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Fantasy Miss Ravenwood's Gifted Acadmey


Otakubeats said:
There would be no answer as he lay unconscious, his breaths shallow and uneven.
"Laurence...?" Cadence peered over to him, she gasped as she heard no response.. "Lau--" She shook him. "Wake up, wake up!" With no response, she did her best to pick him up without tripping and lie him on the bed. Cadence puts covers over him and redid a wet rag over his head. "Laurence," She silently tucked in his wings and softly caressed his face as if that would somehow make him awake.
MissJessiRaven said:
"Laurence...?" Cadence peered over to him, she gasped as she heard no response.. "Lau--" She shook him. "Wake up, wake up!" With no response, she did her best to pick him up without tripping and lie him on the bed. Cadence puts covers over him and redid a wet rag over his head. "Laurence," She silently tucked in his wings and softly caressed his face as if that would somehow make him awake.
His skin would be hot, as he shivered, traces of magic in his system. Likely from when Gene tackled him.
Cadence watched him carefully and saw that one her blonde strands of hair began to fade, her curse was coming back as her birthday was slowly waning. She took a long sigh as she dabbed the rag on his skin and continued to caress his face. "Your not a demon. You just can't be, I'll just call you my angel.." She whispered, "There is no way a nice and kind hearted gentleman is a demon, whose heart is pure.." Cadence grew confused on why she was talking to herself and almost laughed thinking she was insane talking to an unconscious man. "You'll be okay." She reassured him. @Otakubeats
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Lucian blinked with confusion as he found himself in the middle of the forest close to the school grounds. The only light in the middle of the shadows was the soft glow of the moon,pale against his white skin. He didn't remember walking there. The last thing he could remember was leaving the infirmary,but after that...


He was surrounded by dead trees,all of them withered to death by his powers. Pulling himself up with difficulty,he walked back to the school.

The school grounds were silent,peaceful. So he hadn't killed anyone this time? That was news. His mind was confused,fighting against himself. He blacked out again and found himself in the door to his room. Pushing it open,he stumbled inside,falling against the ground and closing his eyes.
MissJessiRaven said:
Cadence watched him carefully and saw that one her blonde strands of hair began to fade, her curse was coming back as her birthday was slowly waning. She took a long sigh as she dabbed the rag on his skin and continued to caress his face. "Your not a demon. You just can't be, I'll just call you my angel.." She whispered, "There is no way a nice and kind hearted gentleman is a demon, whose heart is pure.." Cadence grew confused on why she was talking to herself and almost laughed thinking she was insane talking to an unconscious man. "You'll be okay." She reassured him. @Otakubeats
(I gtg ill be back 2morrow after school)
(that is fine, cya @Otakubeats) Cadence hovered from him and decided he should have some rest and she said a quick word of prayer (sorry, i'm bit of a Christian but not a big one,) and walked out of the room. (Welcome back @KaalysBR my dear friend! :D )
(Not at all, sadly. It is so hard, Apparently I have to have an agent and discuss all of my future plans and she/he would find me a publisher or editor to have a look at my work with a publishing company I want. But it's hard decision, I can't seem to figure out what format and requirements I have to meet, I'll continue looking tomorrow though, I'm done for the night, lol) Cadence starts singing in the hallways as she went to the kitchen and grabbed the ingrediants to bake. @KaalysBR
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(Sounds like quite the process. Hope it works out well.)

Deciding that being witness to multiple hospitalizations in a single day was not a wise use of his time, Vincent walked back to the lab to gather his findings. From the research and experiments he had accumulated over the past several years, and thanks to the advanced equipment the academy had provided, he had discovered a series of facts about his ability:

1. "Overclocking" increased his brain activity by several times what a normal, healthy, young man of his age would have during a period of rest. This electrical activity caused his nerves and brain to heat up, which would cause severe pain and migraines after a period of time.

2. His heart rate did not increase until after the overclock was finished, after which his heart would pulse far above a healthy rate. In fact, his heart seemed to slow when he was in overclock.

3. The previous was even more true when he participated in extended periods of physical exertion.

4. His body deteriorated much more quickly after several uses of his ability in succession. When he did not use the ability for a long period of time, the deterioration slowed.

5. If he ceased all overclock activity for the remainder of his life, he would until he was in his late thirties to early forties.

The final discovery was what caused the most uncertainty for the young man. For testing to continue, it was necessary to use his ability. But if doing so shaved off his life time...perhaps it was better to give it up entirely.

Deciding finally to meet up with Cadence to get her output, Vincent left the lab and asked around for her whereabouts. It wasn't difficult; apparently she'd been quite active in student affairs over the past few hours. He finally located her in the kitchen, where she was...cooking something.

Truly, Vincent was a master of deduction.

"Hey," he greeted casually. "Busy day?"
Cadence looked up to the voice who spoke to her and beamed to see it was Vincent. "You wouldn't believe it!" She commented. "You like my hair? I have high lights." She smiled and then frowned when a blonde strand started to fade back to brown. "It won't last that long though. My curse is coming back... After I put the batter in the oven, do you want me to come to the lab with you to help you?"
Vincent nodded as Cadence spoke. They didn't have much time. "I was wondering about that," he replied, trying to keep the worry out of his voice. "I didn't realize your powers affected your hair as well. I wonder how that work-ah, never mind." He paused to pace around and collect his thoughts. "Actually, we can do it here," he told her after a while. Vee took a small vial of red liquid out of his bag. "It's a synthesis of heart medicine, artificial cherry flavoring, and some other stuff. Don't ask me how I got them. It should...help. But you're the hinge in all of this." The young man took a deep breath and put the vial back in the bag. "But...I'm not so sure anymore about...getting a cure. Maybe I should just give up my 'ability'. Honestly, it feels more like a curse nowadays."
Cadence looked at Vincent with confusement. "You'd rather give up your gift that you were given and live life not seeking new possibilities. You were given the gift, Vince, don't give it up. Your ability is outstanding. There is a way to heal you t-to cure you." She bit her lip trying to wrap her mind on how she will do this as she set the battered pan in the oven. "Maybe we could test my blood will quick and see what happens to a living object. What if we manipulate my blood to ... work with yours, cooperate." She started, "And perhaps it could cure your dissipating part of the health with your ability?" She huffed, blowing a strand of blonde and brown out of her eyes. "If that made any sense at all."
Lucian opened his eyes as he felt unsure steps approaching his front door. Extending his hearing,he listened to the stranger's breathing quickening.

Suddenly,his bed was empty. His form appeared in front of his door,holding the mage's hand before he could knock. The mage student looked at him with horror,tears appearing on his eyes.

S-sir. I just c-came to apologize...about today. I d-didn't mean to hurt..you."

Lucian waited in silence for the student to finish his rambling,no emotions upon his face. When the boy finished talking,the teacher opened the door to his room and gestured for him to walk inside.

"I don't think you understand my displeasure,Mr.Hart. What do you think I'm disappointed about?"

"Please call me Carlos. And I attacked another student,sir."

"Yes,and I plan on punishing you for that. But that isn't the point here. You attacked me,Carlos. And yet I am standing in front of you,as alive as any vampire can be."

Carlos blinked with confusion,looking up at his teacher.

"I don't understand,sir."

"You used a mortal spell against me,Carlos. When you rise your dark magic against someone,make sure that you have the intention of killing them. If you used that spell on me and I survived,that means you were weak. That means you failed."

Carlos seemed to finally understand the logic. He nodded with hesitation.

But how can I be stronger?"

A smile appeared on Lucian's face.

"I was hoping you would ask."
Vincent nodded thoughtfully as he listened to Cadence. "I'm afraid it's not that simple," he admitted. "Unless our blood types are compatible, the process could be deadly. And even I don't know how to change blood. We could test your blood, however; see if that's where your power is held. Tell me, how do your abilities work? What do you do to activate them?" Powered research was still very much in development, so there was plenty of debate of where they came from. If Cadence's abilities were in her bloodstream, then it was possible to synthesize them into a serum.
Cadence grabbed an empty test tube and starts to cut my wrist with a blade from her pocket knife, letting the tiny droplets drip in the tube, once it was just enough for it to be tested she handed the vile to Vince. "Here, try testing it out. Let's see... I don't know how to explain how my abilities work. I just touch something and my skin tissue or something activates some kind of poison or rotting. Yet for some odd reason my body has this... zinging feeling like a spark when its a holiday and some type of emotional/mood swings tie into it I guess that makes me do the opposite like today. I always thought it tied with my skin tissue or my blood. My hair gives me signal when it is safe to touch someone, it is like my DNA or something shows that the curse is over for the time period." She shrugged. "Its a complicated thing to explain, our gifts."
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Vincent was surprised, and more than a little impressed, that Cadence would draw her own blood right then and there. Carefully taking and examining the tube as she spoke, he wondered whether the young woman's abilities were linked to her nervous system, as his seemed to be. Possibly some sort of hormone that told body to produce toxins or natural cures. "That is what they are," Vincent told her after she was finished speaking. "Gifts, I mean. Yours included." He still wasn't sure whether her abilities could help him, but he was certain that if they could be put in a bottle, it would be the biggest medical innovation in decades.

Taking out a small blood testing device out of his seemingly bottomless backpack, Vincent attached the blood vial and ran it. Unfortunately, he didn't share a compatible blood type with Cadence, but it did seem that there was an unknown healing energy rattling around the cells. If he could just extract that energy...

"I have to go to the lab," he told Cadence, struggling again to keep from showing his excitement. "Will you go with me?"
Cadence holds up her pointer finger signalling one minute as she went to the oven right when it beeped and took the cake out and let it on the counter to cool and then turned around and nodded. She raised an eyebrow and a small smile as she saw Vincent almost grin. "I'd love to go to the lab to help!" She exclaimed. The teenager was excited to see the hope in Vincent that she didn't pay attention to the bloody wrist. "Let's go, shall we?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm ready. J-just..." The young man paused to grab a nearby napkin and carefully wrapped it around Cadence's self-inflicted wound, trying to keep from triggering his ability out of nervousness. "You should really take more care of yourself," he said, only half-joking. "Just because it's a special day for you doesn't mean you can go around bleeding to death." After finishing the makeshift bandage, he started off towards the lab.
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Cadence smiles, "Alrighty then doctor, I understand." She giggles as she catches up with Vincent. "What is your story of your gift? I mean, I got my curse at age 9."
As he walked towards the south tower, Vincent responded. "I mean, I've kind of noticed it ever since I can remember. Y'know, things like time slowing down a little, but I always just brushed it off. I had my first incident when I was thirteen or so. I was really stressed over some test or something and...well, I was kind of depressed, to be honest. Just had some stuff most teens have to deal with. Figuring out what I wanted to do with my life and all that. Anyway, I had all these thoughts in my head and...I guess I wasn't looking where I was walking, and I stepped into traffic. My head was aching, but I felt really calm. I could notice every single detail about everything around me, and I was fast enough to get out of the way." The young man chuckled. "I loved it. People started treating me differently, I had an online video go viral; it was pretty great." Vincent shrugged. "Well, until they found out that it was killing me a few years later."

As he approached the lab room, he asked, "So what about you? How'd you find out about your power?"
"I awoke from a nightmare of a burning building and screamed. My mom came in afterwards." Cadence looked at the ground as they both went upstairs to the lab. "She hugged me and I heard her grow quiet and then, she never responded. I let go and she flopped on my bed. The ambulance came, said she died from heart failure. But after I touched a plant or insect or a human being, they wither." She said. "They rot and die..." She paused about to cry, she was lonely with the curse. It wasn't fair.

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