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Fantasy Miss Ravenwood's Gifted Acadmey

"Oh...," Vincent murmured, not really sure what to say, or even if there was anything to say. Though death usually didn't bother him, it certainly affected Cadence, and thus, by extension, affected him. Pausing to face the young woman, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Look," he told her, "I don't know anything about your mother, but if she's anything like mine, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what happened." He sighed, knowing that it was likely that she'd heard all of this many times before. "And if that's not enough, strive to make up for it. You have abilities that other people would kill - literally kill - for. We just need to find a way to use them for good. Let's start now."

Vincent quickly set up the blood tests. He had a couple of ideas on how to remove the energy that radiated from Cadence's bloodstream. There was also the possibility that simply having her using her abilities on him would do the trick, but seeing as how time was short, he needed a back-up plan.
Cadence was shocked that Vince had even comforted her when she told him about her mother. Not to mention the hope that he said that the curse could be good? Unheard of. Cadence watched as Vincent grabbed the test tubes, but he looked frustrated with the amount of time. ".. Please don't push yourself too hard, Vince." She said cautiously and stood beside him and held his hand in a reassuring way and smiled up at him. "You've got this."
Ame pushed her beanie up, for the amillionth time. She sighed in annoyance as she walked to the school grounds holding her violin closely. The last thing she had that she could cling to her old life, before It happened. Sighing she walked up to the school and entered wander aroung the main entrance. @MissJessiRaven (Im going to be on and off.)
(that is fine) head mistress was waiting as the moon glowed and was the only light. "Greetings... Welcome to the school. It's almost curfew so, I'll show you to your room."
Ame looked at the woman in front of her, nodding as she followed silently lost in her own thoughts. She looked around the building taking every detail in.
Vincent smiled, a little sadly. He was grateful for Cadence's encouragement, but when it came to curing himself, he found it difficult to remain positive. "I suppose we'll see, won't we?" After some minutes of working, he determined that the healing energy from Cadence's blood could be transferred into a tangible form, like a liquid and, eventually, a pill. He still wasn't sure how exactly Cadence's powers worked, but he hypothesized that it was either a highly complicated neurological healing process that manifested through the epidermis, or it was magic. Either way, he just hoped it worked.

Once he was done synthesizing a dose from Cadence's blood sample, Vincent hooked himself up to a brain and heart monitor as he prepared to take it. After saying a silent prayer to any god that might be listening at that moment, he spoke to the young woman. "This should be safe, but just in case something goes horribly wrong...I want to thank you again. For everything. Really."
"Vincent.. Nothing will go wrong, I promise you that." Cadence smiled. "It will work, I know it will." She stood beside Vince as he hooked up the machines and monitors on him and she read them carefully. "Good luck. ' She said just as another strand turned back to brown. (Internet is slow, haha sorry. @kaito9049)
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Nodding with a nervous smile, Vincent took the serum. He closed his eyes, waiting for some strange sensation. After several tense moments, however, he realized that he wasn't feeling much of anything. He sighed, disappointed, and was about to rip the sensors off his skull when he realized something.

He felt completely and utterly calm. Even when he wasn't overclocking, the stress of doing so had permanently increased his heart rate and brain activity. But according to the readings, both were...normal. At least, relatively so. His brain was still more active than most people's, but it was nowhere dangerous levels. It was as if the frayed neurons in his cranium had repaired themselves. Similarly, the deterioration in his blood had stopped almost completely. He couldn't believe it. He started laughing gleefully. Was this it? Was this finally free from the cruel hands of fate that had cut his life in half?

Vincent managed to curb his excitement long enough to remember that he should try and use his ability. Relaxing his muscles, he took a breathandtheworldslowedaroundhim.

It was as everything was clearer. His thoughts weren't so scattered. He could focus, think freely. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this alive. Better yet, he couldn't feel a headache. Satisfied that the machine had recorded his brain waves, Vee pulled himself out of overclock and released his breath. Eagerly checking the data, Vincent's face fell. Though the serum had repaired his mind and body, it seemed that the overclock still taxed him just as much as it did before. His neurons were already showing signs of damage.

Even so, this was by far the biggest development he'd ever made, and he didn't want to be unappreciative of what Cadence had done for him. "It...it worked," he told her, smiling. It wasn't the full truth, but it was close enough. Inwardly, he wondered what he'd have to do with this knowledge. Would he forever have to rely on the young woman's blood, which lost its healing power most days of the year? Yeash, he felt like a vampire.
"I.." Cadence tilted her head trying to read his facial expression as if he was deep in thought. "I think that if I donate more of my blood, it could hold you off a bit more until the next holiday. Just get me another test tube before it's too late. It's already 11:48pm.." Her heart was about to burst open as she knew that the curse would come back very soon. With one blink of an eye, she couldn't touch anyone, couldn't feel human interaction until the next special day. She walked over to the sink and turned on the cold rushing water and let it run on her fingers trying to calm her negative thoughts.
Vincent chewed on his thumbnail. He hated to ask Cadence for more of her blood. But more than that, making another dose of serum meant that he knew that he was going to use his ability again. Wouldn't it just be best to live out his life as slightly above average?

For some reason, that thought scared him. He didn't want to disappear into history again. The way everyone looked at him when he was a local hero...he wanted to see that again.

"Okay, let's make this quick," he decided, helping Cadence into a chair. He took two empty vials and prepared to syringe her blood into them. It was all he was comfortable with taking, and more pragmatically, it was all that they had time for.

Once the process was finished, and not with much time to spare, Vincent gazed into the crimson liquid in the glass vials. He would have to synthesize the serum later. But was this right? To live happily when his friend was so miserable most days of the year?

"Cadence," he said after a while. "I...thank you. If there's any way to help you control your power, I want to find it. Whatever it takes."
MissJessiRaven said:
Head mistress. "Classes start at eight in the morning. You have an hour of free time before then."
Nodding briskly, Ame followed the last bit of the way and they reached the dorms. She waited to be assigned one as she watched everything a little to carefully. She looked at the dorms. 'Now I hope she dosent expect me to sleep. I haven't in months.' She thought looking around still before her hand tighten on habit around the handle of the violin case. "Understandable." She said quietly. her normally dark grey eyes had a tinge of red from being to alert. A bad side of the turning.
"If you need anything," Head I stress smiled sweetly to the newcomer.. "I'll be here and in the office. Goodnight." She said and walked downstairs.
Cadence smiled at Vincent, "You will?" She beamed. "Thank you!" Over excited, she rushed up and hugged Vincent giggling. "If you could, then I don't know how I can ever repay you." She replied, then the clock struck at midnight and her hair was back to brown. Her heart feel to pieces, her curse was back again. Cadence didn't cry, she only whined once and then stayed silent.
*Pawool was in his room sleeping. When he started stirring, the tip of his finger poked out. His body glowed faintly and his hair glowed very brightly. He was all cyan. The ground started to shake violently and all the windows in the school busted, also everything else that was glass. When his power starts, that is the first thing to go. Next the lights started flickering and the ceiling started to crack*

*Noctis blinked and lost his balance, falling to the floor. His swords turned visible and fell all around him, like 30 swords* "a-a-all...o-o-of....t-t-them...?" *he was shaking so much he couldnt speak properly*
*creates force field around them both*

"I don't know, but let's stay calm"

*looks at Noctis*

*eyes are sky blue*
*Noctis wondered why the "earthquake" wasn't stopping*

(we should wait for the others....cause its a problem we cant solve until the Head Mistress comes....its Pawool, and he is supposed to stay in his dorm without contact to others )
MissJessiRaven said:
(Not at all, sadly. It is so hard, Apparently I have to have an agent and discuss all of my future plans and she/he would find me a publisher or editor to have a look at my work with a publishing company I want. But it's hard decision, I can't seem to figure out what format and requirements I have to meet, I'll continue looking tomorrow though, I'm done for the night, lol) Cadence starts singing in the hallways as she went to the kitchen and grabbed the ingrediants to bake. @KaalysBR
(that moment when you leave a friend lying on the ground to go baking)

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