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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)

Olivia smiled at his response, nodding gently. "I completely agree," she said with a soft laugh. Adjusting her strap once more, once again Jamie was there to help her out. "Actually, that would be really awesome if you'd help me out, no rush though. I seriously don't understand why they thought we needed all this..." Olivia finally let the bag slip off her shoulder and she simply held it in her hand. Stepping aside as someone passed by, Olivia glanced around the hall, "I'm surprised more people aren't around... This place is usually a madhouse by now," she said, pulling out her phone to check the time.

Nina would smile and said "Okay I see you Later Then" she said Looking at Ricky. Nina would walk over to Her Dorm and she would Grab Her Laptop and she would sit at her Computer desk and would Go On Her Twitter and she would Post.... "Great I am Back at School #BTS" she would then go to her Google docs and start to do some typing that she did over the Summer. Nina would write and Note to her self saying
Remember That You Have to Go To The Mall to By New Shoes and To Go to Mom's House on Saturday


He would Look at Sav and say "Yea I don't Mine,my Father Plays Pinao and You can call me Ricky if you want". He said with a smile.

He looked down at the box, and started to open, and sitting the damn thing on the computer desk. He gave the power cable to Olivia to hold while he peeled off the plastic sheet that would be covering the screen for protection. “Ah isn’t it a beaut?” he asked her, while pairing the mouse and keyboard to the machine. “Your iMac is now all set up,” he told enthusiastically. “Hope you really enjoy it!”


He decided to sit down at the keyboard, and turned the power on. “Have you ever heard the classic “Don’t Stop Believing?” he asked his new roommate Ricky. He started to play the song, and the most well-known being, and he smiled as he played it. This was the first time in a long time he had a chance to play for anyone, defiantly a boy.



Ricky he would listen to the Music that Sac was Playing and he said "Of Course I know this song this is one of my Favorite songs" he said Smiling at him
Olivia watched him intently as he set the computer up. Even despite growing up in the generation all about technology, Olivia wasn't all that great with it. Holding the power cord, she eyed it up and down and wiggled it around until he took it back. Offering him a smile when he finished, Olivia hugged him tightly then pulled away quickly. "I'm sorry, that was weird," she laughed it off, "Thank you, though." Olivia walked over to look at the iMac, trying to figure out how to use it in her mind. She did have her own laptop and smart phone but the things the school provided were just a little out of her league.

He liked the way that Olivia hugged him, even though it was quite awkward and all. “
Do you wanna, go and grab something to eat?” he asked her, with a cheeky smile. “I could go for something to eat.” He told her. When some people don’t get technology, he just loves to help people understand it. Well that is why he worked in the Tech Department for anyways.


He stepped away from the keyboard after the he finished the song. “I
t’s one of my all-time favorite songs, even though it came out like twenty years ago,” for some reason he kept looking over at Ricky, but he thought he must be straight, so better stop looking.
Thankful that he seemed perfectly okay with the awkward hug, Olivia smiled back and nodded. "I was actually on my way out to get something to wake me up," she responded. She had forgotten how nice it was to talk to guys younger than her. Over break, she had spent a lot more time with her older sister at college with older guys than she could really handle. High school boys were so much simpler and a lot nicer if we're being honest here. "Just give me a second and we can go... That is, if you don't mind walking," she said, hesitantly as she rummaged through her purse for her wallet. No sense is lugging the whole thing around if she only needed a little cash.

Ricky would look at him and said "Yea Sure, Do you want to go out to eat I didn't eat for like 3 hours" he said smiling at him

Did he just ask me out on a date? He thought to himself. Maybe the dude was just trying to be friendly. But however he was very flattered. “Sure, I could go for something to eat,” he said to Ricky. For him being in the eighth grade, it usual for young boys to undecided on their sexuality. He himself was one of those boys. If he could bet on Ricky’s sexuality, he would say he is either straight, or bi-curious. So either way, he couldn’t really tell. “So where will go for lunch, to the cafeteria, or uptown?” he asked know neither of them would have a car.


He heard the word walking, it made him cringe. “
We could take my car Olivia.” He made the suggestion. Even though he was in really good shape, he still hated to walk to places. He thought of he got around last year, he normally just bummed rides of his friends, and bought them lunch to thank them for taking him. He jingled his keys in front of her.

Please try to write more than three lines at a time, it can sometimes hard to write a response for
Olivia let out a small laugh. Why doesn't that surprise me. She thought to herself, turning back around and putting the money into her pocket. "That works for me," she replied, hoping he had missed the laugh. Olivia had a feeling that he might take it the wrong way but it was really just because she was embarrassed that she didn't have her own car yet she was starting her senior year. Motioning exaggeratedly and jokingly for him to exit the room, Olivia made sure to lock the door behind her as they left the room. There was still only low signs of other people around but maybe that would change later in the day. It kind of took everyone by surprise that the first day was a Friday. Then again, schools like this were known to surprise people, a lot.

He walked out of the room, as she shut and locked the door. He began to walk down the girls dormitory, to the exit. He has spent time here in these dorms, trying to unload the new technology, that some people tend to hate, or love. He looked at his blue Mustang, this is around the time where him and Sav would leave to have lunch, so he figured it would be a good time ask him if he would like to go as well.

Hey wanna come and get a bite to eat, I have enough room for one of your friends to go too.

Ricky would look at Sav and say "How About Uptown Because It would be a Nice walk over the town" he said smiling at him. He would Go over to His side of the room and would open up his Laptop and would try to Set it up before Lunch he wanted to at least start it like he did last year.


After Nina was Sone with Her studies she was Very Hungry. She realized that her roommate wasn't here yet,so she would go off and puts her shoes on andgo to get her purse And car key sand would drive to Wendy's To By some food and a drink.

He looked down to his phone. "Hey, guess what!?" he exclaimed at Ricky. "We don't have to walk, my brother just offered us a ride, because him and a friend is going to get lunch," he explained grabbing his backpack with his laptop in it, along with his smartphone. "Are you ready to go?" he asked. Ricky was turned away from him, and Sav's eyes just wondered down to Ricky's butt, he told himself to stop staring, but he couldn't. He stop looking right before he turned around.

((So far everyone is just in their dorms, or about to go to lunch. Xavier and Ricky are talking. and so is Jamie and Olivia. Some of the characters are just by themselves or with their roommate. Make sure to check out the room assignments under the Mechanics tab!))
Andrew had finally finish packing and now roaming the halls seeing some old ex's and to see his close friends Denise. Denise was in her room jamming out as she put her stuff up Andrew knock on the door to the Denise's dorm before walking in, and seating on the other bed that Denise was standing on to decorate
While in the Cafeteria, Sabrina just sat by herself. On her Laptop, she logged onto Facebook to post another status: When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. Afterwards, she started scrolling down her Newsfeed to see what her Classmates were up to. She had most of them added on there too. Luckily, her newsfeed wasn't often flooded, since it was filled with the pages she liked, most of which concerned cars, fencing and martial arts among other things. While scrolling down her timeline, she plugged a pair of headphones to watch a video; it was of her drifting on the race track for the first time and the person recording...Her Late Boyfriend.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/hot-pink-and-black-beats-by-dre.jpg.02c078822fa75ce5d121241b0afd3bcf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/hot-pink-and-black-beats-by-dre.jpg.02c078822fa75ce5d121241b0afd3bcf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Car seen in the Video: 2001 Nissan 350Z (Fairlady Z Z33)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Nitro20Drift.jpg.1a77409eda0077f3c187e3b81bf2dce4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36357" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Nitro20Drift.jpg.1a77409eda0077f3c187e3b81bf2dce4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • hot-pink-and-black-beats-by-dre.jpg
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Evelyn Andres

"Ohhh, shit." Evelyn groaned as she rolled her way out of bed, her hair a complete mess. She had been so anxious about school starting once again that she had been unable to get herself to fall asleep the night before, leaving her tired. The digital clock on her bedside counter read 8:30 AM. It was the first day of school, and she was already late by thirty minutes. Evelyn rushed through her morning routine, and left the house with her suitcase after saying her goodbyes to her family.

The brunette loaded up her luggage in the trunk of her beloved jeep, and situated herself in the driver's seat, exhaling as the leather seating encased her body. Her roommate had probably already settled in, which meant that she would be getting the shitty bed yet again, like all of the years that she had gone to McKinley. Now that she was a senior, she would be spending most of her time filling out college applications and fooling around instead of actually doing homework, which would be a nice change from the three long years of hard work.

Evelyn pulled into the front gates of McKinley, making her way to the dorms by memory. She watched as confused freshmen walked with their parents into their dorms to get settled. Evelyn parked in a spot that wasn't too far away from the building, and grabbed her suitcase from the trunk. She'd have to go collect the ipad and imac she was being assigned by the school, even though she probably wouldn't need them. She already had an apple laptop, and an ipad was really of no use to her since she had her phone.

After retrieving her dorm key (and a scolding from the secretary for being so late on the first day of school), Evelyn headed to her dorm to find that her roommate had already settled in. "Hello!" She gave a smile to the asian girl standing next to one of the beds. Much to her surprise, Evelyn had never seen this girl around before. She was either new, or in a younger grade. "I'm assuming you're my roommate? My name's Evelyn Andres. And you?" (
nynja said:
Evelyn Andres

"Ohhh, shit." Evelyn groaned as she rolled her way out of bed, her hair a complete mess. She had been so anxious about school starting once again that she had been unable to get herself to fall asleep the night before, leaving her tired. The digital clock on her bedside counter read 8:30 AM. It was the first day of school, and she was already late by thirty minutes. Evelyn rushed through her morning routine, and left the house with her suitcase after saying her goodbyes to her family.

The brunette loaded up her luggage in the trunk of her beloved jeep, and situated herself in the driver's seat, exhaling as the leather seating encased her body. Her roommate had probably already settled in, which meant that she would be getting the shitty bed yet again, like all of the years that she had gone to McKinley. Now that she was a senior, she would be spending most of her time filling out college applications and fooling around instead of actually doing homework, which would be a nice change from the three long years of hard work.

Evelyn pulled into the front gates of McKinley, making her way to the dorms by memory. She watched as confused freshmen walked with their parents into their dorms to get settled. Evelyn parked in a spot that wasn't too far away from the building, and grabbed her suitcase from the trunk. She'd have to go collect the ipad and imac she was being assigned by the school, even though she probably wouldn't need them. She already had an apple laptop, and an ipad was really of no use to her since she had her phone.

After retrieving her dorm key (and a scolding from the secretary for being so late on the first day of school), Evelyn headed to her dorm to find that her roommate had already settled in. "Hello!" She gave a smile to the asian girl standing next to one of the beds. Much to her surprise, Evelyn had never seen this girl around before. She was either new, or in a younger grade. "I'm assuming you're my roommate? My name's Evelyn Andres. And you?" (
Ivy Ayumi Tanaka


Ivy nodded and said with a blank expression,"I'm Ivy, though you can call me whatever you like."

She had already claimed a bed and was just finished packing. Ivy didn't seem like the talkaive type, she looked like she preferred to be alone. With her book opened and her blank expression on her face, Ivy wasn't interested by her room mate yet.
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Roxie finished uploading everything in to the laptop then closed it. She looked at her new roommate. Hope this girl isn't going to be annoying she thought to herself. "So where you from?"

Frost closed her eyes. The bed was comfortable enough. It was plush, like her bed at home, but it also felt cosy, considering it was a bottom bunk. After a few minutes of 'relaxation', she was startled by a knock at the door. Tiredly, Frost got to her feet and again, tucked the annoying piece of stray hair behind her ear. Slowly, she walked to the door and put her hand on the cold, silver handle. She hadn't even had time to unpack yet, so she hoped that her room-mate, if behind the door was indeed her room-mate, didn't get the impression that she was lazy. "Hm?" She opened the door and the rather lovely face of Mark Lesner greeted her.

She had seen Lesner, otherwise known as '2D' around school a few times. He was the same age as her, she knew that, and she remembered being in the same chemistry class as him in sophomore year. Ever since then she had liked him. Not in a romantic way, but a way that she could never describe. She had always found him a little mysterious, perhaps a little alluring, but she had never had the stomach to actually make conversation with him.

"Hi." She smiled lightly, trying to adjust her posture, so she wouldn't seem slouchy.


Nina then grabs her food and would Then Go inside her Car and would start it and go back to the School. She would then grab her dorm room key and would open her dorm room. She would the realize that someone else was In here. It must be her roommate so she would just sit at her computer desk and would drink he soda and watch a movie on her laptop.


When he heard the good news he would say "That's great I really wasn't in the mood to walk anyways" he said smiling at him. He would the. Turn around and try to at least Finsh the Laptop and then his Ipad. And he would then get up and say "Yea when every your ready"


He was so glad Ricky didn’t catch him staring at his butt. He just slightly bit the sleeve collar, and just giggled.
Did I seriously just giggle? What was wrong with me? He thought to himself. When Ricky turned back around, he noticed his butt again, he quickly stop looking at him. Why was brother trying to be so nice to him? Did he want something? If he thinks he’s getting out of doing my laundry for the two months, he better think twice. He thought to himself. “I’m ready to go whenever you are,” he told Ricky. While Ricky was working on his laptop, he decided to sit on the bed, and surf the web for a few minutes, and message his brother back. “Hey, we really need to get going, their waiting for us,” he said as he exited the room.

I decided to switch the looks for Xavier, so if it makes it confusing
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The video ended with her stepping out of the car. The final words she spoke before the video ended was 'You owe me a ten second car'. Of all the moments in her relationship, that was probably her favorite. But now it was nothing more then a memory. After shutting off her Laptop, she decided to go head over to her Dorm Room, only to see her Roommate chatting it up with someone that was also in the room.

@Stew @SpectroVector
"Okay," Evelyn noticed that Ivy had a somewhat blank expression on her face, and felt that her presence wasn't welcome. "So, what grade are you in? I'm a senior." She gave the girl a small smile, then placed her duffel bag on her bed, and transferred all of the contents inside of her suitcase into the closet. Her roommate didn't seem to make a single sound the whole entire time, which was odd for Evelyn, since she was so talkative and had grown up in a household where there was always some type of noise in the background. "So, I think I'll go get my iPad and iMac. Do you want me to pick yours up for you?" Evelyn asked, to make some type of small talk with her roommate. If every day was going to be such a struggle to talk to Ivy, she would go insane. (@AquaSly)

@animegirl20: I think your roommate is Kami, not Ivy.
Ivy looked up from her book and said,"Sophomore....I think."

She turned the page and nodded before waving at her with making any eye contact. Ivy expected Evelyn to leave as she continued to read. She thought,'I know I should pay attention to Eve, but........I'm so distracted......'

Ivy opened her mouth a bit and brought the book closer as she thought,'Wait! No stupid girl, he's going to be killed!'

She might have not look like it, but she serious as she quickly turned the page.

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