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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)

Olivia let out a loud groan. Plucking out her ear buds, she got up from her seat and approached the teacher's desk carefully. "Yes?" he asked, squinting through the darkness to see her. Olivia shook her head, "I can't be here anymore, Miller. You have to let me go somewhere," she responded, the urge to simply run out now very present. Earning a sigh from the teacher, he responded in a soft whisper, "Look. I'm not supposed to let you leave but if you have to 'use the restroom' I can let you go. If you get in trouble, though, that's none of my business." Olivia smiled, nodding then continuing on her way out of the classroom.

Glancing around the dark halls, Olivia shrugged and popped her ear buds back in. As far as she could tell, there wasn't really anyone else around. Of course, the teachers weren't supposed to let them leave anyways. Something told her that some of the other students had found their way out of the classrooms and back to the dorms. The idea was definitely inviting. Making her way down the hall, she stopped at a vending machine.

Seconds later, Olivia found herself with her face pressed up against the glass, emitting a soft sigh. "All I wanted was a stupid snickers," she mumbled. Leaning back away from the machine. Go figure, she had given the machine her money and it had ripped her off. She wasn't sure why these little things always seemed to happen to her but it damn sure was frustrating. Giving the machine a loving kick to the side, the snickers finally dropped down. Excitedly retrieving her candy bar, Olivia made her way out of the building and back out to the commons, once again invested in her music while taking a bite out of her treat.
Shay hated school at the best of times and now the power was out it felt like a complete hell hole. Upon hearing the announcement his had simply got up and left the room, mush to the dismay of his teacher who called out after him. To hell with her, he thought reaching into his pockets to retrieve his tin before rolling a cigarette. Lighting it casually he continued on his way back to his dorm. They were told to stay on campus but Shay was determined to find somewhere he could get a drink in this tiny little town.

Reaching his dorm he flung the door open, greeted by the sight of his room mate standing nonchalantly by his bunk. He exhaled the last breath of cigarette smoke out his nostrils and snubbed out the stub of his smoke on the door frame. It had been the first time he had had a proper chance to even see his room mate and frankly he wasn't that impressed. Though he did feel the need to set out a few ground rules.

"Look I don't know what you think the ideal room mate is supposed to be, what they're supposed to do, but I'm willing to tell you what I think. The ideal room mate doesn't touch my shit-" He spoke brutally picking up his duffel bag of his bed and beginning to go through it. "-He stays the fuck out of my business, and he sleeps elsewhere if there is a sock on the door, I don't care if it's a dumpster or the pavement..." He paused, giving the illusion of thought. "Though it may bring down the value of the street having your mug lying on it." He laughed to himself, fishing a pack of cigarettes(deciding on a pack as he knew/hoped he would be in no state to roll later), hip flask of whiskey and a small, unmarked baggy out of his bag, all in full view of Mark. Grabbing his biker jacket as well and heading over to the door he paused in the doorway. "Any questions?"

With the power out, that meant no wifi and no ability to charge her Laptop or her Phone. Turning her phone into a Wifi Hotspot? Not so much. Afterwards, she just turned everything off, grabbed her purse and left her Dorm Room. As she grabbed her phone, she looked out the window. With the power out in school, what were she supposed to do? If only she had her Roommate's Mobile Phone Number, then perhaps they could meet up or something, she thought. Oh well, no way to find until she finds her.

Ricky would look at him and say "Okay,that is true But....." Before he could even Finsh his Last words He realized Sav Kissed him again But Longer then He though he would do. Ricky would then Back Away and stands by His Laptop desk Frustrated just Grabing on the Chair and Looking down on the floor it knowing what to do.
Ivy was in the library reading a bit her head was nodding a bit as she felt sleepy. Her vision blurred as she yawned, she thought,'This book....so boring.....must keep reading.'

Ivy had a candle by her as she put down the book rubbing her eyes, she looked around she was the only one in the library, not that she didn't mind the quietness, but she didn't like being in dark places alone, it made her feel uneasy. She stretched getting up bringing the candle with her. Ivy walked down the hallways, she heard nothing, but her footsteps as she opened a door back to her classroom. She sat in her desk with her knees to her chest and said blankly,"I don't like this."

He looked over at Ricky, he had frustrated look on his face, which made him upset. “
Well, I’m going to go and walk around the school, so you velar your mind,” he told his sadly. That’s when the ceiling light came on for a moment, and went right back out. They must be working on restoring the power to the building, but it looks like it didn’t work. He took one last look at Ricky, who wasn’t facing him, and he walked out the door. He needed to clear his mind.



As he walked with Zane, he confided in him. “
Yes, I do a lot,” he told the cute boy when was holding his hand. As they entered the parking lot, he had a remote starter, so he turned on his vehicle. “Do you like my car?” he asked.


Mark gives off a weak laugh as he lays in the bed, he didn't really enjoy what his roommate said but he didn't really care,

"No, no' really. Say, you're from Englan', ye? Where's your accen'?" Mark sits up as he looks over towards his roommate with a very melancholic and confused look. Mark didn't understand how someone could lose their accent after spending so much time in a different place then where they're from. In fact, Mark had already spent a couple of years in the good ol' U.S. of A. and his accent was still with him. Mark slowly rises and shakes his head,

Lis'en, alrigh'? I know I'm a piece of shi' alrea'y, 'here's no nee' 'o 'ell me." Mark suddenly felt really bad, he didn't know why but he needed to leave. Mark then grabs a pair of headphones before walking past his roommate and out towards where the entrance to the boy's dorm is located,

Sir, I'm afraid to inform you that you can't leave." Mark held up the pair of headphones and shakes them before speaking,

I jus' nee' 'o re'urn 'hem 'o my frien', my MP3 ran ou' of power an' I'm re'urning 'dese." Mark reassures the man before walking outside. He strolls over to the girl's dorm,

Sir, you can't come in here." The person guarding the door said with a strict tone,

I'm here 'o re'urn 'dese hea'fones 'o my frien' insi'e." Mark statests again as he holds up the pair of headphones,

Fine, but I will have to accompany you at all times inside the girl's dorm." The person states, Mark agrees and nods before allowing the person to lead him inside. Once Mark practically guides the 'guard' to the desired room, he knocks and calls out,

'Ey, Fros'! I 'ave 'ose 'ea'fones you wan'e'!" Mark didn't actually borrow headphones from Frost, he just needed a reason to get to someone who he knows would probably be a good shoulder for him to cry on, that doesn't mean he will actually cry, maybe.


Shay stared Mark down as he picked up his stuff and left. A small part of him felt bad for the way he acted, regretting his choice of words and sadenned that he wouldn't have a sort of brotherly bond with his room mate. But it was a small part of him, a very small part. Mostly he was glad he left, steeping to the side to let him leave.

The comment about his accent had annoyed him to. The official name for it was "recieved pronounciation" but was better known simply as "the Queen's English" (think James Bond.). Granted his accent had faded slightly but that was to be expected when surrounded by Americans.

He shrugged off the thoughts and pocketed his stuff before slipping on the leather jacket and leaving the room, locking it behind him. He didn't know where he was going but he decided he might as well stop off at the commons, he bad a few niggling text messages and missed calls to return.

Olivia smiled as she finished the bite of her candy bar. It had been a very long time since she had eaten one and she had initially planned on saving the rest for later. After a few minutes, she had finished the candy bar and frowned at the empty wrapper.

After searching around the commons with her eyes, Olivia finally found a garbage can. Heading over, she noticed an unfamiliar face approaching. Moving slower now, she dropped the wrapper into the trash and paused to look at the stranger, assessing the situation.

Olivia quickly came to the conclusion that he was, of course, another student here, simply a newer one. Putting a smile on her face, Olivia wandered over to him casually to introduce herself. She stopped short of her trip, now regretting her choice to approach him. He seemed like the type who just didn't want messed with at any point in time. Biting her lip, Olivia continued on her way up to him. "Hey, I really like your jacket," she said, immediately feeling rather stupid. She did like the jacket, honestly, she just knew there could have been better ways to approach this. But, being Olivia, she was always willing to meet new people, especially the attractive yet unique ones, and she wouldn't let her thoughts deter her.

( @Allcure )
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Frost was sat on her bed, cross legged, with a good book in her hands. She heard some banging on the door, and squinted her eyes. Walking over to the door, she noticed it was Mark's voice.

"Hello?" She opened the door and saw Mark as well as someone accompanying him. She instantly saw the desperate look on his face and said, "Sure, my headphone, yeah." She grinned and tugged his wrist so that he would come inside, closing the door behind her.

She turned back to him and spoke, "What's up?" She said, sympathetically.
Shay looked up from his phone at the sound of a voice. At first he wasn't even sure it was referring to him but after looking up and meeting the gaze of a, frankly cute, girl who looked like she must be in his year. He turned to face her, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Yeah, stops the tarmac tearing my skin off." He answered only half serious. "But thanks, sorry have we met before?" He began to laugh, only just realising how weird the girl's ham-fisted attempt to start a conversation had been. Admittedly it had worked, Shay acknowledged, surprised that for the first time in a while his first words to someone hadn't been threatening.

Olivia was relieved that he had responded to her rather lame comment, also quite thankful that he wasn't rude about it. She smirked at his little joke, smiling a bit wider when he asked if they had met before. "Actually, I don't think we have," she responded lightly, shifting her weight slightly and trying to think about it. "I'm Olivia," she said, maintaining her smile and her perky attitude. This went so much worse in my head. She thought to herself, frankly surprised she hadn't goofed the conversation up so far. One thing she always hated about meeting new people, however, was the awkward exchange of names. It never sounded quite right to her but somebody had to initiate it.

She seemed generally nice, it felt like years since Shay had met someone who wasn't a complete asshole. Admittedly it was probably because he always spoke first and he wasn't known for his friendly introductions. "Shay." He said simply, actually smiling. "And yes I would have remembered meeting you before." He went on. "Now do you know anywhere half decent in this town worth a visit?" He spoke, raising an eyebrow. There was no way he was going to spend another second sitting in the dark when there was fun to be had.

Evelyn had made her way onto the front lawn of the school amidst all of the chaos. The power had gone out, and she was at a loss at what to do. Her phone was charged only halfway, and the school gates were closed so that nobody could drive out. Of course, she did have a stash of alcohol in the suitcase that she had brought; she always did, just in case someone needed to be supplied. However, Evelyn really didn't feel like getting drunk by herself in the middle of the day. She sighed as she laid back in the grass and scrolled through the number of texts she really wasn't in the mood for answering. Evelyn had no idea where her friends were, so she was content to just take a nap on the lawn.
Olivia felt a slight fluttering in her stomach at his comment. Is he hitting on me already? Shay. Olivia had never met anyone with that name before, she would definitely know if she had. She could hear a faint accent under some of his words, obviously being suppressed by the harsh, American words. Thinking deeply about his question, Olivia shrugged. "You know, I've been living here my whole life and I can't think of a single place..." smirking, "If it were night, that may be a different story." Thinking a bit harder on the topic Olivia finally nodded gently. "Actually, there are a few beaches nearby if you're interested in that sort of thing," she said, figuring the movies to be more of a date-like and boring setting. Part of her wanted to make this more interesting and invite some other friends like Jamie, maybe even get a party going. Another part of her, however, was much more excited to get to know Shay.


Mark is brought into the room by Frost, his face had turned into a more melancholic look at this point,

"Lissen, alrigh', I should have 'old you dis before, I have depression. Is' been wif' me 'hroughou' my en'ire life, I shoul' have told you earlier." Mark walks over to the bed and sits down,

Yes'erday, I ran ou' of my pills. I don' haf' anyfing to help me feel be'er." Mark lowers his head and shakes it slowly.


(Sorry for short post.)

Shay reached into his pockets, looking down at Olivia as she spoke, getting a smug sense of satisfaction from her initial hesitation. Growing up pretty far inland in the South East of England meant he rarely ever saw the beach and the few memories he had were that of a typical British coastline. Ice cold waters swarming with seagulls and thick with seaweed. Not really what you see on the post card. He raised his eyebrow when Olivia mentioned the fun destinations at night. "You'll have to show me them sometime. For now... a beach sounds pretty fun. All depends though." He paused letting the tension hang in the air a bit. "On what we do on it?" He finished smiling back at her.

Olivia glanced around the commons, noticing that a few other students had made their way out and about. She was glad not everyone was stuck trapped inside that prison of a school. She had spent nearly an hour before this questioning the cause of the blackout, eventually giving up, knowing that she would only ever achieve thoughts of conspiracies that would never be true with such a prestigious school. Smirking, Olivia nodded and silently accepted his offer for a late night adventure. He seemed pretty interested in going to the beach and his question about what they would do only helped to spark her need for adventure. As the tension in his remark hit her, Olivia simply turned her gaze up at him, pausing before she spoke, "Well, I guess I'll leave that up to you, new kid," she said with a grin.

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I didn't get the notifications xD )

Zane looked at the car with wide eyes. "Wow...you're smooth with the guys and you have your own car...I like" Zane said smiling and opened the door getting in the car. "I want to know how a sophomore such as yourself already has his license and driving this amazing car" Zane smirked. He put his messenger bag in his lap and pulled down the sun visor then looked at himself in the mirror again before putting it back up.
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Shay wasn't sure if it was the way she talked, the words she chose or the way she held herself but he actually didn't mind this girl. She gave the off the impression of someone willing to break a few rules, and that alone was worthy of at least a little respect in his book. He had his fake ID on him, an old European workers card that used to belong to his older brother. The picture likeness was good enough and seemed to do the trick at most stores. In the rare cases he was challenged slapping an extra twenty dollars on the counter usually did the trick.

"Anything i want? Oh this might not be such a bad day after all." He smiled, holding out his hand and nodding towards the doorway. "You'll have to give me directions but we can take my bike." He said proudly.

Olivia officially felt accomplished in approaching Shay. Even from a distance, there was something about him that screamed exactly what she loved' adventure. She was never one to ignore her desire to be spontaneous, though on rare occasions, like in this one, her conscious almost got the best of her. Admiring his will to go along with whatever, Olivia felt herself smiling again. She was glad she had finally found someone at this horrible school that wasn't equally upsetting. Olivia raised an eyebrow at his remark about a bike, "You have a bike?" she questioned, frankly excited about it. Sure, plenty of the students here had cars, really nice cars at that, but not many, if any, had a motorcycle. Nodding gently, she continued, "I think I can manage that."

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((I am Not getting these Notes))


Ricky Realized that Sav was upset so he would then go outside and look for him and would gey his leather jacket and walk out side looking for Sav.
((Oh, thats fine. Just take your time))


He was walking through the hall aimlessly, looking for a shoulder to cry on, he knew that he shouldn't had left the room, but he needed to clear his mind. So he ended up sitting on a bench in the lobby of the dormitory building. He quietly looked around for anyone that would even give two shits about what just happened.


He looked over his new friend. "
I just turned sixteen last week, and this was a birthday present from my mother," he told Zane. He looked over at Zanes' cute bubble butt, and man did he like the view.

Ricky would start walking as fast as he can to find Sav. 5 minutes later he found him sitting on the bench he would walked over to him and sat down next to him saying "Sorry, I just get Like thay some times not all the time and even when the power is out a I Mad about that because I can't use my Laptop." He said smiling at him

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