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Futuristic MIST (The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)


Zero the Hero

Welcome to MIST !

(The Magical Institute of Science and Technology)

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke

Here at MIST, we bring next generation technology to your hands using the MDT (Magic Developing Tool.) You will be amazed however, that this is not actually magic, but what science is able to accomplish. Depending on the element of your MDT, it can vary on which "spells" you are able to cast. The main elements we base our "spells" off are fire, water, air, and earth. However, more advanced and higher graded students at MIST are able to use sub elements, such as Lightning, Poison, Lava, etc.

Now to show you around MIST!


We enjoy using green technology at MIST, and do not like releasing harmful gasses into the atmosphere. Which is why we use hydro electricity! (This is part of the reason we are called MIST.)

Every day at MIST starts at 7:55 AM sharp, lateness is not an option, and there is a 5 minute break between classes. Everyone who joins the school is given the following piece of paper.

8:00 AM - English

9:15 AM - Science

10:30 AM - Math

11:45 AM - Lunch

12:30 PM - Seminar

1:00 PM - P.E.

2:00 PM - Magic Programming

3:30 PM - Magic Training

5:00 PM- Dismissal

Students will also receive a MDT upon joining, however... it will not happen instantly. Students MUST take a test to determine which element they will represent. After two years at the academy, students will be able to take another element and be able to learn how to fuse them together in "spells". MDT's can vary in form, and really have no specific shape that they are bound too. However, most commonly they are some sort of wristband.

We do accept cyborgs at MIST, however they must first undergo a rigorous background check and thorough brain examination before entering the school.

Lastly, every student is also given a map of campus, it should look like this:

(under construction)

Thank you for choosing MIST as your new MDT academy, we look forward to seeing you in class!

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MIST, in the auditorium.

Director Mubarak, AKA: Director (Pronounced Moo-bah-rah-kh)

Well... we got a good heap of students this year.... yes yes. The director walks up to the podium, taping the mic to make sure it's working. "Test... test... Alright, good stuff." A large banner unfurls behind the director, revealing the word "Welcome" in big bold letters. "Welcome, to MIST! The academy for the smart people out there who think they're all hot stuff..." He chuckles, and starts his speech. "Here at MIST, we look forward to bringing the best of you, whether or not it will require a bit of discipline, we will find out..." He laughs slightly at his own joke, and continues. "After this long boring lecture of mine, believe me, I don't like it just as much as you do, you will be sent to receive your first MDT. Now don't get your panties in a bunch, because you aren't gonna get anything special...." The guards next to him elbow him, and he whimpers, then pulling an object from the podium, revealing a silver looking bracelet. "It will look like this, the design on it depending on your element, which will be explained at a later date...." He puts the object back in it's place, and begins his long boring speech, on school rules, schedule, ect.

MIST, in the auditorium.

Amenophis Mubarak, AKA: Amen (pronounced A-min)

"Can they think of any possibly more boring way to do this?" He taps his foot rapidly, clearly not able to contain his energy for the end of the speech to get his MDT, but he still furiously taps, not caring what others might say about him. After the director gets elbowed to the gut, he bursts out laughing, then going quiet again after about five seconds. He wears a fancy black coat that the director gave him, calling it his "Uniform, that every student must wear." Just because he was feeling rebellious, he decided to leave it not tucked, and not wear a belt. Damn straight... who has time for this uniform crap? Why do we even NEED a uniform? does it give us mystical powers? Nooooooo~! It doesn't! His tapping gets even faster, if that was even possible, anxious for the speech to end.

Have fun making your post! Remember, you're sitting down in the school auditorium, waiting for the director to finish his speech. Also, do not post until you have your character application COMPLETELY finished. Happy roleplaying!

@Steel Zinogre @Devouring @kira blackthorn @Loke Fullbuster @The Dark Princess @stonesaber4 @Keggamine

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Esdeath sat in the auditorium listening to the director's speech. She was rather bored of this dull speech and she hasn't even been there that long. Esdeath absolutely refused to wear the uniforms. I will not be put on the same level as these other weaklings. She sat there in her white outfit among the students wearing black. When the director got elbowed and whimpered she whispered to herself. "Pathetic.."
Luna cocked her head in a clockwise manner, resting her chin upon her hand, as it was hoisted up on a nearby armrest. For a few moments, she paid the slightest bit of attention to the ranting director, before shifting her gaze to two other students not too far from her own seat. Both of them seemed to be aggravated as much as she was. Rolling her irises at the sound of the director's squealing, she began to tap her fingers upon her thigh with her free hand, blowing a select few strands of purple stranded hair out from her marbled blue irises.
Kris fought back a yawn. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in the director's speech, it was just that he felt it all was a little bit unnecessary. He knew the school rules well enough to avoid getting himself kicked out, wore his uniform (A bit modified, of course, with the sleeves of the coat rolled up to his biceps), and he even had a rough idea of what the schedule was supposed to be. Some of the other people near him were muttering under their breath and otherwise fidgeting, but all Kris wanted to do was step out for a smoke. Just when he was about to doze off and shut the lenses on his "eyes", the director received an elbow to the gut. The whimper from the director before he sheepishly moved on to discuss the school's policy more in depth managed to elicit a chuckle from the cyborg, before the lenses on his eyes slowly slid closed and he slumped over in the chair. He was tired, having been up the previous night making phone calls back home to tell people to cancel his booked fights and to brag to some of his former friends. Most of them had gradually moved out of his life once he started replacing parts of himself with metal versions, and he felt that he was plenty justified in bragging to them that he managed to not only make it out of Jacksonville in a way other than by fishing boat or scavenging trawler, he did it after he already became a cyborg.

A fair bit of his family was supportive, some of them ignored his calls, and one or two of them screamed obscenities into the phone, calling him a filthy mech and a traitor to humanity. Those two people were answered by more bragging and an offer to meet them down by the docks to prove just how superior a normal human fist could be against one made of metal. He ended up getting off of the phone at about three in the morning, and only fell asleep at about five thirty after a quick run down to a corner shop for a pack of cigarettes and a sketchy-looking energy drink. He didn't snore while he slept, but he did sway slightly, and eventually he came to a rest with his forehead pressed up against the back of the chair ahead of him.
Goodness. For how long had this man been rambling along for? He thought. Jason still had heard some snippets of his speech, about the schedules and whatnot. I wish I was water he wished. He hadn't told this to anyone, of course, as most of his friends had an approach similar to "Fire!Cool. I can shoot fire around. I'm so cool!" Water seemed better. It was calm, moldable, and good for you.
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Gaxey silently listened to the speech. She looked around to see that no one was sitting near her. She had always known and accepted the fact that she was meant to be that one weird wheelchair girl who spent her time buried in her study's she sighed as she looked at the empty ground in front of her. When the director got elbowed she gasped a little. She wanted to wheel her way up there and see if she could help. But she knew her help was both unneeded and unwanted. She sighed again looking at the ground.
Amu was in the auditorium listening to the speech. She was getting bored the principle kept started talking about the uniforms. She didn't mind the uniform to much. She fixed it up so it would look cuter. She had her hair in a ponytail with headphones around her neck. She put her headphones on and turned on her music. Put she didn't turn the music to loud she made sure to listen to the speech in case he said anything important. She heard someone say something. She looked next to her it was some guy he looked annoyed. She gave a small smile then looked back at the stage.

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David was bored by the drawn out speech made by the Director, it made sense for an acadamy of this prestige to have a long entrance speech but it didn't make it any more interesting. He did his best to focus on points he thought were important, but soon began feeling the weight on his eyelids, probably because he spent too much time working on a side project last night. David began looking at people around him in the crowd, trying to find something to distract him and he saw a very pretty blue haired girl sitting a few seats away from him. He made a mental note to introduce himself later.
Luna abruptly stood up, tumbling out into the isle. She hasn't a clue what had just happened, but she was absolutely certain she had just saw something. Sivering, she scurried backwards, removing herself from her previous seating arrangement. Thing her gaze to glance about, she spotted about five or six other students. She rtruy hoped thy hadn't just seen her little clumsy episode, for if they did, it would truly spell trouble for her own self.
Alex was sitting in his chair his feet not even touching the ground. He was to busy fuming over what happened early in the day to pay attention to what the director was saying. First he was mistaken for a seven year old girl at registration then he was given the wrong uniform and now he was listening to this long boring speech by the director that was all about how lucky you are to be accepted into this school and how you have to try your best to not let this school down.
MIST, in the auditorium.

Director Mubarak, AKA: Director (Pronounced Moo-bah-rah-kh)

"Now, it's finally the time you've been waiting for! We're going to demonstrate some of the capabilities of the MDT." The professor waves backstage, and 3 other people come out. One has what looks like a robotic dog, another has what appears to be a bracelet, and the last has a futuristic looking sniper rifle. The professor himself then points at his coat. "Ladies and gents, you are currently looking at the four diferent classes of MDT's that will eventually be available to you." He first gestures to the man with a bracelet. "This, is what all the new students will start off with, a standard class MDT. These aren't anything special, but they can pack a punch." The dog walks up to the professor, rubbing up against his legs. "Oh, I couldn't forget you! This is an example of a custom class MDT. Custom class MDT's are basically any MDT that doesn't fall into any of the major three categories." He then gestures to the girl with the sniper rifle. "This is a second class MDT, they all take the form of some sort of weapon, be it gun or blade." He clears his throat, and says "After this is over, there will be snacks and you will be able to see these people demonstrate their abilities with their MDT's." He seems happy himself now that he is finished with the long boring speech he had to give.

MIST, in the auditorium.

Amenophis Mubarak, AKA: Amen (pronounced A-min)

"Finally, we're getting into the good stuff." He finally starts paying attention, stopping the rapid tapping of his foot. As the professor is talking, he starts day dreaming about the MDT he's going to get. I'm gonna be earth... And I'm gonna have a lass two MDT.... It's going to be beautiful.... I'll shoot little ground pellets, and I'll erect mountains at will! Hehehehehe.... He obviously looks like he's enjoying himself in his train of thought. "Professor, can we end this already so we can go see the demonstrations?" He yells out loud, then quickly sinks into his seat from embarrassment.

MIST, in the auditorium.

Director Mubarak, AKA: Director

"Errrr... sure, after I finish explaining this." The professor clears his throat again, and finishes. "After the demonstrations and snacks, you will all go to an assigned specialist to be tested for your element, and receive your first MDT." He coughs, then turns his head. "Depending on your specialist... your element may vary on their perspective of you." He quickly turns back, smiling "But do not worry! You'll all do fine. Now, I think it's finally time to end this longer then long speech." The guards all take their ceremonial guns, and aim them at the ceiling, firing 8 rounds of blanks each. "Welcome to MIST academy, enjoy your time here." Confetti goes off, and everyone goes to eat snacks and check out the MDT demonstrations.

@Steel Zinogre @Devouring @kira blackthorn @Loke Fullbuster @The Dark Princess @stonesaber4

Jason was happy and nervous at the same time. On the bright side, his demeanor was the same- not fidgety, but still, and relaxed. He was looking forward to be getting his own MDT. After the Director was finished, he quickly walked out, and grabbed some snacks. He had taken some old fashioned packeted foods, and a drink. He sat down outside on a bench, and started wondering about the coolness of the MDTs.
Florence was almost giddy with excitement and anxiety. Her blood hummed in her ears, singing with a rhythm to match her eager self. As soon as the director wrapped up, she bounced off to the snacks table and, barely paying attention, grabbed the nearest packet and drink. Briskly, she walked over to an empty seat by a boy and took her first glance at her snacks. "Seaweed chips and iced tea," she mused, turning to the boy. "Guess I shoulda looked before I leapt, huh? My name's Florence, by the way. And you are?"
Gaxey wheeled her way over to the snacks. When she was there, she accidentally ran over a guy named Amen's foot with her wheel. She then looked at him with a look filled with embarrassment, worry and fear. "Oh, god, I'm so sorry!" She said, burying her head in her hands.
Amu was listening to the her music and speech until the guy next to her yelled out. She looked next to her and laughed. Then feeling a little pumped up yelled out " Yeah we're ready to see the demonstrations!" Then she looked back at him and gave him a big grin. Then looked back at the stage. Once the speech was done she stood up and took her head phones off. She turned to the guy and said, "Hey your pretty funny. Im Amu!" She held out her hand. Just as he was getting ready to speak a girl ran over his foot with a wheel chair.


After a few moments of silence, Florence got up. "Uh, guess you're not feeling very talkative today, huh?" She stepped back, ready to introduce herself to someone else. "Sorry for disturbing, I guess." There seemed to be a commotion to her right. Curious, she sauntered over, unopened snacks still clutched in her hand. "Anyone want some seaweed chips?" she asked with a smile. "I'm not particularly fond of 'em." She held out her hand, hoping to make a few friends before the demonstrations.
"Woah." Jason sounded a bit on the back foot, perplexed at her outgoing nature. Jason composed himself, and managed to throw up a genuine smile. "I'm Jason. Nice to meet you, Florence. I can see from experience that all the students are really pumped up to get their MDTs. I am too, actually." He said. "I personally want to get an elemental MDT- specifically water. You?" He then took out his drink, and started sipping on it.
(( @stonesaber4 Wow, we've got spectacular timing xD Is there a way I can delete my previous post? Let's just pretend my character never walked away, eh? xD ))

Florence gave him a wide grin. "Hell yeah," she breathed, eyes sparkling with awe. "I'm dying to find out what my MDT is. I'm hoping for fire..." she trailed off, flicking her hand as if it were writhed with flames. "But I'll settle for anything." In her excitement, her drink slipped off her lap, landing promptly on her toe. She gave a yelp, winced and blushed at the eyes that turned her way. "Always knew I hated ice tea," she muttered resentfully. "Let's hope the rest of my school year doesn't go like this, eh?" She laughed lightly, too happy to worry about how people perceived her.
Amen gives her an absolute death glare, growling "Get lost, before I make you lost." He limps slightly away to get a snack, and then walks over towards the demonstration area.
( @Zylvia Lol, what are the chances of that? One in a billion?)

Jason smiled back. "Come on, let's go to the demonstration area. It's gonna be cool to see our dream MDTs in action." He sighed, longing for his MDT. "But hey, Fire and Water." I laugh, and get up, and would head to the Demonstration area.
He turns back to the girl yelling at him. "You're right, I don't have to be so mean. I CHOOSE to be so mean. See the difference?" He laughs, and sits down at the demonstration area. Yep... you're going to make SOOO many friends Amen. Shut up! I didn't want your opinion. Are you sure? I'm pretty sure you do. I will personally remove you from my skull if I have to. But I am you, you'd have to remove your brain. God, why are you so damn annoying? He looks very grumpy, now tapping his foot rapidly.
Six was seated near last, planting himself at the back of the auditorium. He picked at his new threads as he sat and made himself comfortable by kicking his feet up on the seat in front of him. Sicxto shoved off any remakes of irritation from other around him, diverting his attention to more important matters. The new uniform seemed to rub him the wrong way, a bit small on his long frame, the sleeves pulling short around his wrists and the blazer tight around his biceps. Six longed for something more comfortable. And where there was something that was failing to meet its purpose, Six would be the kind of guy to make it serve its function and beyond. Ideas began stirring in his mind however his attention then abruptly turned to the speaker, who had since been going over rules he'd heard and read at least a dozen times since arriving. The Director gave a shrill squeal amplified to the audience. Six broke into a grin at the noise and tipped his head to the side towards someone to his left who'd let out a bark of a laugh.

Six quickly stole a double take. A cyborg. Neat. The young man had nearly forgotten he'd get to share space with the mechanically modified students. The endeavor fascinated him. His head turned back to the stage where the Director was wrapping up his talk. Others had joined him on stage. The appearance of custom MDTs quickly piqued his appeal. Once again he found himself spinning with the possibilities. Six rose from his chair and sauntered towards the stage watching students melt into pockets of conversation. He ignored them for the moment, his focus was fixated on the stage at the metal dog, some sort of greyhound variation. Six swiped a pack of the seaweed chips, when it came to food he was never picky. After popping the bag open he went to stand close to the stage.
Florence laughed as well. "What do you know? Guess what they say is true: opposites do attract." She followed him through the crowd towards the demonstration area, resisting the urge to shove people aside and run. As they neared the stage, Florence spied a man seemingly enjoying what she'd come to refer to as 'fish poop packed in a bag.' Casually, she said, "How're you liking those? I left my own back there." She jerked her thumb behind her. People were starting to crowd in. "I always thought they tasted like fish poop." Realising her words, she quickly amended, "Not that I know what fish poop tastes like, of course..."

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