decided to answer her honestly would be the best way to go with this situation. 
The girls looked to Jake and then separated. Dia went back into her room as they girls dragged Jake into theirs. "We need your help. Dia is trying to screw with Caden again. We need her gone, so Misty can get back together with him." Cyera said as she took Lola's hand. "We are scared that he won't remember and will go to Dia. Then Misty will be sad forever. We need your help, anything will help." Lola said not usually the one to ask for something like that.

Misty pulled back and looked into his eyes. She sniffled a bit as she smiled. "That's a start." She said as she leaned up and kissed him softly. "I love you Caden. You are my friend and you are so important to me. I hope to never lose you." She said. She hadn't remembered what she saw in Caden's room yet, but the back of her mind was keeping it stored just in case.
"Why do you think she is up to something? She hasn't seemed to do anything around here except help cook and clean. Hell she hardly goes around Caden." he frowned in confusion. 

"Besides, she mainly spends time with Misty. If she wanted to fuck them over, why wouldn't she just do that whole mind memory thing to Misty? She could make her abuse him or whatever." he patted the girls heads. He didn't know why everyone was so tense in this house except him and Dani. If they got rid of anyone, he would want it to be Caden... at least then he knew for sure he wouldn't lose his girl. He couldn't stand the thought of Dani being with a other man or woman. 

Caden gave her a smile at her words. Was he really important to someone? He never thought he would hear those words. It was almost like it was to good to be true. He pulled her into a hug without thinking about what he was doing. Moments later he realized what he had done and released her. 

"I'm sorry if I overstepped..."
The girls looked to Jake with a frown. "We are sorry. We didn't mean to drag you into this." They said together as they started to walk away. "Just forget we said anything." They both knew that something was going on, but it didn't seem they would be getting help from him anytime soon, if ever. He was too focused on his life to care about Misty's anymore.

Misty looked to Caden. She pulled him back into a hug and kept it soft. "You didn't. Don't ever think you did. I will tell you if you go too far." She said with a smile as she put her head against his chest. "Trick is, you never will with me Caden. I love you. I care about you. And I won't cause you to do anything you don't want to out of your own free will."
Jake felt the chill in those words as they turned to walk away from him. Somehow it made him feel bad but maybe they just couldn't accept the fact that nothing dramatic had happened to them and now they need something? 

"Come on guys, don't do this. I'm sure if anything happens we will get through it like we always do. Have you ever thought about going out on your own for a date or something? I mean,  when was the last time you two spent any alone time together without worrying about Misty? I'm not saying just forget her or anything, just an hour or two. It'll be good for you both." 

Caden gave her a soft smile. He didnt know what to say to her soft words. If she loved him though... why would she need others? the voice snickered in his mind as it whirled ramped around his head. Maybe she did love him but he wasn't enough to satisfy her? 

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